The Infotrope ACAP Server is an implementation of
RFC2244, complete with asynchronous notification
of changes, stored search results, ACLs, and data
inheritance, etc. It supports TLS and SASL
encryption as well as the entire base standard,
plus a few optional extensions. ACAP allows
applications to store configuration data in a way
that is standard, fully interoperable, and easily
managed by users, administrators, and technical
support teams alike. Infotrope's key features
include the ability to randomly crash the server
without data loss, and backing up of data (even
while it's being written) without losing
BlueWonder is a framework for building all kinds of content management
systems. It supports different types of databases and comes with an
XML-based template engine. It is served with a workflow engine and
role-based access control.
相關的專案MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, XOOPS |
HyperSQL is like the doxygen program with Javadoc added, but for SQL. It hypermaps SQL views, packages, procedures, and functions to HTML source code listings, and it shows all the code locations where these are used. You can use JavaDoc-style comments for documentation and even embed UnitTests with them.
相關的專案Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Fess, OpenOLAP, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE |
miniDB is a small and fast isam/btree library/program for record based access, used as standalone or as client/server. It features a small footprint, multi-field indexes, autoincrement fields, and database logging. All data is kept in a pure ASCII file, so you can also use grep and awk on it.
相關的專案TuxGuitar, Darik's Boot and Nuke, TERASOLUNA Framework, blanco Framework, Properties Editor |
RedStore is a lightweight RDF triplestore written in C using the Redland library. It features SPARQL over HTTP support, an HTTP interface that is compatible with 4store, and unit tests for most of the HTTP server code.
The only build dependancy is Redland.
TurnKey MySQL is an extremely easy way to get up and running with MySQL in just a couple of minutes. It's a pre-integrated turnkey server based on Ubuntu that is packaged as a Live CD image capable of supporting installations on both physical and virtual machines, including VMWare, Xen, VirtualBox, and KVM. It features a small footprint, automatic security updates, a rich Web administration interface, and an easy to use configuration and installation console. It includes a phpMyAdmin database management front-end.
Triceps is an innovative embeddable Complex Event Processing (CEP) system. It can be thought of as an in-memory database driven by triggers, or a data-flow machine working on a stream of events, or a spreadsheet on steroids. The major architectural advantages of Triceps include the direct use of procedural logic (as opposed to all-SQL systems), support of both compiled and general scripting languages (C++, Perl), light weight, and easy extensibility.
相關的專案Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, OpenOLAP, Tritonn, pg_bigm |
Rasqal is a C library for querying RDF graphs, supporting the SPARQL, RDQL, and LAQRS languages. It provides APIs for creating a query and parsing query syntax. It features pluggable triple-stores and matching interfaces, query engines for executing the queries, an API for manipulating results as bindings, and multiple ways to format the results to XML, CSV, TSV, and JSON. It uses the Raptor RDF parser to return triples from RDF content, and can alternatively work with the Redland RDF library's persistent triple stores. It is portable across many POSIX systems.
Infobright Community Edition (ICE) is an analytic database built on MySQL, designed to deliver very fast query response against large data volumes. It is a self-tuning, columnar database that eliminates the need to create or maintain indexes, partition data, or perform other administrative tasks.
相關的專案iReport-Designer for JasperReports, DeSmuME, PeaZip, Meltice Family, 7-Zip |
Mumps Compiler is a compiler for a subset of the Mumps language, a language used mainly in healthcare. It is compatible with most operating systems with a standard C compiler.
相關的專案MeCab, XOOPS, Dumpper v.60.3, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
PostgreSQL-relay can be used to as a single point of origin for a number of databases. Instead of having to remember (or modify in case of changes) all the names of databases, on which machines and on which ports they are running, you only need to remember one machine and the name of the database. It will then forward the connection to the proper database on the proper port of the proper server.
dbXML is a Native XML Database (NXD). NXDs are databases that store XML
using an internalized format for faster overall processing.
相關的專案DBViewer Plugin for Eclipse 開発プロジェクト, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3, WordPress Plugins/JSeries, MeCab |
OggCarton is a free, open source home jukebox system that creates and indexes Ogg Vorbis and MP3 music files. It includes an integrated Web server.
相關的專案MeCab, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3, 円盤複写屋, blanco Framework |
picoSQL is an Italian RDBMS. Because it derives from a commercial project, it is already robust, fast, and rather complete.
Centrallix is an HTML/Javascript/AJAX based rich Internet application platform featuring data and application abstraction, an SQL engine for joining diverse data sources, declarative (not scripted) development, reports, components, and style templates.
相關的專案WordPress Plugins/JSeries, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3 |