[Sie-announce] SIEコード [1313] SVGRectElementのsetメソッドを実装開始

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2009年 10月 5日 (月) 22:43:16 JST

Revision: 1313
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2009-10-05 22:43:16 +0900 (Mon, 05 Oct 2009)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/DOM/org/w3c/dom/svg.js
--- branches/DOM/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2009-10-04 12:47:28 UTC (rev 1312)
+++ branches/DOM/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2009-10-05 13:43:16 UTC (rev 1313)
@@ -2642,7 +2642,6 @@
 SVGPathElement.prototype.read = function(){
   this.d = this.getNamedItemNS(null, "d");
 SVGPathElement.prototype.set = function( /*float*/ w, /*float*/ h) {
   var dat = "";
   try {
@@ -2898,7 +2897,56 @@
 SVGRectElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGRectElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
+SVGRectElement.prototype.read = function( /*element*/ rect, /*Matrix*/ matrix, /*float*/ w, h) {
+  this.tar = rect;
+  try {
+    this.x.animVal = newValueSpecified((this.getNamedItem(null, "x") || 0), w);
+    this.y = new STLength((rect.getAttribute("y") || 0), h);
+    this.width = new STLength(rect.getAttribute("svgwidth"), w);
+    this.height = new STLength(rect.getAttribute("svgheight"), h);
+    var rx = rect.getAttribute("rx"), ry = rect.getAttribute("ry");
+    if (rx || ry) {
+      this.rx = new STLength((rx || ry), w);
+      this.ry = new STLength((ry || rx), h);
+      if (this.rx.value > this.width.value / 2) { //rx属性が幅より大きければ、幅の半分を属性に設定
+        this.rx.value = this.width.value / 2;
+      }
+      if (this.ry.value > this.height.value / 2) {
+        this.ry.value = this.height.value / 2;
+      }
+    }
+    this.paint = new NAIBU.PaintColor(rect);
+    this.transformable = NAIBU.transformToCTM(rect,matrix);
+    w = h = rx = ry = null;
+  } catch(ee) {stlog.add(ee,545);}
+  return this;
+SVGRectElement.prototype.set = function rectset(w,h) {
+  try {
+    var x = this.x.value, y = this.y.value, xw = x + this.width.value, yh = y + this.height.value;
+    var list;
+    if (this.rx) {
+      var rx = this.rx.value, ry = this.ry.value;
+      var rrx = rx * 0.55228, rry = ry * 0.55228;
+      var a = xw - rx, b = x + rx, c = y + ry, d = yh - ry;
+      list = ["m",b,y, "l",a,y, "c",a+rrx,y,xw,c-rry,xw,c, "l",xw,d, "c",xw,d+rry,a+rrx,yh,a,yh, "l",b,yh, "c",b-rrx,yh,x,d+rry,x,d, "l",x,c, "c",x,c-rry,b-rrx,y,b,y];
+    } else {
+      list = ["m",x,y, "l",x,yh, xw,yh, xw,y, "x e"];
+    }
+    var ttm = this.getCTM();
+    var pl = new PList(list);
+    var plm = pl.matrixTransform(ttm);
+    var dat = plm.list.join(" ");
+  } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,564);}
+  try {
+    var ele = this.tar;
+    ele.path = dat;
+    ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
+    dat = list = pl = plm = ttm = this.transformable = w = h = null; //解放
+  } catch(ee) {stlog.add(ee,576);}
 function SVGCircleElement() { 
   SVGElement.apply(this, arguments);
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.cx = new SVGAnimatedLength(0);

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