Simple Project List 軟體列表

111 projects in result set
最後更新: 2019-05-02 21:06

Manjaro JP

Manjaro Linux is a distribution based on Arch Linux. This project is unofficial Japanese remix. The purpose of this project is to prepare ISO image which is customized (and remixed) for Japanese language user. ISO files prepared in this project are built by using manjaro-tools.

Development Status: 3 - Alpha
目標受眾: End Users/Desktop
操作系統: Linux
Topics: Linux, Live CD
Register Date: 2014-08-08 21:25
最後更新: 2023-06-30 00:12

Linux Desktop Japanese edition

This project is a project for a Linux distribution with fully customized Japanese environment for Desktop users on Linux. It is dedicated for end users in general. You can download a custom Linux distribution from the project.

The products provided here are unofficial MX or antiX re-spins based on Debian Stable, but are not connected with it.

Register Date: 2022-10-17 21:44
最後更新: 2012-07-03 20:01

Puppy Linux (改)

◆より使いやすいPuppy Linuxの改良版。 ◆以下二種類配布しています。

Wary Pappy (改) Puppy Arcade (改)


Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
目標受眾: End Users/Desktop
自然語言: Japanese
操作系統: Linux
Topics: Live CD
Register Date: 2012-07-03 12:16
最後更新: 2023-06-22 08:42

Univalent Versatile Environment

The Univalent Versatile Environment changed its name to "Alis Linux/GNU/X" in April 2024. It is currently available on SourceForge under the 3-clause BSD licence.


Official Web Site

Nakamura Musical Industries

Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
自然語言: English, Japanese
操作系統: Linux
程式語言: C, Unix Shell
Topics: Linux, Live CD
使用者介面: X11 Applications
Register Date: 2022-06-14 08:52
最後更新: 2013-08-02 10:29


Lxubuntuのリマスター版です。Lxbuntu foresight追加。 一部ソフトウェアを削除した物となっています。 lxbuntuログインユーザーネーム:lxbuntu | パスワード:なし ブログ:

Joborun Linux

Arch-Linux inspired, not based, not a fork in the true sense but really a fork. Generally source based and conceived, but without a finite commitment. The source and git/archiving technique will always accommodate the quick and effortless way to build from source.

All core base system packages rebuilt without systemd, udev, logind, and resistance to using zstd, but having the ability to use it selectively or by the package manager to decompress zstd compressed packages. Also optionally turn off all ipv6 functionality, since it only serves the "internet's" problems and not our own, yet!

For everything that Obarun provides, packages with direct systemd running dependencies, its init and service supervision software, joborun acts as complimentary. In rare cases where we disagree with the way Obarun has built a package we will rebuild our own. Pacman and its configuration keeps the system in order, drawing the most essential base system from joborun, the rest from obarun, and whatever else may be needed either from arch or by selecting to build from source in a quick automated way.

In addition, we have repackaged Obarun's 66 to cohabitate with runit, we will provide an initial setup for both and only runit on the base iso. We will support no particular DE or DM, we consider them useless and only of aesthetic value to users in need of an ms-windows/apple kind of graphic computing environment. We are oriented to unix like sysadmins, not those who seek ms-win alternatives for free (as in beer) but those who seek freedom from mega-corporation control and influences.

The resulting system can easily be converted to "just Obarun" at any point, or anything else without a need for re-installation. Obarun already provides a tool to make sure your installation is purely obarun, which means it will replace all joborun packages with Arch.

The name: JWM OpenBox Obrarun RUNit therefore has the above meaning. The logo reveals an A for Arch fading and an O for Obarun becoming more complete.

For more information see our website at

Register Date: 2022-02-02 23:52


SolydX and SolydK are Debian based distributions with the Xfce and KDE desktop.

The size of ISO exceeds 2 GB from the Debian 9 Stretch base, It was difficult to publish from OSDN with 1 file 2 GB limit. Please download via official website.


Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
目標受眾: End Users/Desktop
操作系統: Linux
Topics: Linux, Live CD
Register Date: 2015-11-14 19:31


teaOS is a Linux distro based off of Arch. It plans to have some differences though, example we are replacing the GNU Coreutils with Busybox, and SystemD with Runit.

Development Status: 4 - Beta
操作系統: Linux
Topics: Live CD
Register Date: 2021-02-03 22:52

Pearl Linux

Free Linux Distribution based on Debian / Linux Mint / Ubuntu.
Multiple desktop environments include MATE PDE GNOME XFCE4.

Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
目標受眾: Advanced End Users
操作系統: Linux
Topics: Live CD
使用者介面: Graphical
Register Date: 2020-07-26 22:16
最後更新: 2021-03-17 01:37

Salient OS

Salient OS is an arch-based rolling-release distribution aimed at multi-media / gaming enthusiasts.

It comes pre-configured with various applications out of the box to aid the user in getting live streaming / recording quickly without having to download these applications themselves.

There are also a number of optimisations to boost performance when gaming or utilising audio / multimedia applications that require minimal latency.

Development Status: 4 - Beta
操作系統: Linux
Topics: Live CD
使用者介面: KDE, X11 Applications
Register Date: 2020-07-16 18:11
最後更新: 2016-08-21 21:33

Bee Free

The purpose of Bee Free is to produce a beautiful, effective, efficient and freedom operating system which is both powerful and easy to use. Bee Free is based on Linux Mint is the most popular desktop Linux distribution and the 3rd most widely used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS.

目標受眾: End Users/Desktop
程式語言: C, C++, Python
Topics: Live CD
使用者介面: Gnome
Register Date: 2016-08-20 21:50
最後更新: 2021-11-07 11:25

Miyo - is simply an acronym for "make it your own". Primarily intended for users with older hardware, MiyoLinux is a very minimal and base system that allows users the freedom to add the software and applications that they want or need without having to remove the ones that they don't want. It's the user's choice to decide what goes on the system in order to make it their own. Based on Devuan and by utilizing Window Managers instead of full Desktop Environments, the system is ideal for (but not limited to) older computers with limited resources.

Please do not submit MiyoLinux to DistroWatch. MiyoLinux is a personal project.

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
自然語言: English
操作系統: Linux
Topics: Live CD
使用者介面: X11 Applications
Register Date: 2018-05-23 10:42
最後更新: 2022-06-16 17:57


Uhuru OS is a new Linux distribution based on ArchLinux, AlterLinux and Manjaro.

Register Date: 2022-06-06 18:44
最後更新: 2022-04-06 17:48

We are developing home appliance automation, crime prevention, disaster prevention, voice control system

Check the temperature of the room from the place to go and drive a cooler

When the outside becomes dark in the evening, I turn on the lights of the entrance and the room

Watering the home garden based on the humidity outside on dawn

Email security when the security sensor works

Sound music at a fixed time

Notify by e-mail and phone (Wan Gi) when the fire detector reports

Intermittently operate underfloor ventilation fan based on outside air humidity

I am practicing IOT House at Raspberry Pi.

After playing with Raspberry Pi, let's realize home electronics & home security with Remote-Hand Raspberry_pi.

Development Status: 4 - Beta
目標受眾: End Users/Desktop
自然語言: English
操作系統: Linux
程式語言: C, PHP, Unix Shell
使用者介面: Console (Text Based)
Register Date: 2004-12-17 09:35

BackSlash Linux

BackSlash Linux is a Linux-based distribution which provides out-of-the-box experience for general computing. BackSlash Linux is comprised of Free and Open Source Software and is tailored to make using computers easier.

Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
目標受眾: Developers, End Users/Desktop
許可證: Apache License V2.0
使用者介面: KDE
Register Date: 2021-02-19 03:04