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nwn2j-mirror Dialog.TLK_30-Apr-2007 (1 files 隱藏)





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※本体インストールディレクトリに存在するDialog.tlkと置き換えた場合,レジストリのLanguage IDが変化し,Pacth適用が正常に出来なくなる問題が発生する可能性があります。

※FontFamily.xmlでDefault Font FamilyのPointを14などにしている場合Optionが全て表示しきれないなどの問題が起きる場合があります。これらの対処方法に関しては当日本語化プロジェクト・フォーラムを参照してください。


< <color=Gold>クラスの特徴:</color>
> <color=Gold>クラス・フィーチャー:</color>
< - <b>アライメント制限:</b> ローフル以外 - バードは放浪者であり、きまぐれと直感で行動します。
> - <b>アライメント制限:</b> ローフル以外 - バードは放浪者であり、きまぐれと直感で行動します。
< - <b>ヒットダイス:</b> d6
> - <b>ヒットダイス:</b> d6
< - <b>基本攻撃ボーナス:</b> 並。
> - <b>基本攻撃ボーナス:</b> 並。
< - <b>得意セービングスロー:</b> 反応と意志
> - <b>得意セービングスロー:</b> 反応と意志
< - <b>武器熟練:</b> 単純武器、ロングソード、レイピア、ショートソード、ショートボウ。
> - <b>武器習熟:</b> 単純武器、ロングソード、レイピア、ショートソード、ショートボウ。
< - <b>鎧習熟:</b> 軽装鎧と盾(タワーシールドを除く)。
> - <b>鎧習熟:</b> 軽装鎧と盾(タワーシールドを除く)。
< - <b>技能ポイント:</b> 1レベル:{6+知力修正値}x4、レベル上昇毎:6+知力修正値。
> - <b>技能ポイント:</b> 1レベル:{6+知力修正値}x4、レベル上昇毎:6+知力修正値。
< - <b>クラス技能:</b>〈鑑定〉〈はったり〉〈精神集中〉〈ポーション作成〉〈鎧作成〉〈罠作成〉〈武器作成〉〈交渉〉〈隠れ身〉〈聞き耳〉〈伝承知識〉〈忍び足〉〈受け流し〉〈芸能〉〈手先の早業〉〈呪文学〉〈挑発〉〈軽業〉〈魔法装置使用〉
> - <b>クラス技能:</b>〈鑑定〉〈はったり〉〈精神集中〉〈ポーション作成〉〈鎧作成〉〈罠作成〉〈武器作成〉〈交渉〉〈隠れ身〉〈聞き耳〉〈伝承知識〉〈忍び足〉〈受け流し〉〈芸能〉〈手先の早業〉〈呪文学〉〈挑発〉〈軽業〉〈魔法装置使用〉
< - <b>呪文:</b> バードは信仰呪文を発動し、それらはバード呪文リストから得られます。バードは前もって準備することなくどれでも呪文を発動できます。呪文を習得し発動するため、バードは少なくとも10+呪文レベル分の魅力値(0レベル呪文で魅力10、1レベル呪文で魅力11のように)が必要です。8レベル以降で3レベル毎に、バードはこれまで保有していた呪文と同レベルの他の新しい呪文とを一つだけ交換できます。交換する呪文は、バードが現在発動できるレベルよりも2レベル下でなければなりません(レベル1呪文の交換はレベル8、1レベル及び2レベル呪文はレベル11、1レベルと2レベルと3レベル呪文はレベル14のように)。バードは軽装の鎧を着用している時は信仰呪文の発動に失敗することはなく、中装や重装の鎧と盾は通常の失敗確率が適用されます。
> - <b>呪文:</b> バードは秘術呪文を発動し、それらはバード呪文リストから得られます。バードは前もって準備することなくどれでも呪文を発動できます。呪文を習得し発動するため、バードは少なくとも10+呪文レベル分の魅力値(0レベル呪文で魅力10、1レベル呪文で魅力11のように)が必要です。8レベル以降で3レベル毎に、バードはこれまで保有していた呪文と同レベルの他の新しい呪文とを一つだけ交換できます。交換する呪文は、バードが現在発動できるレベルよりも2レベル下でなければなりません(レベル1呪文の交換はレベル8、1レベル及び2レベル呪文はレベル11、1レベルと2レベルと3レベル呪文はレベル14のように)。バードは軽装の鎧を着用している時は信仰呪文の発動に失敗することはなく、中装や重装の鎧と盾は通常の失敗確率が適用されます。
< - <b>バードの知識:</b> バードは陸地を放浪して多くの知識を収集し、他のバードから物語りを受け継いでいます。バードが〈伝承知識〉判定をするときはいつも、バードのレベル分が判定に上乗せされます。
> - <b>バードの知識:</b> バードは陸地を放浪して多くの知識を収集し、他のバードから物語りを受け継いでいます。バードが〈伝承知識〉判定をするときはいつも、バードのレベル分が判定に上乗せされます。
< - <b>触発:</b> バードが居るだけでも仲間(コンパニオン)に一定の刺激を与えます。呪歌とは異なり使用回数の制限が無く常に刺激し続けますが、一方、バードはいつでも一つの鼓舞を使っても構いません。レベル1でバードは【勇気鼓舞】することだけができ、レベルが上がると仲間(とバード自身)は様々な利益を得ます。鼓舞には7種類有ります:
> - <b>触発:</b> バードが居るだけでも仲間(コンパニオン)に一定の刺激を与えます。呪歌とは異なり使用回数の制限が無く常に刺激し続けますが、一方、バードはいつでも一つの鼓舞を使っても構いません。レベル1でバードは【勇気鼓舞】することだけができ、レベルが上がると仲間(とバード自身)は様々な利益を得ます。鼓舞には7種類有ります:
< * <b>勇気鼓舞 (1レベル):</b> 命中とダメージにボーナスを与えます。+1で始まりレベル8で+2、14レベルで+3、20レベルで+4になります。
< * <b>自信鼓舞 (2レベル):</b> 同盟者全員に技能ボーナスを与えます。+2で始まり、11レベルで+4、19レベルで+6になります。
> * <b>勇気鼓舞 (1レベル):</b> 命中とダメージにボーナスを与えます。+1で始まりレベル8で+2、14レベルで+3、20レベルで+4になります。
> * <b>自信鼓舞 (2レベル):</b> 同盟者全員に技能ボーナスを与えます。+2で始まり、11レベルで+4、19レベルで+6になります。
< * <b>防御鼓舞 (5レベル):</b> 同盟者全員にAC回避ボーナスを与えます。+2で始まり、10レベルで+3、15レベルで+4、20レベルで+5になります。
> * <b>防御鼓舞 (5レベル):</b> 同盟者全員にAC回避ボーナスを与えます。+2で始まり、10レベルで+3、15レベルで+4、20レベルで+5になります。
< * <b>再生鼓舞 (7レベル):</b> パーティの全員に対し2ラウンドで一定のヒットポイントを癒します。1ポイントで始まり、12レベルで2点、17レベルで3点になります。
> * <b>再生鼓舞 (7レベル):</b> パーティの全員に対し2ラウンドで一定のヒットポイントを癒します。1ポイントで始まり、12レベルで2点、17レベルで3点になります。
< * <b>頑強鼓舞 (8レベル):</b> 同盟者全員にセーヴィングスロー・ボーナスを与えます。+1で始まり、13レベルで+2、18レベルで+3になります。
> * <b>頑強鼓舞 (8レベル):</b> 同盟者全員にセーヴィングスロー・ボーナスを与えます。+1で始まり、13レベルで+2、18レベルで+3になります。
< * <b>減速鼓舞 (11レベル):</b> バードから20フィート以内の全ての敵は意志セーブ(DC13+(?)バードレベル+魅力修正値)に失敗すると敵は動きが鈍くなります。始めは15%減速し、16レベルで30%減速します。<i>スロー</i>呪文とは異なり、移動に関する以外の不利益はありません。
> * <b>減速鼓舞 (11レベル):</b> バードから20フィート以内の全ての敵は意志セーブ(DC13+(?)バードレベル+魅力修正値)に失敗すると敵は動きが鈍くなります。始めは15%減速し、16レベルで30%減速します。<i>スロー</i>呪文とは異なり、移動に関する以外の不利益はありません。
< * <b>不快鼓舞 (14レベル):</b> 20フィート以内の全ての敵は〈精神集中〉判定に-4、意志セーブに-2のペナルティを被ります。
> * <b>不快鼓舞 (14レベル):</b> 20フィート以内の全ての敵は〈精神集中〉判定に-4、意志セーブに-2のペナルティを被ります。
< - <b>呪歌:</b> バードレベルにつき1日に1度、バードは歌と詩によって周りに(望むなら自身も含み)魔法効果を得ることができます。バードの〈芸能〉のランクやバードのレベルによって使える呪歌が決まってきます。特に他に定められていない限り、呪歌は10ラウンドの持続時間があります。
> - <b>呪歌:</b> バードレベルにつき1日に1度、バードは歌と詩によって周りに(望むなら自身も含み)魔法効果を得ることができます。バードの〈芸能〉のランクやバードのレベルによって使える呪歌が決まってきます。特に他に定められていない限り、呪歌は10ラウンドの持続時間があります。
< - <b>打ち消しの呪歌 (前提:〈芸能〉3):</b> この歌はターゲットした同盟者に10ラウンドの間或いは解除するまで付与します。【打ち消しの呪歌】が作用している間、敵対する呪文はどれでも10+レベルの【呪文抵抗判定】をすることになります。呪文が相殺されようとなかろうと、【打ち消しの呪歌】は解除されます。
> - <b>打ち消しの呪歌 (前提:〈芸能〉3):</b> この歌はターゲットした同盟者に10ラウンドの間或いは解除するまで付与します。【打ち消しの呪歌】が作用している間、敵対する呪文はどれでも10+レベルの【呪文抵抗判定】をすることになります。呪文が相殺されようとなかろうと、【打ち消しの呪歌】は解除されます。
< - <b>恍惚の呪歌 (前提:〈芸能〉3):</b> 90フィート以内の敵対するあらゆるクリーチャーは、意志セーブ(DC: 11 + バードレベル/2 + 魅力修正値)をしなければなりません。【恍惚の呪歌】は精神に作用する(抑えがたい)能力です。セーブに失敗したターゲットは、バードが演奏中で90tィート以内にいる間は放心状態になります。セービング・スローに失敗し放心効果が1ラウンド以上残っていても、クリーチャーが攻撃され10フィート以内にいる場合は効果が終了します。この能力を再び使用できるまでには10ラウンドの猶予期間があります。恍惚の呪歌はバードのレベル毎に1体の敵に効果を与えます。
> - <b>恍惚の呪歌 (前提:〈芸能〉3):</b> 90フィート以内の敵対するあらゆるクリーチャーは、意志セーブ(DC: 11 + バードレベル/2 + 魅力修正値)をしなければなりません。【恍惚の呪歌】は精神に作用する(抑えがたい)能力です。セーブに失敗したターゲットは、バードが演奏中で90tィート以内にいる間は放心状態になります。セービング・スローに失敗し放心効果が1ラウンド以上残っていても、クリーチャーが攻撃され10フィート以内にいる場合は効果が終了します。この能力を再び使用できるまでには10ラウンドの猶予期間があります。恍惚の呪歌はバードのレベル毎に1体の敵に効果を与えます。
< - <b>安息の呪歌 (前提: レベル3,〈芸能〉6):</b> この呪歌は【意志セーブ】(DC: 11 + バードレベル/2 + 魅力修正値)に失敗した全ての敵がバードを攻撃できないようにし、バードや同盟者が敵に敵対行動(例えば攻撃や有害な呪文)を取らない限り持続します。【恍惚の呪歌】と【Cloud Mindの呪歌】は敵対行動には含まれません。
> - <b>安息の呪歌 (前提: レベル3,〈芸能〉6):</b> この呪歌は【意志セーブ】(DC: 11 + バードレベル/2 + 魅力修正値)に失敗した全ての敵がバードを攻撃できないようにし、バードや同盟者が敵に敵対行動(例えば攻撃や有害な呪文)を取らない限り持続します。【恍惚の呪歌】と【Cloud Mindの呪歌】は敵対行動には含まれません。
< - <b>心霧の呪歌 (前提: レベル6,〈芸能〉9):</b> これはより強力で単一目標とする以外は【恍惚の呪歌】と同じです。セーヴィングスローDCは 14 + バードレベル/2 + 魅力修正値 に増加し、敵にが攻撃を受けても効果は中断しません。この呪歌の再使用には5ラウンドの猶予期間ェあります。
> - <b>心霧の呪歌 (前提: レベル6,〈芸能〉9):</b> これはより強力で単一目標とする以外は【恍惚の呪歌】と同じです。セーヴィングスローDCは 14 + バードレベル/2 + 魅力修正値 に増加し、敵にが攻撃を受けても効果は中断しません。この呪歌の再使用には5ラウンドの猶予期間ェあります。
< - <b>鋼鉄肌の呪歌 (前提:レベル9,〈芸能〉12):</b> この呪歌はパーティに4ラウンドの間 5/- のダメージ吸収を付与します。
> - <b>鋼鉄肌の呪歌 (前提:レベル9,〈芸能〉12):</b> この呪歌はパーティに4ラウンドの間 5/- のダメージ吸収を付与します。
< - <b>解放の呪歌 (前提: レベル12,〈芸能〉15):</b> 12レベルになったバードは、DC(11 + 解除対象の術者レベル)判定で同盟者ののろいと魔力付与を打ち破れるようになります。
> - <b>解放の呪歌 (前提: レベル12,〈芸能〉15):</b> 12レベルになったバードは、DC(11 + 解除対象の術者レベル)判定で同盟者ののろいと魔力付与を打ち破れるようになります。
< - <b>英雄鼓舞の呪歌 (前提: レベル15,〈芸能〉18):</b> この呪歌はバード自身か他の単一目標を奮起させます。5ラウンドの間、奮起したクリーチャーはAC+4の回避ボーナスとセーヴィングスローに+4士気ボーナスが付与されます。更に、奮起したクリーチャーは1レベルにつき+4の一時ヒットポイントが付与されます。この呪歌の再使用には20ラウンドの猶予期間があります。
> - <b>英雄鼓舞の呪歌 (前提: レベル15,〈芸能〉18):</b> この呪歌はバード自身か他の単一目標を奮起させます。5ラウンドの間、奮起したクリーチャーはAC+4の回避ボーナスとセーヴィングスローに+4士気ボーナスが付与されます。更に、奮起したクリーチャーは1レベルにつき+4の一時ヒットポイントが付与されます。この呪歌の再使用には20ラウンドの猶予期間があります。
< - <b>軍隊行進曲 (前提: レベル18,〈芸能〉21):</b> この呪歌は60フィート以内の全ての同盟者を奮起させます。効果範囲内の同盟者はより高い攻撃ボーナスで判定され、影響を受けたキャラクターはこの新しい攻撃ボーナスが適用されます。影響を受けたキャラクターのダメージロールに+4の力量ボーナスが付与されます。この能力は10ラウンドの間有効です。この能力の再使用には(ゲーム内)5分の猶予期間があります。
> - <b>軍隊行進曲 (前提: レベル18, 〈芸能〉21):</b> この呪歌は60フィート以内の全ての同盟者を奮起させます。効果範囲内の同盟者はより高い攻撃ボーナスで判定され、影響を受けたキャラクターはこの新しい攻撃ボーナスが適用されます。影響を受けたキャラクターのダメージロールに+4の力量ボーナスが付与されます。この能力は10ラウンドの間有効です。この能力の再使用には(ゲーム内)5分の猶予期間があります。
< 6405 := 受諾
> 6405 := 了解
< 7308 := 縦
> 7308 := 身長
< 66092 := 暴力表現を制限
> 66092 := 低
< 112018 := Blindsight
< 112019 := False Life
> 112018 := ブラインドサイト
> 112019 := フォルス・ライフ
< 112028 := Rage
> 112028 := Rage (3)
< 概要: ウォーロックは妖力を用いて敵を攻撃する。悪意ある魔力は敵に傷を負わせるばかりでなく、時には他の有害な効果を伴うこともある。この攻撃は単一の対象を狙った遠隔接触攻撃として扱われ、対象はセービングスローで回避する事はできない。<i>エルドリッチ・ブラスト</i>は対象の呪文抵抗の影響を受けるが、《抵抗破り》をはじめとするとする敵の呪文抵抗を破る際に術者レベルチェックを有利にする各種特技を<i>エルドリッチ・ブラスト</i>にも適用する事ができる。呪文修正特技によっては<i>エルドリッチ・ブラスト</i>の効果を向上させることはできない。(なぜなら、これは呪文類似能力であって、呪文ではないためである。)
> 概要: ウォーロックは妖力を用いて敵を攻撃する。悪意ある魔力は敵に傷を負わせるばかりでなく、時には他の有害な効果を伴うこともある。この攻撃は単一の対象を狙った遠隔接触攻撃として扱われ、対象はセービングスローで回避する事はできない。<i>エルドリッチ・ブラスト</i>は対象の呪文抵抗の影響を受けるが、《抵抗破り》をはじめとする敵の呪文抵抗を破る際に術者レベルチェックを有利にする各種特技を<i>エルドリッチ・ブラスト</i>にも適用する事ができる。呪文修正特技によっては<i>エルドリッチ・ブラスト</i>の効果を向上させることはできない。(なぜなら、これは呪文類似能力であって、呪文ではないためである。)
< 術者レベル:クレリック3、ドルイド3、 ウィザード/ソーサラー2
< イネートレベル:2
> 術者レベル: クレリック 3、 ドルイド 3、 ウィザード / ソーサラー 2
> イネートレベル: 2
< The target can see invisible creatures (as the see invisibility spell) and suffers no penalties for fighting or acting in total darkness.
< 113162 := (False Life)
< 術者レベル:ウィザード/ソーサラー2
< イネートレベル:2
< 呪文系統:死霊術(Nec)
> この呪文の対象は(「シー・インヴィジビリティ」の呪文と同様に)不可視のクリーチャーを看破できるようになる上、完全な暗闇の中であっても一切のペナルティなしで戦闘やその他の行動を行えるようになる。
> 113162 := 術者レベル: ウィザード / ソーサラー 2
> イネートレベル: 2
> 呪文系統: 死霊術(Nec)
< 呪文構成要素:音声、動作
< 射程:個人
< 効果範囲/対象:術者
< 持続時間:術者レベル毎1時間
> 呪文構成要素: 音声、動作
> 射程: 個人
> 効果範囲/対象: 術者
> 持続時間: 術者レベル毎1時間
< You harness the power of unlife to grant yourself a limited ability to avoid death. While this spell is in effect, you gain temporary hit points equal to1d10 +1 per caster level (maximum +10).
> (False Life、偽りの生命)
> 術者は呪文の効果中、1d10+術者レベル毎1(最大+10)の一時的なHPを得て限定的ながら死を回避することが出来る。
< 113208 := 妖術種別: 初級
> 113208 := (Beguiling Influence、魅惑の感化力)
> 妖術種別: 初級
< (Beguiling Influence、魅惑の感化力)
< 術者はこの能力を発動することによって、敵を欺き、魅惑することができる。術者は24時間の間、〈はったり〉、〈説得〉、〈威圧〉の各技能判定時に+6のボーナスを得る。
> 術者はこの能力を発動することによって、敵を欺き、魅惑することができる。術者は24時間の間、〈はったり〉、〈交渉〉、〈威圧〉の各技能判定時に+6のボーナスを得る。
< 113210 := 妖術種別: 初級
> 113210 := (Dark One's Own Luck、闇なる者の強運)
> 妖術種別: 初級
< (Dark One's Own Luck、闇なる者の強運)
< 113211 := 妖術種別: 初級
> 113211 := (Darkness、暗闇)
> 妖術種別: 初級
< (Darkness、暗闇)
< 113212 := 妖術種別: 初級
> 113212 := (Devil's Eye、デビルの眼)
> 妖術種別: 初級
< (Devil's Eye、デビルの眼)
< 113213 := 妖術種別: 初級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113213 := (Draining Blast、脱力の妖気)
> 妖術種別: 初級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Draining Blast、脱力の妖気)
< 113214 := 妖術種別: ブラスト・シェイプ
> 113214 := (Eldritch Spear、妖力の魔槍)
> 妖術種別: 初級:ブラスト・シェイプ
< (Eldritch Spear、妖力の魔槍)
< 113215 := 妖術種別: 初級
> 113215 := (Entropic Warding、エントロピーの防壁)
> 妖術種別: 初級
< (Entropic Warding、エントロピーの防壁)
< 113216 := 妖術種別: エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113216 := (Frightful Blast、畏怖の妖気)
> 妖術種別: エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Frightful Blast、畏怖の妖気)
< 113217 := 妖術種別: 初級:ブラスト・シェイプ
> 113217 := (Hideous Blow、忌まわしき一撃)
> 妖術種別: 初級:ブラスト・シェイプ
< (Hideous Blow、忌まわしき一撃)
< 113218 := 妖術種別: 初級
> 113218 := (Leaps and Bounds、跳舞)
> 妖術種別: 初級
< (Leaps and Bounds、跳舞)
< 113219 := 妖術種別: 初級
> 113219 := (See the Unseen、見えざる者の眼)
> 妖術種別: 初級
< (See the Unseen、見えざる者の眼)
< 113220 := 妖術種別: 中級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113220 := (Beshadowed Blast、影なる妖気)
> 妖術種別: 中級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Beshadowed Blast、影なる妖気)
< 113221 := 妖術種別: 中級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113221 := (Brimstone Blast、業火の妖気)
> 妖術種別: 中級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Brimstone Blast、業火の妖気)
< 113222 := 妖術種別: 中級
> 113222 := (Charm、魅了)
> 妖術種別: 中級
< (Charm、魅了)
< 113223 := 妖術種別: 中級
> 113223 := (Curse of Despair、絶望の呪詛)
> 妖術種別: 中級
< (Curse of Despair、絶望の呪詛)
< 113224 := 妖術種別: 中級
> 113224 := (The Dead Walk、骸の歩卒)
> 妖術種別: 中級
< (The Dead Walk、骸の歩卒)
< 113225 := 妖術種別: 中級:ブラストシェイプ
> 113225 := (Eldritch Chain、妖力の鎖)
> 妖術種別: 中級:ブラストシェイプ
< (Eldritch Chain、妖力の鎖)
< 113226 := 妖術種別: 中級
> 113226 := (Flee the Scene、急転疾走)
> 妖術種別: 中級
< (Flee the Scene、急転疾走)
< 113227 := 妖術種別: 中級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113227 := (Hellrime Blast、白霜の妖気)
> 妖術種別: 中級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Hellrime Blast、白霜の妖気)
< 113228 := 妖術種別: 中級
> 113228 := (Voidsense、虚無なる知覚)
> 妖術種別: 中級
< (Voidsense、虚無なる知覚)
< 113229 := 妖術種別: 中級
> 113229 := (Voracious Dispelling、貪欲なる解呪)
> 妖術種別: 中級
< (Voracious Dispelling、貪欲なる解呪)
< 113230 := 妖術種別: 中級
> 113230 := (Walk Unseen、見えざる歩み)
> 妖術種別: 中級
< (Walk Unseen、見えざる歩み)
< 113231 := 妖術種別: 上級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113231 := (Bewitching Blast、幻惑の妖気)
> 妖術種別: 上級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Bewitching Blast、幻惑の妖気)
< 113232 := 妖術種別: 上級
> 113232 := (Chilling Tentacles、冷気の触手)
> 妖術種別: 上級
< (Chilling Tentacles、冷気の触手)
< 113233 := 妖術種別: 上級
> 113233 := (Devour Magic、魔力食らい)
> 妖術種別: 上級
< (Devour Magic、魔力食らい)
< 113234 := 妖術種別: 上級:ブラスト・シェイプ
> 113234 := (Eldritch Cone、妖力の円錐)
> 妖術種別: 上級:ブラスト・シェイプ
< (Eldritch Cone、妖力の円錐)
< 113235 := 妖術種別: 上級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113235 := (Noxious Blast、猛毒の妖気)
> 妖術種別: 上級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Noxious Blast、猛毒の妖気)
< 113236 := 妖術種別: 上級
> 113236 := (Tenacious Plague、執念深き蟲禍)
> 妖術種別: 上級
< (Tenacious Plague、執念深き蟲禍)
< 113237 := 妖術種別: 上級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113237 := (Vitriolic Blast、硫酸の妖気)
> 妖術種別: 上級:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Vitriolic Blast、硫酸の妖気)
< 113238 := 妖術種別: 上級
> 113238 := (Wall of Perilous Flame、悪意ある炎の壁)
> 妖術種別: 上級
< (Wall of Perilous Flame、悪意ある炎の壁)
< 113239 := 妖術種別: 暗黒
> 113239 := (Dark Foresight、闇なる者の見切り)
> 妖術種別: 暗黒
< (Dark Foresight、闇なる者の見切り)
< 113240 := 妖術種別: 暗黒:ブラストシェイプ
> 113240 := (Eldritch Doom、妖力の審判)
> 妖術種別: 暗黒:ブラストシェイプ
< (Eldritch Doom、妖力の審判)
< 113241 := 妖術種別: 暗黒
> 113241 := (Path of Shadow、影の径)
> 妖術種別: 暗黒
< (Path of Shadow、影の径)
< 113242 := 妖術種別: 暗黒
> 113242 := (Retributive Invisibility、見えざる報復)
> 妖術種別: 暗黒
< (Retributive Invisibility、見えざる報復の呪詛)
< 113243 := 妖術種別: 暗黒:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
> 113243 := (Utterdark Blast、真なる暗黒の妖気)
> 妖術種別: 暗黒:エルドリッチ・エッセンス
< (Utterdark Blast、真なる暗黒の妖気)
< 113244 := 妖術種別: 暗黒
> 113244 := (Word of Changing、変化の秘句)
> 妖術種別: 暗黒
< (Word of Changing、変化の秘句)
< 113779 := 統計
> 113779 := 能力値
< 122855 := {hushed tones--he doesn't want rumors to spread}And the blight? You're sure it's spreading, Orlen?
< 122856 := It's no blight, {GAY-org}Georg, it's something else. There's no mold, no rot. It's like the crops don't <i>want</i> to grow. Like they haven't the guts to up and face the sun.
< 122857 := What do the druids say?
< 122858 := Well, that's just the rub, Georg. There's no druids to be found, not head nor heel.
< 122859 := You think we ought to say something? Everyone's gathered for the Fair, even from the outlying farms...
< 122860 := {thoughtful}No. They ought to be free from cares, at least for a day. We'll go 'round tomorrow, talk to the households one by one.
< 122861 := Right you are, Georg. Tomorrow, then.
< 122862 := Used to be they'd warn me of troubles, long before I noticed the signs myself. But this time... rotten silence.
> 122855 := {声をひそめて--彼はうわさを広めたくなかった} そして枯れているのか? それが広がっているって言うのか、Orlen?
> 122856 := 枯れてはいないんだ、{GAY-org}Georg、何か別のもんだ。カビが生えているわけでも、腐っているわけでもない。まるで成長 <i>したくない</i> 穀物のようだ。伸びてお日様に当たろうという気力がないようなんだ。
> 122857 := druidたちはなんて言っているんだ?
> 122858 := ああ、それが一番困ったことなんだ、Georg。druidたちがいないんだ、リーダーも下位の者も。
> 122859 := みんなに何か言うべきかなあ? 祭りのためにみんな集まってるし、遠くの農場からも来てるし。
> 122860 := {考え込んで}いいや。彼等には心配事から開放しておいてあげよう、少なくとも今日は。明日になったらわしらで回ってみよう、世帯一軒一軒と話をして。
> 122861 := そうだな、Georg。明日だ、それからだ。
> 122862 := 彼等は、ずっと私に困ったことが起こると警告してたんだ、私自身が兆候に気付くずっと前から。それが今になって... 沈黙してるとはひどいじゃないか。
< 122942 := {He's trying to seem friendly, but he only cares about his shipment, really.}Why, you're {DAY-gun}Daeghun's ward. Isn't that right? It's been some time, but... he didn't happen to mention a shipment of furs, did he?
< 122943 := I'll have a look at those furs, if you've got them on hand...
< 122944 := Want to finish our business? Daeghun's expecting his Duskwood Bow, but I'll need some gold for it.
< 122945 := Tell Daeghun that's the finest bow I could lay hands on. Got it for him at a discount, too.
< 122946 := Good trading with you... give Daeghun my regards, won't you?
< 122947 := Ah, good! {DAY-gun}Daeghun's a reliable sort... always has the highest quality furs. You can't imagine the demand in Neverwinter. {beat--he said a little too much}Eh... relatively speaking.
< 122948 := {Trying to be pleasant, but delaying the trade is making him nervous}Oh. Of course. Whenever you like. But I do leave town tomorrow, one way or the other.
< 122949 := I haven't forgotten his Duskwood Bow, either. I always come through - you tell Daeghun that.
< 122950 := {Quick to deny this-he wouldn't deal directly with Luskans, and he's got a reputation to uphold!}No, no, no! From a village called Ember. They're good folk, just ended up on the wrong side when the maps got drawn. Fine bowyers, too.
< 122951 := Truth be told, I almost didn't come this year. The Mere's gotten strange of late...
> 122942 := {彼は友好的に見えるように努力しているが、実際は、自分の積み荷を気に掛けているだけだ。}何故? あんたは{DAY-gun}Daeghunの養子だよなあ? しかし... 彼は毛皮の事なんか言わなかったんじゃあないのかい? それともある時にたまたま言っちゃったのかな?
> 122943 := もし、あんたが渡してくれたら、その毛皮を見てみたいんだけど。
> 122944 := 取り引きを終わらせたいのかい? DaeghunはDuskwood Bowを待っているんだろう、だけど、それにはお金がいるよ。
> 122945 := Daeghunに最上級の弓が売れ残っているって伝えてくれ。彼には安くするとも言っておいて。
> 122946 := あんたと良い取り引きが出来たよ... Daeghunにもよろしく言ってくれるよね?
> 122947 := うわっ、ありがたい! {DAY-gun}Daeghunは良い仕事をするから... いつも最高級の毛皮だ。あんたはその毛皮がNeverwinterでどれだけ人気があるか想像できないだろう。 {beat--彼は少し口がすべった}えーっと... 比較的という話だよ。
> 122948 := {陽気になろうとしていたが、取り引きを遅らせることは彼を神経質にした}も、もちろん。あんたの都合の良い時でいつでも良いよ。しかし、私は明日この町を出て、帰ってくるかどうか。
> 122949 := 彼が頼んだDuskwood Bowの事も忘れていないよ。私は、何処にだって来るよ - Daeghunに言っといて。
> 122950 := {すぐに話を否定した-彼は直接Luskansと取り引きしたわけでなく、評判を上げようとしただけだった!}いや、いや、違う! Emberという村で取り引きしたんだ。いい住民たちで、地図を描いたときに上下あべこべにしただけだよ。いい弓の作り手でもあるし。
> 122951 := 本当のことを言うと、今年はほとんど来てないんだ。最近Mereが変になって...
< 122953 := Oh, they'd be courageous enough if you stumbled into one of their nests. But the roads are as strange to them as the swamp is to us.
< 122954 := Thanks for the kind wishes. I doubt I have much to fear from lizardlings, though.
< 122955 := Well... to me, anyway. I can't speak for you Harbormen, you're a strange lot.
< 122956 := Oh, them? Hired them on in Neverwinter. Ex-Greycloaks, I think, but I didn't ask too many questions.
< 122957 := | If player is drow |Wha - a dark elf? Here?
< 122958 := Wait, you're... you're Daeghun's ward, aren't you? I'd forgotten. Gave me quite a scare, you did.
< 122959 := Even in Neverwinter, we hear tales about that affair in Waterdeep... dark elves invading the city from Undermountain, slaying people in the streets. Not that... you were involved in any of that.
< 122960 := Finest goods from Neverwinter... water clocks, glass lamps, metalware, as well as dyes and salts and spices. Woodwork from Ember, too.
< 122961 := But... all that's left are special orders, promised to this customer or that. I do have an item for your father, though, if you've remembered to bring me his furs.
< 122962 := I'll warn you, the bow's a bit pricey. But it's fine workmanship. Sneaked it across the Luskan border.
< 122963 := | If player is duergar |Wha - a gray dwarf? Here?
< 122964 := Wait, you're... you're Daeghun's ward, aren't you? I'd forgotten. Gave me quite a scare, you did.
< 122965 := Even in Neverwinter, we hear tales about that affair in Waterdeep... drow and duergar invading the city from Undermountain, slaying people in the streets. Not that... you were involved in any of that.
< 122966 := | If player is tiefling |You're... Daeghun's ward, isn't that right? Funny, you're the second tiefling I've seen in as many days.
< 122967 := Crossed paths with a tiefling girl on the road south. Didn't stop to chat... usually safer that way...
< 122968 := {half-guilty, half-thankful}Those folk in Ember don't know what good craftsmanship is worth.
< 122969 := Lizardlings have been spotted on the road... and there's rumors of darker things, prowling deeper in the Mere.
< 122970 := Yes, I'm ready to trade.
< 122971 := No, I'll be back later.
< 122972 := Yes, let's trade.
< 122973 := No, I'll be back later.
> 122953 := とんでもない、あんたが奴らの巣に転がり込んだら十分に勇敢だよ。だけど街道は奴らにとっちゃあ見知らぬ所なんだよ。人間にとっての沼地と同様に。
> 122954 := ありがとう。私はlizardlingsを怖がりすぎているかもしれないな。
> 122955 := まあ... いずれにしろ、私にとってはね。あんたらHarbormenには言えないよ。あんたらだいぶ変わってるから。
> 122956 := ああ、こいつらかい? Neverwinterで雇ったのさ。たぶん元Greycloaksだよ、いろいろ聞けないけどね。
> 122957 := | If player is drow |うわっ- dark elfが? こんな所に?
> 122958 := 待てよ、あんたDaeghunの養子じゃないか。思い出したぞ。ビビっちまったじゃないか。
> 122959 := Neverwinterに居たって、Waterdeepでの事件は聞いてるよ... drowとduergarどもがUndermountainから都市部に侵入して、道ばたで住民を殺しまくったって言うじゃないか。あんたは... あの騒動に巻き込まれなかったんだな。
> 122960 := Neverwinterからの極上品だよ... 水時計、ガラスのランプ、金物類、染料や塩やスパイスももちろん。Emberの木工品もあるよ。
> 122961 := しかし... 残っているのはすべて特別な注文をもらって、あっちこっちへお届けする約束のあるものだ。あんたのお父さんには一つ品物があるんだが、あんたが父さんの毛皮を持ってきてくれればね。
> 122962 := あんたに言っておくが、Duskwood Bowはちょっと値が張るよ。だけどとても良い品だ。Luskanの国境をこっそり抜けてきたんだから。
> 122963 := | If player is duergar |うわっ- gray dwarfが? こんな所に?
> 122964 := 待てよ、あんたDaeghunの養子じゃないか。思い出したぞ。ビビっちまったじゃないか。
> 122965 := Neverwinterに居たって、Waterdeepでの事件は聞いてるよ... drowとduergarどもがUndermountainから都市部に侵入して、道ばたで住民を殺しまくったって言うじゃないか。あんたは... あの騒動に巻き込まれなかったんだな。
> 122966 := | If player is tiefling |あんたは... Daeghunの養子だったよなあ? 面白いよ、ずっと前にお目にかかって以来、tieflingに会うのは、あんたが二人目だ。
> 122967 := 十字路で、南の道にtieflingの女の子が立っている。おしゃべりを止めてない...普通その道の方が安全だろう...
> 122968 := {半ば後ろめたい気持ちで、半ば感謝しながら}Emberの住人たちは腕の良い職人技がどれだけ価値があるか知らないんだ。
> 122969 := Lizardlingsが街道で見つかっているし... 暗いうわさでは、Mereの深いところをうろついているらしい。
> 122970 := ええ、取り引きしましょう。
> 122971 := いや、また後で来ます。
> 122972 := ええ、取り引きしましょう。
> 122973 := いや、また後で来ます。
< 122975 := He did, in fact. I have them right here.
< 122976 := Leave me be, merchant. I'll trade with you later.
< 122977 := I'm ready to trade.
< 122978 := You bought the bow in Luskan?
< 122979 := I can't trade with you now. But I'll be back later.
< 122980 := |no store tutorial yet|Yes, I'm ready to trade.
< 122981 := I'll do that. Farewell.
< 122982 := What have the roads been like, lately?
< 122983 := Sounds like lizardlings aren't very brave.
< 122984 := Good fortune on your trip home.
< 122985 := Farewell.
< 122986 := Where did you find the sellswords?
< 122987 := What are you selling?
< 122988 := I have the furs right here.
< 122989 := I'll trade with you later.
< 122990 := I've brought some furs from Daeghun.
> 122975 := 彼はちゃんと言ったんです。だから私がここに居るんです。
> 122976 := もう行きます。後で取り引きしましょう。
> 122977 := さあ、取引しましょう。
> 122978 := Luskanから弓を持ってきてくれたんでしょう?
> 122979 := 今は取り引きできません。後で来ます。
> 122980 := |no store tutorial yet|ええ、取り引きしましょう。
> 122981 := そうします。ごきげんよう。
> 122982 := 最近、街道はどんな様子ですか?
> 122983 := lizardlingsはとても勇敢でない様に聞こえますね。
> 122984 := さようなら、道中の幸運を。
> 122985 := ごきげんよう。
> 122986 := 用心棒をどこで見つけたんですか?
> 122987 := 何を売ってます?
> 122988 := 毛皮を持っています。
> 122989 := 後で取り引きしましょう。
> 122990 := Daeghunに言われて、毛皮を持ってきました。
< 122992 := Tough lot, you Harbormen... I'll give you that.
< 122993 := West Harbor, they call it. And where's the water, I'd like to know?
< 122994 := The Harvest Brawl... ha! Now that's good entertainment.
< 122995 := We'd better be out of here by sundown...
< 122996 := Galen's the merchant, Harborman. We're just his hired swords.
< 122997 := Galen's the merchant, girl. We're just his hired swords.
< 122998 := Galen's the merchant, dark elf. We're just his hired swords.
< 122999 := Galen's the merchant, tiefling. We're just his hired swords.
> 122992 := 強いな、あんた... これをやるよ。
> 122993 := West Harborと呼ばれている。そして水がある、知りたいと思うか?
> 122994 := Harvest Brawlか... は! 良い催しものだな。
> 122995 := 日暮れまで俺たちはここにいない方がいいようだ...
> 122996 := Galenの雇われ者さ、Harbormanよ。おれらは彼の雇われ用心棒だ。
> 122997 := Galenの雇われ者さ、おねいちゃん。おれらは彼の雇われ用心棒だ。
> 122998 := Galenの雇われ者さ、dark elfよ。おれらは彼の雇われ用心棒だ。
> 122999 := Galenの雇われ者さ、tieflingよ。おれらは彼の雇われ用心棒だ。
< 123001 := Why Galen wastes his time in this village, I can't even guess.
< 123002 := Pfah. They call this a Fair, do they?
< 123003 := Galen pays us to fight, not to talk.
< 123004 := Don't stare, Harborman. It's considered rude, in civilized places.
< 123005 := Pester Galen, not me.
< 123006 := Don't stare, tiefling. It's considered rude, in civilized places.
> 123001 := なぜGalenはこんな村で時間を無駄にしているんだ、俺にはぜんぜんわからねえ。
> 123002 := へっ、村人の奴らこれを祭りって言ってるのか?
> 123003 := Galenは俺たちが戦うために金を払ってんだ、おしゃべりするためじゃねえ。
> 123004 := じろじろ見るな、Harborman。文明化されたところでは、失礼になるぞ。
> 123005 := Galenに言え、俺にじゃねえ。
> 123006 := じろじろ見るな、tiefling。文明化されたところでは、失礼になるぞ。
< 123008 := Don't stare, drow. It's considered rude, in civilized places.
< 123009 := Watch your step, drow. I've fought your kind before.
< 123010 := A gray dwarf? In the swamp? Take a wrong turn, did you?
< 123011 := Ech... a tiefling. Thought I smelled brimstone…
< 123012 := {quickly turning cheerful, after ending a very serious conversation}Aha! I been wondering when I'd see the three of you. Last year to compete, isn't that right?
< 123013 := Need some help, <FirstName>?
< 123014 := Well played, <FirstName>, well played! You've won the Cup! Congratulations, all of you!
< 123015 := Well played, <FirstName>, well played! You've won the Cup! Congratulations, all of you!
< 123016 := Well played, <FirstName>, you've won the Cup! And all four events, nobody's done that since Cormick!
< 123017 := Well played, <FirstName>, well played! You've won the Cup! And all four events, nobody's done that since Cormick!
< 123018 := Finish your business with Galen. My speech can wait...
< 123019 := {calling everyone to listen to his speech}Gather round, mates, gather round...
< 123020 := | Note: Player should really not get to see this text. |Fine day for a fair! Fine, indeed.
< 123021 := Rules are the same as ever. Win three of the four events, and you win the Harvest Cup.
< 123022 := Well, there's the Harvest Brawl. Old favorite, that one. And the Tourney of Talent, but you've got {AMY}Amie on your team, so you're certain to win.
< 123023 := Ol' Cormick fought in the Harvest Brawl against Bevil's older brother. {voice goes soft... he's hoping the player will ask about it, so he can tell the story}Stuff of legend, that was...
< 123024 := If you have any troubles, <FirstName>, you know where to find me. And good luck in the Brawl!
< 123025 := Better make it count, then. {lowers voice} Another victory speech from that muttonhead of a Mossfeld, and I think there'll be a riot.
< 123026 := {Embarassed, but pleased at the praise}Thanks, {GAY-org}Georg.
< 123027 := Just the truth, young lady.
< 123028 := Your foster father's running the Archery Competition, as always. And I managed to convince Tarmas to supervise the Knaves' Challenge.
< 123029 := {WILL}Wyl and his brothers have won the Harvest Brawl three years running. It'll be tough to dislodge them. But remember - you only have to win three events to claim the Cup.
< 123030 := {a little disappointed--wanted to tell a story but the player shut him down}Right you are, right you are. You've a Cup to win, after all.
< 123031 := {hushed and earnest--he's got himself convinced of this}Not just any story. Ask anyone who's lived here long enough. Nobody's seen anything like that fight, before or since.
< 123032 := {getting into full storytelling mode}It was the year of the foul harvest, when the crops grew stunted and weak. Not so different from this year, in fact, and folks were anxious for a fair, to take their minds off their troubles.
< 123033 := {storytelling mode}It so happened that there were two village lads of the same age, and both of 'em were big. Not just big in a physical sense, mind you, but big in talent, and big in courage, and big in potential.
< 123034 := {storytelling mode--at beginning, player has just asked if one of the combatants was Bevil's brother}Yes, indeed... the brother of our very own Bevil, and the eldest of the Starling lads...
< 123035 := {storytelling mode}Now old Lorne was champion of the Harvest Brawl. Three years he'd held the title, and most boys had only to look at him, 'fore they'd faint dead away. But our Cormick had a notion to win the Brawl that year and humble his rival for good.
< 123036 := {storytelling mode}So up he steps, and the crowd goes hushed. Then Lorne starts insulting him.
< 123037 := {storytelling mode}He said not a word. Finally, Lorne came at him in a fury, still casting insults, but Cormick wouldn't rise to the bait.
< 123038 := {storytelling mode--now he's just exaggerating}It went on for hours like that, through one day and into the next.
< 123039 := {storytelling mode}Then, all of a sudden, Cormick stopped in his tracks and gave old Lorne a punch, right in the nose. Lorne was so angry by then that he couldn't block it.
< 123040 := {storytelling mode--ending his tale, but he's expecting questions}And just like that, Cormick won the Harvest Brawl.
< 123041 := Why, I asked Cormick the same thing, just before he left town.
< 123042 := Next day, Cormick was gone. Folks reckoned that he'd done all there was to do in West Harbor, and it was time to move on. As for Lorne, well...
< 123043 := I hardly remember Lorne. He was practically grown by the time I could walk. And he left town soon after.
< 123044 := That's right, Bevil. Some say it was the fight with Cormick that drove him out.
< 123045 := Lorne Starling never was the same after that fight. He and Cormick had been friends, you might say, but only one of them was going to leave that ring with his pride intact.
< 123046 := Quite right! And the day's getting on...
< 123047 := {Somewhat defensive, but he doesn't want to lie, either.}Well, most of it! That's to say, more's true than isn't. I've livened up bits. Here and there.
< 123048 := There's some who'd agree with you, and some who wouldn't. But let me finish the story before you judge.
< 123049 := Ol' Cormick took every insult that Lorne could think up... didn't blink, or say a word. That got Lorne so angry that he came at Cormick in a fury.
< 123050 := Win three of the four events, and we'll award you the Cup. Win them all, and we'll grant you a bonus prize, as well.
< 123051 := | Player has appropriate thief skill ranks |The Archery Competition is being run by your foster father, as always. And the fourth event is the Knaves' Challenge.
< 123052 := No, your real challenge is the Harvest Brawl. 'Least, that's what everybody's betting. The Mossfeld boys aim to win, and most folk think they will.
< 123053 := {remembering}That boy was a legend. Oh, I'm sure there's a hundred Cormicks in a city like Neverwinter, but for this town, he was as big as folks get.
< 123054 := Just around back of this tent. Look for Brother {MARE-ing}Merring, he's in charge this year.
< 123055 := Down the road, past {GAY-len}Galen's tent. Talk to your foster father, and he'll get you started.
< 123056 := Follow the road around the corner, past those hogs on the left. Retta's looking for Amie, I'm sure. There's little enough talent in this town, and everybody loves a magic show.
< 123057 := Follow the road past Galen's tent, almost to the edge of town. I gave {TAR-mus}Tarmas charge of the Knaves' Challenge this year.
< 123058 := If there's anything you wanted to do before the award ceremony, now's the time. Maybe a mug of Harvest Mead to celebrate, eh?{winks}
< 123059 := I'll meet you at the stage when you're ready for the victory speech. <FirstName>. Oh, you'd better finish your business with Galen, first. Daeghun asked me to remind you.
< 123060 := {gets serious}This Harvest Fair's a celebration, but it's also a dark anniversary. We all know what else happened on this day. Not so long ago, we nearly lost this village. Almost lost our lives, almost lost it all!
< 123061 := But we came back. Cleared burnt farms, buried our dead, and put our ashes behind us. And we rebuilt, tougher and stronger than ever.
< 123062 := Long as there's a Harvest Fair, we won't forget that day. And our young folks, they'll stay tough, long as they compete for the Harvest Cup! So let's hear it for this year's winners!
< 123063 := Three cheers for the Harvest Champions! Hip hip hooray!| Here, module will end, with segue into final scene of githyanki observing the ceremony from afar - cheers in last three lines should be an entire crowd, not just Georg|
< 123064 := | We pull back from the stage a bit, seeing all the townsfolk, and hearing them from a greater distance. |Hip hip hooray!
< 123065 := | SCRIPTER: Now, we've pulled way back from the townsfolk, and we see a cowled gith in the foreground, with the cheering more distant still |Hip hip hooray!
< 123066 := Win all four, and the village council grants you a special prize. And nobody's done <i>that</i> since ol' Cormick.
< 123067 := | Player is bully |Ha! You always were a tough one. Ought to be a good fight, one way or the other.
< 123068 := Ol' Cormick fought Lorne Starling in the Brawl, and some story <i>that</i> was. But I don't suppose you have time for stories, just now.
< 123069 := | Player is militia |That's the spirit! Just fight like you do on the practice field, and don't let them get you riled.
< 123070 := Whole militia's pulling for the three of you. Well... except for the Mossfeld lads, but no one pays them any mind.
< 123071 := | PC is Militia |{Proud to see his two proteges... Georg is captain of the town militia}Aha! I been wondering when I'd see my two most promising young fighters! {adds this genuinely - he likes Amie, too}And you, too, Miss Fern!
< 123072 := It's your last year to compete, isn't that right?
< 123073 := | PC is Wild |Aha! You're here, after all! I wasn't sure you'd show... thought you might be out wandering the Mere again, and miss the Fair altogether!
< 123074 := Wouldn't be the first time, if I recall...
< 123075 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |The Archery Competition is being run by your foster father, as always. And I managed to convince your master to supervise the Knaves' Challenge.
< 123076 := You convinced <i>Tarmas?</i> Our Tarmas?
< 123077 := Told him it was either that, or take on two more apprentices, and one would be Buckman's lad, the one they call... "Drooling Jan," is it? Tarmas came right around!
< 123078 := Even with Tarmas in charge, the Knaves' Challenge will be probably be your toughest event... though the Mossfeld boys might say otherwise.
< 123079 := It's all locks and sneaky business, so you'll have no trouble. More's the pity.
< 123080 := Keep an eye on Bevil, and don't let the Mossfelds get him riled. That's how they always beat him on the practice field.
< 123081 := Yeesh, Georg, I'm right here, you know.
< 123082 := | Player is taleteller |Ol' Cormick fought Lorne Starling in the Brawl, and some story <i>that</i> was. {joking around with a kindred spirit}I haven't told it in your hearing, for fear you'd learn it yourself, and start telling it better than me!
< 123083 := I'd guess the Knaves' Challenge will be your toughest event... though the Mossfeld boys might say otherwise.
< 123084 := | Player is Trouble |{good-natured, but wary... player has pulled plenty of pranks in the past}You've pulled more than your share of pranks in the past, <FirstName>, so I'll be watching you close. No stealing the Cup this year, or leaving any "smelly surprises" inside for the winner.
< 123085 := Healer watching over the Brawl. {amused grunt}Probably should have thought of that years ago.
< 123086 := {slightly frustrated by the next sentence}Thought it might cheer him up a bit, but he's sour as ever.
< 123087 := {storytelling mode}{LORN}Lorne Starling was his name, and he was a sight! Over seven foot tall and built like a high lord's keep. Our Bevil's a sturdy lad, to be sure, but it'd take two of him to match Lorne for size.
< 123088 := {storytelling mode}It began as good-natured ribbing, but Cormick just stood there, and he didn't say a word. And that got Lorne angry.
< 123089 := {storytelling mode}He took a few hits, but mostly he tried to stay out of Lorne's way. And Lorne got madder and madder and madder still.
< 123090 := {storytelling mode - exaggerating}Folks watched the match in shifts, one fellow sleeping and another awake. Then they'd swap places, and fill each other in. And still Lorne got madder, and wilder.
< 123091 := {storytelling mode}Cormick gave him another punch, and another, and another, until old Lorne toppled over like a felled oak.
< 123092 := Lorne skipped town, too. Went and joined the Neverwinter army, I hear.
< 123093 := "Georg," he said to me, "Lorne is a big fellow. But his anger made him small. I just had to wait 'til he was small enough to beat."
< 123094 := Cormick took a few hits, but mostly he tried to stay out of Lorne's way. And Lorne got madder and madder and madder still.
< 123095 := | Player is taleteller |Thought you'd want to hear the tale! You've never been one to turn down a good story...
< 123096 := {teasing the tale a little bit - Bevil is player's companion}And this one involves the brother of our very own Bevil Starling.
< 123097 := {storytelling mode}One of them was ol' Cormick... he'd trained with the militia since he was a lad, so he knew his way around a fighting ring. But all bets were on his rival, who was tougher still...
< 123098 := I'll meet you at the stage when you're ready for the victory speech. Now, I'm off...
< 123099 := Now, I'm off...
< 123100 := A strange place for the blade. Nevertheless, I sense that it is here...
< 123101 := | If player won all 4 events |Wait until nightfall. Then we reclaim what is ours...
> 123008 := じろじろ見るな、drow。文明化されたところでは、失礼になるぞ。
> 123009 := 足下をよく見ろよ、drow。お前らの仲間とは以前戦ったことがあるぞ。
> 123010 := gray dwarfが? 沼地に? 道を間違えたんだろう?
> 123011 := えっ... tiefling。すこし硫黄臭いな…
> 123012 := {深刻な会話をおわらせて、急ににこにこして}アハ! お前たち三人にあって驚いているよ。競技に参加する最後の年だよな?
> 123013 := 助けがいるか、<FirstName>?
> 123014 := よくやった、<FirstName>、よくやった! お前たちがCupに優勝した! おめでとう、三人とも。
> 123015 := よくやった、<FirstName>、よくやった! お前たちがCupに優勝した! おめでとう、三人とも。
> 123016 := よくやった、<FirstName>、お前たちはCupに優勝した! しかも4つの競技全てに勝った、Cormick以来誰も出来なかった事だ。
> 123017 := よくやった、<FirstName>、良くやった。お前たちはCupに優勝した! しかも4つの競技全てに勝った、Cormick以来誰も出来なかった事だ。
> 123018 := Galenと取り引きをすませておけ。わしのスピーチは待たせておく...
> 123019 := {彼のスピーチを聞くために皆を呼ぶ声}集まって、仲間よ、集まって...
> 123020 := | Note: Player should really not get to see this text. |すばらしい祭りの日だ! すばらしい, ほんとうに.
> 123021 := ルールはいつも一緒さ。4つの競技のうち3つ勝つと、Harvest Cupを勝ち取れるのさ。
> 123022 := そうだな、まずはHarvest Brawl。昔からの人気種目だ、これが。そしてTourney of Talentだ、しかし{AMY}Amieをチームに入れとけよ、そうすれば確実に勝てる。
> 123023 := あのCormickはHarvest BrawlでBevilの兄さんと戦った。{声は優しくなっていった... 彼はplayerが物語をせがむ事を望み、それで物語を語る事が出来る}伝説だ、それは...
> 123024 := もし困ったことがあれば、<FirstName>、わしのいる所はわかってるな。Brawlで幸運がありますように!
> 123025 := さて、重要なことはだな。{小さい声で}Mossfeldの間抜けがもう一人の勝利者スピーチをするんだ、そして騒動が起こると思う。
> 123026 := {当惑して, しかしほめられたことに喜んで}ありがとう、{GAY-org}Georg。
> 123027 := 本当のことだよ、お嬢さん。
> 123028 := アーチェリー競技はお前の義父さんが取り仕切る、いつものように。そしてTarmasがKnaves' Challengeの監督をするよう説得しておいた。
> 123029 := {WILL}Wylと兄弟たちは、3年連続Harvest Brawlに勝っている。奴らを蹴落とすのは難しいだろう。しかし覚えとけ - Cupをもらうためには3つ競技に勝てばいいんだ。
> 123030 := {ちょっとがっかりして--物語を語りたかったがplayerが黙らせた}その通り、その通り。結局、お前たちは優勝目指してCupにいけ。
> 123031 := {黙ったまま真面目な顔つきになって--彼は確信した}他の話じゃない。ここで十分に長く生きている者は誰かと人に聞いてみろ。誰もその戦いの全てを見ておらん、戦いの前も後も。
> 123032 := {完全に物語モードになって}あれは凶作の年じゃった、穀物は発育が止まり弱くなっていった。実際今年によく似た年だ、そして村人は祭りを切望していた、心配事を忘れるため。
> 123033 := {物語モード}同い年の村の若者がおった、そして二人とも大きかった。体が大きいと言うだけでなくて、注意して聞けよ、才能も、勇気も、可能性も揃って大きかった。
> 123034 := {物語モード--playerが対戦者の一人はBevilの兄かと尋ねたので}そうじゃ... わしらの大切なBevilの兄さんじゃ、そしてStarling家の長男...
> 123035 := {物語モード}LorneはHarvest Brawlのチャンピオンじゃった。3年連続タイトルを保持し、ほとんどの少年たちは彼を見るだけで、すぐのされてしまった。しかしその年CormickはBrawlに優勝しライバルの鼻をへし折ってやろうと考えた。
> 123036 := {物語モード}それで彼が登場した時、観衆は静まりかえった。Lorneは彼を挑発し始めた。
> 123037 := {物語モード}彼は一言も言わなかった。ついに、Lorneは激怒して彼の所に近づいた、侮辱の言葉をわめきながら、しかし彼は挑発に乗らなかった。
> 123038 := {物語モード--今では彼はかなり大げさな口調で}それは何時間も続き、次の日になっていた。
> 123039 := {物語モード}そして、全ては突然起こった。Cormickは立ち止まりLorneにパンチを見舞った、丁度鼻の所に。Lorneは怒り狂っていたので防ぐことは出来なかった。
> 123040 := {物語モード--物語の終わりに近づき、質問を期待しながら}こうしてCormickはHarvest Brawlに優勝した。
> 123041 := なぜかって、わしもCormickが町を出る直前に同じ事を彼に聞いたよ。
> 123042 := 次の日、Cormickは出て行ってしまった。村人たちは彼がWest Harborで全てのことを成し遂げたので出て行ったと考えた、そして時は過ぎて行った。Lorneは、ああ...
> 123043 := 僕はほとんどLorneを覚えちゃいない。実際彼は僕が歩けるようになる頃にはもう大きかった。そしてすぐ町を出て行った。
> 123044 := その通りだ、Bevil。Cormickとの戦いが彼を外に駆り立てたという者もいる。
> 123045 := Lorne Starlingはその戦いの後変わってしまった。彼とCormickは友達だったとお前たちは言うかもしれないが、二人のうち一人だけが誇りを保ったまま闘技場を去ったんだ。
> 123046 := そうだその通り! 日はほとんど...
> 123047 := {少し弁解がましく、しかし嘘をつきたくもなかった。}ああ、ほとんど本当だとも!よく言うだろう、事実は小説より奇なりって。ちょっとは誇張しているが。そこここで。
> 123048 := お前たちの考えに同意する者もいるだろうし、同意しない者もいる。しかし、お前たちが判断する前に話を終わらせてくれ。
> 123049 := CormickはLorneが考えつく限りの全ての侮辱を耐えた... まばたきもせずに、一言もしゃべらずに。それでLorneがとても怒って激怒のあまりCormickに近づいた。
> 123050 := 4つの競技のうち3つ勝てば、Cupをもらえる。4つとも勝ったら、bonusもあるぞ。
> 123051 := | Player has appropriate thief skill ranks |アーチェリー競技はお前の義父さんが取り仕切る、いつものように。そして4番目の競技がKnaves' Challengeだ。
> 123052 := いいや、お前たちの本当の試練はHarvest Brawlだ。少なくとも、みんなが賭けている。Mossfeldの連中は勝つつもりでいるし、ほとんどの村人はやつらが勝つと思っている。
> 123053 := {思い出しながら}あの少年は伝説だった。ああ、Neverwinterのような都市ならCormickのような少年は大勢いるだろう、しかしこの町にとっては、彼は村人と同じように大きくなった。
> 123054 := このテントの後ろじゃ。ブラザー{MARE-ing}Merringを探しなさい、彼が今年は係だ。
> 123055 := 道を下がって、{GAY-len}Galenのテントを過ぎた所じゃ。おまえの義父さんに言えば始められる。
> 123056 := 道をずっと行って豚たちを左手に過ぎた、曲がり角のあたりじゃ。たしかRettaがAmieを探している。この町には娯楽が少ないのでみんなmagicショーが大好きだ。
> 123057 := Galenのテントを過ぎてずっと行って、ほとんど町の端の方だ。今年は{TAR-mus}TarmasがKnaves' Challengeの監督をするようにわしが取り計らった。
> 123058 := 表彰式の前にやっておきたい事があったら、やりなさい。お祝いに蜂蜜酒の一杯でもどうだ?{ウィンク}
> 123059 := 勝利のスピーチの準備が出来たらステージの所で会おう。<FirstName>。そうだ、お前はまずGalenと取り引きを終わらせておいた方がいい。Daeghunがお前が忘れないように注意してくれとわしに頼んだんだ。
> 123060 := {真面目な顔になって}このHarvest Fairはお祝いです、しかし忌まわしい記念日でもあります。私たちみんなこの日に起こった事を知っています。そんなに昔でもない、ほとんどの村人を失いました。私たちの人生をほとんど失いました、ほとんど全てを失いました。
> 123061 := しかし私たちは復帰しました。焼けた農場を片付け、死者を埋葬し、灰を後にまきながら。そしてついに、以前よりタフに、より強くなって町を再建しました。
> 123062 := Harvest Fairを祝うようになって何年たっても、私たちはあの日を忘れる事が出来ません。そして若者たち、彼らもタフです、Harvest Cupでずっと競い合ってきました! それでは今年の優勝者の言葉を聞きましょう。
> 123063 := Harvestチャンピオンたちに万歳三唱を! ヒップ(万歳)、ヒップ(万歳)、フレー(万歳)!| Here, module will end, with segue into final scene of githyanki observing the ceremony from afar - cheers in last three lines should be an entire crowd, not just Georg|
> 123064 := | We pull back from the stage a bit, seeing all the townsfolk, and hearing them from a greater distance. |ヒップ(万歳)、ヒップ(万歳)、フレー(万歳)!
> 123065 := | SCRIPTER: Now, we've pulled way back from the townsfolk, and we see a cowled gith in the foreground, with the cheering more distant still |ヒップ(万歳)、ヒップ(万歳)、フレー(万歳)!
> 123066 := 4つ全部勝てば、村の評議会が特別賞をくれるよ。あのCormick以後誰も<i>全勝優勝</i>していないけど。
> 123067 := | Player is bully |ハ! いつもお前は強いじゃないか。良い戦いをするべきだ、何とかして。
> 123068 := あのCormickはBrawlでLorne Starlingと戦った、その<i>戦い</i>の物語がある。しかし今、お前たちは物語を聞く時間があるとは思えない。
> 123069 := | Player is militia |その意気だ! 練兵場でやっているように戦えばいいだけだ、そして奴らがお前たちをわずらわせないようにしてやれ。
> 123070 := 自警団はお前たち三人を歓迎するよ。まあ... Mossfeldの連中は違うけれど、しかし誰も連中には気をかけちゃあいないがね。
> 123071 := | PC is Militia |{二人の隊員を誇らしげに見ながら... Georgは町の自警団の隊長である} アハ! わしの最も将来を有望された若い戦士に会って驚いている! {誠実そうに付け加えた- 彼はAmieも好きである} そしてあんたもだ、Miss Fern!
> 123072 := 今年はお前たちが競技に参加する最後の年だよな?
> 123073 := | PC is Wild |アハ! 来た来た、結局! お前たちが現れるかどうか確信がなかったが... 再びMereをうろつきに出かけてしまって、全く祭りに来ないんじゃないかと!
> 123074 := 初めてじゃないよなあ、わしの記憶では...
> 123075 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |アーチェリー競技はお前の義父さんが取り仕切る、いつものように。そしてお前の師匠がKnaves' Challengeの監督をするよう説得しておいた。
> 123076 := あなたが<i>Tarmas</i>を説得したんですか? あのTarmasを?
> 123077 := Tarmasに監督をするか、そうでなければもう2人徒弟を雇うか、どっちが良いかと言ったんだ。一人はBuckmanの若造、もう一人は人呼んで... "はな垂れJan"。Tarmasはすっ飛んで来たよ。
> 123078 := Tarmasが監督をしていても、たぶんKnaves' Challengeはお前たちにとって最もタフな競技になるだろう... Mossfeldの奴らは違う様に言うだろうが。
> 123079 := これはすべて錠前と忍び足の勝負だ、だからお前には問題無いだろう。かえって残念だが。
> 123080 := Bevilから目を離すなよ、そしてMossfelds兄弟がBevilを怒らせないようにするんだ。練兵場で奴らはいつもそうやってBevilを叩きのめすんだ。
> 123081 := はーい、Georg、僕はここにいますよ、わかってるでしょう。
> 123082 := | Player is taleteller |あのCormickはBrawlでLorne Starlingと戦った、その<i>戦い</i>の物語がある。{一族の気質で冗談めかして}お前たちの前では語らないぞ、お前はもう習っているかも知れないし、わしより上手に語り始めるかも知れないから!
> 123083 := たぶんKnaves' Challengeはお前たちにとって最もタフな競技になるだろう... Mossfeldの奴らは違う様に言うだろうが。
> 123084 := | Player is Trouble |{やさしく、しかし用心深く... playerはいままで沢山のいたずらをしてきた}お前は今までお前のせいと思われる以上のいたずらをやってきた、<FirstName>、だからわしは近くにいて監視するぞ。今年は、Cupを盗んだり、その中に優勝者のために"臭いびっくり"を入れておいたりはさせないぞ。
> 123085 := HealerがBrawlを見守っている。{ぶうぶう言う声}たぶん数年前からそうなったんじゃ。
> 123086 := {次の言葉は少し不満を込めて}これで少しは彼を元気づけるだろうが、彼はいつも苦虫を噛み潰したような顔をしている。
> 123087 := {物語モード}{LORN}その名をLorne Starling、7フィート(約213cm)を超えハイロードの砦のように頑丈だった。我らのBevilも頑丈だが、確かにな、しかし大きさではLorneがずっと上だ。
> 123088 := {物語モード}試合はいつものように始まった。しかしCormickは立っていた、そして何も言わなかった。それがLorneを怒らせた。
> 123089 := {物語モード}彼は何発か食らったが、しかしLorneの間合いに入らないように努めていた。それでLorneは激高し、激高し、激高していった。
> 123090 := {物語モード--大げさな口調}村人は交代で観戦していた、ある者は寝ていたしある者は起きていた。場所を交代し、空いた所に入って観戦した。Lorneはいまだに激高し続け、狂乱していった。
> 123091 := {物語モード}Cormickはさらに殴り、さらに殴り、Lorneが切り倒されたオークの木が倒れるように倒れるまで殴り続けた。
> 123092 := Lorneも町を飛び出した。Neverwinterへ行って軍隊に入ったと聞いたよ。
> 123093 := "Georg、"と彼は言った、"Lorneはでかい。しかし彼の怒りが彼を小さくしてしまう。僕は叩きのめすことが出来るまで彼が小さくなるのを待っていただけさ。"
> 123094 := Cormickは何発か食らったが、ほとんどはLorneの間合いを避けていた。そしてLorneは激高し、激高し、激高していった。
> 123095 := | Player is taleteller |その物語を聞きたいんだな! お前たちは良い物語を拒絶するような奴ではけっしてなかったが...
> 123096 := {ちょっとその物語をせがみ過ぎた - Bevilはplayerの仲間なのに}それにこの話は大事なBevil Starlingの兄が出てくるぞ。
> 123097 := {物語モード}二人のうち一人はCormick... 成長してからずっと自警団でトレーニングを積み、リングでの戦いを知り尽くしていた。しかし賭け金は彼のライバルに全て賭けられた、最も強い...
> 123098 := 勝利のスピーチの準備が出来たらステージの所で会おう。それでは、わしは行くぞ...
> 123099 := さあ、わしは行く...
> 123100 := 変な所だ。それにもかかわらず、わしはこの場所こそが...
> 123101 := | If player won all 4 events |日暮れまで待とう。そして自分たちの物を取り戻そう...
< 123103 := {storytelling mode}One of 'em alone would have been too big for this village, but they were two, and the time was ripe for a contest between 'em.
< 123104 := {starting his storytelling mode}Aye, then. A tale you'll have...
< 123105 := Harvest Fair's got a double meaning for most folks in this village. It's the anniversary of the attack on our village, when all those demons came...
< 123106 := Everybody lost friends and family... and your foster father takes things harder than most. Best not to trouble him about it.
< 123107 := How do I win the Cup again?
> 123103 := {物語モード}一人だけでもこの村には大きすぎた、それが二人もいたんじゃ、ついに二人の対決の時が来た。
> 123104 := {物語モードになりはじめて}ああ、それなら。お前たちに語るのは...
> 123105 := Harvest Fairはほとんどの村人にとって二重の意味があるんだ。それは村が襲撃された記念日だ、あの悪魔たちが来た時...
> 123106 := みんな友人や家族を失った... そしてお前の義父さんはほとんどの者よりも痛手を負った。その事には触れないでいた方がいい。
> 123107 := どうしたらCupをまたもらえるんだい?
< 123109 := Only for Bevil and me.
< 123110 := That's right. What are the rules this year?
< 123111 := What are the four events?
< 123112 := Cormick. I remember him, vaguely.
< 123113 := That's enough for me. We'll figure out the rest on our own.
< 123114 := Why should they say that?
< 123115 := All right. We're ready to start.
< 123116 := Got it. We're ready to start.
< 123117 := I'll win four. Wyl Mossfeld is in for a serious disappointment.
< 123118 := Let's have the tale, then!
< 123119 := Bevil, you never told me about this.
< 123120 := Not another of your far-fetched stories, Georg....
< 123121 := We'll hear the story another time. Let's stick to the Harvest Fair.
< 123122 := All right. Let's hear the tale, then.
< 123123 := Some other time, Georg. I've got a competition to win.
< 123124 := So Cormick was one. And his rival was Bevil's brother?
< 123125 := He just stood there and said nothing?
< 123126 := Why did Cormick strike when he did? Why wait so long?
< 123127 := So what happened to Cormick and Lorne?
< 123128 := Let's have the tale, then.
< 123129 := That's quite a story, Georg. How much of it is true?
< 123130 := I've heard enough.
< 123131 := Thanks for the story, Georg. But I've got my own Cup to win...
< 123132 := Whatever Cormick intended, it wasn't worth public humiliation.
< 123133 := All right. Go on.
< 123134 := No, I've heard enough.
< 123135 := No, nevermind.
< 123136 := Why should they think that?
< 123137 := What are this year's events?
< 123138 := We've heard enough. We want to get started.
< 123139 := Enough chatter. I've got a Cup to win.
< 123140 := I want to hear about Cormick.
< 123141 := Where do I start the Harvest Brawl?
< 123142 := Where do I start the Archery Competition?
< 123143 := Where do I start the Tourney of Talent?
< 123144 := Where do I start the Knaves' Challenge?
< 123145 := I'll be sure to disappoint them, then.
< 123146 := Just tell me the rules, will you?
< 123147 := I'll be back for that story later. I've got a Cup to win.
< 123148 := As if I care what the Mossfelds say.
< 123149 := The Mossfelds are decent fighters... but they can be beaten.
< 123150 := Farewell.
< 123151 := Go on.
< 123152 := This had better be good...
< 123153 := Fine, but this had better be good.
< 123154 := Any idea why Daeghun seems so glum today?
> 123109 := Bevilとわたしだけで。
> 123110 := そうです。今年はどんなルールです?
> 123111 := 4つの競技はなんですか?
> 123112 := Cormick。覚えているよ、ぼんやりだけど。
> 123113 := もう十分です。自分たちでやってみます。
> 123114 := 何故彼らはそう言ってるんです?
> 123115 := オーライ。始める準備が出来ました。
> 123116 := わかりました。始める準備が出来ました。
> 123117 := 4つ勝ちます。Wyl Mossfeldは失望のどん底に沈むでしょう。
> 123118 := それなら物語を聞こう!
> 123119 := Bevil、教えてくれなかったね。
> 123120 := 貴方の魅了する話でなくっちゃあ、Georg....
> 123121 := またの機会に物語を聞くよ。Harvest Fairにくり出すぞ。
> 123122 := その通り。だから物語を語って。
> 123123 := またの機会に、Georg。私は優勝するために競技へ行きます。
> 123124 := 一人はCormick。彼のライバルはBevilの兄さんだろう?
> 123125 := Cormickは立ってるだけで何も言わなかった?
> 123126 := なぜCormickはその時に攻撃したんです? なぜずっと待ってたんです?
> 123127 := それからCormickとLorneはどうなった?
> 123128 := さあ、話を聞かせて。
> 123129 := 面白い話だった、Georg。どこまで本当ですか?
> 123130 := もう十分聞きました。
> 123131 := 物語をありがとう、Georg。Cupに優勝するために行くよ。
> 123132 := Cormickが何をしようとしても、それは公衆に泥を塗るような事ではなかった。
> 123133 := いいよ。続けて。
> 123134 := いいえ、もう十分聞きました。
> 123135 := いや、大丈夫です。
> 123136 := 何故みんなそう思うんだろう?
> 123137 := 今年の競技は何ですか?
> 123138 := 十分聞きました。競技を始めようと思います。
> 123139 := おしゃべりはもう十分。優勝目指して競技へ行くぞ。
> 123140 := Cormickについて聞きたい。
> 123141 := どこでHarvest Brawlをやれるんですか?
> 123142 := アーチェリー競技はどこですか?
> 123143 := 大道芸コンテストはどこで?
> 123144 := Knaves' Challengeはどこで?
> 123145 := それなら、きっとみんなをがっかりさせてやろう。
> 123146 := ルールを教えてくれるだろ?
> 123147 := 後で戻ってきて物語を聞きます。優勝めざして競技に行きます。
> 123148 := Mossfelds兄弟が何を言ってもかまうもんか。
> 123149 := Mossfelds兄弟は手ごわいfighterだ... しかし打ち負かすことは出来る。
> 123150 := ごきげんよう。
> 123151 := 続けて。
> 123152 := こっちの方がいいみたい...
> 123153 := いいよ、だけどこっちの方がいい。
> 123154 := なぜ今日Daeghunの機嫌が悪いか解る?
< 123156 := This way, everyone. Time to honor our champions!
< 123157 := Award ceremony's at the stage. Follow me.
< 123158 := Lay off the mead, lads. Plenty of time for that, later.
< 123159 := Right this way, folks.
> 123156 := こっちだ、みんな。チャンピオンをたたえる時間だ。
> 123157 := 表彰式がステージで始まるぞ。ついて来い。
> 123158 := 酒は置いておけ、若者たち。あとでたっぷり飲む時間がある。
> 123159 := こっちだ、みんな。
< 123165 := Well... Orlen's right. This pig's been enchanted. It's a faint aura, so it could have been a simple enlargement spell… or maybe a potion.
< 123166 := I think I could dispel it, actually. Tarmas taught me the spell, and I've practiced on Dancing Lights in his lab. This shouldn't be much different.
< 123167 := Wait a minute. Shouldn't we say something to {LOUIE}Lewy?
< 123168 := Well... Retta did give us a scroll of Lesser Dispel. All I'd have to do is read the words...
< 123169 := Wait... you haven't forgotten, have you? Retta gave us a scroll of Lesser Dispel.
< 123170 := {GAY-len}Galen's been known to bring special orders from the city. And he keeps them quiet, too, he's good about that.
< 123171 := He's a foul old wretch, but we ought to give him a chance to withdraw his pig from the contest, before he's shamed in front of everyone.
< 123172 := {Bevil is suggesting where Lewy might have gotten a magic potion. Bevil thinks Lewy is a real slimeball and doesn't trust him}Or maybe {LOUIE}Lewy got it from one of those travelers who's gone "missing" on his land.
> 123165 := そうだ... Orlenが正しい。この豚は巨大化してある。かすかなオーラがあり、単純な巨大化の呪文か… あるいはpotionの影響だろう。
> 123166 := 4つ全部勝てば、村の評議会が特別賞をくれるよ。あのCormick以後誰も<i>全勝優勝</i>していないけど。
> 123167 := ちょっと待って。{LOUIE}Lewyに何か言わなくてもいいの?
> 123168 := ああ... RettaがLesser Dispelのscrollをくれたから。それを読めばいいだけ...
> 123169 := 待って... 忘れちゃった? RettaがLesser Dispelのscrollをくれたよ。
> 123170 := {GAY-len}Galenは街から特別な注文品を持ってきてくれる。そして口が堅い、彼はこういう事にはうってつけだね。
> 123171 := 彼はずるい年取った卑劣漢だ、しかし、みんなの前で恥をかく前に、彼にコンテストへの彼の豚の出品を取りやめるチャンスをあげるべきだ。
> 123172 := {BevilはLewyがどこでmagic potionを手に入れたかほのめかしている。BevilはLewyを本当のろくでなしだと考え信用していない}あるいは{LOUIE}Lewyは近くを通った旅人が"無くした"物をくすねたんだ。
< 123174 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |Well... Retta did give us a scroll of Lesser Dispel. Either one of us could read the words...
> 123174 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |ああ... RettaがLesser Dispelのscrollをくれたんだ。誰でも使える...
< 123176 := Remember that bard, last season? Lewy offered to guide him into the swamp, and he never came back out again.
< 123177 := | Player is not Wizard Apprentice |Can you dispel it?
> 123176 := 前の季節に来たbardを覚えているかい? Lewyは彼を沼地に案内して、bardは二度と戻れなかったんだ。
> 123177 := | Player is not Wizard Apprentice |dispel出来る?
< 123179 := Any ideas, Amie? Bevil?
< 123180 := Where could Lewy Jons have gotten a magical potion?
< 123181 := We've wasted enough time on this. Let's go.
< 123182 := | Player is not Wizard Apprentice |Can you dispel the enchantment, Amie?
< 123183 := Do either of you have any ideas?
> 123179 := 他の考えは、Amie? Bevil?
> 123180 := Lewy Jonsはどこでmagical potionを手に入れたんだろう?
> 123181 := 十分時間を無駄にしちゃった。行こう。
> 123182 := | Player is not Wizard Apprentice |巨大化をdispel出来るかい、Amie?
> 123183 := 二人とも何か他にいい考えはない?
< 123185 := Good point. We'll talk to Lewy first.
< 123186 := This isn't worth our effort, either way. Let's go.
< 123187 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice and has Lesser Dispel scroll |Such an enchantment is easily dispelled. We'll use the scroll that Retta gave us.
> 123185 := いいことだ。まずLewyと話をしよう。
> 123186 := どちらにしろ、骨折り損だよ。行こう。
> 123187 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice and has Lesser Dispel scroll |こんな巨大化は簡単にdispell出来る。Rettaがくれたscrollを使おう。
< 123189 := That's his own fault. We're going to use the scroll.
> 123189 := 自業自得だよ。scrollを使おうよ。
< 123194 := Look, I'm just watching the Fair, all right? Whatever it is, I ain't done it.
< 123195 := | If Kipp is not yet a companion |I haven't done nothin' wrong! Leave me be!
< 123196 := Wha- really? You mean compete for the Cup? {beat}But I'm just a kid. I mean, I'm old enough to be on a team and all...
< 123197 := Hey, brilliant! {lowers his voice, referring to Bevil}Sorry for beaning that big lummox on the head all those times. Didn't mean any harm by it, he's just funny when he gets angry.
< 123198 := {getting more frustrated as he thinks about it}That was <i>you?</i> Every day during drills I get hit by acorns. And it was this kid - I can't believe nobody told me!
< 123199 := Yeah, I swear it. {impish}By all the pixies in the swamp.
< 123200 := Yeah, figured that. For the Knaves' Challenge, right? I don't care, long as I win the Cup with the rest of you.
< 123201 := {lowers his voice, referring to Bevil}Sorry for beaning that big one on the head all those times. Didn't mean any harm by it, he's just funny when he gets angry.
< 123202 := Thief? Pff. People call me that 'cause I can sneak around, and climb places they can't, and nick stuff when I feel like it. They're just jealous is all.
< 123203 := For the Knaves' Challenge, right? Yeah, I been watching everybody run about, looking under wagons, and poking at that big old chest.
< 123204 := What? You little-
< 123205 := | Player is Trouble |Hey, it's you! Hey you're... you're brilliant! Like that time you painted the old wizard's cat blue! An' slipped those spiders into that big guard's chamberpot!
< 123206 := Big guard's chamber - hey! That was <i>you</i> with the spiders?!
< 123207 := {playing along}Oh. Yeah, sorry, my mistake. {beat, then a big smile}But I still say you're brilliant!
< 123208 := Yeah! Hey, you know me? Really? I mean, I've been trying to make as much trouble as I can, but I can't think of brilliant stuff like you can...
< 123209 := Sure! Anything!
< 123210 := To compete for the Cup? Brilliant! Bet I can help with the Knaves' Challenge!
< 123211 := I been watching 'em all run about, looking under wagons, and poking at that big old chest. They're doin' it all wrong, I can show you!
< 123212 := Right. Calm and relaxed, just like you. Got it.
< 123213 := {GAY-org}Georg had me thinking it was pixies!
< 123214 := {grumbling}Just a kid! A kid with a good arm and a lot of acorns...
< 123215 := Wha- really? You mean compete for the Cup?
< 123216 := Well, I've got my eye on him. Next time I get hit with an acorn, a certain pixie is going to have a broken wing.
< 123217 := | After Kipp has joined |Yeah? Whatcha need?
< 123218 := | Player is duergar |You're that... gray dwarf. The one who lives with the sour-faced ranger. A lot of kids are scared of you...
< 123219 := | Player is drow |You're that... dark elf. The one who lives with the sour-faced ranger...
< 123220 := Nah, nobody frightens me. I been chased around by near everyone in town, an' I'm way quicker than any of 'em.
< 123221 := | Player is Devout |You're the one who's always goin' on about the gods... I'm not gettin' dressed up or sittin' in no church, if that's what you want.
< 123222 := | Player is Militia |You and {GAY-org}Georg had me thinking it was pixies!
< 123223 := | Player is Bully |Hey, lemme alone, will you! I seen how you push all the other kids around...
< 123224 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |Hey... you're that wizard's 'prentices. I didn't steal nothin' from your master, so don't go puttin' no hexes on me!
< 123225 := | Player is male and Flirt |Hey... you're the one my sister's always goin' on about! Ha ha! She's sweet on you, she is!
< 123226 := | Player is tiefling |You're that... demon-spawn. The one who lives with the sour-faced ranger. A lot of kids are scared of you...
< 123227 := Pff. Got plenty o' family... three sisters and a kid brother. They live up at the Lannon farm.
< 123228 := Goodwife Lannon's my old mum's sister, see, so she took us in when my parents got killed by lizardfolk.
< 123229 := But I gave her so much trouble that one day she says, "Kipp, if you don't mend your ways, you can find somebody else's roof to sleep under."
< 123230 := So's I spared her the trouble o' throwin' me out, an' did just what she said. Mostly I sleep in barns an' such... an' I never have to do no chores, or nothin'!
< 123231 := Too many folk, that's what I say. You can't sneak nowhere, without somebody seein' you.
< 123232 := I dunno. Always been good at filchin' things. Got it from my Da'... he wasn't big or strong, like your friend, that great Starling lummox. But he was quick, see?
< 123233 := He used to take me into town, an' show me how to catch a fella's attention with one hand, while he was filchin' something with the other.
< 123234 := Never kept the stuff he stole, though. Not my Da'. Just smiled an' laughed an' gave it back.
< 123235 := Dunno. Told me he used to live in some city, a long ways south, but he had to run away. Said he had some friends, an' they took thievin' too serious for his taste.
< 123236 := Yeah. Called 'emselves "Thieves in the Shadows," or some rot. My Da' would get all spooked when new folk'd come to town, like he thought his old friends had come to find him.
< 123237 := An' after all that, it was them lizardlings who finally did for him.
< 123238 := Got himself killed by lizardfolk. Him and my mum, both. They was tryin' to build some new house, way out in the swamp. Loved his privacy, my Da' did.
< 123239 := I never did get along so well with my mum, but I loved my Da', and I ain't ashamed to say it.
< 123240 := I was his favorite, too, 'cause I could sneak around so good, an' he could teach me all his tricks.
< 123241 := Nah, I don't need no charity. That old priest feeds me sometimes, but I filch what I need, mostly.
< 123242 := If I go hungry, it's my own fault, see? Means I'm gettin' sloppy, so's I'd better try harder.
< 123243 := Ha! Yeah, most of 'em. But they're scared o' almost everything.
< 123244 := | Player is Duergar |Way I see it, you ain't so different from anybody else, 'cept for bein' short, and havin' gray skin, and smellin' kinda funny.
< 123245 := | Player is Drow |Wish I looked like you, to tell the truth. Nobody'd give me any trouble, they'd be so scared.
< 123246 := | Player is Tiefling |Some of 'em say them demons left you behind, years ago... after they destroyed the town.
< 123247 := I told 'em that was rubbish, though. A real demon would be way bigger than you, an' he'd never live in the same house with that sour-faced elf.
< 123248 := Him and my mum was tryin' to build some new house, way out in the swamp. Loved his privacy, my Da' did.
< 123249 := Guess them lizardlings thought they was buildin' on their land. So's they killed 'em both. Stuck 'em full o' spears.
< 123250 := They're doin' it all wrong. I'll help you win, long as I can be on your team.
< 123251 := Actually, we were wondering if you'd like to join our team.
< 123252 := So. I hear you're a thief.
< 123253 := Nevermind. Farewell.
< 123254 := Yes, really. We want you to join our team.
< 123255 := It won't happen again. Right, Kipp?
< 123256 := The truth is, we need a thief.
< 123257 := Just keep your mouth shut, and you can join us.
< 123258 := Let's just stay focused on winning. Come on, Kipp.
< 123259 := If you're so good, why not join our team?
< 123260 := Actually, we need a good thief.
< 123261 := All right. You can join us.
< 123262 := Good enough for me. Let's go.
< 123263 := You're Kipp, right?
< 123264 := Thanks, kid. I need a favor.
< 123265 := [Lie] You've got me confused with somebody else.
< 123266 := Actually... we'll be back later.
< 123267 := How would you like to join our team?
< 123268 := I need a good thief.
< 123269 := Welcome aboard, then.
< 123270 := Great. Just don't get underfoot, and we'll get along fine.
< 123271 := I need a favor, kid.
< 123272 := Tone down the excitement a bit, and you're in.
< 123273 := If you think you could keep your mouth shut, I'll let you join our team.
< 123274 := Bevil! Leave him be, he's just a kid.
< 123275 := Keep your mouth shut, and I'll let you join our team.
< 123276 := Why else would I be talking to you, kid?
< 123277 := Sounds like a fair deal to me.
< 123278 := Ha! I like this kid already.
< 123279 := Are you scared of me?
< 123280 := Do I frighten you?
< 123281 := Farewell.
< 123282 := We were wondering if you'd like to join our team.
< 123283 := Ha! I knew I liked this kid.
< 123284 := Relax. We just wanted you to join our team.
< 123285 := Do you have any family?
< 123286 := How did you become such a skillful thief?
< 123287 := What do you think of the Fair this year?
< 123288 := Nevermind. Let's get back to the Fair.
< 123289 := What happened to him?
< 123290 := Where did he learn to do that?
< 123291 := Friends?
< 123292 := If you ever need food, Daeghun and I could help you...
< 123293 := | Player is drow, duergar, or tiefling |So the village children are scared of me, are they?
< 123294 := Where did he learn his trade?
< 123295 := Strange. Lizardlings usually keep to themselves.
> 123194 := 見てよ、おいらは祭りを見つめているだけさ、そうだろう? どんな事だって、おいらはしてはいないんだ。
> 123195 := | If Kipp is not yet a companion |おいら何も悪い事はしてないよ! 放っておいて!
> 123196 := えっ- 本当? Cupに参加するって事? {当惑して}だけどおいら子供だぜ。あっいや、仲間に入るには十分大きいしどんな事だって...
> 123197 := ヘイ、やったぜ! {声をひそめて、Bevilの方を見ながら}あのデカイ間抜けの頭にいつも物を投げつけてごめんね。傷付けようとした訳じゃあなくて、ただ彼が怒ったときに面白いからやったんだ。
> 123198 := {その事を考えるとゆううつになって}あれは<i>お前だったのか?</i> 教練の間じゅう毎日ドングリが飛んできて当たったんだ。このガキがやったのか - 誰も教えてくれなかった事が信じられない。
> 123199 := ああ、おいら誓うよ。{いたずらっぽく}沼の全ての妖精にかけて。
> 123200 := ああ、そうだな。Knaves' Challengeのためだ、そうだろう? 俺は心配していない、Cupに優勝するにはお前が頼りだからな。
> 123201 := {声をひそめて、Bevilの方を見ながら}あのデカイ間抜けの頭にいつも物を投げつけてごめんね。傷付けようとした訳じゃあなくて、ただ彼が怒ったときに面白いからやったんだ。
> 123202 := Thiefだって? プフ。おいらが方々へ忍び込んだり、みんなが登れない所へ登れたり、気に入った物を盗んだり出来るからみんながおいらの事をそう呼ぶんだ。みんな嫉妬しているんだ。
> 123203 := Knaves' Challengeのためだ、そうだろう? ああ、おいらはみんながかけずり回っている所を全て見ているんだ、荷馬車の下をのぞいたり、古いchestをつついたりして。
> 123204 := なんだって? このチビ-
> 123205 := | Player is Trouble |ヘイ、あんただよ! あんた... あんたカッコイイよ! あの年寄りwizardの猫を青く塗った時の事といったら! それにあのデカイguardの便器に蜘蛛を放り込んだろう。
> 123206 := デカguardの便器 - ヘイ! <i>あんた</i>の仕業だろう?!
> 123207 := {playing along}えっ。そうか、ごめん、間違えちゃった。{一瞬当惑し、そしてニコニコして}だけどやっぱりあんたはカッコイイや!
> 123208 := そうさ! おいらの事知っててくれたんだ? 本当かい? あのー、おいらは出来る限りの悪戯をしてきたけど、あんたが出来るようなカッコイイ事は考えもつかない...
> 123209 := いいよ! どんな事でもやるよ!
> 123210 := Cupに参加するって事かい? スゲェや! Knaves' Challengeじゃあ役に立つぜ!
> 123211 := おいらはみんながかけずり回っている所を全て見ているんだ、荷馬車の下をのぞいたり、古いchestをつついたりして。やつらは間違った事をしているぜ、おいらだったらあんたに教えてあげられる。
> 123212 := わかった。あんたのように落ち着いてリラックスしているよ。こうだろ。
> 123213 := {GAY-org}Georgは妖精のせいだって言っていたんだ!
> 123214 := {不満気に}まだ子供だって! いい腕とたくさんのドングリを持ったガキで...
> 123215 := えっ- 本当? Cupに参加するって事?
> 123216 := よし、俺はこのガキから目を離さないぞ。今度ドングリが飛んできたら、ある妖精の翼は折れることになるだろう。
> 123217 := | After Kipp has joined |うん? 何をすりゃあいいんだい?
> 123218 := | Player is duergar |あんたは例の... gray dwarfだろう。あのしかめっ面をしたrangerと暮らしているっていう。多くの子供はあんたを怖がっている...
> 123219 := | Player is drow |あんたは例の... dark elfだろ。あのしかめっ面をしたrangerと暮らしているって言う...
> 123220 := いいや、誰もおいらを怖がらせる事なんて出来やしないさ。町中のみんなに追い掛け回されるけど、おいらは誰よりも速く逃げれるんだ。
> 123221 := | Player is Devout |あんたはいつも神に仕えているだろう... おいらは正装したり、教会で座ってたりはしないぜ、それがあんたの望むことなら。
> 123222 := | Player is Militia |お前や{GAY-org}Georgは妖精のせいだと言っていたよな!
> 123223 := | Player is Bully |ヘイ、放っておいてくれよ、お願いだから! あんたがこの辺のガキをどんな目にあわせているか見てるんだから...
> 123224 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |ヘイ... あんたあのwizardの弟子じゃないか。おいらあんたの師匠から何も盗んじゃあいないぜ、だからおいらに魔法を掛けないでおくれよ!
> 123225 := | Player is male and Flirt |ヘイ... あんたうちの姉ちゃんがいつも追いかけ回している奴じゃないか! ハハ! うちの姉ちゃんはあんたに惚れてんだ、姉ちゃんが!
> 123226 := | Player is tiefling |あんたは例の... demon-spawnだろう。あのしかめっ面をしたrangerと暮らしているっていう。多くの子供はあんたを怖がっている...
> 123227 := へへ。いっぱいるよ... 姉ちゃんが3人とチビの弟が。Lannon農場で暮らしているよ。
> 123228 := Lannonのおかみさんがおいらの母ちゃんの姉ちゃんで、lizardfolkに両親が殺されたときに引き取ってくれたんだ。
> 123229 := だけどおいらが迷惑ばっかり掛けるからある日おばちゃんは言ったんだ、"Kipp、行いを改めないのなら、誰か世話になる他の人を見つけてその人の屋根の下で寝なさい。"
> 123230 := だからおいらはおばちゃんに迷惑を掛けない様に家を出て、おばちゃんの言った通りにしたんだ。ほとんど納屋で寝てそして... しなくちゃいけない雑用もない、何も無い!
> 123231 := 人が多すぎるよ。あんたが誰にも見られずに忍び込んで盗むなんて事は出来ないよ。
> 123232 := わからないよ。物をかっぱらうのは大抵うまくいくし。父ちゃんから受け継いだんだ... 父ちゃんはあんたの友達の偉大なStarlingの間抜けのように大きくも強くもなかった。だけど父ちゃんは素早かった、わかった?
> 123233 := 父ちゃんはよく街に連れて行ってくれた、そして別の手で何かを盗んでいる間に片方の手で人の気をそらす方法を教えてくれたんだ。
> 123234 := でも父ちゃんは盗んだ物を自分の物にしなかった。父ちゃんは違うんだ。にっこりして笑って返したんだ。
> 123235 := 知らない。父ちゃんはどこか南の方の遠い街に住んでいて、逃げてきたって言っていた。友達がいたって言うけれど、彼らは父ちゃんの好みにはヤバすぎる物を盗んだんだって。
> 123236 := ああ、自分たちのことを "Thieves in the Shadows" とか何とか呼んでいるんだって。父ちゃんは新しい住人が街に来ると、古い友達が自分を見つけに来たかと考えてびくびくしていたよ。
> 123237 := そしてついに、lizardlingたちが父ちゃんを見つけたんだ。
> 123238 := lizardfolkに殺されちゃった。父ちゃんも母ちゃんも一緒に。沼地のはずれに新しい家を作ろうとしていたんだ。人目につかない暮らしが好きで、そうしたんだ。
> 123239 := 母ちゃんと過ごしたほどは一緒にいなかったけど、おいらは父ちゃんを愛していた、そう言うのは恥ずかしくないよ。
> 123240 := おいらは父ちゃんのお気に入りだった、だっておいらはこっそり盗むのがうまかったし、父ちゃんは自分の技を全て教え込むことが出来たんだ。
> 123241 := いやだ、おいらは施しは受けない。あの年取ったpriestが時々食べ物をくれるし、必要な物はかっぱらえる、だいたいは。
> 123242 := もしおいらが腹ぺこになったら、それは自業自得さ、そうだろう? おいらがへまをしたって事だし、もっと頑張らなきゃいけないって事さ。
> 123243 := ハ! そうさ、ほとんどはね。だけど奴らはどんな事でも怖がるんだ。
> 123244 := | Player is Duergar |おいらの見るところ、あんたはそう変わってはいないよ、背が低くかったり、灰色の肌をしていたり、変な匂いがするだけだ。
> 123245 := | Player is Drow |本当のことを言うと、おいらもあんたの様な外見になりたいや。そうすればみんな怖がって、誰もおいらを煩わせないだろう。
> 123246 := | Player is Tiefling |数年前にdemonたちがあんたを置いて行ったという話をしている奴もいるんだ... 街を破壊した後で。
> 123247 := おいらそれはとんでもない話だと言ってやったよ。本当のdemonはお前らよりとてもデカイし、彼はしかめ面したelfと同じ家に住んだ事は無いって。
> 123248 := 父ちゃんと母ちゃんは沼地のはずれに新しい家を作ろうとしていたんだ。人目につかない暮らしが好きで、そうしたんだ。
> 123249 := たぶんlizardlingたちは自分たちの領域に家が建てられていると思ったんだろう。それで父ちゃんと母ちゃんを殺したんだ。槍で串刺しにしたんだ。
> 123250 := みんな間違った事をしているんだ。おいらだったらあんたが勝つために手助けできるぜ、仲間になれば。
> 123251 := 実際、お前は仲間に加わりたいんだろう。
> 123252 := さて。お前はthiefだって聞いてるぞ。
> 123253 := 気にするな。それじゃあ。
> 123254 := そうさ、本当だ。お前を仲間にしたいんだ。
> 123255 := もうそんな事は起こらない。そうだろう、Kipp?
> 123256 := 現実問題として、thiefが必要なんだ。
> 123257 := 口を閉じておけよ、そうすれば仲間になれる。
> 123258 := 優勝することに集中しよう。こっちへ来い、Kipp
> 123259 := お前がそんなに腕がいいのなら、なぜ仲間にならないんだ?
> 123260 := 実際、腕のいいthiefが必要なんだ。
> 123261 := よし。仲間になれ。
> 123262 := それで十分だ。さあ行こう。
> 123263 := お前はKippだったよな?
> 123264 := ありがとよ、坊主。助けがいるんだ。
> 123265 := [嘘をつく]人違いだろう。
> 123266 := 実は... また後で来るぜ。
> 123267 := 仲間になりたいのかい?
> 123268 := 腕のいいthiefが必要なんだ。
> 123269 := 歓迎するぞ、それなら。
> 123270 := いいぞ。ナメられるなよ、うまくツルんでいこうぜ。
> 123271 := 助けがいるんだ、坊主。
> 123272 := そんなに興奮するな、お前はもう仲間だ。
> 123273 := お前の口が堅ければ、仲間に入れてやってもいいぞ。
> 123274 := Bevil! 放っといてやれ、まだ子供じゃないか。
> 123275 := 口を閉じておけ、そうすればお前を仲間にしてやる。
> 123276 := いったい何故お前と話さなきゃあいけないんだ、坊主?
> 123277 := いい取り引きのようだ。
> 123278 := ハ! もう気に入っちまったんだ。
> 123279 := おまえも怖いんだろう?
> 123280 := ビビらしちまったかい?
> 123281 := じゃあな。
> 123282 := お前は仲間になりたがっているんじゃないのかい。
> 123283 := ハ! このガキ気に入ったぜ。
> 123284 := 楽にしろよ。仲間になって欲しいだけだ。
> 123285 := 家族はいるのかい?
> 123286 := どうやってそんなに腕のいいthiefになれたんだ?
> 123287 := 今年の祭りをどう思う?
> 123288 := 気にするな。祭りに戻ろう。
> 123289 := 父さんはどうなったんだ?
> 123290 := お前の父さんはそのやり方をどこで習ったんだ?
> 123291 := 友達?
> 123292 := 食べ物が必要なら、Daeghunと助けられるけど...
> 123293 := | Player is drow, duergar, or tiefling |村のガキどもはオレを怖がっているんだろう?
> 123294 := お前の父さんはその技能をどこで習ったんだ?
> 123295 := 変だな。Lizardlingたちは普通外のことに関わらないけど。
< 136308 := Don't take us back to the 呪文系統!
> 136308 := Don't take us back to the school!
< 161717 := Yes... from the Pronoucement of Two Skies our people became two. There were those who followed Gith's hatred and became the githyanki, and those who followed Zerthimon and became the githzerai.
> 161717 := Yes... from the Pronouncement of Two Skies our people became two. There were those who followed Gith's hatred and became the githyanki, and those who followed Zerthimon and became the githzerai.
< 161872 := This essence swirls and glows faintly with a pale, green light.
> 161872 := This essence swirls and glows faintly with a pale, brown light.
< 161876 := This essence swirls and glows with a bright, green light.
> 161876 := This essence swirls and glows with a bright, brown light.
< 161878 := This essence swirls and glows with a brilliant green light.
> 161878 := This essence swirls and glows with a brilliant brown light.
< 170903 := All I'd have to do is read the words, and the pig would shrink... assuming I'm right about the enlargement spell, anyway...
< 170904 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |All it would take is for one of us to read the words, and the pig would shrink...
< 170905 := Quick, quick! They're all waiting for you, dear!
< 170906 := The children are still waiting! They're awfully restless, and they've been awfully patient and good. {undertone to player, talking about Amie, who Retta assumes is too scared to go on}Is... is she ready for her act?
< 170907 := {In an undertone to player}A summoning spell would be an awfully nice start...
< 170908 := {In an undertone to player}That last spell was wonderful! I think you'd planned an enlargement spell next, hadn't you?
< 170909 := {In an undertone to player}All that's left is the grand finish! Cast a Ray of Frost or an Acid Splash on that old barrel. It's a rotten old thing, and it ought to break quick enough.
< 170910 := That was brilliant, young lady, absolutely brilliant! I've not seen such a display of magic since... {this has brought up a *very* bad memory}well...
< 170911 := That was a wonderful performance today, Miss Fern!
< 170912 := We're looking forward to some magic today, Miss Fern!
< 170913 := Waiting for me?
< 170914 := Of course! Juggling and puppetry are well and good, but the children want to see magic. {excitedly}And so do I!
< 170915 := The pixies in my stomach say no. But it's just kids watching, right?
< 170916 := {rueful, more to herself}Serves me right for wanting a big audience...
< 170917 := {resigned}Right. {deep breath}They're just children, Retta. You can keep them occupied. You did it for eight of your own. Just... be yourself...
< 170918 := Ready? Uh... something like that!
< 170919 := Wonderful! I'll go and tell the children that you're ready. Right this way...
< 170920 := Mother? You all right?
< 170921 := {still shaken from the memory}It's been a... long time. Nevermind all that. You three are most certainly the winners of the contest. That was quite a thrill for all of us.
> 170903 := 私がするべき事は呪文を読んで、あの豚をしぼませて... これはenlargement spellについて私が正しかったと仮定した話で、いずれにしろ...
> 170904 := | Player is Wizard Apprentice |ここでやる事はだれか一人が呪文を読んで、あの豚をしぼめる事...
> 170905 := さぁ早く!みんなあなたをお待ちかねなのよ!
> 170906 := 子供達をあんまり待たせないでよ!すごく期待してるし、とっても我慢強いし、いい子達なんだから。{声を低くして聞き耳を立てられるのを怖れるかの如くAmieの事をプレイヤーにだけ聞こえるように話す。}彼女、やってくれるわよね?
> 170907 := {プレイヤーに小声で}最初は召喚魔法がいいと思うわよ...
> 170908 := {プレイヤーに小声で}素敵だったわ!お次は巨大化の呪文が受けると思うわ。
> 170909 := {プレイヤーに小声で}さぁ次は見せ場ね!レイ・オブ・フロストかアシッド・スプラッシュをあの古ぼけた樽にかけてみて。ほとんど腐りかけてるから、すぐに吹き飛ぶわ。
> 170910 := 上出来よ、お嬢さん。本当に素晴らしかった!あの頃と比べると、こんなに素敵な魔法は初めて...。{酷く良くない思い出が脳裏に甦る}もう本当に...
> 170911 := 素晴らしい芸でしたわ、ミスFern!
> 170912 := みんな今日の魔法を楽しみに待っていますよ、ミスFern!
> 170913 := 私を?
> 170914 := ええ、そうですよ!ジャグルと操り人形もすごく良かったけれど、子供達は魔法がみたいの。{興奮気味に}あたしも見たいわ!
> 170915 := おなかのpixiesがまだって言ってるけど、子供相手に見せるだけならね。
> 170916 := {自分が哀れという感じで}たくさんお客さんがいれば頑張るけど...
> 170917 := {あきらめて}そうね。{深く息を吸う}お客は子供だけだものね、Retta。貴女なら言い聞かせられるはずよね。何せ8人もお子さんをお持ちなんですもの。なんて事ないわよね。
> 170918 := そうね?例えば、こんな感じかしら!
> 170919 := 素晴らしいわ!子供達にいよいよですよって言って来なくちゃ。さぁさぁ。
> 170920 := 母さん?大丈夫?
> 170921 := {思い出してまだ震えている}あの時は本当に酷かった...。いえ大丈夫。貴方達三人が今までの中で最高でしたよ。みんなとても感激していましたからね。
< 170924 := Oh, and I nearly forgot! Tarmas gave me these scrolls... said I should give them to his apprentice and her friends, if they won the talent show.
< 170925 := | Player has won all four events |Oh, and I nearly forgot! Tarmas gave me these scrolls... said I should give them to his apprentice and her friends, if they won the talent show.
< 170926 := Come on, Amie. Your public awaits!
< 170927 := Are you ready for this, Amie?
< 170928 := Right. You can do this.
< 170929 := Don't worry. Everyone else will gather once you start.
< 170930 := We can come back later. There's plenty of time.
< 170931 := Not now, Retta. The children will have to wait.
< 170932 := We're ready. Right, Amie?
< 170933 := Not yet. We'll be back soon.
< 170934 := The children can keep waiting. I say when she's ready.
> 170924 := いけない、忘れるところだった!Tarmasからスクロールを預かってたの。talent showに勝ったら、生徒さんとそのお連れに渡すようにって。
> 170925 := | Player has won all four events |いけない、忘れるところだった!Tarmasからスクロールを預かってたの。talent showに勝ったら、生徒さんとそのお連れに渡すようにって。
> 170926 := やってやれよ、Amie。お客さんが待ってるんだから!
> 170927 := すぐ始められる?Amie?
> 170928 := よし。なら始めてくれ。
> 170929 := 大丈夫。始めちゃえば、みんな集まってくるさ。
> 170930 := また後で寄るよ。急ぐ必要ないだろ?
> 170931 := 今度ね、Retta。子供達は待たせといて。
> 170932 := もちろん。だよな、Amie?
> 170933 := また後でね。すぐに戻るから。
> 170934 := 子供達を待たせておいて。彼女の準備が出来たら教えるから。
< 172724 := Farewell.
< 172725 := <i> oink </i>
> 172724 := ごきげんよう。
> 172725 := <i> フゴッ </i>
< 174305 := Click the left mouse button on the ground to move your character to that spot.
< The keyboard can be used to move your character: W - forward, S - backwards, A - turn left, D - turn right, Q - step left, E - step right.
> 174305 := 床で左マウスボタンをクリックして、貴方のキャラクターをクリックした場所へ移動させてください。
< Walk over to the chest. It is situated against a wall, underneath a painting (Press and hold Z to highlight all interactive objects if you're having trouble finding it).
< 174306 := If you're still having trouble finding the chest, you can move the camera to better observe your surroundings.
> キーボードでもキャラクターを移動させる事ができます。W - 前方, S - 後方, A - 左旋回, D - 右旋回, Q - 左へステップ, E - 右へステップ.
< Use the arrow keys to rotate and zoom the camera. Page Up and Page Down modify the camera's vertical angle.
> チェストのところまで向かわせましょう。壁に絵画が掛かっている所です。(よくわからなければ、Zを押したままにして、インタラクトできるオブジェをハイライト表示させましょう)
> 174306 := それでもチェストが解らなければ、周囲の状況がよく見渡せるようにカメラを動かしてみましょう。
< Press the * key to cycle camera modes.
> カメラの回転とズームには矢印キーを使います。カメラの上下角はPage UpとPage Downとで、調整できます。
< If your mouse has a middle button or mouse wheel, you can orient the camera by clicking and holding the button/wheel and moving the mouse.
< 174307 := You can access chests and other containers by left-clicking on them. When you open a container, its inventory will be displayed in a small window.
> *キーを押すとカメラモードを切り替える事ができます。
< Left-click on Daeghun's chest to access its contents, then double left-click on Daeghun's Furs to add them to your inventory. You can also use the "Loot All" button in the container's window.
< 174308 := The furs have been added to your backpack. To view your inventory, click on the Player Menu icon (it looks like the Neverwinter eye) in the lower-left corner of the screen and select the bag icon. The top half of your inventory has slots for weapons, armor, rings and other equipped items. The lower half shows your stored items - you should see Daeghun's Furs listed there.
> 貴方のマウスにミドルボタンやホイールが付いているならば、ボタン/ホイールを押したままマウスを動かすことで、カメラを操作できます。
> 174307 := チェストや入れ物を左クリックすると開く事ができます。すると小さな窓が開いて、その中身が表示されます。
< Close your inventory by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of your inventory.
> Daeghunのチェストを左クリックして開けてみましょう。Daeghun's Fursを左ダブル・クリックすれば、貴方のインベントリに追加できます。また、入れ物の窓に付いている"全て取得"ボタンを使ってもかまいません。
> 174308 := 毛皮(furs)は貴方のバックパックにしまわれます。インベントリを開くには、画面の左下にあるPlayer Menuアイコン(Neverwinterの目に似ています)をクリックし、バッグのアイコンを選びます。インベントリの上半分は武器、鎧、指輪、その他の装備品の為の置き場になってます。下半分には、貴方がしまい込んだアイテムが表示されます。Daeghun's Fursもそこに表示されていますよね。
< Now that you have the furs, speak with Daeghun by left-clicking on him.
< 174311 := Daeghun has just given you a quest - click the Player Menu icon in the lower left corner and select your Journal. You can click on the names of the quests to show or hide their details.
> インベントリの右上にあるXをクリックしてインベントリを閉じましょう。
< Your journal is always available to remind you of your current quest state and to point you towards the next objective.
> これで、貴方は毛皮を手に入れました。Daeghunを左クリックして話しかけましょう。
> 174311 := Daeghunからクエストを受けました。左下のPlayer Menu iconをクリックし、日記を選びましょう。クエストの名称をクリックすると、詳細を掲示したり隠したりできます。
< Close your journal by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the journal. Left-click on the door to the east to open it, then left-click again on the open door to exit Daeghun's house.
< 174312 := Amie and Bevil have joined your party. Companions will follow you and fight by your side.
> 現在のクエストの状態を忘れないように、また、新たな目的を知る為に日記を活用してください。
< Companions are listed by their portraits on the right side of the screen.
> 日記の右上にあるXをクリックして日記を閉じましょう。東にある扉を左クリックして開け、開けた空間を左クリックしてDaeghunの家を出ましょう。
> 174312 := AmieとBevilがパーティに加わりました。仲間は貴方に付き従い、一緒に戦います。
< Left-click on a companion's portrait to take control to that character.
> 画面の右側に仲間のポートレイトが列びます。
< 174313 := Before combat, you'll need to equip a weapon.
> 仲間のポートレイト上で左クリックすると、そのキャラクターをコントロールできるようになります。
< Use the Player Menu to access your inventory and double left-click on the Training Club. The Training Club will appear in the Main Hand slot, indicating it is equipped.
> 174313 := 戦闘の前に、武器を装備しなくてはいけません。
< You can trade objects to your companions by clicking and dragging objects from your inventory to their portraits on the right side of the screen.
> Player Menuを使ってインベントリを開き、Training Clubを左ダブルクリックしましょう。するとTraining Clubが装備された事になり、Main Hand slotに現れます。
< To access a companion's inventory, take control of that companion (left-click on his/her portrait) and open the inventory screen. You are now looking at that companion's gear and can equip items by double left-clicking on them.
< 174314 := When you hover your cursor over a valid opponent, you will see a sword icon.
> 自分のインベントリから物品をクリックして、画面右側のポートレイトへドラッグすると、仲間に物品を譲る事ができます。
< Left-click on the target (in this case, a training dummy near Merring) to begin your attack!
< 174315 := When faced with a challenging fight, be sure your party is well-rested and at full hit points.
> 仲間のインベントリを開くには、(彼/彼女のポートレイトを左クリックして)仲間をコントロールできるようにしてから、インベントリを呼び出します。このようにすれば、仲間の所持品を調べ、それらを左ダブルクリックして装備させることができます。
> 174314 := カーソルを敵の上に重ねると、ソードのアイコンになるのが解ります。
< Be sure that your characters are all equipped with their best available weapons and armor (in this case, make sure everyone has a training club).
> 標的 (この例では、Merringの側のtraining dummyです)を左クリックすると、 戦闘の開始です!
> 174315 := 過酷な戦闘を行う際には、事前にパーティが十分に休息を取り、ヒットポイントが全快しているようにしておきましょう。
< Prevent having rogues and mages engage in one-on-one combat - have them assist with spells and sneak attacks.
> キャラクターの全員が、手に入りうる中で、最も得意な武器や鎧を身に着けている事に気を配りましょう。(この例では、全員がtraining clubを握ります).
< Try to focus all your attacks on one opponent at a time.
> ローグとメイジが一対一の戦闘に巻き込まれないようにしましょう。彼らには呪文と急所攻撃で加勢してもらうのです。
< If all else fails, press the ESC key, select Game Options, click the Gameplay tab, and set the difficulty to Easy.
< 174316 := To rest, click on the closed eye icon next to the Player Menu in the lower-left corner of the screen. After a short time has elapsed, your characters will heal and replenish their spells and powers.
> 一度に一人の敵に全攻撃を集中させましょう。
< Resting is not available in all areas, nor is resting available when enemies are close by. If your attempt to rest fails, try moving to a safer location away from enemies.
< 174317 := Your choices in dialogue can alter your alignment and influence your companions.
> どうしても勝てない場合、ESCキーを押し、Game Optionsを呼び出して、Gameplayタブをクリックし、difficultyをEasyに設定しましょう。
> 174316 := 休息するには、画面左下のPlayer Menuから、すぐ隣の閉じた瞼のアイコンをクリックしましょう。ほんのちょっと時間が経過し、キャラクター達は回復して呪文やパワーが再び利用可能になります。
< In this case, you adhered to the rules of the Harvest Brawl, a lawful choice. As a result, your Alignment has become more Lawful.
> 休息はどのエリアでも可能なわけではありません。敵が付近にいる場所では休息できません。休息が出来ない場合は、敵から離れた安全な場所へと移動するようにしましょう。
> 174317 := 会話での選択が貴方のアライメントと仲間への影響力を変化させます。
< You have also gained Influence with Bevil, as he is a law-abiding person and agrees with your decision.
> この例では、Harvest Brawlのルールを守ろうとしたので、秩序に対する選択となります。結果、貴方のアライメントはより秩序が強くなります。
< Companions are more likely to reveal information and actively support your cause if you have high Influence with them. Remember that companions have different personalities; you can't always please them all.
> これにより、秩序を好む性格であるBevilへの影響力も増え、彼は貴方の判断に満足します。
< 174318 := Your choices in dialogue can alter your alignment and influence your companions.
> 貴方の影響力が強ければ、仲間は情報を進んで共有し、貴方の主張を積極的に支持します。仲間はみんな違った個性を持っています。全員を満足させる事は難しいでしょう。
< In this case, you broke the rules of the Harvest Brawl, a chaotic choice. As a result, your Alignment has become more Chaotic.
> 174318 := 会話での選択が貴方のアライメントと仲間への影響力を変化させます。
< You have also lost Influence with Bevil, as he is a law-abiding person and disapproves of your decision.
> この例では、Harvest Brawlのルールを破ろうとしたので、混沌に対する選択となります。結果、貴方のアライメントは混沌が強くなります。
< Companions are more likely to reveal information and actively support your cause if you have high Influence with them. Remember that companions have different personalities; you can't always please them all.
> これにより秩序を好む性格であるBevilへの影響力が減り、彼は貴方の判断に不満を抱きます。
< 174319 := The Tourney of Talent is about to begin. Here, you will learn the basics of spellcasting.
> 貴方の影響力が強ければ、仲間は情報を進んで共有し、貴方の主張を積極的に支持します。仲間はみんな違った個性を持っています。全員を満足させる事は難しいでしょう。
> 174319 := Tourney of Talentが始まりました。ここで、呪文の詠唱について覚えましょう。
< Amie has been set as your primary character for this tourney. Press the F key to display her Quick Cast window.
> tourneyではAmieをコントロールします。Fキーを押して彼女のQuick Cast windowを表示させましょう。
< The Quick Cast window shows icons for all of your memorized spells, sorted by spell level. Mouse over each icon to learn the spell name. Find <i>summon creature I</i> and left-click on it. Your cursor will change to a spell targeting cursor. Left-click on the ground wherever you'd like the summoned creature to appear.
> Quick Cast windowには記憶済の呪文が、スペルレベル毎に整理され、アイコンとして表示されています。マウスをアイコンの上に重ねると、呪文の名称が解ります。<i>サモン・クリーチャー1</i>を探し、その上で左クリックしましょう。カーソルが、呪文標的用カーソルに変化します。地面をどこでもかまいませんから左クリックすると、召喚したクリーチャーが現れます。
< <b>Important</b>: If you miscast any of your spells, click the Rest Icon near your Player Menu or press R to rest and restore your spells.
> <b>重要</b>: もし呪文を誤って詠唱してしまったなら、Player Menuから休息アイコンをクリックするか、Rを押して休息し、呪文を利用可能にしてください。
< 174320 := Next, you'll cast an <i>enlarge person</i> spell on Bevil.
> 174320 := 次は、<i>エンラージ・パーソン</i>をBevilに向かって唱えます。
< This type of spell targets a friendly creature - it can be cast on yourself or an ally, but never on an enemy.
> この呪文は友好的な生物を標的にします。つまり、貴方自身か味方に唱えるのです。敵に唱えてはいけません。
< This time, try casting your spell with the Quick Bar. The Quick Bar is the grid at the bottom of your screen and it can hold shortcuts to your favorite abilities. You can place skills, feats, spells and other actions into the Quick Bar for rapid use.
> 今回はQuick Barを使って呪文を唱えてみましょう。Quick Barは画面下に見える升目の事です。好きな能力をショートカットとして登録できます。技能や特技や呪文などを、すぐ使えるようにここへ配置しましょう。
< To add a spell to your Quick Bar, simply drag and drop a spell onto it. To do this, open your spellbook with your Player Menu or by pressing the B key.
> Quick Barへの呪文の登録は、呪文をドラッグ・アンド・ドロップするだけです。Player MenuかBキーを押して呪文書を開きましょう。
< On the right-hand page of the spellbook, look for the spell icons under Spell Level 1. Left-click and drag the <i>enlarge person</i> icon into an empty slot on your Quick Bar. Close your spellbook by pressing the X in the upper-right corner of the spellbook.
> 呪文書の右ページから、呪文レベル1の呪文を探します。<i>エンラージ・パーソン</i>のアイコンを左クリックしてQuick Barの空欄までドラッグします。呪文書の右上のXを押して呪文書を閉じましょう。
< You can now cast <i>enlarge person</i> by either left-clicking the icon in the Quick Bar or by pressing the number key on your keyboard that corresponds to that slot (so if the spell were in the left-most slot, press 1). Your cursor becomes the spell targeting cursor and you can now left-click on Bevil to complete the casting of the spell. You can also cast the spell by first right-clicking on Bevil to target him and then left-clicking on the spell icon or pressing the corresponding number key.
> <i>エンラージ・パーソン</i>は、Quick Barのアイコンを左クリックするか、スロットの番号と同じ数字キーを押すことで詠唱できます。(ですから、一番左端に配置してあるのなら、1を押します)すると、カーソルが呪文標的用のカーソルになりますので、詠唱を完了させるべく、Bevilを左クリックしてみましょう。この方法以外に、Bevilをあらかじめ右クリックして標的として、それから呪文アイコンの上で左クリックする(か、数字キーを押す)事でも同じ事ができます。
< <b>Important</b>: If you miscast any of your spells, click the Rest Icon near your Player Menu or press R to rest and restore your spells.
< 174321 := To complete her act, Amie will cast an offensive spell at a destroyable target.
> <b>重要</b>: もし呪文を誤って詠唱してしまったなら、Player Menuから休息アイコンをクリックするか、Rを押して休息し、呪文を利用可能にしてください。
> 174321 := 壊したい標的に向かって、Amieに攻撃用呪文を唱えさせてみましょう。
< Target the old barrel with any of Amie's offensive spells: <i>ray of frost</i> or <i>acid splash</i>.
> Amieの攻撃呪文、<i>レイ・オブ・フロスト</i>か<i>アシッド・スプラッシュ</i>は、どちらも、古い樽を標的にできます。
< Use either Quick Cast (by pressing F) or the Quick Bar (start by accessing your spellbook with the Player Menu or B key) to cast your spell.
> (Fを押す)Quick Castか、(Player MenuかBキーで呪文書を呼び出してセットする)Quick Barから呪文を唱えてみましょう。
< Remember to rest and recover your spells if necessary.
< 174322 := Excellent! Amie's magic has won over the crowd. Talk to Retta Starling, she has a prize for you!
> 必要ならば、休息を取って呪文を回復させてください。
> 174322 := お見事!Amieの魔法は観客を沸かせました。Retta Starlingに話しかけましょう。彼女から賞品が貰えますよ!
< Now that you've tried the basics of spellcasting, you can explore your spellbook (use the Player Menu or press B). The spellbook has all the spells you know sorted by class and level on the left and spells memorized on the right.
> これで、基本的な呪文の唱え方が解りましたから、呪文書を調べてみましょう。(Player Menuを使うか、Bを押します)既知の呪文は全てここに載っており、クラスとレベルによる区別が左側に、記憶済のものが右側に列んでいます。
< You can click and drag spells from the Known List into your memorized spell slots and when you next rest, those spells will be ready to cast.
> 既知の呪文一覧から呪文をクリックし、記憶済呪文の欄へドラッグしておくと、次回の休息後に利用可能になります。
< For more information on the spellbook, refer to the manual.
< 174323 := To remove the enchantment of Lewy's Hog, you will need to use your scroll of <i>lesser dispel</i>.
> 呪文書についての詳細はマニュアルを参照してください。
> 174323 := Lewyのブタにかかった魔法を取り除くには、<i>レッサー・ディスペル</i>のスクロールを使わねばなりません。
< Scrolls are single-use spells stored in written form. Scrolls of arcane spells may only be used by wizards, sorcerers, bards or by a character with points in the Use Magic Device skill.
> スクロールは紙に記された使い切りの呪文です。秘術呪文はウィザード、ソーサラー、バードか、もしくは、魔法装置使用技能にポイントを有したキャラクターだけが使うことが出来ます。
< Access your inventory and look for the scroll of <i>lesser dispel</i>. If the icon for the scroll is red, your character lacks the arcane spellcasting or Use Magic Device skill to read the incantation. Put the scroll in Amie's inventory by clicking and dragging the scroll from your inventory to Amie's portrait.
> インベントリを開き、<i>レッサー・ディスペル</i>のスクロールを探しましょう。スクロールのアイコンが赤い場合、そのキャラクターには秘術呪文の才能や、スクロールを読みこなす魔法装置使用技能が備わっていません。貴方のインベントリでこのスクロールをクリックし、Amieのポートレイトまでドラッグして、Amieのインベントリにスクロールを置きましょう。
< If the scroll is in the inventory of a character capable of reading, you can unleash the spell by double left-clicking on the scroll, then left-clicking on Lewy's Hog to cast <i>lesser dispel</i> on the pig.
< 174324 := Stores are accessed through dialogue. Ask a merchant to trade and the store inventory will open on the left side of the screen. Your inventory will open on the right.
> キャラクターがインベントリにあるスクロールを利用できる場合、スクロールの上で左ダブルクリックして、スクロールを発動しましょう。それから、Lewyのブタを左クリックして<i>レッサー・ディスペル</i>をブタに対して発動します。
> 174324 := お店は会話を通じて利用できます。商人に取り引きを持ちかけましょう。画面左側に店のインベントリが開き、右側に貴方のインベントリが開きます。
< You can left-click on the icons at the top of the store to cycle through different categories of goods for sale: armor, weapons, consumables, trinkets and miscellaneous, respectively.
> 店の上部にあるアイコンを左クリックすると、販売中の品物のジャンルを順に、鎧、武器、消耗品、装身具、等々と、切り替えられます。
< Double left-click on items in a merchant's store to buy items and double left-click on your own items to sell them. You can identify unidentified magical items at shops, for a price, by right-clicking on an item and clicking the "Identify" option on the drop-down menu.
> 商人のお店でアイテムを左ダブルクリックすると購入になり、所持品からアイテムを左ダブルクリックすると売却となります。未鑑定のアイテムは、お店でアイデンティファイする事により、値段が判明します。アイテムを右クリックし、ドロップダウン・メニューから"アイデンティファイ"をクリックしてください。
< Sell Daeghun's Furs. Then use the proceeds to purchase the Duskwood Bow.
> Daeghunの毛皮を売却しましょう。それから、Duskwood Bowを購入してください。
< 174326 := To equip a missile weapon, access your inventory with the Player Menu or I key.
> 174326 := 飛び道具を装備するには、Player MenuかIキーを押してインベントリを開きます。
< Then double left-click your crossbow to equip it. You'll also need to equip ammunition (crossbow bolts) in the Bolt Ammo Slot by double left-clicking on the bolts.
> クロスボウを左ダブルクリックして装備させましょう。弾薬(クロスボウ・ボルト)も装備しなくてはなりません。ボルトを左ダブルクリックして、Bolt Ammo Slotに配置させましょう。
< Remember that a crossbow requires two hands to use, so you cannot equip a shield while firing.
< 174327 := Now that you're equipped with a ranged weapon and the ammunition, move your mouse cursor over a target (in this case, the practice target) and a sword icon will appear in the cursor.
> クロスボウを使うには両手が必要です。したがって、射撃中はシールドを保持できない事に注意しましょう。
< Left-click on the target to fire!
< 174328 := If you are having difficulty hitting a target, try switching to one of your companions with high Dexterity, the ability score that affects a character's effectiveness with missile weapons.
> 174327 := 射程を有する武器と弾が装備できました。カーソルを標的(この例では、practice target) に重ねてみましょう。すると、ソードのアイコンに変わります。
< Try giving the crossbow and ammunition to Bevil. Open your inventory and left-click and drag the crossbow to Bevil's portrait, then left-click and drag the ammo. Left-click on Bevil's portrait to set him as your active character, press I to open his inventory and equip the crossbow and ammo. Bevil should be able to hit most, if not all, of the targets.
< 174329 := If the pile of logs is glowing red, the trap is detected and can be disarmed. If not, toggle Detect Mode by clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon in the bottom-right area of the screen.
> 左クリックして、標的を撃ちましょう!
> 174328 := 標的になかなか命中しないのならば、敏捷力が高い仲間と交代してください。敏捷力は飛び道具の上手下手に関連があるからです。
< In Detect Mode, your party moves at half speed but will actively check for traps and hidden creatures. Elves are always in Detect Mode but do not suffer the speed penalty.
> クロスボウと弾をBevilに渡しましょう。インベントリを開き、クロスボウを左クリックして、Bevilのポートレイトまでドラッグし、それから弾を左クリックして同じようにドラッグします。Bevilのポートレイトを左クリックして、彼をアクティブなキャラクターにします。Iを押して彼のインベントリを開き、クロスボウと弾を装備させます。Bevilなら、百発百中ではないとしても、上手に命中させられるはずです。
> 174329 := 丸太の山( pile of logs )が赤く輝いているなら、解除可能な罠がある、という事です。このように見えない時は、画面右下の虫眼鏡アイコンをクリックしてDetect Modeに切り替えましょう。
< Once the trap is detected, it can be disarmed by a character with the Disable Device skill. Make sure your rogue is active (by left-clicking on his character portrait) and left-click on the woodpile. A progress bar will appear. When it completes, the character's skill is checked and if successful, the trap is disarmed!
> Detect Modeでは、パーティの移動速度は半分になりますが、罠や潜んでいる生物に用心している状態となります。エルフは常にDetect Modeであるとみなされ、しかも移動速度のペナルティは被りません。
< 174330 := You've found the chest that contains the White Feather. This chest is securely locked.
> 罠が発見されたら、〈装置無力化〉技能を持つキャラクターに罠を解除させましょう。ローグをアクティブ(ポートレイトを左クリック)にし、薪を左クリックします。すると、progress barが出てきます。それが完了すると、技能判定が行われ、成功ならば、罠が解除されます。
< Make sure your active character is a rogue or someone with the Open Locks skill (remember you can left-click on a character's portait to make him or her your active character).
> 174330 := White Featherの入ったチェストを見つけました。でも、鍵が掛かっています。
< Hover your mouse over the chest and you'll see the cursor change to an opened lock. Left-click on the chest and a progress bar will appear as you attempt to pick the lock. After the progress bar completes, the lock will open if your skill is sufficient.
< 174331 := To acquire the Green Feather, you'll have to "steal" it from the Man in Green.
> ローグか、Open Locks技能を持つ者をアクティブ(そのキャラクターのポートレイトを左クリック)にしましょう。
< Picking pockets requires the Sleight of Hand skill. Make your rogue your active character (remember you can switch take of characters by left-clicking on their portraits). Mouse over the Man in Green and click and hold the right mouse button. This will create a Dropdown Menu over the Man in Green.
> マウスをチェストの上に重ねると、カーソルが開いた南京錠の画に変化します。チェストを左クリックして、〈解錠〉を行使させ、progress barを表示させましょう。progress barが伸びきると、技能が足りていれば、鍵が開くはずです。
> 174331 := Green Featherを手に入れるには、緑の服の男に対して"盗み"を働く必要があります。
< Left-click on the icon of the hand reaching for the purse. You will now attempt to use Sleight of Hand to swipe the Green Feather.
> スリは〈手先の早業〉技能を必要とします。ローグをアクティブ(そのキャラクターのポートレイトを左クリック)にしましょう。マウスをMan in Greenに重ねて、右マウスボタンをクリックしたまま保持します。この操作によって、Man in Greenに重なるようにドロップダウンメニューが出てきます。
< The Man in Green is an easy target. If you fail to swipe the feather from him, try it again. Since this man is part of the Knaves' Challenge, he won't be upset by your failed attempts to steal from him.
> 財布に伸びる手のアイコンを左クリックしましょう。今、〈手先の早業〉で、Green Featherを盗もうとしている状態です。
< Merchants are the best targets of the Sleight of Hand skill, as they almost always have gold or items on them. A talented rogue can swipe money and items from the many vendors you will encounter in your travels.
< 174332 := Congratulations! You have earned enough experience points (xp) to move to the next level. If a character is ready to level up, a special graphic will appear over that character's portrait.
> Man in Greenの難易度は低い方です。彼から羽をスリとる事に失敗するようだったら、何度でも試せます。この男はKnaves' Challengeの仕込みなので、スリがバレても、怒られたりする事はないからです。
< To level up, access your character screen with the Player Menu or by pressing the C key. Then, click the Level Up button located under your character's picture.
> 常に金と品物を持ち歩いている商人は、〈手先の早業〉技能の格好の餌食になります。才能のあるローグは、旅先で物売りに出会う度に金品をスリとる事でしょう。
> 174332 := おめでとう!あなたは充分な経験点(xp)を獲得したので、レベルが上がります。レベルアップが出来るようになったキャラクターには、ポートレイト上に、それを表す画が表示されます。
< This will take you to a series of screens similar to those used in the character generation process. You can choose which class to gain a level in. You will then get to distribute 技能ポイント and as you rise higher in level, select ability score increases and new feats.
> レベルを成長させる為、Player MenuかCキーを押してキャラクタースクリーンを開きましょう。キャラクターの画の下にある、Level Upボタンを押してください。
< Your companions also gain experience and levels. You can level up a companion by switching control to that companion and repeating the above process.
> キャラクター作成時と同様の画面が現れます。レベルを上げたいクラスを選んでください。それが終わると、技能ポイントが与えられますので、上昇させたい能力値と特技を選んでください。
< Remember: When in doubt about how to level up your characters, the Recommend button will suggest a good option.
< 174333 := Equip a melee weapon as you would a ranged weapon, only don't worry about ammo. Be sure to equip Training Clubs for your companions!
> 仲間も経験点とレベルを獲得します。操作する仲間を切り替えて、同様の手順でレベルアップを行ってください。
< You can trade objects to your companions by dragging objects from your inventory to their portrait on the right side of the screen.
> キャラクターをどんな風にレベルアップさせたら良いか迷った時は、推奨ボタンが良い見本になります。
> 174333 := 射程を有する武器でしたように、接近戦用の武器を装備しましょう。弾は無視できます。忘れずに、仲間にもTraining Clubsを装備して上げてください。
< To access a companion's inventory, take control of that companion (left-click on his/her portrait) and open the inventory screen. You are now looking at that companion's gear and can double left-click on items to equip them.
< 174334 := You can equip a missile weapon the same way as you would a melee weapon. The only difference is that you must also equip ammunition by double left-clicking on a stack of arrows, bolts or sling bullets.
> あなたのインベントリから、画面右側のポートレイトへドラッグする事で、物品を仲間へ渡す事が出来ます。
< Remember that a crossbow requires two hands to use, so you cannot equip a shield while firing.
> 仲間のインベントリは、仲間を操作状態(ポートレイトを左クリック)にすれば開けます。では、仲間の装備を覗いて、アイテムを左ダブルクリックして装備させてみましょう。
> 174334 := 接近戦用の武器と同じやり方で、飛び道具も装備できます。ただし、矢、ボルト、スリングブレットを左ダブルクリックして、弾として装備しなくてはなりません。
< 174335 := Your first battle is about to begin! Your hit points are represented by the red bar to the left of your character portraits; keep an eye on everyone's health!
> クロスボウを使うには両手が必要です。したがって、射撃中はシールドを保持できない事に注意しましょう。
< You can press the Space bar to pause and unpause the game. If you need to take a moment to think about the battle, remember you can freeze the action at any time.
> 174335 := あなたにとって初めての戦闘です!ポートレイトの左にある赤いバーがヒットポイントです。キャラクター達の健康状態に目を光らせましょう!
< If a character reaches 0 points, he or she is out of the fight. If your entire party is incapacitated, the game will end, and you will have to reload.
> スペースキーを押せばゲームを一時停止/再開できます。戦況を熟考したくなったら、いつでもポーズが利く事を忘れないようにしましょう。
< In this case, however, Brother Merring will not allow anyone to be killed. Should you lose this battle, you will be revived outside the ring. Good luck!
> ヒットポイントが0になったキャラクターは戦闘から抜けます。パーティの全員が行動不能になったら、ゲーム・オーバーです。ロードして再開してください。
> ただし、この例では、Brother Merringが殺生を禁じています。したがって、戦闘に負けると、リングの外で生き返る事になります。では、頑張って!
< 174395 := That warrants a special reward, of course. I have a Harvest Cloak for you, courtesy of the village council. It'll be yours at the end of the day.
< 174396 := That warrants a special reward, of course. I have a Harvest Cloak for you, courtesy of the village council. It'll be yours at the end of the day.
> 174395 := これはもちろん特別賞に値する。村の評議会の好意によりHarvest Cloakを贈る。これは世の終わりまでお前の物だ。
> 174396 := これはもちろん特別賞に値する。村の評議会の好意によりHarvest Cloakを贈る。これは世の終わりまでお前の物だ。
< 174399 := <i> squeak </i>
> 174399 := <i> キーキー </i>
< 174403 := Don't forget to equip Training Clubs for your companions, as well!
< 174404 := You can trade items between your companions by dragging objects from your inventory to their portraits (on the right side of the screen).
< 174405 := Once you have given Training Clubs to your companions, take control of each companion by right-clicking their portraits. Use their inventory panels to equip them with Training Clubs, just as you did for yourself.
> 174403 := 仲間にもTraining Clubsを装備する事をお忘れなく!
> 174404 := あなたのインベントリから、(画面右側の)ポートレイトへドラッグする事で、物品を仲間へ渡す事が出来ます。
> 174405 := 仲間全員にTraining Clubを渡したなら、そのポートレイトを右クリックして操作状態にしましょう。あなたのキャラクターにしたように、仲間のインベントリ・パネルで、各自にTraining Clubを装備させます。
< 174413 := | Kipp is controlled, or PC is rogue and controlled |Move your cursor over the chest. Note that your cursor icon displays a lock.
> 174413 := | Kipp is controlled, or PC is rogue and controlled |カーソルをチェストに重ねます。カーソルが鍵の画になったのが解りますね。
< 174416 := | Kipp is in party, and controlled |Open Kipp's character sheet (press the "C" key), and select the "Skills" tab. Click and drag Kipp's "Sleight of Hand" skill to one of your Quickbar slots (at the bottom of the screen).
< 174417 := | PC is rogue and is controlled |The Sleight of Hand skill should already be in your Quickbar (at the bottom of the screen).
> 174416 := | Kipp is in party, and controlled |Kippのキャラクターシートを開きましょう("C"キーを押す)。そして、"技能"タブを選びます。Kippの〈手先の早業〉技能をクリックして、(画面下の)Quickbar slotsまでドラッグしましょう。
> 174417 := | PC is rogue and is controlled |〈手先の早業〉技能は、すでにQuickbar(画面下側)の中にあります。
< 174422 := You are allowed to Rest in all other locations, unless there are enemies nearby. If you find that you are unable to Rest because enemies are near, you will have to move to a safer location or leave the area.
> 174422 := Restはどんな場所でも行えますが、敵がそばにいる所では行えません。もし敵がいるために、Restが出来ないとわかったら、もっと安全な場所へ移動しましょう。
< 174425 := Give the scroll to Amie by opening your inventory panel (press "I") and dragging the Lesser Dispel scroll onto Amie's portrait. Alternatively, you can drag the scroll onto Amie, herself.
> 174425 := 貴方のインベントリを開き("I"を押す)、レッサー・ディスペルのスクロールをAmieのポートレイトまでドラッグして、Amieにスクロールを渡しましょう。あるいは、スクロールをAmie自身までドラッグしても渡す事ができます。
< 174428 := If the pile of logs is glowing red, then you have detected the trap, and you can attempt to disarm it. If not, you will have to activate Detect Mode to find the trap.
< 174429 := | If Kipp or player just detected trap |Your party has just detected a trap. You will have to disarm the trap before you can search the pile of logs.
< 174430 := This is a fairly simple trap, so it was easy to spot. To find and avoid more challenging traps, you can activate Detect Mode.
< 174431 := Detect Mode is activated by clicking its icon on the Mode Bar (located on the left side of the screen).
< 174432 := Detect Mode improves the party's chances to spot traps and hidden creatures. While in Detect Mode, your movement speed will slow to a walk.
< 174433 := When you detect a trap, the trapped object will glow red, like the pile of logs. Once you have detected a trap, you can attempt to disarm it.
< 174434 := | Player is elf |Detect Mode is used to locate traps and hidden creatures. As an elf, <FullName> is always in Detect Mode (elves have keener senses than other races).
< 174435 := Non-elves must activate Detect Mode manually by clicking its icon on the Mode Bar (located on the left side of the screen).
< 174436 := While in Detect Mode, the movement speed of non-elf characters will slow to a walk.
< 174437 := | Kipp is in party and controlled |Only a character who has invested points in the Disable Device skill can attempt to disarm a trap. In this case, Kipp should have no trouble with this trap.
< 174438 := | PC is rogue and is controlled |Only a character who has invested points in the Disable Device skill can attempt to disarm a trap. In this case, <FirstName> should have no trouble with this trap.
< 174439 := In order to disarm traps, a character must have invested points in the Disable Device skill. In this case, Kipp should have no trouble with this trap.
< 174440 := In order to disarm traps, a character must have invested points in the Disable Device skill. In this case, <FirstName> should have no trouble with this trap.
> 174428 := 丸太の山( pile of logs )が赤く輝いているなら、解除可能な罠がある、という事です。このように見えない時は、罠を見つける為に、Detect Modeを有効にしなくてはなりません。
> 174429 := | If Kipp or player just detected trap |パーティーは罠を発見しました。丸太の山を調べる前に、罠を解除する必要があります。
> 174430 := この罠はかなり簡単なものですから、見つけるのは容易いはずです。より難しい罠を見つけて避けるには、Detect Modeを有効にします。
> 174431 := Detect ModeはMode Barのアイコン(画面左側)をクリックする事により有効になります。
> 174432 := Detect Modeは、罠や潜んでいる生物に、パーティーが気が付く可能性を高めてくれます。Detect Modeの最中、移動速度は歩きにまで低下します。
> 174433 := Detect Modeは、罠や潜んでいる生物に、パーティーが気が付く可能性を高めてくれます。Detect Modeの最中、移動速度は歩きにまで低下します。
> 174434 := | Player is elf |Detect Modeは、罠や潜んでいる生物を見つける際に役立ちます。エルフである<FullName>は常にDetect Modeであるとみなされます(エルフは他の種族よりも敏感だからです)。
> 174435 := エルフ以外は、(画面左側の)Mode Barでアイコンをクリックして能動的にDetect Modeを有効にしなければなりません。
> 174436 := Detect Modeの最中、エルフ以外のキャラクターの移動速度は歩きにまで低下します。
> 174437 := | Kipp is in party and controlled |〈装置無力化〉技能にポイントを割り振っているキャラクターだけが、罠の解除を試みることができます。この例では、Kippはこの罠を難なく扱えます。
> 174438 := | PC is rogue and is controlled |技能にポイントを割り振っているキャラクターだけが、罠の解除を試みることができます。この例では、<FirstName>はこの罠を難なく扱えます。
> 174439 := 罠を解除するには、〈装置無力化〉技能にポイントを割り振っているキャラクターでなければなりません。この例では、Kippはこの罠を難なく扱えます。
> 174440 := 罠を解除するには、〈装置無力化〉技能にポイントを割り振っているキャラクターでなければなりません。この例では、<FirstName>はこの罠を難なく扱えます。
< 174464 := Important: If you should accidentally miscast one of your spells, you can re-memorize it by pressing the "R" key to Rest. Feel free to Rest at any time during the Tourney of Talent.
< 174465 := If you accidentally right-click the spell, you will remove it from your Memorized Spells list. To get it back, just click-and-drag the spell from Known Spells to Memorized Spells, and hit "R" to Rest.
> 174464 := 重要: 誤って呪文のどれかを唱えてしまった場合、"R"キーを押して休息する事で、暗記し直す事ができます。Tourney of Talentの最中は、何度休息してもかまいません。
> 174465 := 呪文を誤って右クリックした場合、その呪文は暗記済呪文のリストから取り除かれてしまいます。これを元に戻すには、既知呪文からその呪文をクリックして暗記済呪文までドラッグしてやり、"R"キーを押して休息します。
< 174471 := Now try casting the Enlarge Person spell on Bevil.
> 174471 := Bevilに向かってエンラージ・パーソン呪文を唱えましょう。
< Remember: If you miscast the spell, you can re-memorize it by pressing the "R" key to Rest.
< 174472 := Remember: If you miscast the spells, you can re-memorize them by pressing the "R" key to Rest.
> 注意: 間違った呪文を唱えてしまったのなら、"R"キーを押して休息し、もう一度記憶しなおす事ができます。
> 174472 := 注意: 間違った呪文を唱えてしまったのなら、"R"キーを押して休息し、もう一度記憶しなおす事ができます。
< 174475 := Once you have selected the Weapons tab, you should see the Duskwood Bow in the store inventory. Right-click the Bow to make your purchase. Exit Galen's store by closing the window.
> 174475 := Weaponsタブを選ぶと、店のインベントリの中にDuskwood Bowがあるのが解るでしょう。購入するにはボウを右クリックしましょう。ウィンドウを閉じて、Galenの店を出ます。
< 174494 := Each year, West Harbor's Harvest Fair champion is awarded this bronze cup, to keep as a trophy until next year's fair. This particular cup has been in service for quite a number of years, and several previous winners have scratched their names - and other things - into its tarnished surface.
> 174494 := 毎年、West Harbor収穫祭の優勝者にはこのブロンズカップが贈られます。来年の収穫祭の時まで記念品として取っておくのです。カップは何年も使われてきており、こすれた表面には、これまでの優勝者の何人かが自分の名前や余計な文句まで彫り込んだ跡があります。
< 174541 := Orlenから巨大な豚についての調査を依頼された。その豚の飼い主であるLewy Jonsは、魔法により巨大化したと考えているようだ。
> 174541 := Orlenから、魔法で巨大化されているという、Lewy Jonsの巨大な豚について調査を依頼された。
< 175593 := The infernal power of devils extends even to their blood, which boils foully even outside the fiend
> 175593 := The infernal power of devils extends even to their blood, which boils foully even outside the fiendTMs veins.
> Requirement: Craft Alchemy 8 ranks
> Yields: Glowing Power Essence, Faint Fire Essence
< 176544 := Now, go and tell Georg that you've won your final event... he'll want to make his speech and award you the Cup!
> 176544 := Georgのところへ行って、最後のコンテストでも勝ったと報告してきなさいな。彼はスピーチを披露してから、貴方達に優勝カップを渡してくれるはずよ。
< 178636 := The attackers have struck throughout the village. Coordinate with Georg, leader of the village's militia, to defend West Harbor.
> 178636 := A mage leading a small army of demons has assaulted the githyanki lair. The mage's motives are unknown; and while his demons are hostile to you, they appear more concerned with killing the githyanki.
< 178651 := A member of Moire
> 178651 := A member of Moire's gang has been leaking information to the City Watch. Captain Brelaina fears the informant has been exposed and will soon be killed. You are to bring Fihelis to the City Watch for safety before Moire can eliminate him.
> Fihelis's estate is walled estate in the Merchant Quarter and overlooks the park which borders the river.
< 178948 := XP granted for helping the guards repel the initial assault on Castle Never with minimal losses.
> 178948 := XP granted for helping the guards repel the initial assault on Castle Never.
< 179002 := Well then, let's head over to the stage...
< 179003 := Actually, I'm ready for the award ceremony now.
< 179004 := Good idea. I'll see you in a little while.
< 179005 := Or maybe some well-deserved bragging. What's the point of winning if you don't get a chance to gloat?
> 179002 := それでは、ステージに上がりなさい...
> 179003 := すでに表彰式の準備は出来ています。
> 179004 := いい考えですね、じゃあちょっと後で。
> 179005 := あるいは価値のある自慢話でも。もしあなた方がいろいろうまくいかないなら成功の秘訣でも?
< 181419 := Welcome to <i>Neverwinter Nights 2!</i> If this is your first time playing the game, you might want to play through the tutorial. The tutorial gives you a chance to learn the controls and basic strategies for playing the game in a relatively safe, non-hostile environment. You'll also learn more about your hometown and background.
> 181419 := ようこそ<i>Neverwinter Nights 2</i>の世界へ!このゲームが初めてなら、チュートリアルからプレイする事をお勧めします。そうすれば、ゲームで用いられる操作法と基礎的な戦術とを、敵の少ない、比較的安全な舞台で学ぶ事ができます。また、貴方の故郷と背景についても知ることが出来るでしょう。
< If you've played the game before, or if you just want to get straight to the story, feel free to skip ahead.
< 181420 := As you progress through the tutorial, you'll see pop-up boxes like this one, explaining various elements of the game's interface and telling you how to perform different types of actions. Be sure to read the instructions carefully, as once you close the window, that text is gone forever.
> 前にこのゲームを遊んだ事があったり、物語に集中したければ、スキップを選んでください。
> 181420 := チュートリアルを進めると、このようにポップアップする窓が出て、インターフェースの各部を説明したり、様々な行動の仕方を教えてくれます。説明をよく読むようにしてください。窓を一旦閉じてしまうと、説明を読み直すことはできません。
< You can choose to skip the rest of the tutorial any time a tutorial window pops up. You may also turn off the pop-ups if you want to experience the tutorial without the interference. Keep in mind that if you turn off the pop-ups, they remain turned off for good and you lose the chance to bypass the tutorial.
< 181421 := Are you sure you wish to skip the tutorial?
< 181422 := West Harbor's annual Harvest Festival finally winds down late in the evening. Flushed with the victory of claiming the Harvest Cup with your friends, Bevil and Amie, you were the center of attention at the evening's festivities before finally slipping away for some much needed rest.
> 窓がポップアップしている時なら、以降のチュートリアルをいつでもスキップできます。チュートリアルを中座されずに楽しみたければ、このポップアプをオフにする事もできます。ポップアップをオフにすると、ずっとオフになったままだという事に注意してください。つまり、チュートリアルを省略できなくなります。
> 181421 := 本当にチュートリアルをスキップして宜しいですか?
> 181422 := West Harbor恒例の収穫祭は夜になって幕を下ろした。Bevil、Amieと共にハーベストカップの栄冠を勝ち取った貴方は、夜の宴では引っ張りだこだったが、とうとう最後には眠けに耐えられなくなって、宴席を後にする。
< You looked forward to a good night's sleep and a late morning, but sometime in the dark of night you are awakened by a strange noise....
> 明日は思いっきり朝寝坊していようと眠りにつく貴方。深夜になる頃、ふと妙な物音で目がさめる....
< 182601 := This essence swirls and glows with a soft, green light.
> 182601 := This essence swirls and glows with a soft, brown light.
< 183076 := He caught me! I'd better try again...
< 183077 := Brilliant! I got the feather!
> 183076 := 捕まっちゃった! もう一度やってみる...
> 183077 := やった! 羽根を手に入れたぞ!
< 184727 := Give Gold
< 184728 := Give Experience
> 184727 := Give/Take Gold
> 184728 := Give/Take Experience
< 184761 := ドライブモード時の視点
< 184762 := トップダウン
< 184763 := 自動追尾
< 184764 := フリーカメラ
> 184758 := Items were automatically rearranged in inventory
> 184760 := g
> 184761 := ドライブモード時のマウスの挙動:
> 184762 := 何もしない
> 184763 := キャラクターの方向転換
> 184764 := 移動および方向転換
> 184765 := Power Word Weaken
> 184766 := Power Word Maladroit
> 184767 := Power Word Blind
> 184768 := Power Word Petrify
> 184769 := Resistance, Greater
> 184770 := Resistance, Superior
> 184771 := Call Lightning Storm
> 184772 := Cacophonic Burst
> 184773 := Contagion, Mass
> 184774 := Death Ward, Mass
> 184775 := Drown, Mass
> 184776 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Divination
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One living creature with 75 hp or less
> Duration: See text
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You utter a single word of power that instantly causes one creature of your choice to become weaker, dealing 2 points of damage to its Strength, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The specific effect and duration of the spell depend on the target's current hit point total, as show below. Any creature that currently has 75 or more hit points is unaffected by power word weaken.
> 25 or less hit points - Strength drain
> 26-50 hit points - lasts 1d4+1 minutes
> 51-75 hit points - lasts 1d4+1 rounds
> 184777 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Divination
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: On living creature with 75 hp or less
> Duration: See text
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You utter a single word of power that instantly causes one creature of your choice to become clumbsier, dealing 2 points of damage to its Dexterity, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The specific effect and duration of the spell depend on the target's current hit point total, as shown below. Any creature that currently has 75 or more hit points is unaffected by power word maladroit.
> 25 or less hit points - Dexterity drain
> 26-50 hit points - lasts 1d4+1 minutes
> 51-75 hit points - lasts 1d4+1 rounds
> 184778 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
> Innate Level: 7
> School: Divination
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One living creature with 200 hp or less
> Duration: See text
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You utter a single word of power that causes one creature of your choice to become blinded, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target's current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 201 or more hit points is unaffected by power word blind.
> 50 or less hit points - Permanent
> 51-100 hit points - 1d4+1 minutes
> 101-200 hit points - 1d4+1 rounds
> 184779 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
> Innate Level: 8
> School: Divination
> Descriptor(s): Mind-Affecting
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One living creature with 100 hp or less
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You utter a single word of power that instantly causes one creature of your choice to become petrified, whether or not the creature can hear it. Any creature that currently has 101 or more hit points is unaffected by power word petrify.
> 184780 := Caster Level(s): Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4, Wizard / Sorcerer 4
> Innate Level: 4
> School: Abjuration
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Creature touched
> Duration: 24 hours
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> You grant the subject a +3 bonus on all saves.
> 184781 := Caster Level(s): Bard 6, Cleric 6, Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Abjuration
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Creature touched
> Duration: 24 hours
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> You grant the subject a +6 bonus on all saves.
> 184783 := Caster Level(s): Druid 5
> Innate Level: 5
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Electricity
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Centered on caster
> Area of Effect / Target: Large
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Reflex 1/2
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> This spells smites an area around the caster with bolts of lightning which strike all enemies. Bolts do 3d6 per level up 15d6 and the caster gets a +4 bonus to beat victim's reflex saving throws.
> 184784 := Caster Level(s): Bard 5, Wizard / Sorcerer 5
> Innate Level: 5
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Sonic
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Long
> Area of Effect / Target: 20 ft. radius
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Reflex 1/2
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You cause a burst of low, discordant noise to erupt at the chosen location. It deals 1d6 points of sonic damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to all creatures within the area.
> 184785 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 5, Druid 5, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 5
> School: Necromancy
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Medium
> Area of Effect / Target: 20-ft.-radius
> Duration:
> Save: Fortitude negates
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> The target creatures are struck down with one of the following debilitating diseases, randomly chosen: Blinding Sickness, Cackle Fever, Mind Fire, Red Ache, Shakes, or Slimy Doom.
> 184786 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 8, Druid 9
> Innate Level: 8
> School: Necromancy
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One creature/level within 30 ft. of initial target
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Subjects are immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.
> 184787 := Caster Level(s): Druid 9
> Innate Level: 9
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s): Creation
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Fortitude negates
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You create water in the lungs of the subjects, reducing them to 90% of their current hit points.
> 184791 := <CUSTOM0> has rested
> 184792 := Successful Lore Skill check on <CUSTOM0>
> 184793 := Salute
> 184794 := Shrug
> 184795 := Annoyed
> 184796 := Dance
> 184797 := Meditate
> 184798 := Kneel
> 184799 := Threaten
> 184800 := Insult
> 184801 := Reset Character Level
> 184802 := You can not reset the level of a player-created character.
> 184805 := Vigor
> 184806 := Vigor, Lesser
> 184807 := Vigor, Mass Lesser
> 184808 := Vigorous Cycle
> 184809 := Bear's Endurance, Mass
> 184810 := Bull's Strength, Mass
> 184811 := Owl's Wisdom, Mass
> 184812 := Cat's Grace, Mass
> 184813 := Eagle's Splendor, Mass
> 184814 := Fox's Cunning, Mass
> 184815 := Heal Animal Companion
> 184816 := Hypothermia
> 184817 := Avasculate
> 184818 := Wall of Dispel Magic
> 184819 := Wall of Dispel Magic, Greater
> 184820 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 3, Druid 3
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s): Healing
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Living creature touched
> Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 25 rounds)
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The subject gains fast healing 2, allowing it to heal 2 hit points per round until the spell ends.
> 184821 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 1, Druid 1
> Innate Level: 1
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s): Healing
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Living creature touched
> Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 15 rounds)
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The subject gains fast healing 1, allowing it to heal 1 hit point per round until the spell ends.
> 184823 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 3, Druid 3
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s): Healing
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium; One creature/2 levels
> Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 25 rounds)
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The subjects gain fast healing 1, allowing them to heal 1 hit point per round until the spell ends.
> 184824 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 6, Druid 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s): Healing
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One creature/2 levels within a 30-ft. sphere
> Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/level (max 40 rounds)
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The subjects gain fast healing 3, allowing them to heal 3 hit points per round until the spell ends.
> 184825 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 6, Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium; One creature / level
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The affected creatures gain greater vitality and stamina. The spell grants the subjects a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
> 184826 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 6, Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium; One creature / level
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The subjects become stronger, gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.
> 184827 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 6, Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium; One creature / level
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The transmuted creatures becomes wiser, gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to their Wisdom.
> 184828 := Caster Level(s): Bard 6, Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium; One creature / level
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The transmuted creatures becomes more graceful, gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to their Dexterity.
> 184829 := Caster Level(s): Bard 6, Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium; One creature / level
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The transmuted creatures becomes more poised, articulate, and personally forceful. This spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma.
> 184830 := Caster Level(s): Bard 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Medium; One creature / level
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The transmuted creatures become smarter, gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
> 184831 := Caster Level(s): Druid 5, Ranger 3
> Innate Level: 5
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s): Healing
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: One animal companion touched
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Will negates (harmless)
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> Heals an animal companion of 10 points per caster level (max 150) and removes any wounding effects.
> 184832 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 4, Druid 3
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Cold
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One creature
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Fortitude partial
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> The subject takes 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) and becomes fatigued. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the fatigue.
> 184833 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
> Innate Level: 7
> School: Necromancy
> Descriptor(s): Death
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Single
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Fortitude partial
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. If the attack succeeds, the subject is reduced to half of its current hit points and stunned for 1 round. On a successful Fortitude saving throw, the subject is not stunned.
> 184834 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 5, Wizard / Sorcerer 5
> Innate Level: 5
> School: Abjuration
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: A straight wall 10-ft. by 1-ft.
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: No
> Creatures passing through a wall of dispel magic are subject to a dispel magic spell at the caster level of the creator of the wall.
> 184835 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 8, Wizard / Sorcerer 8
> Innate Level: 8
> School: Abjuration
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: A straight wall 10-ft. by 1-ft.
> Duration: 1 minute/level
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: No
> Creatures passing through a wall of greater dispel magic are subject to a greater dispel magic spell at the caster level of the creator of the wall.
> 184836 := TIP: If you want to see what objects in the world you can interact with, press the Inspection key. This is bound to the Z key by default.
> 184837 := TIP: If you want to see what enemies are nearby, you can cycle through them with the TAB key, or press \ to select the nearest enemy.
> 184838 := TIP: You can have up to 4 hotbars visible at any one time! Check the "Interface" tab in the options screen to turn on the ones that you would like to see.
> 184839 := TIP: You can change to different camera modes with the * key. There are four different modes, be sure to try them all and see which fits your play style. The camera can be controlled with the keyboard or the mouse, and you can fine-tune the camera behavior by going to the "Camera" tab of the options menu.
> 184840 := TIP: Druids and Clerics can convert their memorized spells into other spells on the fly. Clerics can "Spontaneously Convert" their spells into healing spells, and Druids can change theirs into creature summoning spells. Open up the quickspell menu for your cleric or druid and click on the button on the upper right to see what spells you can convert. You can even drag these converted spells to your hotbar to be cast at any time!
> 184841 := TIP: Did you know that familiars can cast spells? They can cast any touch-ranged spell that their master currently has memorized. Just take control of your familiar and bring up the "Quickcast" menu to see what spells are available.
> 184842 := TIP: If you want to set up different equipment loadouts for your character, just drag the items from your inventory to your hotbar. You can even drag two items to the same slot if you would like your character to equip them immediately. For example, you can drag a weapon and a shield to the same slot, or a weapon and a torch, or even two weapons. Clicking that slot will equip those items, and clicking it again will unequip them.
> 184843 := TIP: If there are any actions that you use frequently, you should drag them to the hotbar at the bottom of the screen. You can drag spells from your Spellbook or the Quickcast menu, Feats and Skills from you Character Sheet, equipable items from your inventory, modes from the Mode Bar, or party commands from the Voice Commands menu.
> 184845 := TIP: If you want to quickly tell your party members what to do, use the Voice Menu, which is bound to the V key by default. The commands in that screen will allow your character to say certain things or play certain animations. Also, any command with a star next to it will issue an order to any AI controlled party members, You can even drag the commands to your hotbar!
> 184846 := TIP: You can control the camera with the middle mouse button, or by holding down the "Mouse Look / Camera Control" keyboard (bound to X by default). You can also use the arrow keys to move the camera, and using the CTRL key with the arrow keys pans the camera in "Free Camera" mode. You can change the speed of these keys and fine tune several other settings in the "Camera" tab of the options menu.
> 184847 := TIP: You have up to 10 different pages of hotbar buttons. You can change the current page by clicking on the arrow buttons on the hotbar, or by using the [ or ] keys on your keyboard. Also, holding down SHIFT and using the mouse wheel will quickly cycle through the hotbar pages.
> 184848 := Epic Fighter
> 184849 := Epic Fighters
> 184850 := epic fighter
> 184851 := Epic Fighter description: PLACEHOLDER TEXT. 12/14/06
> 184853 := Okku
> 184854 := Panther
> 184855 := Wolverine
> 184856 := Invisible Stalker
> 184857 := Homunculus
> 184858 := Golem, Imaskari
> 184859 := Safiya
> 184860 := Mouse Button 1
> 184861 := Mouse Button 2
> 184862 := Mouse Button 3
> 184863 := Mouse Button 4
> 184864 := Mouse Button 5
> 184865 := Mouse Button 6
> 184866 := Mouse Button 7
> 184867 := Mouse Button 8
> 184868 := 体格
> 184869 := Touch of Fatigue
> 184870 := Creeping Cold
> 184871 := Curse of Impending Blades
> 184872 := Curse of Impending Blades, Mass
> 184873 := Creeping Cold, Greater
> 184874 := Shout
> 184875 := Visage of the Deity, Lesser
> 184876 := Power Word Disable
> 184877 := Hiss of Sleep
> 184878 := Shout, Greater
> 184879 := Burst of Glacial Wrath
> 184880 := Visage of the Deity, Greater
> 184881 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 0
> Innate Level: 0
> School: Necromancy
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Creature Touched
> Duration: 1 round/level
> Save: Fortitude negates
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You channel negative energy through your touch, fatiguing the target. You must succeed on a touch attack to strike a target. The subject is immediately fatigued for the spell's duration.
> This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued. Unlike with normal fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the spell's duration expires.
> 184882 := Caster Level(s): Druid 2
> Innate Level: 2
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s): Cold
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One creature
> Duration: 3 rounds
> Save: Fortitude half
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> The subject takes 1d6 cumulative points of cold damage per round (that is, 1d6 on the first round, 2d6 on the second, and 3d6 on the third). Only one save is allowed against the spell; if successful, it halves the damage each round.
> 184883 := Caster Level(s): Bard 2, Ranger 2, Wizard / Sorcerer 2
> Innate Level: 2
> School: Necromancy
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Medium
> Area of Effect / Target: One creature
> Duration: 1 minute / level
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> The target of this spell has a hard time avoiding attacks, sometimes even seeming to stumble into harm's way. The subject takes a -2 penalty to AC. This spell cannot be dispelled, but can be removed (as it is a curse).
> 184885 := Caster Level(s): Bard 3, Ranger 3, Wizard / Sorcerer 3
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Necromancy
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Medium
> Area of Effect / Target: Enemies in a 20 ft. radius
> Duration: 1 minute / level
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> The targets of this spell have a hard time avoiding attacks, sometimes even seeming to stumble into harm's way. The subjects take a -2 penalty to AC. This effect cannot be dispelled, but can be removed (as it is a curse).
> 184887 := Caster Level(s): Druid 4
> Innate Level: 4
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s): Cold
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One Creature
> Duration: See text
> Save: Fortitude half
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> This spell is the same as creeping cold, but the duration increases by 1 round, during which the subject takes 4d6 points of cold damage. If you are at least 15th level the spell lasts for 5 rounds and deals 5d6 points of cold damage. If you are at least 20th level, the spell lasts for 6 rounds and deals 6d6 points of cold damage.
> 184888 := Caster Level(s): Bard 4, Wizard / Sorcerer 4
> Innate Level: 4
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s): Sonic
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Medium
> Area of Effect / Target: Cone
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Fortitude partial
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You emit an ear-splitting yell that deafens and damages creatures in its path. Any creature within the area is deafened for 2d6 rounds and takes 5d6 points of sonic damage. A successful save negates the deafness and reduces the damage by half.
> 184890 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
> Innate Level: 7
> School: Enchantment
> Descriptor(s): Mind-Affecting
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Large
> Duration: 1 round/level
> Save: Will negates
> Spell Resistance: No
> The targets of this spell fall into a comatose slumber.
> 184891 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 3, Paladin 4
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Personal
> Area of Effect / Target: Caster
> Duration: 1 round/level
> Save: Harmless
> Spell Resistance: Harmless
> The caster invokes the power of their deity, drawing different powers based on the caster's alignment. The caster gains a +4 Charisma bonus in addition to the following effects:
> If Good:
> Resistance 10 to acid, cold, and electricity.
> If Neutral (with respect to Good and Evil):
> Resistance 15 to acid and electricity.
> If Evil:
> Resistance 10 to cold and fire.
> 184892 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 9
> Innate Level: 9
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Personal
> Area of Effect / Target: Caster
> Duration: 1 round / level
> Save: Harmless
> Spell Resistance: Harmless
> Drawing upon the powers of her deity, the cleric imbues herself with divine gifts. In addition to gaining a +1 natural armor bonus, Damage Resistance 10/magic, and Spell Resistance 25, the cleric also gains the following benefits based on her alignment.
> If Good:
> - Resistance 10 to acid, cold, and electricity.
> - Immunity to disease.
> - +4 to saving throws vs. poison.
> - +2 to Dexterity and Intelligence.
> - +4 to Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma.
> - A blue aura.
> If Neutral (with respect to Good and Evil):
> - Resistance 15 to acid and electricity.
> - +4 to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
> - A green aura.
> If Evil:
> - Resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, and fire.
> - Immunity to poison.
> - +2 to Constitution, Charisma, and Wisdom.
> - +4 to Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence.
> - A red aura.
> 184893 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
> Innate Level: 5
> School: Divination
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One creature with 50 hp or less
> Duration: Instant
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You utter a single word of power that instantly reduces the hit points of one creature of your choice to 1. Any creature that currently had 51 or more hit points is unaffected by power word disable.
> 184894 := Caster Level(s): Druid 9, Wizard / Sorcerer 9
> Innate Level: 9
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Cold
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Medium
> Area of Effect / Target: Cone
> Duration: See text
> Save: Fortitude half
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You create a burst of icy energy that flash-freezes any creatures within the spell's area. The spell deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 25d6 points). Any living creature reduced to 10 hit points or lower is encased in ice for 1 round/ two caster levels (max 10 rounds). Creatures turned to ice in this fashion gain DR 10/-, vulnerability to fire, and immunity to cold and electricity.
> 184895 := Caster Level(s): Bard 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 8
> Innate Level: 8
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s): Sonic
> Component(s): Verbal
> Range: Long
> Area of Effect / Target: Cone
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Fortitude partial
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You emit an ear-splitting yell that deafens and damages creatures in its path. Any creature within the area is stunned for 1 round, deafened for 4d6 rounds, and takes 10d6 points of sonic damage. A successful save negates the stunning and deafness and reduces the damage by half.
> 184896 := Barrow Guardian
> 184898 := JoshuaTree (X1)
> 184899 := PricklyPearCactusC (X1)
> 184900 := SaguaroCactus (X1)
> 184901 := SaguaroCactusC (X1)
> 184902 := CypressC (X1)
> 184903 := DouglasFirC (X1)
> 184904 := FraserFir (X1)
> 184905 := LongleafPine (X1)
> 184906 := LongleafPineC (X1)
> 184907 := MontereyCypress (X1)
> 184908 := WestRedCedar (X1)
> 184909 := AmerElmF (X1)
> 184910 := AspenF (X1)
> 184911 := AspenFC (X1)
> 184912 := BlackGumF (X1)
> 184913 := BradfordPearF (X1)
> 184914 := ColumnarOakCF (X1)
> 184915 := EnglishOakF (X1)
> 184916 := FicusF (X1)
> 184917 := GreenAshF (X1)
> 184918 := GreyBirchF (X1)
> 184919 := HorseChestnutF (X1)
> 184920 := KousaDogwoodF (X1)
> 184921 := LindenF (X1)
> 184922 := LondonPlaneF (X1)
> 184923 := RiverBirchF (X1)
> 184924 := SourwoodF (X1)
> 184925 := SugarMapleF (X1)
> 184926 := SycamoreF (X1)
> 184927 := WhiteBirchF (X1)
> 184928 := AppleTreeFU (X1)
> 184929 := GDAppleTreeFU (X1)
> 184930 := LemonTreeFU (X1)
> 184931 := PeachTreeFU (X1)
> 184932 := CurlyPalm (X1)
> 184933 := CurlyPalmC (X1)
> 184934 := DatePalm (X1)
> 184935 := DatePalmC (X1)
> 184936 := PonytailPalm (X1)
> 184937 := SagoPalm (X1)
> 184938 := SagoPalmC (X1)
> 184939 := SunflowerC (X1)
> 184940 := AloeVera (X1)
> 184941 := AloeVeraC (X1)
> 184942 := AmurCork (X1)
> 184943 := ArizonaBush (X1)
> 184944 := BambooC (X1)
> 184945 := Boxwood (X1)
> 184946 := BoxwoodC (X1)
> 184947 := FrondShrub (X1)
> 184948 := FrondShrubC (X1)
> 184949 := Gimlet (X1)
> 184950 := GroundIvy (X1)
> 184951 := JungleBrush (X1)
> 184952 := JungleBrushC (X1)
> 184953 := KingsBoxwood (X1)
> 184954 := MorningGlory (X1)
> 184955 := MorningGloryC (X1)
> 184956 := Mulga (X1)
> 184957 := Ocotillo (X1)
> 184958 := Pampas (X1)
> 184959 := PawPawFL (X1)
> 184960 := Racemosa (X1)
> 184961 := Rata (X1)
> 184962 := WeepingFig (X1)
> 184963 := BlueGumWSnow (X1)
> 184964 := BuckeyeWSnow (X1)
> 184965 := ColumnarOakWSnow (X1)
> 184966 := CypressCSnow (X1)
> 184967 := CypressSnow (X1)
> 184968 := DouglasFirCSnow (X1)
> 184969 := DouglasFirSnow (X1)
> 184970 := EastRedCedarSnow (X1)
> 184971 := FraserFirCSnow (X1)
> 184972 := FraserFirSnow (X1)
> 184973 := FrondShrubCSnow (X1)
> 184974 := FrondShrubSnow (X1)
> 184975 := HollyCSnow (X1)
> 184976 := HollyRingSnow (X1)
> 184977 := HollySnow (X1)
> 184978 := HollySquareSnow (X1)
> 184979 := HoneyLocustWSnow (X1)
> 184980 := KatsuraWSnow (X1)
> 184981 := LiveOakWSnow (X1)
> 184982 := LongleafPineCSnow (X1)
> 184983 := LongleafPineSnow (X1)
> 184984 := MapleWSnow (X1)
> 184985 := MontereyCypressSnow (X1)
> 184986 := PinOakWSnow (X1)
> 184987 := SpruceSnow (X1)
> 184988 := SugarMapleWSnow (X1)
> 184989 := WestRedCedarSnow (X1)
> 184990 := WhiteBirchSnow (X1)
> 184991 := WhitePineCSnow (X1)
> 184992 := WhitePineSnow (X1)
> 184993 := BottleTreeFL (X1)
> 184994 := CherryTreeFL (X1)
> 184995 := CrepeMyrtleFL (X1)
> 184996 := GDAppleTreeFL (X1)
> 184997 := JapaneseMapleSP (X1)
> 184998 := PistachioTreeSP (X1)
> 184999 := UmbrellaThornFL (X1)
> 185000 := Baobab (X1)
> 185001 := BigThornS (X1)
> 185002 := BlackGum (X1)
> 185003 := BradfordPear (X1)
> 185004 := Buckeye (X1)
> 185005 := CherryTree (X1)
> 185006 := ColumnarOakC (X1)
> 185007 := CrepeMyrtle (X1)
> 185008 := EnglishOak (X1)
> 185009 := Ficus (X1)
> 185010 := GhostGum (X1)
> 185011 := GreenAsh (X1)
> 185012 := GreyBirch (X1)
> 185013 := GreyPoplar (X1)
> 185014 := HoneyLocust (X1)
> 185015 := HoneyMesquite (X1)
> 185016 := HookThorn (X1)
> 185017 := HorseChestnut (X1)
> 185018 := JapaneseMaple (X1)
> 185019 := KousaDogwood (X1)
> 185020 := Linden (X1)
> 185021 := LombardyPoplar (X1)
> 185022 := LondonPlane (X1)
> 185023 := OliveS (X1)
> 185024 := Peppermint (X1)
> 185025 := PinOak (X1)
> 185026 := PistachioTree (X1)
> 185027 := RiverBirch (X1)
> 185028 := Sourwood (X1)
> 185029 := SugarMaple (X1)
> 185030 := Sycamore (X1)
> 185031 := BloodVine (X1)
> 185032 := FlameBush (X1)
> 185033 := LuminousTree (X1)
> 185034 := SpookyTree (X1)
> 185035 := SwampTree (X1)
> 185036 := BaoBabW (X1)
> 185037 := BristleConeW (X1)
> 185038 := CattailCW (X1)
> 185039 := CherryTreeW (X1)
> 185040 := FrondShrubCW (X1)
> 185041 := FrondShrubW (X1)
> 185042 := GreyBirchW (X1)
> 185043 := HoneyLocustW (X1)
> 185044 := LondonPlaneW (X1)
> 185045 := SugarMapleW (X1)
> 185046 := Desert
> 185047 := Fruit
> 185048 := Snow
> 185049 := Rebellious
> 185050 := Disillusioned
> 185051 := Wavering
> 185052 := Neutral
> 185053 := Supportive
> 185054 := Loyal
> 185055 := Devoted
> 185056 := Damage Reduction 6/-
> 185057 := Damage Reduction 7/-
> 185058 := Damage Reduction 8/-
> 185059 := Type of Feat: Class
> Prerequisite: Barbarian level 22.
> Specifics: This feat allows barbarians to shrug off six points of damage from each attack that hits them.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185060 := Type of Feat: Class
> Prerequisite: Barbarian level 25.
> Specifics: This feat allows barbarians to shrug off seven points of damage from each attack that hits them.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185061 := Type of Feat: Class
> Prerequisite: Barbarian level 28
> Specifics: This feat allows barbarians to shrug off eight points of damage from each attack that hits them.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185062 := Trap Sense (+7)
> 185063 := Trap Sense (+8)
> 185064 := Trap Sense (+9)
> 185065 := Trap Sense (+10)
> 185066 := Air Resistance
> 185067 := Earth Resistance
> 185068 := Fire Resistance
> 185069 := Water Resistance
> 185070 := Air Resistance feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 1/10/2007]
> 185071 := Earth Resistance feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 1/10/2007]
> 185073 := Fire Resistance feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 1/10/2007]
> 185074 := Water Resistance feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 1/10/2007]
> 185075 := Summon Gale
> 185076 := Merge with Stone
> 185077 := Reach to the Blaze
> 185078 := Shrouding Fog
> 185079 := Summon Gale feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/10/2007]
> 185080 := Merge with Stone feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/10/2007]
> 185081 := Reach to the Blaze feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/10/2007]
> 185082 := Shrouding Fog feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/10/2007]
> 185083 := Touch of Idiocy
> 185084 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
> Innate Level: 2
> School: Enchantment
> Descriptor(s): Mind-Affecting
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Creature Touched
> Duration: 10 minutes/level
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> With a touch, you reduce the target's mental faculties. Your successful melee touch attack applies a 1d6 penalty to the target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. This penalty can't reduce any of these scores below 1.
> This spell's effect may make it impossible for the target to cast some or all of its spells, if the requisite ability score drops below the minimum required to cast spells of that level.
< 185379 := AloeVera
< 185380 := AloeVeraC
< 185381 := AmerElmF
< 185382 := AmurCork
< 185383 := AppleTreeFU
< 185384 := ArizonaBush
< 185385 := AspenF
< 185386 := AspenFC
< 185387 := BambooC
< 185388 := Baobab
< 185389 := BigThornS
< 185390 := BlackGumF
< 185391 := BloodVine
< 185392 := BlueGumWSnow
< 185393 := BottleTreeFL
< 185394 := Boxwood
< 185395 := BoxwoodC
< 185396 := BradfordPear
< 185397 := BradfordPearF
< 185398 := BristleConeW
< 185399 := BuckeyeWSnow
< 185400 := CattailCW
< 185401 := CherryTree
< 185402 := CherryTreeFL
< 185403 := CherryTreeW
< 185404 := ColumnarOakC
< 185405 := ColumnarOakCF
< 185406 := ColumnarOakWSnow
< 185407 := CrepeMyrtle
< 185408 := CrepeMyrtleFL
< 185409 := CurlyPalm
< 185410 := CurlyPalmC
< 185411 := CypressC
< 185412 := CypressCSnow
< 185413 := CypressSnow
< 185414 := DatePalm
< 185415 := DatePalmC
< 185416 := DouglasFirC
< 185417 := DouglasFirCSnow
< 185418 := DouglasFirSnow
< 185419 := EastRedCedarSnow
< 185420 := EnglishOak
< 185421 := EnglishOakF
< 185422 := Ficus
< 185423 := FicusF
< 185424 := FlameBush
< 185425 := FraserFir
< 185426 := FraserFirCSnow
< 185427 := FraserFirSnow
< 185428 := FrondShrub
< 185429 := FrondShrubC
< 185430 := FrondShrubCSnow
< 185431 := FrondShrubCW
< 185432 := FrondShrubSnow
< 185433 := FrondShrubW
< 185434 := GDAppleTreeFL
< 185435 := GDAppleTreeFU
< 185436 := GhostGum
< 185437 := Gimlet
< 185438 := GreenAshF
< 185439 := GreyBirch
< 185440 := GreyBirchF
< 185441 := GreyBirchW
< 185442 := GreyPoplar
< 185443 := GroundIvy
< 185444 := HollyCSnow
< 185445 := HollyRingSnow
< 185446 := HollySnow
< 185447 := HollySquareSnow
< 185448 := HoneyLocust
< 185449 := HoneyLocustW
< 185450 := HoneyLocustWSnow
< 185451 := HoneyMesquite
< 185452 := HookThorn
< 185453 := HorseChestnut
< 185454 := HorseChestnutF
< 185455 := JapaneseMaple
< 185456 := JapaneseMapleSP
< 185457 := JoshuaTree
< 185458 := JungleBrush
< 185459 := JungleBrushC
< 185460 := KatsuraWSnow
< 185461 := KingsBoxwood
< 185462 := KousaDogwood
< 185463 := KousaDogwoodF
< 185464 := LemonTreeFU
< 185465 := Linden
< 185466 := LindenF
< 185467 := LiveOakWSnow
< 185468 := LombardyPoplar
< 185469 := LondonPlane
< 185470 := LondonPlaneF
< 185471 := LondonPlaneW
< 185472 := LongleafPine
< 185473 := LongleafPineC
< 185474 := LongleafPineCSnow
< 185475 := LongleafPineSnow
< 185476 := LuminousTree
< 185477 := MapleWSnow
< 185478 := MontereyCypress
< 185479 := MontereyCypressSnow
< 185480 := MorningGlory
< 185481 := MorningGloryC
< 185482 := Mulga
> 185379 := Platform {Bear Barrow (X1)}
> 185380 := Bone Fragments {01 (X1)}
> 185381 := Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep
> 185382 := Arcane Scholars of Candlekeep
> 185383 := arcane scholar of Candlekeep
> 185384 := Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep class description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/23/2007]
> 185385 := Sonic Trap, Fatal
> 185386 := Blob of Acid Trap, Fatal
> 185387 := Electrical Trap, Fatal
> 185388 := Fire Trap, Fatal
> 185389 := Holy Trap, Fatal
> 185390 := Blob of Acid Trap, Epic
> 185391 := Holy Trap, Epic
> 185392 := Arcane Scholar Spellcasting (Bard)
> 185393 := Arcane Scholar Spellcasting (Sorcerer)
> 185394 := Arcane Scholar Spellcasting (Wizard)
> 185395 := Arcane Scholar Spellcasting feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/23/2007]
> 185396 := Improved Empower Spell
> 185397 := Improved Empower Spell feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/24/2007]
> 185398 := Improved Maximize Spell
> 185399 := Improved Maximize Spell feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/24/2007]
> 185400 := Improved Quicken Spell
> 185401 := Improved Quicken Spell feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/24/2007]
> 185402 := Supportive of <PlayerName>{Safiya}
> 185403 := Safiya feels at ease in your presence. As a result, her ability to concentrate on her spells is improved.
> Effects: +2 Concentration
> 185404 := Loyal to <PlayerName>{Safiya}
> 185405 := A close connection is developing between you and Safiya. You can sense her instinct to keep you safe, and a feeling of shared destiny. When you are near, Safiya's mind seems to be sharpened, and she has greater control over her magic.
> Effects: +4 Concentration, +1 Intelligence, Bonus Feat: Improved Empower Spelll
> 185406 := Devoted to <PlayerName>{Safiya}
> 185407 := Safiya is devoted to you.
> 185408 := Romance with <PlayerName>{Safiya}
> 185409 := Safiya has learned the truth about herself, and you have declared your love for one another. This revelation - and your acceptance of the bond you share - has awakened newfound power within her. Because she is a fragment of an ancient, magic-wielding soul, she is now capable of resisting the effects of many hostile spells.
> Effects: Spell Resistance 35, Wisdom +2
> 185410 := Supportive of <PlayerName>{Gann}
> 185411 := Gann feels strengthened by your presence and convictions. He no longer shields or filters himself when speaking in your presence, and is surprisingly more charming as a result... when he chooses to be.
> Effects: +1 Charisma
> 185412 := Loyal to <PlayerName>{Gann}
> 185413 := Gann is loyal to you, and as such, you find yourself curiously strengthened in his presence. His laughter and humor seem infectious, and you feel as if your perceptions of the world around you have been sharpened - sometimes you can catch what others say before they say them, and know just the right thing to say to sway someone to your point of view. Furthermore, you are better able to perceive the energy in spirits and to draw upon it to satiate your hunger.
> Effects: +2 Charisma, party leader gains +1 Charisma and +5% bonus to Devour Spirit ability
> 185414 := Devoted to <PlayerName>{Gann}
> 185415 := There is a powerful ebb and a flow to your thoughts while Gann is in your party, and the very spirit of Rashemen seems to infuse your being, giving you an ethereal edge to your voice and your perceptions. The skin and appearance of others around you seem secondary to what you can <i>see</i> of their thoughts and their nature, and often, you know how to coax the brightest ideas and behavior from those around you. Illusions and deceptions stream off the senses of you and your party like water - your band sees what others dream to be, and how to evoke it. It is even easier to perceive the energy of spirit creatures, making it much easier to draw upon them and satiate your hunger.
> Effects: +4 Charisma, party leader receives +2 Charisma and +10% bonus to Devour Spirits ability
> 185416 := Romance with <PlayerName>
> 185417 := Gann has learned what the Slumbering Coven and many hags have never accepted - that the sacrifice of one for another grants strength far greater than steel or iron. With this discovery, he has embraced the essence of who you are, and your thoughts now bleed together, allowing you to share ideas and dreams without uttering a word. When attacked by the spells of enemies, your opponents will discover that they are fighting the wills of two spirits united, and Gann's resistance to the arcane and mental attacks of others is much stronger as a result.
> Effects: Spell Resistance 30, Immunity to Mind-affecting Spells
> 185418 := Supportive of <PlayerName>{Okku}
> 185419 := Okku regards you with respect. He believes that you genuinely seek to end your affliction - not to revel in its power. By aiding you, he is fulfilling his oath... thus strengthening his will and determination.
> Effects: +2 Will Save
> 185420 := Loyal to <PlayerName>{Okku}
> 185421 := Okku has come to respect you and regard you as a friend. While traveling at your side, his will is strengthened, and he knows no fear.
> Effects: +4 Will Save, Immunity to Fear
> 185422 := Devoted to <PlayerName>{Okku}
> 185423 := Okku regards you with the deepest respect, and he honors you as a kindred soul. While traveling at your side, his will is wholly focused and impossible to sway. Further, the bear god siphons spirit energy from the land itself to maintain his power and support your cause.
> Effects: +6 Will Save, Immunity to Mind-Affecting Spells, Regeneration [+4]
> 185424 := Supportive of <PlayerName>{One of Many}
> 185425 := Inspired by the alarm others feel in its presence, One of Many seems more sure of itself, more... substantial.
> Effects: +1 STR, +1 INT, party leader gains +3 Intimidate, party leader loses -3 Diplomacy
> 185426 := Loyal to <PlayerName>{One of Many}
> 185427 := One of Many no longer fears the other souls entangled in its essence, having become quite arrogant from its growing power and the liberties you've granted it. Gorging itself on the spirits of those you've slain together has given One of Many a ravenous, and infectious, hunger for more. Through this shared hunger for power, you feel noticeably empowered and regenerated, and dark insights stir in your mind.
> Effects: +1 STR, +1 INT, +1 DEX, +1 CON, party leader gains +1 STR and +1 INT, party leader gains bonus feat: Fast Healing, party leader gains bonus feat: +10% bonus to Spirit Gorge, party leader gains +6 Intimidate, party leader loses -6 Diplomacy
> 185428 := Devoted to <PlayerName>{One of Many}
> 185429 := One of Many has wisely chosen to bury any aspects of itself that did not fully accept your dominance. Rather than being diminished, One of Many's submission to you brought on a self-revelation that has made it all the more powerful - power it is more than willing to share with its master. Through your strong connection with One of Many, you feel very physically bolstered and your mind is sharpened.
> Effects: +2 STR, +2 INT, +1 DEX, +1 CON, +1 WIS, +1 CHA, party leader gains +1 to STR, INT, DEX, and CON, party leader gains bonus feat: Fast Healing x2, party leader gains bonus feat: +20% bonus to Spirit Gorge, party leader gains +9 Intimidate, party leader loses -9 Intimidate
> 185430 := Supportive of <PlayerName>{Kaelyn}
> 185431 := As Kaelyn has traveled with you, she has found your deeds and actions worthy of her support. She seems more certain of her direction and her goals, and it has granted her a curious strength that you did not notice before.
> Effects: +1 Wisdom, +1 Fortitude Saves
> 185432 := Loyal to <PlayerName>{Kaelyn}
> 185433 := Kaelyn has become fiercely loyal to you, almost as if you are one of her siblings. Her sisterly protection seems to carry with it blessings of the outer planes, for her presence seems to grant you the same steadfastness and determination that she has.
> Effects: +2 Wisdom, +2 Fortitude Saves, party leader receives +2 Fortitude Saves
> 185434 := Devoted to <PlayerName>{Kaelyn}
> 185435 := Kaelyn is devoted to you - there is little you can say or do that she will not support wholeheartedly, and you feel the fires of her crusade burn within her and help carry your party through adversity. No weapon or spell seems to be able to stay her hand.
> Effects: +4 Wisdom, Freedom of Movement, party receives +2 to Fortitude saves
> 185436 := Wait for Vertical Sync
> 185437 := Waiting to render the game can reduce graphical tearing, but will hamper the frame rate
> 185438 := BushW (X1)
> 185439 := BushCW (X1)
> 185440 := BushWSnow (X1)
> 185441 := BushCWSnow (X1)
> 185442 := Gann
> 185443 := One of Many
> 185444 := Runestone {01 (X1)}
> 185445 := Toggle Group Selection
> 185446 := Select Group With Mouse
> 185447 := Previous Hotbar Row
> 185448 := Next Hotbar Row
> 185449 := Ioun Stone: Green Rhomboid{Str +1}
> 185450 := Specifics: The character is orbited by a green rhomboid ioun stone, which increases Strength by +1.
> 185451 := Ioun Stone: Red Rhomboid{Dex +1}
> 185452 := Specifics: The character is orbited by a red rhomboid ioun stone, which increases Dexterity by +1.
> 185453 := Ioun Stone: Yellow Rhomboid{Con +1}
> 185454 := Specifics: The character is orbited by a yellow rhomboid ioun stone, which increases Constitution by +1.
> 185455 := Ioun Stone: Violet Sphere{Int +1}
> 185456 := Specifics: The character is orbited by a violet sphere ioun stone, which increases Intelligence by +1.
> 185457 := Ioun Stone: Blue Sphere{Wis +1}
> 185458 := Specifics: The character is orbited by a blue sphere ioun stone, which increases Wisdom by +1.
> 185459 := Ioun Stone: Orange Sphere{Cha +1}
> 185460 := Specifics: The character is orbited by a orange sphere ioun stone, which increases Charisma by +1.
> 185461 := Automatic Quicken Spell (0 - 4)
> 185462 := Automatic Quicken Spell (0 - 5)
> 185463 := Automatic Quicken Spell (0 - 6)
> 185464 := Automatic Quicken Spell (0 - 7)
> 185465 := Automatic Quicken Spell (0 - 8)
> 185466 := Automatic Quicken Spell (0 - 9)
> 185467 := Epic Feats
> 185468 := Trees {Card Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185469 := 05 - SNOW PROPS
> 185470 := You must level up to 18 before starting the game.
> 185471 := Please wait for all party members to arrive in the lobby before entering the game.
> 185472 := Avernus
> 185473 := Dis
> 185474 := Minauros
> 185475 := Phlegethos
> 185476 := Stygia
> 185477 := Malbolge
> 185478 := Maladomini
> 185479 := Cania
> 185480 := Nessus
> 185481 := ,
> 185482 := Shambling Mound
< 185489 := Ocotillo
< 185490 := OliveS
< 185491 := Pampas
< 185492 := PawPawFL
< 185493 := PeachTreeFU
< 185494 := Peppermint
< 185495 := PinOak
< 185496 := PinOakWSnow
< 185497 := PistachioTree
< 185498 := PistachioTreeSP
< 185499 := PonytailPalm
< 185500 := PricklyPearCactusC
< 185501 := Racemosa
< 185502 := Rata
< 185503 := RiverBirch
< 185504 := RiverBirchF
< 185505 := SagoPalm
< 185506 := SagoPalmC
< 185507 := SaguaroCactus
< 185508 := SaguaroCactusC
< 185509 := Sourwood
< 185510 := SourwoodF
< 185511 := SpookyTree
< 185512 := SpruceSnow
< 185513 := SugarMaple
< 185514 := SugarMapleF
< 185515 := SugarMapleW
< 185516 := SugarMapleWSnow
< 185517 := SunflowerC
< 185518 := SwampTree
< 185519 := Sycamore
< 185520 := SycamoreF
< 185521 := UmbrellaThornFL
< 185522 := WeepingFig
< 185523 := WestRedCedar
< 185524 := WestRedCedarSnow
< 185525 := WhiteBirchF
< 185526 := WhiteBirchSnow
< 185527 := WhitePineCSnow
< 185528 := WhitePineSnow
> 185489 := Scorching Ray (Many)
> 185490 := Otherworldly Whispers
> 185491 := Dread Seizure
> 185492 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
> Innate Level: 2
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Fire
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Single / 30 ft. radius
> Duration: Instant
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You blast your enemies with fiery rays. You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage. The rays may all be fired at a single target or split between multiple targets in an area of effect.
> 185493 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
> Innate Level: 2
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Fire
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Single / 30 ft. radius
> Duration: Instant
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You blast your enemies with fiery rays. You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage. The rays may all be fired at a single target or split between multiple targets in an area of effect.
> 185494 := Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
> Innate Level: 2
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Fire
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Single / 30 ft. radius
> Duration: Instant
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You blast your enemies with fiery rays. You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage. The rays may all be fired at a single target or split between multiple targets in an area of effect.
> 185495 := Caster Level(s): Druid 6, Wizard / Sorcerer 6
> Innate Level: 6
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s): Water
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: Single
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Fortitude 1/2
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> This brutal spell causes the targeted creature to dehydrate horribly as the moisture in its body is forcibly extracted through its eyes, nostrils, mouth, and pores. This deals 1d6 points of damage per cast level (maximum 20d6), or half damage on a successful Fortitude save. If the targeted creature is slain by this spell, the extracted moisture is transformed into a water elemental of a size equal to the slain creature (up to Huge). The water elemental is under your control, as though you had summoned it, and disappears after 1 minute.
> 185496 := Otherworldly Whispers
> Least, 2nd
> You hear whispers in your ears, revealing secrets of the multiverse. You gain a +6 bonus on all lore and spellcraft checks for 24 hours.
> 185497 := Dread Seizure
> Lesser, 4th
> You speak a word that sends wracking pain through the limbs of a single target creature within 60 feet. Though these seizures are not powerful enough to immobilize the creature, they do reduce its movement speed by 30%. The target also takes a -3 penalty to all attacks it makes. These effects last for 3 rounds; a successful Fortitude save negates the effects.
> 185498 := Wall {Fort Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185499 := Wall {Fort Snow 02 (X1)}
> 185500 := Wall {Fort Snow 03 (X1)}
> 185501 := Wall {Fort Snow 04 (X1)}
> 185502 := Wall {Fort Snow 05 (X1)}
> 185503 := Wall {Fort Snow 06 (X1)}
> 185504 := Module Website
> 185505 := PWC File
> 185506 := Kaelyn the Dove
> 185507 := Safiya
> 185508 := Barrel {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185509 := Rocks {Grey 05 (X1)}
> 185510 := Boulder Pile {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185511 := Boulder Pile {Snow 02 (X1)}
> 185512 := Boulder Pile {Snow 03 (X1)}
> 185513 := Boulder Pile {Snow 04 (X1)}
> 185514 := Boulder Pile {Snow 05 (X1)}
> 185515 := Boulder Pile {Snow 06 (X1)}
> 185516 := Boulder Pile {Snow 07 (X1)}
> 185517 := Camp Fire {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185518 := Corpse {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185519 := Corpse {Snow 02 (X1)}
> 185520 := Corpse {Snow 03 (X1)}
> 185521 := Corpse {Snow 04 (X1)}
> 185522 := Corpse {Snow 05 (X1)}
> 185523 := Merchant Wagon {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185524 := Merchant Wagon {Snow 02 (X1)}
> 185525 := Rocks {Grey 04 (X1)}
> 185526 := Wood Pile {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185527 := Planks {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185528 := Planks {Snow 02 (X1)}
> 185529 := Red Wizard
> 185530 := Red Wizards
> 185531 := red wizard
> 185532 := Red Wizard class description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/17/2007]
> 185533 := Aid, Mass
> 185534 := Lionheart
> 185535 := Recitation
> 185536 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 3
> Innate Level: 3
> School: Enchantment
> Descriptors(s): Mind-Affecting
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Short
> Area of Effect / Target: One or more creatures within a 30 ft. range.
> Duration: 60 seconds / Level
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> Subjects gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear effects plus temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + caster level (to a maximum of 1d8 + 15 at caster level 15).
> 185537 := Caster Level(s): Paladin 1
> Innate Level: 1
> School: Abjuration
> Descriptor(s): Mind-Affecting
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Single
> Duration: 6 seconds / Level
> Save: Harmless
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> The subject gains immunity to fear effects.
> 185538 := Caster Level(s): Cleric 4
> Innate Level: 4
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s):
> Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Long
> Area of Effect / Target: 60 ft. radius
> Duration: 6 seconds / Level
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
> This spell affects all allies within the spell's area at the moment you cast it. Your allies gain a +2 bonus to AC, attack rolls, and saving throws, or a + 3 bonus if they worship the same deity as you.
> 185539 := Enhanced Specialization
> 185540 := Enhanced Specialization feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/17/2007]
> 185541 := Specialist Defense (+1)
> 185542 := Specialist Defense (+2)
> 185543 := Specialist Defense (+3)
> 185544 := Specialist Defense (+4)
> 185545 := Specialist Defense feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/18/2007]
> 185546 := Spell Power (+1)
> 185547 := Spell Power (+2)
> 185548 := Spell Power (+3)
> 185549 := Spell Power (+4)
> 185550 := Spell Power (+5)
> 185551 := Spell Power feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/18/2007]
> 185553 := Red Wizard Spellcasting (Wizard)
> 185554 := Red Wizard Spellcasting (Wizard) feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/18/2007]
> 185555 := Column {Bear (X1)}
> 185556 := Column {Runed (X1)}
> 185557 := Column {Runed, Broken (X1)}
> 185558 := Bones {Bear (X1)}
> 185559 := Bones {Bear, Broken (X1)}
> 185560 := Claw Marks {01 Barrow (X1)}
> 185561 := Mushroom {01 (X1)}
> 185562 := Mushroom {02 (X1)}
> 185563 := Platform {Okku Barrow (X1)}
> 185564 := Roots {04 Cave Walls (X1)}
> 185565 := Roots {03 Cave Walls (X1)}
> 185566 := Offering Pile {01 Barrow (X1)}
> 185567 := Modebar Options
> 185568 := Shrubs/Rocks {03 Barrow (X1)}
> 185569 := Show Modebar
> 185570 := Shrubs/Rocks {01 Barrow (X1)}
> 185571 := Shrubs/Rocks {02 Barrow (X1)}
> 185572 := Minimap Options
> 185573 := Show Minimap
> 185574 := Leafpile {01 Barrow (X1)}
> 185575 := Render Grass
> 185576 := Enables the rendering of grass. Disabling this may improve performance on some systems
> 185578 := Death Knight
> 185579 := TL_CV_M0606_trap
> 185580 := Spell Knowledge (+1)
> 185581 := Spell Knowledge (+2)
> 185582 := Spell Knowledge feat description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 01/23/2007]
> 185583 := Walkmesh Helper Flat (Stone)
> 185584 := Walkmesh Helper Flat (Wood)
> 185585 := Scorching Ray
> 185586 := Scorching Ray (Single)
> 185587 := Extract Water Elemental
> 185588 := Road Marker {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185589 := Rocks {Grey 01 (X1)}
> 185590 := Rocks {Grey 02 (X1)}
> 185591 := Rocks {Grey 03 (X1)}
> 185592 := Cooking Pot {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185593 := Tree Stump {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185594 := Tree Stump {Snow 02 (X1)}
> 185595 := Tree Stump {Snow 03 (X1)}
> 185596 := Axe & Log {Snow 01 (X1)}
> 185597 := Wolverine
> 185598 := Do you want to open your web browser to the following address?
> 185599 := Homunculus
> 185600 := Homunculus familiar description. [PLACEHOLDER TEXT AFW-OEI 02/05/2007]
> 185601 := Rogue Familiar
> 185602 := Type of Feat: Class
> Prerequisite: Must be a familiar.
> Specifics: Allows a familiar to use the Disable Device and Open Lock skills.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185603 := Wolverine, Dire
> 185604 := Module Website - Click To Open
> 185605 := PWC File - Click to Download
> 185606 := Sacred Pool {01 (X1)}
> 185610 := No room to summon.
> 185611 := Tree Trunk {Special 01 (X1)}
> 185612 := Epic Fiendish Resilience
> 185613 := Type of Feat: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Fiendish Resilience 5.
> Specifics: The Fiendish Resilience ability now grants fast healing 25.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185614 := Epic Devastating Critical (Warmace)
> 185615 := Epic Weapon Focus (Warmace)
> 185616 := Epic Weapon Specialization (Warmace)
> 185617 := Epic Overwhelming Critical (Warmace)
> 185618 := Epic Divine Might
> 185619 := Type of Feat: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Cha 21, Str 21, Divine Might, Power Attack, Turn Undead.
> Specifics: Divine Might now adds twice your Charisma bonus to your weapon damage for a number of rounds equal to twice your Charisma modifier.
> Use: Selected.
> 185620 := 21
> 185621 := 22
> 185622 := 23
> 185623 := 24
> 185624 := 25
> 185625 := 26
> 185626 := 27
> 185627 := 28
> 185628 := 29
> 185629 := 30
> 185630 := 31
> 185631 := 32
> 185632 := 33
> 185633 := 34
> 185634 := 35
> 185635 := 36
> 185636 := 37
> 185637 := 38
> 185638 := 39
> 185639 := 40
> 185640 := +21
> 185641 := +22
> 185642 := +23
> 185643 := +24
> 185644 := +25
> 185645 := +26
> 185646 := +27
> 185647 := +28
> 185648 := +29
> 185649 := +30
> 185650 := +31
> 185651 := +32
> 185652 := +33
> 185653 := +34
> 185654 := +35
> 185655 := +36
> 185656 := +37
> 185657 := +38
> 185658 := +39
> 185659 := +40
> 185660 := Ice {Sheet 01 Large (X1)}
> 185661 := Ice {Sheet 02 Medium (X1)}
> 185662 := Ice {Sheet 03 Small (X1)}
> 185663 := GreenAshW (X1)
> 185664 := GreenAshWSnow (X1)
> 185665 := GreenAshBig (X1)
> 185666 := Wild Shape (7x day)
> 185667 := Wild Shape (8x day)
> 185668 := Wild Shape (9x day)
> 185669 := HomunculusWings
> 185671 := Dock {01 Snow (X1)}
> 185672 := N_SafiyaCloak
> 185674 := BlueDragonTail
> 185675 := Weakened
> 185676 := Door{T_CV_SECRET2}
> 185677 := Influence
> 185678 := {Cave Secret Door 2 (X1)}
> 185679 := XP granted for successfully creating the rejuvenation essence.
> 185680 := XP granted for creating a superior rejuvenation essence.
> 185681 := NPC, Safiya
> 185683 := This package automatically assigns Safiya's skills and feats.
> 185684 := Summon Orglash
> 185685 := Djinn
> 185686 := Gnoll, Thayan
> 185687 := Golem, Clay
> 185688 := Golem, Faithless
> 185689 := Golem, Thayan
> 185690 := Hag, Annis
> 185691 := Hag, Green
> 185692 := Hag, Night
> 185693 := Horse
> 185694 := Hunefer
> 185695 := Leopard, Snow
> 185697 := Treant
> 185698 := Troll, Fell
> 185699 := Uthraki
> 185700 := Wyvern
> 185701 := Fentomy
> 185702 := Gulk'aush
> 185703 := Kelemvor
> 185704 := Magda
> 185705 := Nefris
> 185706 := Elf, Wild
> 185707 := Wild Elf, Female
> 185708 := Genasi, Earth
> 185709 := Earth Genasi, Female
> 185710 := Genasi, Fire
> 185711 := Fire Genasi, Female
> 185712 := Genasi, Air
> 185713 := Air Genasi, Female
> 185714 := Genasi, Water
> 185715 := Water Genasi, Female
> 185716 := Half Drow
> 185717 := Half Drow, Female
> 185718 := Damage Reduction 6/cold iron
> 185719 := Damage Reduction 7/cold iron
> 185720 := Damage Reduction 8/cold iron
> 185722 := DC=28
> 185723 := DC=30
> 185724 := DC=32
> 185725 := DC=34
> 185726 := DC=36
> 185727 := DC=38
> 185728 := DC=40
> 185729 := 50% of Weight
> 185730 := Rage (12)
> 185731 := Rage (20)
> 185732 := Rage
> 185733 := Resist Acid Energy (Epic)
> 185734 := Resist Cold Energy (Epic)
> 185735 := Resist Electrical Energy (Epic)
> 185736 := Resist Fire Energy (Epic)
> 185737 := Resist Sonic Energy (Epic)
> 185738 := Eldritch Blast (10d6)
> 185739 := Eldritch Blast (11d6)
> 185740 := Eldritch Blast (12d6)
> 185741 := Eldritch Blast (13d6)
> 185742 := Eldritch Blast (14d6)
> 185743 := Armed Deflection
> 185744 := Type of Feat: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Dex 21, Int 13, Wis 15, Combat Expertise, Epic Prowess.
> Specifics: The character automatically deflects the first ranged weapon attack made against them that round.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185745 := plant
> 185746 := Epic Deflection
> 185747 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Dex 19, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike.
> Specifics: The character automatically deflects the first two ranged weapon attacks made against them each round.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185748 := Blazing Aura
> 185749 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Wis 25, Diamond Soul.
> Specifics: As a standard action, the character can engulf his body in magical flames. While this aura is active, the character deals an additional 1d10 fire damage with every attack, and enemies that attack him in melee take 1d6 fire damage whether they hit or miss.
> Use: Selected.
> 185750 := 19
> 185751 := Chorus of Heroism
> 185752 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Bard level 15, Perform 18 ranks, Song of Heroism.
> Specifics: The character's Song of Heroism ability now rallies the entire party. For 5 rounds, rallied creatures gain +4 dodge bonus to AC and +4 morale bonus to saving throws. Additionally the rallied creatures gain +4 temporary hit points per level. There is a cool down of 20 rounds before this ability can be used again.
> Use: Selected.
> 185753 := Combat Insight
> 185754 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Combat Expertise, Epic Prowess, BAB +15
> Specifics: If the character's Intelligence is higher than their Strength, they add their Intelligence modifier instead of their Strength modifier to melee weapon damage rolls. If wielding a two-handed weapon, the damage bonus is 1.5*Int.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185755 := Eldritch Master
> 185756 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Warlock 16th level, Spellcraft 24.
> Specifics: The character's eldritch blasts deal +50% damage and have +2 to attack rolls.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185757 := Chair {06 Rocking - TINT (X1)}
> 185758 := Epic Animal Companion
> 185759 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Wis 25, Animal Companion.
> Specifics: The character's animal companion's abilities are determined as if the character possessed three additional druid levels. For example, a 21st level druid with this feat would have the animal companion of a 24th level druid without this feat.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185760 := Door{DT_SRdoor1}
> 185761 := {Sunken Ruins Door 01 (X1)}
> 185762 := GreenAshSpecial (X1)
> 185763 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+1d6)
> 185764 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+2d6)
> 185765 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+3d6)
> 185766 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+4d6)
> 185767 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+5d6)
> 185768 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+6d6)
> 185769 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+7d6)
> 185770 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+8d6)
> 185771 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+9d6)
> 185772 := Epic Eldritch Blast (+10d6)
> 185773 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, eldritch blast 9d6.
> Specifics: When the character takes this feat, the damage dealt by their eldritch blast increases by 1d6. This feat can be taken multiple times.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185774 := Expose Weakness
> 185775 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Evasion, Epic Prowess.
> Specifics: As a full attack action, the character makes a single normal attack against an opponent (regardless of the number of attacks per round they normally receive). If the attack hits, the target's weakness is exposed: every round for 5 rounds the target takes damage equal to the character's Dex bonus (minimum of 1). This damage ignores all damage reductions and immunities. During this time, the target's AC is also reduced by 3.
> Use: Selected.
> 185776 := Last Stand
> 185777 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess.
> Specifics: The character and all party members gain 20d10 temporary hitpoints for 1 round per Cha bonus of the character. Minimum duration is 2 rounds. This ability can be used once per day and requires a standard action.
> Use: Selected.
> 185778 := Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
> 185779 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Dex 25, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater-Two Weapon Fighting.
> Specifics: The character can make as many attacks with their off hand weapon as with their main hand weapon, using the same base attack bonus.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185780 := Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat Style: Ranger Two Weapon Fighting)
> 185782 := One Shot
> 185783 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Dex 27, Point Blank Shot, Improved Rapid Shot.
> Specifics: The character can attempt to deliver an extremely powerful ranged attack. This attack ignores all concealment and circumvents any arrow deflection (like that granted by Deflect Arrows or Armed Deflection). If the attack hits, it deals maximum damage and inflicts a critical hit, even if the target would normally be immune to critical hits. This ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
> Use: Selected.
> 185784 := One Shot (Combat Style: Ranger Archery)
> 185785 := Devour Spirit
> 185786 := Devour Soul
> 185787 := Spirit Gorge
> 185788 := Ravenous Incarnation
> 185789 := Bestow Life Force
> 185790 := Suppress
> 185791 := Eternal Rest
> 185792 := Satiate
> 185793 := Mold Spirit
> 185794 := Epic Resilience
> 185795 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Toughness, Epic Toughness.
> Specifics: The character no longer automatically fails saving throws on a roll of 1. The character will still fail the save if their result fails to equal or beat the DC.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185796 := Song of Requiem
> 185797 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: Bard level 21, Perform 24 ranks.
> Specifics: This song damages all enemies within 20 feet for 5 rounds. The total sonic damage caused is equal to 2*Perform skill; the minimum damage caused per target is Perform/3. For example, with Perform 30, a total of 60 points of damage is inflicted each round. If six (or more) enemies are affected, they would each take 10 sonic damage per round. This ability has a cooldown of 20 rounds.
> Use: Selected.
> 185798 := Hymn of Requiem
> 185799 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: Bard level 21, Song of Requiem, Perform 30 ranks.
> Specifics: The character's Song of Requiem now also heals all party members. The amount healed is the same as the damage caused by the Hymn and is divided among all party members; the minimum amount healed per ally is Perform/3. For example, if the total damage dealt is 60 and four characters are in the party, each is healed 15 hit points per round.
> Use: Automatic.
> 185800 := Ioun Stone: STR
> 185801 := Safiya is a Red Wizard specializing in transmutation spells which change the properties of creatures and items (applying buffs or debuffs). In addition to her specialist spells, Safiya also knows a number of other powerful offensive and defensive spells. She also has weapons and potions in her inventory which may prove useful.
> 185803 := <color=Gold><b>Half-Drow</b></color>
> Half-drow are often just as dark-hearted as their elven parents, but with a bitter resentment that comes from knowing that they are considered second-class members of drow society. Despite this, good half-drow are much less rare than good drow. Half-drow have dusky skin, silver or white hair, and a broad range of eye colors.
> <color=Gold><b>Racial Traits:</b></color>
> - <b>Hardiness vs. Enchantments:</b> Immunity to magical sleep effects, +2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
> - <b>Darkvision:</b> Half-drow can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
> - <b>Keen Senses:</b> +1 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
> - <b>Amiable:</b> +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
> - <b>Favored Class:</b> Any. When determining whether a multiclass half-drow takes an experience point penalty, her highest-level class does not count.
> 185804 := Rescue
> 185805 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, Fort Save +12, Epic Toughness.
> Specifics: When Rescue Mode is activated, allies within 5 ft. take half damage; the amount of damage not taken by your allies is taken by you. You also gain DR 2/- while in Rescue Mode.
> Use: Combat Mode.
> 185806 := Rescue Mode Activated
> 185807 := Rescue Mode Deactivated
> 185808 := Rescue:
> Share damage with allies
> (+) DR
> 185809 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, ability to cast 9th level spells, Spellcraft 30.
> Specifics: The character can cast the Epic Spell Hellball.
> Classes: Druid, Duskblade, Wizard, Sorcerer, Spirit Shaman, Warlock
> Spellcraft Required: 30
> Caster Level: Epic
> Innate Level: Epic
> School: Evocation
> Descriptor(s): Fire, Acid, Electrical, Sonic
> Components: Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Long
> Area of Effect / Target: Huge
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Reflex (DC +15)
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You unleash a massive blast of energy that detonates upon all in the area of effect, dealing 10d6 fire damage, 10d6 acid damage, 10d6 electrical damage, and 10d6 sonic damage.
> Use: Selected.
> 185810 := Epic Spell: Damnation
> 185811 := Epic Spell: Entropic Husk
> 185812 := Epic Spell: Epic Gate
> 185813 := Epic Spell: Mass Fowl
> 185814 := Epic Spell: Vampiric Feast
> 185815 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, ability to cast 9th level spells, Spellcraft 32.
> Specifics: The character can cast the Epic Spell Damnation.
> Classes: Cleric, Warlock
> Spellcraft Required: 33
> Caster Level: Epic
> Innate Level: Epic
> School: Enchantment
> Descriptor(s): Teleportation
> Components: Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Creature touched
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Will negates (DC +15)
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> You banish a single foe to the Hells, with no possibility of return. You must succeed at a melee touch attack, and the target must fail at a Will saving throw (DC +15). If the target fails the saving throw, it is dragged screaming into the Hells, to be tormented and ultimately devoured by fiends.
> Creatures that succeed at their saving throw are nonetheless exhausted from resisting so powerful an enchantment, and they are Dazed for 1d6+1 rounds.
> Use: Selected.
> 185816 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, ability to cast 9th level spells, Spellcraft 31.
> Specifics: The character can cast the Epic Spell Entropic Husk.
> Classes: Druid, Spirit Shaman, Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
> Spellcraft Required: 31
> Caster Level: Epic
> Innate Level: Epic
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s): Chaos
> Components: Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Touch
> Area of Effect / Target: Creature Touched
> Duration: 20 rounds
> Save: Will negates (DC +15)
> Spell Resistance: No
> You transform a single enemy into a vessel of pure chaos which randomly attacks all nearby creatures.
> You must succeed at a melee touch attack, and the target must fail at a Will saving throw (DC +15). If the target fails the saving throw, its soul is instantly annihilated, and its body is animated by primal entropy. For the duration of the spell, the creature becomes a juggernaut of destruction, randomly attacking former allies, enemies, and inanimate objects alike. After 20 rounds, the entropic force animating the creature's body burns itself out, and the creature collapses into dust.
> Use: Selected.
> 185817 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, ability to cast 9th level spells, Spellcraft 27.
> Specifics: The character can cast the Epic Spell Epic Gate.
> Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Spirit Shaman, Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
> Spellcraft Required: 27
> Caster Level: Epic
> Innate Level: Epic
> School: Conjuration
> Descriptor(s):
> Components: Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Medium
> Area of Effect / Target: Point
> Duration: 20 rounds
> Save: None
> Spell Resistance: No
> This spell opens a portal to the Lower Planes and calls forth a pair of mighty Balor demons to assail your foes. The strength of this conjuration is such that the demons are bound to your will, and you need not have cast Protection from Evil, or any similar spell, to prevent them from attacking you.
> The first Balor will appear immediately upon casting the spell. The second will emerge 1d4 rounds later.
> Use: Selected.
> 185818 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, ability to cast 9th level spells, Spellcraft 24.
> Specifics: The character can cast the Epic Spell Mass Fowl.
> Classes: Bard, Druid, Spirit Shaman, Wizard, Sorcerer
> Spellcraft Required: 24
> Caster Level: Epic
> Innate Level: Epic
> School: Transmutation
> Descriptor(s):
> Components: Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Long
> Area of Effect / Target: 40-ft radius hemisphere
> Duration: Permanent
> Save: Fortitude negates
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> This spell transforms all hostile creatures of Medium-size or smaller in the area into chickens. Targets are allowed a Fortitude save (DC +15) to negate the effects of the spell. The transformation is permanent.
> Creatures over 15 HD are unaffected by this spell.
> Use: Selected.
> 185819 := Feat Type: Epic
> Prerequisite: 21st level, ability to cast 9th level spells, Spellcraft 24.
> Specifics: The character can cast the Epic Spell Vampiric Feast.
> Classes: Cleric, Druid, Spirit Shaman, Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock
> Spellcraft Required: 24
> Caster Level: Epic
> Innate Level: Epic
> School: Necromancy
> Descriptor(s): Evil
> Components: Verbal, Somatic
> Range: Personal
> Area of Effect / Target: All hostile creatures within 40 ft. of caster.
> Duration: Instant
> Save: Fortitude (DC +15)
> Spell Resistance: Yes
> When this spell is cast, you drink in the life force of all enemies in the area of effect. Creatures who succeed at a Fortitude save (DC +15) lose only half their remaining hit points. Those who fail their saving throw are instantly slain. Any creatures that are slain have a 50% chance of immediately being raised as Greater Shadows (up to 4), which will attack any surviving enemies. Creatures over 22 HD are unaffected by this spell.
> You are only able to absorb sufficient hit points to return you to full health. Any remaining life force dissipates into the fabric of the Weave.
> Use: Selected.
> 185820 := Moss Stone {01 (X1)}
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> #// [91935] String(s) Exported...