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File Info

修訂. 1
大小 4,456 bytes
時間 2022-05-18 22:59:50
作者 zmatsuo
Log Message


// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by ttpmenu.rc
#define BUTTON_DEFAULT                  3
#define DIALOG_MAIN                     101
#define TTERM_ICON                      103
#define TTERM_MENU                      104
#define DIALOG_CONFIG                   106
#define ICON_LEFT                       107
#define ICON_RIGHT                      108
#define DIALOG_CONFIG_SUB               109
#define DIALOG_ETC                      113
#define DIALOG_VERSION                  114
#define LIST_HOST                       1001
#define EDIT_PATH                       1002
#define BUTTON_REFER_EXE                1003
#define EDIT_INI_FILE                   1004
#define BUTTON_REFER_INI                1005
#define EDIT_USER                       1006
#define EDIT_PASSWORD                   1007
#define BUTTON_SET                      1008
#define BUTTON_DELETE                   1009
#define EDIT_HOST                       1010
#define EDIT_ENTRY                      1011
#define STATIC_SEPARATE                 1013
#define COMBO_INI_FILE                  1014
#define BUTTON_CONFIG                   1015
#define EDIT_LOGIN_PROMPT               1018
#define EDIT_PASSWORD_PROMPT            1019
#define CHECK_PASSWORD                  1020
#define CHECK_USER                      1021
#define CHECK_INI_FILE                  1022
#define IDC_SPIN1                       1024
#define BUTTON_ETC                      1025
#define RADIO_LOGIN                     1026
#define RADIO_MACRO                     1027
#define EDIT_MACRO                      1028
#define BUTTON_MACRO                    1029
#define RADIO_DIRECT                    1030
#define EDIT_TTMPATH                    1031
#define BUTTON_TTMPATH                  1033
#define EDIT_INITFILE                   1034
#define BUTTON_INITFILE                 1035
#define EDIT_PROMPT_USER                1036
#define STATIC_ICON                     1036
#define IDC_TTPMENU_ICON                1036
#define EDIT_PROMPT_PASS                1037
#define CHECK_TTSSH                     1037
#define EDIT_OPTION                     1038
#define CHECK_STARTUP                   1038
#define EDIT_LOG                        1039
#define BUTTON_LOG                      1040
#define IDC_KEYFILE_PATH                1040
#define IDC_KEYFILE_LABEL               1041
#define IDC_BUTTON1                     1042
#define IDC_KEYFILE_BUTTON              1042
#define IDC_VERSION                     1043
#define IDC_INCLUDE                     1044
#define LBL_TTMPATH                     1045
#define LBL_OPTION                      1046
#define LBL_LOG                         1047
#define LBL_PROMPT_USER                 1048
#define LBL_PROMPT_PASS                 1049
#define GRP_AUTOLOGIN                   1050
#define GRP_INITFILE                    1051
#define LBL_LIST                        1052
#define GRP_CONFIG                      1053
#define GRP_LAUNCH                      1054
#define LBL_HOST                        1055
#define LBL_ENTRY                       1056
#define GRP_PROMPT                      1057
#define IDC_CHALLENGE_CHECK             1058
#define IDC_PAGEANT_CHECK               1059
#define ID_MENUITEM40013                40013
#define ID_MENUITEM40014                40014
#define ID_MENUITEM40015                40015
#define ID_MENUITEM40016                40016
#define ID_MENUITEM40017                40017
#define ID_MENUITEM40018                40018
#define ID_MENU_CANCEL                  40019
#define ID_TMENU_ADD                    40020
#define ID_TMENU_CLOSE                  40021
#define ID_TELNET                       40029
#define ID_VERSION                      40031
#define ID_EXEC                         40037
#define ID_ICON                         40039
#define ID_FONT                         40040
#define ID_LEFTPOPUP                    40041
#define ID_HOTKEY                       40042

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NO_MFC                     1
#define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        116
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40043
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1059
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101