Simple Project List 軟體列表

560 projects in result set
最後更新: 2014-06-12 08:51


Postgrey is a Postfix policy server that
implements greylisting. When a request for mail
delivery is received by Postfix via SMTP, the
triplet CLIENT_IP / SENDER / RECIPIENT is built.
If it is the first time that this triplet is seen,
or if the triplet was first seen less than 10
minutes ago, then the mail gets rejected with a
temporary error. Hopefully, spammers or viruses
will not try again later, even though such
behavior is required per RFC.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2013-09-29 13:11


Maildrop is a powerful email filter/delivery agent. It supports mbox-style mailboxes and maildirs (a mail storage format used by Qmail). Its mail filtering language supports RFC822 parsing and GDBM/Berkeley DB database files. The maildrop package also includes a command-line tool to perform various operations on MIME messages.

最後更新: 2006-03-02 07:23


Logrep is a secure multi-platform tool for the collection, extraction, and presentation of information from various log files. It features HTML reports, multi-dimensional analysis, overview pages, SSH communication, and graphs, and supports 25 popular systems including Snort, Squid, Postfix, Apache, Sendmail, syslog, iptables/ipchains, xferlog, NT event logs, Firewall-1, wtmp, Oracle listener, and Pix.

最後更新: 2010-06-20 09:13

color wrapper

cw is a non-intrusive real-time ANSI color wrapper for
common Unix-based commands. It is designed to simulate
the environment of the commands being executed, so that if
a person types 'du', 'df', 'ping', etc. in their shell it will
automatically color the output in real-time according to a
definition file containing the color format desired. It has
support for wildcard match coloring, tokenized coloring,
headers/footers, case scenario coloring, command-line-
dependent definition coloring, and includes over 50 pre-
made definition files.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2011-01-09 19:41


MHonArc is a Perl program for converting mail or news messages into HTML archives. It can also be used to convert individual messages into HTML documents. Other capabilities include robust MIME support and powerful user customization features.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2006-03-26 02:13


dbacl is a digramic Bayesian text classifier. Given some text, it calculates the posterior probabilities that the input resembles one of any number of previously learned document collections. It can be used to sort incoming email into arbitrary categories such as spam, work, and play, or simply to distinguish an English text from a French text. It fully supports international character sets, and uses sophisticated statistical models based on the Maximum Entropy Principle.

最後更新: 2014-03-11 22:34


htmLawed is a PHP script that makes input text more secure, HTML standards-compliant, and suitable in general from the viewpoint of a Web-page administrator, for use in the body of HTML 4 or XHTML 1 or 1.1 documents. It is a customizable HTML/XHTML filter, processor, purifier, and sanitizer. It can ensure that HTML tags are balanced and properly nested tags, neutralize code that may be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and limit the allowed HTML elements, tags, attributes, or URL protocols.

最後更新: 2004-08-10 09:48


sn is a small news system for sites which serve perhaps a few dozen newsgroups, and which have a slow connection to the Internet. The target user is a home or SOHO with a single modem connection to the Internet and serving a few workstations. sn also includes a mail-to-news filter.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2004-12-04 01:17

Yet Another antiVirus Recipe

Yet Another antiVirus Recipe is a procmail that
helps to filter out a lot of the most common
e-mail worms. It detects worms with base-64
signatures (such as Klez, Hybris, and BugBear),
HTML IFRAME exploits, CLSID hidden extension
exploits, -XML code base exploits, executable
extensions (bat, pif, vbs, vba, scr, lnk, com,
and exe), and macros for doc, dot, xls, and xla
files. It also detects most Nigerian scam

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2008-07-29 00:02

Heirloom mailx

Heirloom mailx (formerly known as "nail") is derived from Berkeley Mail and provides the functionality of the System V and POSIX mailx commands. Additional features include support for MIME, IMAP (including caching and disconnected use), POP3, SMTP, S/MIME, international character sets, maildir folders, message threading, powerful search methods, scoring, and a Bayesian junk mail filter. Mailx can be used as a mail batch language in nearly the same way as it is used interactively. It can thus act as a mailbox filter, can fetch mail from remote accounts, and can send files as attachments.

最後更新: 2011-02-03 14:44

redWall Firewall

redWall is a bootable CD-ROM firewall which focuses on Web-based reporting of the firewall's status. It includes Snort, snortsam, dansguardian, and support for fwbuilder, squidguard, reporting (using BASE/sarg/ntop/webfwlog), VPN (Openswan/PoPToP/Openvpn), Spam Filtering (spamassassin, dcc, razor2, clamav, amavis-new, dspam and maia mailguard), and mail-based, alerting. Configuration data are stored on a floppy or USB disk.

最後更新: 2006-01-21 04:02

Email Security through Procmail

Email Security through Procmail (the Procmail Sanitizer) provides methods to sanitize email, removing obvious exploit attempts and disabling the channels through which exploits are delivered. Facilities for detecting and blocking Trojan Horse exploits and worms are also provided.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2008-12-20 16:49

GNU Anubis

GNU Anubis is an SMTP message submission daemon. It represents an intermediate layer between the mail user agent (MUA) and mail transport agent (MTA), receiving messages from the MUA, applying to them a set of predefined changes, and finally inserting modified messages into an MTA routing network. The set of changes applied to a message is configurable on a system-wide and per-user basis. The built-in configuration language used for defining sets of changes allows for considerable flexibility and is easily extensible.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2008-09-12 04:33


Redet is a tool for developing and executing regular expressions using any of more than 50 search programs, editors, and programming languages, intended both for developing regular expressions for use elsewhere and as a search tool in its own right. For each program in each locale, a palette showing the available constructs is provided. The properties of each program are determined by runtime tests, which guarantees that they will be correct for the program version and locale. Additional features include persistent history, extensive help, a variety of character entry tools, and the ability to change locale while running. Redet is highly configurable and fully supports Unicode.

最後更新: 2010-06-06 07:35


mairix is a tool for indexing and searching email messages stored in Maildir, MH, or mbox folders. The index contains a map of which words occur in which parts of which messages. Searches on this index are fast and generate symlinks to the matching messages in a new Maildir or MH folder, or copies of matching messages in an mbox folder, which can be browsed normally in a mail client.

(Machine Translation)