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The OODBMS/DBMS ODABA is an terminology-oriented database management system (TODBMS) on a high conceptual level. This is an extension of the ODBMS concept according to ODMG 3. It provides a number of enhanced features based on natural language analysis. Beside the database kernel, a number of tools are provided for database design, documentation, and fast development. ODABA provides a powerful interface (C++, .NET) and an ODABA Script Interface (OSI), a C++/JAVA like scripting language, which provides easy access to the database.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-08-22 21:35 Back to release list

This version contains several fixes for bugs reported since the last release. These include problems initializing a new project, resulting in unchecked data types. Handling of __AUTOIDENT keys did not work properly when copying data. Several OSI functions (e.g. Property::top()) relocated an instance after being executed. Displaying enumerator attributes or keys created invalid output. Data conversion was invalid for platform independent (PIF) databases when running under Linux after compiling with -O2.
標籤: bugfix, Minor, database core

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