PAPFIP (Python And PGPLOT-based FITS Image
Plotter) is a FITS image plotter based on the
Python bindings to the pgplot graphics library. It
is intended as a non-interactive (command line or
script-driven) astronomical image plotter intended
for the automated or repeated production of
finalized publication-quality Postscipt files,
rather than a method of inspecting or visualizing
the data.
libposition provides a set of functions for
calculating motion and displacement in one-,
two-, and three-dimensional space. It is part
of The Universe Project.
相關的專案DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, MAME Spirits, unofficial gpSP kai, SmillaEnlarger |
Astro::SIMBAD Module is an objected orientated
Perl interface to the SIMBAD astronomical
database. SIMBAD provides basic data, cross-
identifications, and a bibliography for astronomical
objects outside the solar system.
相關的專案gpx2shp, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Darik's Boot and Nuke, MeCab, SmillaEnlarger |
GRALE is a set of tools - a library and a number of accompanying applications - to study gravitational lenses. Gravitational lenses are astronomical objects so massive that their gravitational pull even deflects light rays. This can cause multiple copies of the same background object to be visible, like a cosmic mirage. The locations and shapes of these copies can provide information about the mass distribution of the gravitational lens, which GRALE can help recover using a genetic algorithm-based method. Apart from these so-called lens inversions, it's also possible to simulate gravitational lenses.
Sunrise Sunset is a Python package that can determine the sunrise and
sunset based on a given altitude zenith. It has two public methods. The
first returns the sunrise and sunset in a tuple. The second returns
True or False depending on whether the supplied date/time is during the
night or day. The constructor takes three arguments, a date, latitude,
and longitude. There is one keyword argument for changing the default
zenith, which is set to "official". The zeniths are "official", "civil",
"nautical", "amateur" (astronomical), and "astronomical". It does not
rely on third party packages, but you may need something like pytz to
create dates with timezone info.
IRAF is the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility, a general purpose software system for the reduction and analysis of scientific data. IRAF includes a selection of programs for general image processing and graphics applications, plus a large number of programs for the reduction and analysis of optical astronomy data within the NOAO package. External or layered packages are also available for the analysis of HST, XRAY, and EUV data. IRAF provides a programming environment which includes the Command Language script facility, the IMFORT Fortran programming interface, and the SPP/VOS programming environment in which the portable IRAF system is written.
Satellitarium is a graphical application that computes and displays the position of artificial satellites of Earth against a sky background. Beside displaying, it is capable of doing searches on various satellite conditions (e.g., visible passes of a satellite).
相關的專案JYUGEM, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, MeCab, DeSmuME |
PySBIG is a Python module to read SBIG CCD files.
相關的專案Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME, Amateras, MeCab, SharpDevelop-jp |
Remote Seti's purpose is to build a client-server
application that will send summaries from
Seti@Home clients distributed all across a network
to a central host, allowing a monitoring program to
show results and statistics for multiple computers.
HTMLPerlSETI uses the SETI::Stats Perl module to gather statistics about the UNIX SETI@home client and formats them as an HTML table.
Aciqra is a night sky simulator to show the sky and celestial objects. It uses the highly precise Aloac program to calculate highly accurate positions for planets, stars, comets, and everything else in the sky for thousands of years into the future. It can load a variety of catalogs and even custom ones with a bit of extension.
相關的專案Win32 Disk Imager, Swiss Ephemeris on Java, spec-recorder, Dumpper v.60.3, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
SetiContainer is a C++ class that allows convenient access to all the information in the state files of a SETI@home client. It periodically examines these files and updates its own data members accordingly. Other programs can use this class to extract information about the progress of the client, the found signals, or the work unit being processed. Additional functions offer more advanced info (like the amount of TeraFlops in a work unit, estimated time of completion, etc.). The SetiContainer class is based on the Qt toolkit, and extensively uses Qt's Signal/Slot technique.
相關的專案MeCab, SharpDevelop-jp, Properties Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke, DeSmuME |
RTS2 is project to create an environment for control of a fully autonomous observatory. It is known to run about a dozen fully autonomous observatories. Its modular design allow easily addition of new devices (to the already huge supported HW list).
相關的專案Swiss Ephemeris on Java, Darik's Boot and Nuke, matereal, Programming Language ADP, OpenCV |
photom is a collection of programs designed to take raw, instrumental measurements of stellar brightness and convert them to calibrated magnitudes on some standard system. They were written as part of the TASS Mark IV pipeline, but may work on other datasets.
Global Village is a GNOME application designed to place a GUI onto the CLI interface of Xplanet.
相關的專案linuxBean, TTBase, X/Qt Server, Special Launch, Dumpper v.60.3 |