[Mingw-users] Problems installing MinGW on Windows 10

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Sat Jul 14 04:53:04 JST 2018

On 13/07/18 17:34, David Gressett wrote:
>> I found the downloader on sourceforge: 
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/?source=navbar.
>> It seems older than the one on your site: I try to use that and
>> there was no need for libmingwex-0.dll.
> I tried the OSDN installer and it does seem to have a problem.

Hmm.  A problem?  Or maybe, just the catalogues differ?

> I did a maximal basic installation - I checked everything in the
> Basic setup Section, but did not go down into All Packages.
> Everything installed without any errors,

So, no problem there, then.

> but libmingwex installed as version 5.0.1

Really?  Do you mean the DLL component?  IIRC, this isn't specified as
an inclusive component of a basic installation, so it shouldn't be
installed unless you explicitly select it, from "All Packages".

> mingwrt, and w32api also installed as version 5.0.1

Okay; that's what the catalogue specifies, so there's no real problem,
(other than that maybe the catalogue needs an update to v5.1).

> I renamed the MinGW directory and repeated the exact same
> installation with the SourceForge installer.

So, I assume you now have two side-by-side installations, in different
directories, each with their own local catalogues (in their respective
$MINGW_ROOT/var/lib/mingw-get/data directories).  It may be instructive
to diff their corresponding XML files, (ignoring the sysroot-*.xml and
manifest-*.xml files, which record the state of your installation).

> libmingwex, mingwrt, amd w32api all installed as version 5.0.2

Once again, I'm surprised that libmingwex, (if you mean the DLL
component), was installed at all, and once again, the catalogue really
needs an update, to deliver v5.1, but v5.0.2 is what the catalogue on SF
currently specifies.

FWIW, the catalogue build system doesn't readily support parallel
publishing to multiple distribution hosts; the publication rule, in the
Makefile, maintains a list of files to publish, as they are modified,
but once published to one host, that list is cleared, and nothing is
marked for republication to a second host.  Ultimately, OSDN will become
the authoritative publication host, and SF will fall behind, but it's
going to need some manual intervention to get there.


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