相關的專案Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, Afficheur, コミュニティモジュール, MeCab |
Microsoft Internet Explorerのみに対応した、たくさんのWebサイトが存在します。TouchUpWebは、ブラウザー依存に起因するベンダーロックインの問題を軽減し、問題を解決するために有用なフィルターを提供します。
相關的專案Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, MeCab, Shiira, MPC-BE |
顔カートは AJAX 駆動ショッピングカート oscommerce のパターンで設計された一意のユーザー experience.e-コマース システムを提示する、顔カートは Java 5EE e コマース ソリューションです。ショッピング カートは、無類の速度を提供します。すべてのデータベース サーバーをサポートします。
相關的專案Felica2Money, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, 住宅ローン計算ソフト, cloudi, MPC-BE |
UniTime はオープンソースのエンタープライズシステムで、大学やその他の教育機関におけるすべての(またはほとんどの)時間割ニーズをカバーしています。これには、授業時間割、学生のスケジューリング、試験時間割およびイベント管理機能が含まれています。
相關的專案Dumpper v.60.3, SlunkCrypt, RoboCup tools, Win32 Disk Imager, shogi-server |
いくつかの改善とバグ修正 ajaxtags 1.3
相關的專案MeCab, XOOPS, Win32 Disk Imager, mod_uploader, Dumpper v.60.3 |
WebFloor is a Web application framework built on top of OfficeFloor. It enables Java Web development integration with WYSIWYG Web design tools, such as DreamWeaver. WebFloor keeps the two loosely coupled by using only the following within HTML pages: ${property}, #{link}, and <!-- {section} --> (i.e. no special tags are required). This means that graphic designers can work with tools such as DreamWeaver, and Java developers can work with Eclipse, allowing both to integrate their work to create well presented and functional Web applications.
相關的專案MPC-BE, Programming Language ADP, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, PrimeFaces-ja |
VortexPPM provides a PPM (Portfolio, Project Management) system for small-to-medium organizations. It includes portfolio management, project management, resource management, capacity management, and vendor management.
The Plandora project is a tool to help the software development process, from the customer requirement phase until the task conclusion. It consequently gathers the history of the project. The Plandora system can be useful for teams that have problems with resource bottle-necks, parallel projects, critical dead lines, necessity for scope documentation of tasks and requirements, and more.
相關的專案DMiME 医学用語変換辞書, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, Boookends, MeCab |
Data Transfer Object for J2EE provides a Java class as a Data Transfer Object and convenient objects and interfaces for handling (running services which use a DTO or make it XML, and vice versa).
相關的專案 |
elateXam is a solution for e-assessment for university settings. This project provides a complete workflow for e-assessments from running them, doing distributed semi-automatic corrections, letting students annotate their results and exporting/archiving exams.
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OpenFlora is library management software which helps manage and promote your collections, whether they be in a university or a public library.
相關的專案BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, YANMAH2 - 携帯端末のための代替, Programming Language ADP |
Nest is a nestable server templating library. It lets you create pages that look like standard HTML and easily add functionality with custom tag libraries. Nest templates are well-formed HTML that is then compiled into standard PHP.
相關的專案PrimeFaces-ja, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, YANMAH2 - 携帯端末のための代替, Programming Language ADP |
VuzitJava is a library that allows developers to directly access the Vuzit Web Service API through the Java platform. It allows developers to automate the upload, download, and removal of electronic (PDF, doc, PPT, XLS, etc.) documents through the Vuzit Web Services API. You can use this library through any Java-enabled language such as Scala, Jython, or Groovy.
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jWebAnnotation is designed to let you move configuration settings from the web.xml file of a Java Web application into annotations. This can be useful for applications that contain many servlets, since the web.xml file of can otherwise grow very large.
docendo is a Web-based authoring and management platform that enables fast and intiutive authoring of open learning content targeting Web based trainings.
相關的專案Dumpper v.60.3, MeCab, KiriKiri Development Environment, Alpha, Win32 Disk Imager |