軟體列表 專案列表 (58601 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
iverilog(sfnet) Icarus Verilog Icarus Verilog is an open source Verilog compil... 下載
hol(sfnet) HOL theorem-proving system HOL is a system for proving theorems in Higher ... 下載
mooedit(sfnet) mooedit A text editor. 下載
ifreebudget(sfnet) Personal Finance Manager iFreeBudget is a free, open source expense and ... 下載
armadeus(sfnet) armadeus Armadeus is an OpenSource Hardware and Software... 下載
jscover(sfnet) JSCover JSCover is a tool that measures code coverage f... 下載
pebl(sfnet) Psychology Experiment Building Language PEBL (Psychology Experiment Building Language) ... 下載
joda-time(sfnet) Joda - Time Joda-Time provides a library of classes to repl... 下載
npackd(sfnet) Npackd https://npackd.appspot.com Npackd (pronounced &... 下載
quexf(sfnet) queXF queXF, a CADE (Computer Assisted Data Entry) To... 下載
pwgen-win(sfnet) PWGen PWGen is a professional password generator capa... 下載
glpk-java(sfnet) GLPK for Java GLPK for Java provides a Java language binding ... 下載
comingnext(sfnet) ComingNext ComingNext is a calendar homescreen widget for ... 下載
grecipe-manager(sfnet) Gourmet Gourmet Recipe Manager is now housed at http://... 下載
apachessl(sfnet) ApacheSSL Project ApacheSSL is a project that was created for a p... 下載
aspell(sfnet) GNU Aspell GNU Aspell is a spell checker designed to event... 下載
stuntman(sfnet) Stuntman - STUN server and client New version 1.2. This is the code to STUNTMAN ... 下載
claws-mail(sfnet) Claws Mail Claws Mail is a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fa... 下載
droid(sfnet) DROID DROID (Digital Record Object Identification) is... 下載
wav2mp3lame(sfnet) Wav2MP3 Wizard Wav2MP3 Wizard is a simple solution for everyda... 下載
versiontree(sfnet) Eclipse Version Tree Plugin Eclipse Version Tree Plugin is an easy to use, ... 下載
tea-editor(sfnet) TEA text editor TEA is a text editor that provides a wide range... 下載
omlx(sfnet) OMLX OMLX project is a place for processing of many ... 下載
excelldapsearch(sfnet) Excel LDAP Search Excel LDAP Search (ELS) is an Excel add-in that... 下載
nitro-nitf(sfnet) NITRO NITRO is a full-fledged, extensible library sol... 下載
tweety(sfnet) Tweety Tweety is a collection of various Java librarie... 下載
cgns(sfnet) CFD General Notation System (CGNS) The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides... 下載
conceptbase(sfnet) ConceptBase.cc ConceptBase.cc is a multi-user deductive and ob... 下載
taskcoach(sfnet) Task Coach Task Coach - Your friendly task manager. Task C... 下載
crabemu(sfnet) CrabEmu CrabEmu is a video game console emulator for Ma... 下載
talend-studio(sfnet) Talend Open Studio for Data Integration Talend provides integration that truly scales. ... 下載
arx(sfnet) Arx Libertatis Arx Libertatis is a cross-platform, open source... 下載
envirocontrol(sfnet) Arduino Rasp Pi Environment Controller An Arduino and Raspberry Pi based Environment C... 下載
idealtake(sfnet) Idealtake This software was designed to simplify your res... 下載
wpbdc(sfnet) West Point Bridge Designer and Contest A national virtual bridge engineering contest w... 下載
game-editor(sfnet) Game Editor Game Editor is the game design software that gi... 下載
hybserv2(freshmeat) Hybserv2 Hybserv2 is a new and improved version of the n... 下載
wiman(sfnet) Wi-MAN Wi-MAN is a simple tool to create wifi adhoc ne... 下載
librangetree(freshmeat) librangetree librangetree is a C++ template, implementing a ... 下載
alphalemon-cms(freshmeat) AlphaLemon CMS AlphaLemon CMS is a content management system b... 下載
pam_skey(freshmeat) PAM S/Key module PAM S/Key is a module based on the original S/K... 下載
timeplotters(freshmeat) timeplotters timeplotters is a collection of command line to... 下載
punteframework(freshmeat) PunteFramework PunteFramework aims to be a lightweight PHP fra... 下載
jvlt(sfnet) Vocabulary Learning Tool jVLT (Vocabulary Learning Tool) is a tool that ... 下載
cbmpy(sfnet) CBMPy This is the new home of PySCeS-CBM a constraint... 下載
d2rq-map(sfnet) D2RQ and D2R Server The D2RQ API provides access to relational data... 下載
windspro(sfnet) WinDS PRO WinDS PRO (también abreviado como WinDS) es un ... 下載
multibootusb(sfnet) multibootusb Multi Boot USB / MultiBoot USB / MultiBootUSB i... 下載
opsi(sfnet) opsi opsi is a Client Management System for Windows ... 下載
nmapsi(sfnet) nmap Qt4-based Graphical User Interface NmapSi is a complete Qt-based Gui with the desi... 下載
umit(sfnet) umit UMIT is the new nmap frontend, intended to be c... 下載
opensong(sfnet) OpenSong OpenSong is a free software application for man... 下載
argus-tas(freshmeat) Argus Monitoring System Argus is a system and network monitoring applic... 下載
libivykis(freshmeat) ivykis ivykis is a library for asynchronous I/O readin... 下載
pyexpander(freshmeat) pyexpander pyexpander is a macro processor based on Python... 下載
smbind(sfnet) Simple Management for BIND Smbind is a PHP-based tool for managing DNS zon... 下載
db-model-excel(sfnet) database modeling excel This database modeling utility is an excel work... 下載
findbugs(sfnet) FindBugs A static analysis tool to find bugs in Java pro... 下載
pngcrush(freshmeat) pngcrush pngcrush is an excellent batch-mode compression... 下載
phpmyadmin(freshmeat) phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is a tool intended to handle the adm... 下載
buckyexamples(sfnet) Buckminster Examples These are some experiments with Eclipse Buckmin... 下載
z88vm(freshmeat) Z88vm OZvm is principally a hardware emulation of the... 下載
exact-image(freshmeat) ExactImage ExactImage is a fast C++ image processing libra... 下載
instmake(freshmeat) instmake instmake allows you to instrument builds with G... 下載
openmigrate(sfnet) OpenMigrate Open Migrate is an open source framework which ... 下載
detoetsfabriek(sfnet) POINTS - Multiple choice software A multiple choice test program with audio and v... 下載
hfst(sfnet) Helsinki Finite-State Technology The Helsinki Finite-State Transducer toolkit is... 下載
openbabel(sfnet) Open Babel Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to sp... 下載
sfx-maker(sfnet) 7-ZIP SFX Maker This a windows GUI for creating self-extracting... 下載
ninjaos(sfnet) Ninja OS HOPE was awesome, unfortunately we discovered a... 下載
gtlt(sfnet) Global Translation and Localisation Team Translation team with the primary objective to ... 下載
supercsv(sfnet) Super CSV Super CSV is a fast, programmer-friendly, open-... 下載
strutstestcase(sfnet) StrutsTestCase for JUnit StrutsTestCase is an extension of the JUnit Tes... 下載
geoblock(sfnet) Geoblock Geoblock is a program for 3D modeling, database... 下載
exportswc(sfnet) ExportSWC ExportSWC is a plugin written for the FlashDeve... 下載
kge(sfnet) Kochol Game Engine Kochol Game Engine(KGE) is an object-orianted h... 下載
explorerplugin(sfnet) Plugin to Open Folder in Explorer/Shell An eclipse plug-in for opening a selected file... 下載
turing-machine(sfnet) Turing and Post Machines: C++ Simulators The C++-programs simulate : Nondeterministic/De... 下載
silverweb(sfnet) Silver Web Silver Web-game amateur level. Established in t... 下載
flac(sfnet) FLAC-Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC is a free lossless compressed audio format... 下載
shenmuesubs(sfnet) Shenmue Translation Pack The Shenmue Translation Pack provide tools used... 下載
abntex(sfnet) abnTeX ATENÇÃO: abnTeX está em novo endereço: http://a... 下載
bemap(sfnet) bemap BEMAP (BEnchMarks for Automatic Parallelizer) i... 下載
maxfuacm(sfnet) MaxFu Android Compilations and MODs Android Kernal Compilations and ROM MODs by MaxFu. 下載
airsim(sfnet) Travel Market Simulator That project aims at studying the impact of IT ... 下載
osesb(sfnet) osesb osESB is a free, open source Enterprise Service... 下載
eos-movrec(sfnet) EOS Camera Movie Record This software writes short movies with your dig... 下載
scmrtos(sfnet) scmRTOS scmRTOS is tiny Real-Time Preemptive Operating ... 下載
smartroom(sfnet) SmartRoom Recent progress in ubiquitous computing, ambien... 下載
gdcm(sfnet) Grassroots DICOM Grassroots DiCoM is a C++ library for DICOM med... 下載
yaprocmon(sfnet) Yet Another (remote) Process Monitor Yet Another Process Monitor (YAPM) is a powerfu... 下載
flashpiano(sfnet) Flash Virtual Piano A virtual piano in flash. Play and record music... 下載
frinika(sfnet) Frinika Frinika is a free, complete music workstation s... 下載
qxrd(sfnet) qxrd QXRD is software for the acquisition and analys... 下載
huf(sfnet) A Handful of Useful Files HUF (Handful of Useful Files) is a general-purp... 下載
openmetronome(sfnet) Open Metronome Free open source GPL metronome (a "branch&... 下載
bglightce(sfnet) BGLightCE BGLightCE is a free, open source backgammon gam... 下載
macosxvim(sfnet) MacOSX Vim Vim Binaries for MacOSX 下載
ordrumbox(sfnet) orDrumbox Java Software Drum Machine Software Drum Machine and Audio Sequencer in Ja... 下載
comport(sfnet) ComPort Library TComPort by Dejan Crnila. Delphi/C++ Builder se... 下載

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