現代の web ベースの FreeRADIUS のフロント エンド。ような機能が含まれています: * web ベースのデスクトップ。ヒットの f11 キーを監視し、管理を手配することができますさまざまなアプレット ウィンドウでお使いのブラウザーで実行されているデスクトップがあります。* 使いやすい API をサード ・ パーティ統合簡単 * 中央のホット スポットのログイン ページの管理用ログイン ページのアプレット。BYOD あらゆる企業のための喜びになります * デバイス マネージャー。* 細粒著作権管理。* アクセス プロバイダーの永続的なユーザー管理のすべての活動を記録する能力 * 国際化。簡単な翻訳。Rtl 言語もサポートします。* 高度なデバッグ トレース アプレット Websocket を使用して FreeRADIUS でリアルタイム デバッグ トレースを許可します。能力を持つ、高度なプロファイル マネージャー: * ユーザーの日の活性化と有効期限日を作成します。(建築業者のために本当に便利です) *、人、ネットワークにアクセスできる時間を指定します。* NAS デバイスのタグ付けと割り当てられたタグに基づいてルールを作成します。
相關的專案再生龍, Win32 Disk Imager, Linux-HA Japan, Dumpper v.60.3, Hinemos |
ONVIF Device Manager は、ネットワークビデオトランスミッター(NVT)およびネットワークビデオ解析(NVA)デバイスを管理するためのネットワークビデオクライアント(NVC)です。検出、デバイス、メディア、イメージング、解析、イベント、PTAサービスなどが実装されています。メディアデコードのためにffmpegを使い、C#で書かれています。
相關的專案Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, NNDD - ニコ動専用ブラウザ, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, PeerCast IM |
Media Player Classic - BEは、自由でオープンソースなWindows用オーディオおよびビデオ プレーヤーです。
Media Player Classic - BEは、オリジナルのMedia Player Classic (Gabest)プロジェクトとMedia Player Classic Home Cinemaプロジェクト (Casimir666)をベースとし、機能追加とバグ修正が含まれています。
相關的專案Dumpper v.60.3, VirtualDubMod-jp, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, PeerCast-Users@jp |
DTXMania is drums traning software that can easily enjoy playing for electronic drums "DTX" series.
About detailed usages, please see FrontPage in documents.
Sister projects:
Register Date: 2010-10-21 19:06
相關的專案sharkemu, simutrans, DTXManiaXG verK, X-Force: Fight For Destiny, StepMania |
Massive scale and mission critical open source project to ensure a secure and hyper-connected world.
Admin and API docs:
Register Date: 2019-04-08 20:30
相關的專案 |
Cabos is Gnutella file sharing program based on LimeWire and Acquisition. It is free software. No spyware. No adware. Guaranteed.
Register Date: 2004-10-29 16:38
相關的專案FrostWire, Gnutella Wiki, Acqlite, Shareaza, WireShare |
Japanese translation of NetHack. Moved to https://jnethack.github.io/.
Register Date: 2002-04-27 04:23
相關的專案Magellan, Oblivion Works, JSLASH'EM Project, OpenKore, 変愚蛮怒 |
Enable Viacam (eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a Web camera. No additional hardware is required. It is based on the award winning Facial Mouse software.
The GUIShell project is a collection of utilities facilitating the use of the GTK+ toolkit in shell scripts through the gtkshell utility. The ACE configuration environment provides sample scripts utilizing gtkshell for desktop utilities. rootcat provides the ability to display messages to the root window using Xft, allowing one to write status display scripts.
相關的專案X/Qt Server, Properties Editor, SharpDevelop-jp, TuxGuitar, DeSmuME |
PSX is a PHP framework for creating RESTful APIs. It helps you to build clean URLs serving Web standard formats like JSON, XML, Atom, and RSS. It includes a handler system that abstracts away SQL queries from domain logic, a routing system that executes correct controller method for the location of the controller and the method annotation, and a flexible data system that converts database records into formats like JSON, XML, Atom, and RSS. A lightweight DI container handles dependencies. The controller supports request and response filters that can modify the HTTP request or response, and filters are provided for Basic and Oauth authentication.
相關的專案MPC-BE, Properties Editor, Win32 Disk Imager, TOMBO, XOOPS |
Joget Workflow is a platform to easily build enterprise Web apps for cloud and mobile. Build full-fledged apps, e.g. CRM, HR, Healthcare, etc. Drag and drop forms, lists, and UI elements. Add workflows to automate processes. Extend via plugins. Apps are mobile optimized and cloud ready. Download ready made apps from the Joget Marketplace.
相關的專案Open Source QR Code Library, Darik's Boot and Nuke, SmillaEnlarger, TuxGuitar, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Bonita Open Solution is an intuitive and powerful Business Process Management (BPM) solution to create process-based applications for simple-to-complex projects.
相關的專案iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Open Jane, SmillaEnlarger, ギコナビ, RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal |
EUGene allows you to manipulate and generate models. It can read UML class models in XMI independent from modeling, generate templates, transform models, and integrate in project building. It features independence in developer code and generated code. EUGene is independent from development tools. EUGene is easy to use and to put into place.
相關的專案Darik's Boot and Nuke, TuxGuitar, SharpDevelop-jp, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, DeSmuME |
Vaadin is a Web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA). In contrast to Javascript libraries and browser-plugin based solutions it features a server-side architecture, which means that the majority of the logic runs on the servers. AJAX technology is used on the browser side to ensure a rich and interactive user experience. Vaadin is a big collection of UI components. There are server-side components like Button, Table, and Tree that you use to compose the application user interface. The components use events, listeners, and data binding to communicate with each other and the business logic. Vaadin is a robust architecture for rapid application development. The component-based architecture together with the data binding features help you to build applications that are easily modularized and refactored as needed.
相關的專案04WebServer, Win32 Disk Imager, Sledge, mod_chxj, Ethna |
Mroonga is a MySQL storage engine based on Groonga, the full text search engine. It support MySQL 5.5 or later and MariaDB 10.0 or later.
相關的專案SmillaEnlarger, CosmoDB, DeSmuME, Ludia, blanco Framework |