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PHP XML Classes is a set of classes for XML
processing using PHP.

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2002-07-22 19:26

class_xml_check (v1.0), a class to check if a
file/URL is well formed was added. It can report
error details (message, line number, column
number) if the file is not well formed or
statistics about the XML document if it is well
formed (size, number of elements, text sections,
size of text sections, and attributes).
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2002-07-15 19:39

The RDQL_db and RDQL_query_db classes were added.
RDQL_db is a class to store and retrieve (delete)
RDF documents to and from a MySQL database. RDF
documents are parsed and then stored as RDF
statements. The second class, RDQL_query_db,
implements the RDQL language for RDF documents
stored with the first class. Since documents are
parsed when stored, the RDQL class doesn't parse
the documents, which improves the querying speed.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2002-07-08 19:07

The RDQL class was added. This is a generic RDQL
engine and an implementation of the engine to
query RDF documents from files or URLs. The
documentation for all the packages was updated.
Bugfixes and minor cosmetic changes were made.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2002-07-01 18:25

A path parser class was added. This is a generic XML parser, based on Expat, that lets you associate PHP functions with XML elements indicating a path (for example, /foo/data/name). The user's functions will be called each time such an element is found by the parser, passing the element name, attributes, and content (text or a XML fragment) as arguments.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2002-06-24 18:54

A class to parse RDDL documents was added. The
class can parse RDDL documents, extracting
resource elements that can then be obtained. The
class can parse all RDDL valid documents from URLs
or files.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

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