名稱 | 大小 | 修訂. | 時間 | 作者 | Log Message |
lib | |||||
t | |||||
Makefile | 117 | 376428d | 2023-04-03 02:42:49 | dyknon | Optimized |
README | 504 | 10ecac5 | 2023-04-03 20:13:09 | dyknon | message about copy |
readtest.sh | 511 | 4e986ac | 2023-04-02 03:11:25 | dyknon | Initial commit |
= Text::Hjson == About It is Hjson <https://hjson.github.io/> parser written in perl. == Usage my $result = Text::Hjson->decode($hjson); $hjson here should be a decoded utf8 string. == Copyright Test cases in t/hjson_official.t is distributed under MIT license. The copyright notice and license can be found in the file itself. Other portions of this package are written by dyknon in 2023. they are associated to CC0 1.0 <https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. Copyright is waived.