Simple Project List 軟體列表

560 projects in result set
最後更新: 2002-07-14 18:56


The procmail and formail mail processing package can be used to create mail-servers, mailing lists, sort your incoming mail into separate folders/files (real convenient when subscribing to one or more mailing lists or for prioritising your mail), preprocess your mail, start any programs upon mail arrival (e.g. to generate different chimes on your workstation for different types of mail) or selectively forward certain incoming mail automatically to someone.

最後更新: 2009-06-26 13:19


amavisd-new is a high-performance and reliable
interface between MTAs and one or more content
checkers, including virus scanners, and/or the
Mail::SpamAssassin Perl module. It talks to an MTA
via (E)SMTP or LMTP, or by using helper programs.
No timing gaps exist in the design, which could
cause a mail loss. It is normally positioned at or
near a central mailer, not necessarily where the
user's mailboxes and final delivery takes place.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2014-06-03 08:32


AMaViS (A Mail Virus Scanner) scans e-mail
attachments for viruses using third-party virus
scanners available for UNIX environments. It
resides on a UNIX (Linux) machine and looks
through the attached files arriving via e-mail,
generates reports when a virus is found and sets
the delivery on hold.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2009-09-17 15:25


Animail is a multiserver POP3/APOP/IMAP4 (with or
without SSL) mail retrieval utility. It features
an advanced filtering system based on
blacklisting, whitelisting, or a combination of
both. It is possible to send an autoresponse which
prompts people to reply and add themselves to the
'autoaccept' file. It also allows filters based on
regular expressions which match against the email
headers. (If a message is filtered, only the
header is downloaded, not the entire body.)
Combining external filtering programs (e.g.
SpamAssassin or Bogofilter) as message
post-download plugins is also easily acomplished,
thus extending filtering capabilities in an
unlimited way. Available delivery options include
mailbox, maildir, local SMTP, and pipe to a command.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2006-07-10 07:02


Bogofilter is a Bayesian spam filter. In its normal mode of operation, it takes an email message or other text on standard input, does a statistical check against lists of "good" and "bad" words, and returns a status code indicating whether or not the message is spam. Bogofilter is designed with fast algorithms (including Berkeley DB system), coded directly in C, and tuned for speed, so it can be used for production by sites that process a lot of mail.

最後更新: 2014-05-12 22:29

PHP MIME Mail decoder class

PHP MIME Mail decoder class is a PHP class to parse and decode MIME email messages. It supports decoding single RFC 2822 MIME messages or archives that aggregate multiple messages in the mbox format. It can decode messages read from files or data strings. The bodies of multipart messages can be decoded into distinct sub-messages. Optionally, the message body data can be saved to separate files, so the class can handle messages larger than the available memory. The parser can tolerate some syntax errors in malformed messages that are not compliant with RFC 2822.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2006-03-26 02:13


dbacl is a digramic Bayesian text classifier. Given some text, it calculates the posterior probabilities that the input resembles one of any number of previously learned document collections. It can be used to sort incoming email into arbitrary categories such as spam, work, and play, or simply to distinguish an English text from a French text. It fully supports international character sets, and uses sophisticated statistical models based on the Maximum Entropy Principle.

最後更新: 2013-09-29 13:11


Maildrop is a powerful email filter/delivery agent. It supports mbox-style mailboxes and maildirs (a mail storage format used by Qmail). Its mail filtering language supports RFC822 parsing and GDBM/Berkeley DB database files. The maildrop package also includes a command-line tool to perform various operations on MIME messages.

最後更新: 2010-06-20 09:13

color wrapper

cw is a non-intrusive real-time ANSI color wrapper for
common Unix-based commands. It is designed to simulate
the environment of the commands being executed, so that if
a person types 'du', 'df', 'ping', etc. in their shell it will
automatically color the output in real-time according to a
definition file containing the color format desired. It has
support for wildcard match coloring, tokenized coloring,
headers/footers, case scenario coloring, command-line-
dependent definition coloring, and includes over 50 pre-
made definition files.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2004-12-04 01:17

Yet Another antiVirus Recipe

Yet Another antiVirus Recipe is a procmail that
helps to filter out a lot of the most common
e-mail worms. It detects worms with base-64
signatures (such as Klez, Hybris, and BugBear),
HTML IFRAME exploits, CLSID hidden extension
exploits, -XML code base exploits, executable
extensions (bat, pif, vbs, vba, scr, lnk, com,
and exe), and macros for doc, dot, xls, and xla
files. It also detects most Nigerian scam

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2011-01-09 19:41


MHonArc is a Perl program for converting mail or news messages into HTML archives. It can also be used to convert individual messages into HTML documents. Other capabilities include robust MIME support and powerful user customization features.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2014-03-11 22:34


htmLawed is a PHP script that makes input text more secure, HTML standards-compliant, and suitable in general from the viewpoint of a Web-page administrator, for use in the body of HTML 4 or XHTML 1 or 1.1 documents. It is a customizable HTML/XHTML filter, processor, purifier, and sanitizer. It can ensure that HTML tags are balanced and properly nested tags, neutralize code that may be used for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and limit the allowed HTML elements, tags, attributes, or URL protocols.

最後更新: 2008-09-12 04:33


Redet is a tool for developing and executing regular expressions using any of more than 50 search programs, editors, and programming languages, intended both for developing regular expressions for use elsewhere and as a search tool in its own right. For each program in each locale, a palette showing the available constructs is provided. The properties of each program are determined by runtime tests, which guarantees that they will be correct for the program version and locale. Additional features include persistent history, extensive help, a variety of character entry tools, and the ability to change locale while running. Redet is highly configurable and fully supports Unicode.

最後更新: 2008-07-29 00:02

Heirloom mailx

Heirloom mailx (formerly known as "nail") is derived from Berkeley Mail and provides the functionality of the System V and POSIX mailx commands. Additional features include support for MIME, IMAP (including caching and disconnected use), POP3, SMTP, S/MIME, international character sets, maildir folders, message threading, powerful search methods, scoring, and a Bayesian junk mail filter. Mailx can be used as a mail batch language in nearly the same way as it is used interactively. It can thus act as a mailbox filter, can fetch mail from remote accounts, and can send files as attachments.

最後更新: 2012-12-11 13:50


Perltidy is a Perl script indenter and beautifier. By default it approximately follows the suggestions in perlstyle(1), but the style can be adjusted with command line parameters. Perltidy can also write syntax-colored HTML output.