[Kazehakase-cvs] CVS update: kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions

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Kouhei Sutou kous****@users*****
Fri May 19 18:07:49 JST 2006

Index: kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/Makefile.am
diff -u kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/Makefile.am:1.3 kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/Makefile.am:1.4
--- kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/Makefile.am:1.3	Sat Apr 29 12:14:12 2006
+++ kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/Makefile.am	Fri May 19 18:07:48 2006
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 	reload-ruby.rb \
 	reload-without-fragment.rb \
 	ruby-dialog.rb \
+	view-pdf-as-image.rb \
Index: kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/view-pdf-as-image.rb
diff -u /dev/null kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/view-pdf-as-image.rb:1.1
--- /dev/null	Fri May 19 18:07:49 2006
+++ kazehakase/data/ext/ruby/kz/actions/view-pdf-as-image.rb	Fri May 19 18:07:48 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+require 'erb'
+require 'fileutils'
+  require "poppler"
+rescue LoadError
+def h(str)
+  ERB::Util.h(str)
+def image_type
+  "png"
+def image_suffix
+  "png"
+def image_name(i)
+  "#{i}.#{image_suffix}"
+def thumbnail_name(i)
+  "#{i}-thumb.#{image_suffix}"
+def ruby_poppler_is_unavailable(action, kz)
+  statusbar_timeout = 3 * 1000
+  statusbar_id = kz.statusbar.get_context_id(action.name)
+  kz.statusbar.push(statusbar_id, _("need to install Ruby/Poppler"))
+  Kz.pop_statusbar(kz, statusbar_id, statusbar_timeout)
+def start_downloader(kz, uri)
+  tmp_dir = "/tmp/kazehakase"
+  FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_dir)
+  Kz.add_exit_proc {FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_dir)}
+  filename = File.join(tmp_dir, File.basename(uri))
+  dl = Kz::Downloader.new(uri, filename)
+  dl.signal_connect("completed") do
+    Kz.barrier do
+      completed(kz, tmp_dir, filename)
+    end
+  end
+  Kz::DownloaderGroup.add(dl)
+  dl.to_file
+def make_images(kz, pages, tmp_dir, &block)
+  scale = 0.1
+  Gtk.idle_add do
+    Kz.barrier do
+      page, i = pages.shift
+      width, height = page.size
+      pixbuf_width, pixbuf_height = page.size.collect {|x| x * scale}
+      pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf.new(Gdk::Pixbuf::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8,
+                               width, height)
+      page.render_to_pixbuf(0, 0, width, height, 1, 0, pixbuf)
+      output = File.join(tmp_dir, image_name(i))
+      pixbuf.save(output, image_type)
+      pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf.new(Gdk::Pixbuf::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8,
+                               pixbuf_width, pixbuf_height)
+      page.render_to_pixbuf(0, 0, width, height, scale, 0, pixbuf)
+      thumbnail = File.join(tmp_dir, thumbnail_name(i))
+      pixbuf.save(thumbnail, image_type)
+      pixbuf = nil
+      GC.start
+      if pages.empty?
+        tab = block.call
+        tab.reload(Kz::EmbedReloadFlag::BYPASS_CACHE)
+        tab = nil
+        GC.start
+        false
+      else
+        true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+def completed(kz, tmp_dir, filename)
+  doc = Poppler::Document.new("file://#{filename}")
+  tab = nil
+  scale = 0.1
+  pages = []
+  doc.each_with_index do |page, i|
+    pages.push([page, i])
+  end
+  make_images(kz, pages, tmp_dir) {tab}
+  html_file = File.join(tmp_dir, "index.html")
+  File.open(html_file, "w") do |f|
+    f << "<html><head><title>#{h doc.title}</title></head><body>\n"
+    doc.n_pages.times do |i|
+      f << "<a href=\"#{h image_name(i)}\">\n"
+      f << "<img src=\"#{h thumbnail_name(i)}\">\n"
+      f << "</a>\n"
+    end
+    f << "\n</body></html>"
+  end
+  tab = kz.open_new_tab("file://#{html_file}")
+def act_view_pdf_as_image(action, group, kz)
+  unless ::Object.const_defined?(:Poppler)
+    ruby_poppler_is_unavailable(action, kz)
+    return
+  end
+  return unless kz.current_page
+  uri = nil
+  uri = kz.mouse_event_info.link if kz.mouse_event_info
+  return if uri.nil?
+  start_downloader(kz, uri)

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