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YaBS is enterprise resource planning software that manages products and contacts as basic data, generates offers, orders, invoices, and reminders from it, and includes basic book keeping. It writes PDF or ODF (OpenOffice format) documents, and is a multiuser system. It is the successor of MP Invoicing. It can use any JDBC compliant database as a backend, and works in heterogenous networks, allowing fine grained security settings. It can also be extended with modules.

System Requirements

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2009-11-23 20:17
1.0 RC1

Many things have changed since version MP4.5. An .odt based template system was added. A role based multi-user system is used. Locale and UI settings can be set per user. The plugin system was improved. Variables in text were added for time, date, user, etc. A group restriction for users was added. Views and journals can be set per group or project and account. MySQL integration was improved. File attachments, scheduling of events, an XML RPC client/server API, and a bridge to OLCommerce (an OS/XTCommerce fork) and other webshops were implemented. Import and export of data was improved. The Babelfish translation tool supports any language in Yabs.

2009-11-19 04:50
1.0 beta 10

New table views as a start page for contact management.

Project Resources