[cocomonar-dev] as being, together, the third most impo

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Curbeam Amoriello trave****@wsbcp*****
2010年 4月 11日 (日) 18:57:24 JST

Aniards should not avail themselves of them. The
citizens were left so hostile to those other Indians that if one of
the latter hid,
they showed him to the Christians so that they would kill him, and
they themselves aided

in killing them, and they would even have done so with their
own hands if the Christians had permitted it. The Spanish captains,
having studied the place where these enemies
were found as well as the road, along
a part of which they journeyed, they determined not to shut themselves
up in Xauxa, but to pass onward and attack the main body of the army
which was four leagues
off before it should receive news
of their coming. With this intention, they commanded the soldiers to
make ready, but their

proposal did not come to pass because they found the horses so weary
that they held it to be better council to retire, which they did.
Arrived in Xauxa, they recounted to the Governor all that had
with which he was well pleased, and he received them cheerfully,
thanking them all for having borne themselves so val

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