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Small footprint C++ library to extract an XPath 1.0 expression from an XML tree. Uses the TinyXML project to parse XML trees and store intermediate results. Runs on any platform. Optional use of STL. Overhead less than 100KB, including TinyXML.

System Requirements

操作系統: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7), MacOSX, POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..), Linux

Download Package list

Latest 5 files
名稱 大小 日期 下載總數
tinyxpath_1_3_1.tgz 80.8 KB 2007-06-25 19:32 78 108.5 KB 2007-06-25 19:32 372
tinyxpath_1_3_0.tgz 76.3 KB 2007-05-08 21:10 7 96.9 KB 2007-04-30 01:32 22 97.2 KB 2006-04-17 19:02 36
All Files
TinyXPath (Linux - tar.gz)
TinyXPath 1.3.1
tinyxpath_1_3_1.tgz80.8 KB2007-06-25 19:3278
TinyXPath 1.3.0
tinyxpath_1_3_0.tgz76.3 KB2007-05-08 21:107
TinyXPath 1.2.4
tinyxpath_1_2_4.tgz76.5 KB2006-04-17 19:0213
TinyXpath 1.2.3
tinyxpath_1_2_3.tgz68.3 KB2004-12-15 06:197
TinyXPath 1.2.2
tinyxpath_1_2_2.tgz66.4 KB2004-03-13 23:178
TinyXPath 1.2.1
tinyxpath_1_2_1.tgz64.1 KB2004-01-18 20:339
TinyXPath 1.2
tinyxpath_1_2.tgz63.1 KB2004-01-10 06:107
TinyXPath (windows - zip)
TinyXPath 1.3.1
tinyxpath_1_3_1.zip108.5 KB2007-06-25 19:32372
TinyXPath 1.3.0
tinyxpath_1_3_0.zip96.9 KB2007-04-30 01:3222
TinyXPath 1.2.4
tinyxpath_1_2_4.zip97.2 KB2006-04-17 19:0236
TinyXpath 1.2.3
tinyxpath_1_2_3.zip88.7 KB2004-12-15 06:194
TinyXPath 1.2.2
tinyxpath_1_2_2.zip87.6 KB2004-03-13 23:1715
TinyXPath 1.2.1
tinyxpath_1_2_1.zip85.0 KB2004-01-18 20:3311
TinyXPath 1.2
tinyxpath_1_2.zip80.5 KB2004-01-10 06:1020
tinyxpath_1_1.zip79.5 KB2003-12-31 06:455
tinyxpath_1_1.tar.gz57.5 KB2003-12-31 06:455
tinyxpath_0_3.tar.gz45.2 KB2002-06-12 16:293
tinyxpath_0_3.ZIP64.3 KB2002-06-12 04:292
tinyxpath_0_2.tar.gz42.0 KB2002-05-28 23:143
tinyxpath_0_1.zip59.1 KB2002-05-28 05:092
tinyxpath_0_2.zip64.0 KB2002-05-28 05:052
tinyxpath_1_0.zip59.1 KB2002-05-22 06:133