Ray Satiro
Thu Apr 12 16:23:12 JST 2018
I did a search and found that it was addressed [1] and the solution was at one point _lseeki64: __int64 _fseeki64( FILE *stream, __int64 offset, int whence ) { return _lseeki64( _fileno( stream ), offset, whence ); } My problem with that is it's blind to the FILE buffering. Assume FILE *f opened rb with contents "abcdef": printf("%c\n", fgetc(f)); printf("%c\n", fgetc(f)); _lseeki64( _fileno( f ), 4, SEEK_SET); printf("%c\n", fgetc(f)); The third fgetc call is going to get the third character 'c' and not the fifth 'e'. If I put an fflush after the lseek I will get the fifth character, but according to msdn fflush is documented to not do that and explicitly retain the FILE buffer for files opened for just read [2]. I am thinking about using fseeko64 and ftello64. That looks ok except for ftello64 I might need fflush needed prior to call on write streams [3][4]. Are there any downsides / bugs in the o64 functions? How are you guys handling 64-bit offsets in FILE when building a program for >=XP ? Thanks [1]: https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw/bugs/2021/ [2]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9yky46tz.aspx#Anchor_2 [3]: http://mingw.5.n7.nabble.com/ftello64-returning-wrong-values-td1097.html [4]: https://cboard.cprogramming.com/windows-programming/68331-fseek-vs-fseeko64;-whats-difference.html