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OpenLayers is a pure JavaScript library for displaying map data in most modern Web browsers, with no server-side dependencies. It can display map tiles and markers loaded from any source. It implements a (still-developing) JavaScript API for building rich Web-based geographic applications.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-07-29 08:48

This release adds major updates to tiling, assorted enhancements, and bugfixes.
標籤: Enhancements, Bugfixes, Stable

2012-03-30 21:13

This release improves mobile support, with a focus on touch devices, and adds code speedups and bugfixes.
標籤: Mobility, Bugfixes, Speedups, Stable

2011-04-03 17:46

Support was added for WMS layers with SVG as image format, for SVG enabled browsers. Bugs were fixed.
標籤: Stable

2008-09-07 05:29
2.7 RC1

Vector-Behavior was implemented, including
strategies, protocols, and filters. Vector
rendering was improved for better performance. A
Canvas rendering class was added. Z-Ordering and
Y-Ordering was added for Vector layers. Basic
Measurement Control was added. An
OpenLayers.Request interface was added for AJAX.
Popups were made smarter.

2008-04-24 06:27

The CloudAmber popups were integrated for advanced visual display. Panning of commercial layers was improved. Panning of maps was animated. Layer Image transitions were implemented for keeping images visible when zooming. Client side reprojection is supported, including programatically reprojecting points and geometries. Styling was improved. SLD read and write are supported. reading and writing multiple versions of WMC are supported. KML and GeoRSS support were improved. Internationalization was improved. Additional handlers and controls were added.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

Project Resources