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2010-09-06 17:14 (by green_12512)

Recently I found wrong words in my softwares' manuals. If you find "describe" in preface of the manual(s), please replace it with "is written" or "are written".


2010-09-05 16:34 (by green_12512)

New version of Hash Maker has been available. This version fixes ui bugs only.


2010-08-25 21:04 (by green_12512)

New hash maker has been available. As of this update, boost libraries are not needed.


2010-08-23 15:29 (by green_12512)

New Arch32 PKGBUILD has bee released. This update provides lib32libs. Therefore, you'll need to edit /etc/schroot/schroot.conf. For details look at the git repository Misc.


2010-08-13 19:36 (by green_12512)

I released new PKGBUILD of arch32 because new gcc has been available. However, it has been moved to git:misc repo. You can get the PKGBUILD by navigating: tree->arch32. If you want PKGBUILD of wine-wow64, goto: tree->wine-wow64-pkgbuild.


2010-08-01 17:45 (by green_12512)

Some news headline has been modified, because there were some mistakes: Not comfirming to headline grammer of english.


2010-07-21 15:35 (by green_12512)

I released new Arch32 PKGBUILD, which is fixed freezing bug and bundled gcc-multilibs.
For details, please read "the changelog"


2010-07-04 10:47 (by green_12512)

Hash Maker has compatible with Windows as of version G.3 Rev.1.
If you want to build this on windows, please read how_to_build with text editor, which can read LF line-feed text.


2010-05-23 11:06 (by green_12512)

Hash Maker G2 Rev4 has been released. The change is only comment fixing, so you don't need to download unless you are a developer.


2010-05-18 18:03 (by green_12512)

I'm very sorry but I can't get time enough to administrate the forum in this project.If you want to discuss this project, please go to other forum or contact me with jabber.
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