JideBuilder is a Groovy builder for the JIDE
Common Layer (http://jide-oss.dev.java.net). It is
based on the original SwingBuilder. The goal of
the project is to have a builder for Swing
applications that seamlessly integrates default
Swing and JIDE components.
Jumblar is a tool that converts map coordinates into passwords. It hopes to provide increased user security by assuming that it is easier for people to remember a secret location than a strong password, and that a location that could be anywhere in the world is practically impossible for others to guess. By using this property of secret locations, secure passwords can be generated. SCrypt is used to protect user information.
相關的專案DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Sledge, x64dbg, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
[fleXive] is a Java EE 5 content repository aiming to support upcoming industry standards like CMIS. It strives to provide a holistic approach by offering a comprehensive set of tools and building blocks for building content-centric Web applications around a [fleXive] content repository. It speeds up development by easing many tedious and repetitive programming tasks and helping to keep your application(s) flexible during the development cycle and in production. It concentrates on enterprise-scale content modeling, storage, and retrieval, and includes comprehensive JSF support for displaying and manipulating these contents in (Web) applications. Key features include persistence, security, versioning, multi-language support, and scripting.
相關的專案Amateras, MPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3 |
RapidInsight is an integration, automation, and presentation suite for IT operations management. It brings the leading Web technologies into the IT management field, designed from the ground up as an open solution to minimize implementation time and the total cost of ownership and to maximize skill reuse. RapidInsight is typically used to integrate management information such as events, inventory, and tickets from disparate management systems and present to users through a simple, unified, consistent Web based user interface.
相關的專案GLOBALBASE PROJECT, DeSmuME, Hinemos, Darik's Boot and Nuke, XOOPS |
JmsCategory is a Groovy extension for the Java JMS API. It provides a simplified interface and performs all resource handling, which still allowing access to all JMS API methods.
相關的專案Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, OneSQLiteAdmin, MeCab |
CRET is a code review tool for reviewing and committing patches to a Subversion repository. It hooks into SVN's commit procedure and only performs the commit if the patch file has an "approved" status. When somebody wants to commit a patch file to an SVN repository, the patch file must first be added to CRET. The person committing must the select reviewers and enter an objective and title for the patch. This operation notifies the reviewers through email. A reviewer can add comments to a patch, approve it, or reject it. Comments are sent to the requestor via email. If a patch is approved, the requestor can commit the code. When the code is committed, email is sent to the requestor and reviewers for notification.
相關的專案MeCab, 04WebServer, mod_chxj, Sledge, Dumpper v.60.3 |
GIntegrator is a lightweight and simple enterprise application integration (EAI) software. With GIntegrator, users can build a SOA-based environment easily. GIntegrator runs atop a JVM and uses a very easy language to describe message routing rules. It leverages the principles of enterprise integration patterns (EIP).
相關的專案Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, coroid project, MPC-BE, MalonAccount |
ScriptBot is a scriptable IRC bot. Based on
PircBot and BSF, it allows you to fully customize
the bot's behavior by editing script files in the
scripting language of your choice.
相關的專案和ジラ(Wazilla), Regnessem, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, OpenTween |
AribaWeb is an open source component-based Web
application development framework for creating
rich, AJAX-enabled applications with the absolute
minimum of code (and no hand-coded Javascript).
相關的專案MPC-BE, MeCab, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, XOOPS, Properties Editor |
bambooBSC - バランス·スコアカード Balanced scorecard(BSC)ビジネスインテリジェンス
project on Githubソースコード:
Register Date: 2015-05-10 12:30
相關的專案ADempiere ERP Business Suite, PDF Editor Lite, Financial Supervision Assistant , Argotik, Pentaho Business Analytics |
JCatapult is a development platform written in
Java. Built for modularization, JCatapult allows
developers to build modules such as a blog,
content-management system, wiki, or any other
reusable set of features and use them across
multiple applications. Built on top of open source
technologies, JCatapult is a robust and scalable
platform. However, it is also agile and
lightweight because it uses a convention over
configuration approach.
相關的專案Properties Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke, Amateras, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger |
coroid project は以下のプロダクトから構成されており、基本的にはマルチプラットフォームです。
Register Date: 2010-06-30 02:50
相關的專案Hi10p Converts Script, Algebra Helper, HandBrake Japanese Language Version, Portal Application Laboratory, Alfresco Community Edition |
Plugins written in Groovy script for IntelliJ IDEA based IDE's that can be enhanced through LivePlugin plugin connector.
Register Date: 2016-03-28 16:27
相關的專案mitonan, PyDev for Eclipse, Web Publisher, blanco Framework, SharpDevelop |
Enterprise Architect (EA) で作成したER図からDDLを生成します。 EAにあるDDL出力機能ではカバーできない、柔軟なDDL生成をサポートします。
Register Date: 2008-10-10 17:30
相關的專案CSVプリプロセッサ言語シ, Talend Open Studio for Data Integration, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, MergeDoc, jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver |
SimpleITK: 簡略化された層ビルドの上に、洞察力のツールキット (ラピッドプロトタイピング、教育、インタプリタ言語での使用を容易にするものイムノクロマト)。
相關的專案 |