軟體列表 專案列表 (43001 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
mariamole(sfnet) MariaMole MariaMole is an advanced IDE for Arduino develo... 下載
p2ema(sfnet) p2ema P2EMA (Perl Pipeline to Expedite Microsatellite... 下載
cuse-ecaes(sfnet) cuse-ecaes Simulador para Examenes Ecaes. 下載
cia(sfnet) Citizen Intelligence Agency Tracking Politicians Like Bugs. Using java, mav... 下載
isort(freshmeat) isort isort automatically sorts and sections Python i... 下載
dbeaver(freshmeat) DBeaver DBeaver is a universal database manager and SQL... 下載
bilderherunterlader(sfnet) BilderHerunterlader BilderHerunterlader is a program written in Jav... 下載
mrbayes(sfnet) MrBayes MrBayes is a program for the Bayesian estimatio... 下載
metapath(freshmeat) Pathomx Pathomx is a workflow-based tool for the analys... 下載
authenplug(sfnet) authenticicate plugin Autheticicate is a Ruby on Rails plugin providi... 下載
mmm3(sfnet) Magic Mail Monitor 3 Magic Mail Monitor3 - Windows mail checker wit... 下載
foo2hp(freshmeat) foo2hp foo2hp is a printer driver for printers that us... 下載
foo2lava(freshmeat) foo2lava foo2lava is a driver for printers that use the ... 下載
agentsmith(freshmeat) agentsmith agentsmith is a daemon that continuously monito... 下載
parserlab(freshmeat) ParserLab ParserLab allows you to generate parsers with e... 下載
balsaasync(freshmeat) Balsa Asynchronous Synthesis System Balsa is an asynchronous circuit simulation and... 下載
bggle(freshmeat) B@ggle B@ggle allows you to play French Boggle online,... 下載
electricformula(freshmeat) ElectricFormula ElectricFormula is a program that can help with... 下載
kvmsh(freshmeat) kvmsh kvmsh is a command line interface to manage ker... 下載
libpapyrus(freshmeat) papyrus Canvas Library Papyrus is a 2D C++ scenegraph (canvas) library... 下載
axe-svn-sync(freshmeat) AXE SVN Sync AXE SVN Sync is a PHP5 tool that mirrors two SV... 下載
asterisk-espeak(freshmeat) Asterisk eSpeak Asterisk eSpeak provides the "eSpeak"... 下載
pingo(freshmeat) Pingo Pingo is a simple dedicated IRC bot that watche... 下載
winff(freshmeat) WinFF WinFF is a cross platform batch GUI for FFmpeg.... 下載
gics(freshmeat) GICS GICS is a cross-platform framework that provide... 下載
junixsocket(freshmeat) junixsocket junixsocket is a Java/JNI library that allows t... 下載
newscache(freshmeat) NewsCache NewsCache is a free cache server for USENET New... 下載
naturephp(freshmeat) NaturePHP NaturePHP is a classes wrapper using PHP's auto... 下載
gmp(freshmeat) GNU MP GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision a... 下載
mp3dbsql(freshmeat) MP3db MP3 Database is a database for MP3s stored on r... 下載
python-simulated-annealing-mod(freshmeat) Python Simulated Annealing Module Simulated annealing is a computational algorith... 下載
movie-crammer(freshmeat) Movie Crammer Movie Crammer is a video player for Mac OS X th... 下載
sql-tagger(freshmeat) SQL Tagger SQL Tagger reads the tags of audio files from a... 下載
zufall(freshmeat) zufall zufall is a simple program to change the backgr... 下載
qualyzer(sfnet) qualyzer Welcome to the Qualyzer wiki. Qualyzer supports... 下載
viscoelasticof(sfnet) viscoelasticof This is a case file for viscoelasticInterFoam. 下載
easyfileshare(sfnet) Easy File Share Easy File Share is a software which will allow ... 下載
crosstool-ng(freshmeat) crosstool-NG crosstool-NG is a versatile toolchain generator... 下載
resty-for-java(freshmeat) Resty for Java Resty is a small, convenient API to talk to RES... 下載
phaos_rpg(freshmeat) Phaos Phaos is a browser-based MMORPG. It features ch... 下載
redis-wp-cache(freshmeat) redis-wp-cache redis-wp-cache saves Wordpress's object cache i... 下載
visualgst(freshmeat) VisualGST VisualGST is an IDE (integrated development env... 下載
proxy-connector(freshmeat) Proxy Connector Proxy Connector is a PHP class that can be used... 下載
timedataplotter(freshmeat) TimeDataPlotter TimeDataPlotter is a program to quickly and int... 下載
gpxviewer(freshmeat) gpxviewer GPX Viewer is a simple application that lets yo... 下載
hdaudiorecorder(sfnet) HD Audio Recorder An Android application for recording high defin... 下載
idem(freshmeat) iDem iDem is a Web application that lets groups vote... 下載
jitsi(freshmeat) Jitsi Jitsi (formerly SIP Communicator) is an audio/v... 下載
syslog-server-java(freshmeat) Syslog Server Java Syslog Server Java is an easy to set up syslog ... 下載
asyncfp(freshmeat) asyncfp AsyncFP is a Scala project with composable acto... 下載
calenco(freshmeat) Calenco XML CMS Calenco is a collaborative editing Web platform... 下載
fastexcel(sfnet) FastExcel FastExcel is a pure java excel read/write compo... 下載
aarmail(sfnet) AarMail - Fake Emailer This anonymous emailer script written in PHP is... 下載
haveged(freshmeat) haveged haveged is a daemon that feeds the /dev/random ... 下載
unifdef(freshmeat) unifdef Unifdef is useful for removing #ifdef'ed lines ... 下載
unyaxmppd(freshmeat) unyaxmppd uNyaXMPPD is a small-footprint XMPP suitable fo... 下載
eveasusrt-n13u(sfnet) ASUS RT-N13U with 3.5G support Add 3.5G USB dongle support on ASUS RT-N13U The... 下載
argtools(sfnet) ArgTools This project is a C++ implementation of abstrac... 下載
advmenuplus(sfnet) AdvMenuPLUS AdvMenuPLUS is a frontend based on AdvanceMENU ... 下載
construccioned(sfnet) Construccion de un Edificio Proyecto de construccion de un edifico de 2 niv... 下載
ghztools(sfnet) GHZ Tools GHZ Tools (Magic tool) Properties: 1- Brute Fo... 下載
bpmn(sfnet) Yaoqiang BPMN Editor Yaoqiang BPMN Editor is a graphical editor for ... 下載
danmuplayer(sfnet) DanmuPlayer Danmu (Danmaku) Player plays videos and Danmaku... 下載
cpan2tgz(freshmeat) cpan2tgz cpan2tgz is a utility to create Slackware packa... 下載
mcnpxmeshtally(sfnet) MCNPX Mesh Tally Convert MCNPX binary mesh tally data files to M... 下載
tunesviewer(sfnet) TunesViewer A small, easy-to-use program to access itunesU ... 下載
javascript-visual-html-templat(freshmeat) JavaScript Visual HTML Template Editor JavaScript Visual HTML Template Editor can be u... 下載
pynetsim(freshmeat) PyNetSim PyNetSim targets the generation of background t... 下載
htmtools(freshmeat) htmTools This program changes the text of multiple files... 下載
metawidget(sfnet) Metawidget Metawidget is a smart User Interface widget tha... 下載
primedesktop(freshmeat) PrimeDesktop PrimeDesktop is a tool for planning, mapping, a... 下載
phpbbheb(sfnet) phpBB (Hebrew) phpBB.co.il - The Official Hebrew Translation o... 下載
xmlbeans(sfnet) xmlbeans An extension over the Java XPath API in order t... 下載
killerimageeditor(sfnet) Killer Image Editor A cool Image editor in python and pygame . It a... 下載
freebootstraptemplatecorporate(sfnet) Free Bootstrap Template Corporate A responsive template based on the Bootstrap fr... 下載
rejacker(sfnet) ReJacker Rejacker is an toolkit set for PE repair, manua... 下載
mehari(sfnet) MEHARI MEHARI est une méthode d'appréciation et de man... 下載
rlogin(freshmeat) Rlogin Rlogin is a remote shell client (like SSH), whi... 下載
libchipcard(sfnet) libchipcard This is a library for easy accessing chip cards... 下載
libvs(freshmeat) libvs Library Version Sort is a version sorting libra... 下載
simplegmapapi(freshmeat) SimpleGMapAPI SimpleGMapAPI is a PHP class for using the Goog... 下載
git-annex(freshmeat) git-annex git-annex allows managing files with git withou... 下載
seasoned-advice-flair(freshmeat) Joomla! Seasoned Advice Flair Module Seasoned Advice Flair is a simple Joomla! modul... 下載
usb-vhci(sfnet) USB Virtual Host Controller Interface This project consists of a linux kernel module ... 下載
slaptget(freshmeat) slapt-get slapt-get is an APT-like system for Slackware p... 下載
sm-photo-tool(sfnet) sm-photo-tool Welcome to the home of sm-photo-tool. This a sm... 下載
slapt-src(freshmeat) slapt-src slapt-src is a utility to make querying, retrie... 下載
directorysync(sfnet) Directory Synchronize Pro (DirSync Pro) DirSync Pro is a powerfull, easy to configure t... 下載
nasmide(sfnet) NASM IDE IDE criada por Talles Henrique Oliveira Coelho,... 下載
mtrace(sfnet) mtrace mtrace is a multicast traceroute utility, which... 下載
wowaceupdater(sfnet) WowAceUpdater WowAceUpdater is a tool for World of Warcraft p... 下載
cubesatdecoder(sfnet) CubeSat Decoder This is a configurable beacon decoder software ... 下載
sc-trans-fe(sfnet) sc-trans-fe Frontend or sc_trans, written in wxPython, buil... 下載
ip-phone-scanning-made-easy-is(freshmeat) Ip phone Scanning Made Easy (ISME) Ip phone Scanning Made Easy (ISME) scans a VOIP... 下載
tuxtype(sfnet) Tux Typing Tux Typing is an educational typing program for... 下載
gitextensions(sfnet) Git Extensions Git Extensions is a toolkit to make working wit... 下載
modorganizer(sfnet) Mod Organizer Mod Organizer (MO) is a tool for managing mod c... 下載
linkexchange(freshmeat) LinkExchange The LinkExchange library helps to integrate var... 下載
jurlmap(freshmeat) jurlmap jurlmap is a Java library for enabling your Web... 下載
jsical(freshmeat) JSiCal JSiCal provides a JavaScript agenda application... 下載

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