Simple Project List 軟體列表

3829 projects in result set
最後更新: 2009-09-28 05:42


nc-cms is a simple, fast, easy-to-use content management system (CMS). As you may know, these systems are traditionally very large, complex, and can take many weeks to integrate into a Web site. nc-cms can be integrated within an hour. It's great for managing a site with a set amount of pages.

Database Environment: MySQL
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
目標受眾: Management
許可證: zlib/libpng License
自然語言: English
操作系統: OS Independent
程式語言: PHP
使用者介面: Web Environment
最後更新: 2010-03-26 22:06


Taolin is a Web desktop that consists of a personal dashboard customizable by adding micro-applications called widgets. Each widget offers a different service that can be provided as a view over internal services or repositories (e.g. access to a papers repository), as a communication service (e.g. Jabber Web chat), or as an external resource (e.g. Google search).

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: PostgreSQL (pgsql)
程式語言: PHP
使用者介面: Web Environment
最後更新: 2008-07-09 17:29


XMLToaster is a tool for extracting and loading
XML from databases. It provides a modified version
of SQL which has XML mapping extenstions. It can
be compared to the "for xml" command in MS SQL
Server 2008, but it runs on all common databases
and scales to handle very large XML mappings
without too much complexity. It is used as a Java
library to write XML interfaces, but can also be
run as a command line tool.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2013-01-01 01:36

modified eCommerce Shopsoftware

modified eCommerce Shopsoftware is an online shopping system.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2001-03-07 05:15

Oracle Toolbox

Oracle Toolbox is a collection of PHP scripts that permit you to
administer an Oracle database via your Web browser in a single

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2009-11-12 18:22


MySQLBackup is a script that allows you to make date-time stamped backups of individual MySQL databases. Each database backup is a gzip compressed SQL script that can be restored and imported via the mysql command line tool. The tables of each database being backed up are locked, preserving data integrity. While this does temporarily prevent writes to the tables, the impact is reduced by backing up each database separately. This script backs up all databases accessible to the mysql user that it is configured to use. That means this script is useful to the sysadmin as well as to regular users who wish to maintain backups of their own MySQL databases.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2012-10-28 16:26


Lyra is a front-end to the Music Player Daemon (MPD). Based loosely on the Creative Media Source software, it has the aim of supporting large collections of albums and artists. Other interesting features are the implementation of a local cache of the music library using an SQLite database, increased speed, and flexibility. In addition, Lyra supports integration with the service, which includes "Scrobbling" and album cover art.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2010-02-20 09:39

Glovebox Server Management

Glovebox is a Perl and ExtJS based server monitoring and tracking system with SNMP modules for IBM Bladecenter Management Modules (AMM and MM), IBM xSeries RSA II Cards, and libvirt-based virtual machines.

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: MySQL
自然語言: English
操作系統: Linux, Linux
程式語言: Perl, Perl
使用者介面: Web Environment
最後更新: 2013-07-29 22:35

Django Live OS

Django Live OS is a live CD based on Debian stable which enables easy setup, hosting, and testing of Django apps.

最後更新: 2011-08-15 21:54


Alkaline is a PHP content management system (CMS) for creative professionals and small businesses that is designed to be used alone or in conjunction with your own proprietary code. The application handles posts as well as images, and can manage both raster (GIF, JPEG, and PNG) and vector graphics (PDF, SVG). The software features customizable themes, extensions, and more. It can be used by novices (for example, drag-and-drop social network integration) and advanced users (for example, overriding the theme engine). It works with most Web server software, including Apache and Windows Server.

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: SQL-based
自然語言: English
程式語言: PHP
使用者介面: Web Environment
最後更新: 2011-01-03 09:32


persistence4j is a small and lightweight Java object persister that uses JDBC to persist data into a relational database. The library frees you from writing the Data transfer objects - just
create a POJO and simply save it. Transactional and non-transactional connections are supported and can be configured from the simple properties file.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2010-01-28 05:27

Enano CMS

Enano is a CMS that focuses on content. A static site created with Enano can be transformed to a wiki, a blog, and more with its extensible and modular architecture.

最後更新: 2013-04-22 23:53

Mogwai ERDesignerNG

ERDesignerNG is a Java-based entity relationship design and database modeling tool. It has a powerful WYSIWYG interface for physical database design, supports 2D and 3D database modeling, browsing, and design, handles tables, relations, indexes, and comments, supports a central repository for all models (Model Repository), supports subject areas, supports domains, supports MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, PostgreSQL, and H2, creates the SQL DDL statements for schema creation, has an integrated schema version control system, can generate schema migration scripts for every change, stores the database definition as XML files for further processing, can export the database schema as GIF, BMP, JPEG, or SVG files, has an integrated reverse engineering module for existing schemas, has a build in schema compare feature, can generate schema documentation as PDF, HTML, RTF, and other formats, and supports schema conversion between different dialects.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2012-08-28 20:57


CyDoc is a Web-based doctor's office application. It allows you to track your patients' medical history and handles all your billing needs.

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: MySQL
自然語言: English
操作系統: MacOSX, Linux, Windows
程式語言: JavaScript
最後更新: 2011-05-24 14:41


PhpBibliography allows you to publish your
bibliography online and edit it via the Web.

(Machine Translation)