Simple Project List 軟體列表

551 projects in result set
最後更新: 2010-10-09 03:19


CVS, GIT, and Mercurial as well as other well-known version control systems cannot version directories. In other words, you cannot add empty directories. A "workaround" for this issue is to use placeholder files that are placed into empty directories. These placeholder files can then be committed into the repository and will make sure that, upon checkout, the directory tree is entirely reconstructed. The problem with using placeholder files is that you need to create them, and need to delete them if they are not necessary anymore (because sub-directories or real files were added). With big source trees, managing these placeholder files can be cumbersome and error prone. MarkEmptyDirs can manage the creation/deletion of such placeholder files automatically. It creates placeholder files in all empty "leaf" directories. If later on new files or directories are put into such directories, the placeholder files are not necessary anymore, and are removed automatically.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2009-08-25 02:48


Simmulator の für das Onlinespiel !。Verlustberechnung、Spionageverwaltung ウント多様な andere Funktionen !Vielen じめじめ für das クール アイコン ・ フォン ・泣きじゃくる da Loota !備 Fragen、ingame mugvieh ウエンデン

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: Other file-based DBMS
Development Status: 6 - Mature
目標受眾: Other Viewers
自然語言: German
操作系統: Windows XP
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono
最後更新: 2018-02-06 06:29

Total War Mod Manager

総力戦の Mod マネージャー: ローマ 2。プロジェクトは合計戦争シリーズのすべての将来のイテレーションをサポートします。

(Machine Translation)
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono
最後更新: 2017-08-22 03:29

Trancity 2.0

Trancity は場所をすることができます、路面電車、トロリーやバス、動作できるだけでなくルートやスケジュール上で動作するトラフィックを確立する都市を作成する、公共交通機関のシミュレータです。

(Machine Translation)
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
自然語言: English, Russian
操作系統: Windows XP
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono, DirectX
最後更新: 2010-01-01 18:44


MapServer is a CGI based Web mapping application development tool. It processes user defined configuration files and templates to allow for a wide variety of applications to be developed, including interactive mapping, and spatial query definition and processing. It supports several data formats. Key features include scale dependent map rendering, automatic scalebar and legend building, feature labeling with collision avoidance, logical and thematic classifications, and on-the-fly projection of raster and vector data. The application can also access other WMS servers as a cascading map server.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2014-03-08 03:43


Gygaxは、画像、動画やライブストリームを処理するためのカスタマイズされたツールを開発する環境をユーザーに提供する C# アプリケーションです。さまざまな種類のファイルを開くことをサポートしています。

  • 概要

現在のバージョンは、Windows 8 環境と MS Visual Studio 2013 上で実行するように設計されています。Emgu CV との互換性上の理由からグラフィカルな API として Windows フォームを使用します。すべての必須ライブラリをダウンロードするパッケージに含まれます。

  • 次のリリースが含まれます:
    • 3D ポイント クラウドデータと IFC ファイルの可視化と編集を許可する DirectX ビューアー
    • バッファーの可用性に応じてフレームの処理速度の調整 (次のフレームを連続送信またはスキップまでバッファーを空に)
    • エラー処理とヘルプ マニュアル
    • ビデオ再生のためのスクロール バー
    • 条件に基づいてフレームの選択導入 (ぼかしメトリック、等)
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
操作系統: Other, Windows 7
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono
最後更新: 2009-04-05 12:05

RSI Editor


自然語言: Japanese
操作系統: Windows Vista, Windows XP
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono
Register Date: 2009-07-15 21:20
最後更新: 2009-12-12 13:37


Base64 から/へ変換する単純な Windows ユーティリティです。(改行の有無にかかわらず) Textbox、クリップボード、またはファイルに出力します。

(Machine Translation)
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
目標受眾: Advanced End Users
自然語言: English
操作系統: Windows XP
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono, Win32 (MS Windows)
最後更新: 2021-07-04 14:18


KancolleSniffer is a tool to support an online browser game Kantai Collection, aka Kancolle. KancolleSniffer captures traffic between your browser and the server and shows you various information such as statuses of ship girls and some timers.

This software is licensed under the term of Apache License, Version 2.0.

Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
許可證: Apache License V2.0
自然語言: Japanese
操作系統: Windows
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono
Register Date: 2013-12-16 16:54
最後更新: 2014-04-10 14:22


Catharsis.NET.Commons is a library of extensions for many common .NET types. It can significantly speed up your daily .NET development tasks, relieving you of writing boilerplate code. It implements the popular fluent-kind interface approach and allows many tasks to be performed in a single line of code with joined method calls.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2012-11-06 10:42

Accord.NET Framework

Accord.NET provides statistical analysis, machine learning, image processing, and computer vision methods for .NET applications. The Accord.NET Framework extends the popular AForge.NET with new features, adding to a more complete environment for scientific computing in .NET.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2014-03-02 14:22

Zyan Communication Framework

Zyan Communication Framework simplifies development of distributed applications. It works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Android platforms via .NET or Mono runtimes. It features LINQ support for three-tier applications, full duplex TCP support, traffic, compression, and encryption, transparent support for events and EBC (event-based components), and Windows and LDAP authentication support.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2011-08-29 20:53

simple SMTP Client

電子メールを送信して友人のリストの機能を持つ SMTP クライアントの単純な実装です。その機能は徐々 に豊かにします。

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: SQL-based
Development Status: 1 - Planning
目標受眾: Developers
自然語言: Chinese (Simplified), English
操作系統: Windows XP
程式語言: C#
使用者介面: .NET/Mono
最後更新: 2013-01-27 21:23

The Two-Layered GUI Toolkit

The Two-Layered GUI Toolkit is a library of GUI helper classes which is designed in a way to simplify development of separate interchangeable front-ends. For every supported dialog box type, there is a settings class (independent from a GUI toolkit) whose options can be used by one of the implementations for a specific GUI toolkit (bindings for Gtk#, WPF, and WinForms are provided, but custom ones can be added). That is, the dialog definition can be prepared by the application's core component and passed to the front-end, which uses it to instantiate the dialog box using whatever GUI toolkit it likes.

程式語言: C#
使用者介面: Graphical, .NET/Mono, .NET/Mono
最後更新: 2011-08-27 18:59


SharpBox implements a .NET driven application programming interface for existing cloud storage services developed in C#. The library currently supports DropBox and follows a provider interface approach to adopt any other cloud service as well, such as Amazon S3 or iDisk.

(Machine Translation)