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BLAG is a single-CD Linux distribution that has a suite of graphics, Internet, audio, video, office, and peer-to-peer file sharing applications. It is based on Fedora Core, Dag, Freshrpms, etc. It is up-to-date with all Fedora errata updates at the time of release, and uses apt/synaptic for easy upgrades and installation of new applications.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-02-03 08:52

This release uses the last updates from Fedora
before moving to the Fedora Legacy project. New CD
packages include kiax (VoIP softphone), netcat,
and xvid4conf. There were 130 updates, including
new versions of the kernel, xorg, firefox, glibc,
openssh, thunderbird, inkscape, scribus, gaim,
xchat, httpd (apache), php, cups, vim, zlib,
icecast, blackbox, bluefish, gnupg, gtkpod,
openssl, perl, php, spamassassin, bittorrent,
graveman, kismet, xine, kino, and MuSE.
標籤: Minor feature enhancements

2005-08-27 11:13

This test release is based on Fedora Core 4 and includes updates, applications from Dag, freshrpms, and NewRPMS, and custom packages. It is the first public release of the BLAG40k series.
標籤: Development, Major feature enhancements

2005-08-12 23:04

This is the first update to the BLAG30k series. Updates include a new kernel, Gaim, GIMP, OpenSSL, Perl, PHP, Spamassassin, Thunderbird, CUPS, cpp, httpd (apache), OpenSSH, Vim, wireless-tools, yum, zlib, bittorrent, graveman, kismet, amule, Mplayer, XINE, Firefox, Mozilla, tor and parted. New packages are gtk-gnutella and nicotine. Overall, 139 packages were updated on the CD (16% of the total).
標籤: Minor bugfixes

2005-04-20 11:27

This version is now based on Fedora Core 3, with new packages from Dag, FreshRPMS, newrpms, and custom builds. It is current with all FC3 updates. It includes updates to many packages.
標籤: Major feature enhancements

2004-08-05 09:41

This alpha release is based on Fedora Core 2. All
Fedora updates were applied along with many new
packages from Dag and freshrpms. The new
packages included gift, fluxbox, inkscape, firestarter,
and gstreamer-plugins-extra-*.
標籤: Development, Major feature enhancements

Project Resources