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名稱 大小 修訂. 時間 作者 Log Message
.gitignore 395 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
.gitmodules 527 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
BAKA PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg 66.22 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
BCEXMM.EXE 56.5 k 129670c 2016-06-29 03:02:33 sparky4 gvar.video.page[1].pattern_ofs remove...
BCEXMM.MAP 28.78 k 129670c 2016-06-29 03:02:33 sparky4 gvar.video.page[1].pattern_ofs remove...
DLD.BAT 18 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
DLDV.BAT 25 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
LICENCE 34.32 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
Project 16.bfproject 6.41 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
README.md 625 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
TODO.md 1.92 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
awoo.sh 226 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
baka pee.png 143.92 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
bcexmm.dsk 177 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
bcexmm.prj 7.4 k 129670c 2016-06-29 03:02:33 sparky4 gvar.video.page[1].pattern_ofs remove...
boop.sh 133 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
builq.sh 65 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
debug.png 36.4 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
design.txt 5.23 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
dld.sh 18 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
dldv.sh 25 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
dro2vgm 11.68 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
git_con.fig 680 71ff607 2016-07-13 23:34:35 sparky4 wwww
git_igno.re 395 54e87ff 2016-06-25 03:09:21 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
git_modu.les 527 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
joytest.exe 16.17 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
lowcase.sh 41 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
make-lowercase 1.17 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
makefile 15.76 k 40fd3f8 2016-08-22 06:52:50 sparky4 branch is in the master swap branch c...
modex.lib 25 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
pcx2vrl 9.89 k 919eea7 2016-07-28 23:31:55 sparky4 wwww cleanings
pcxsscut 21.13 k 919eea7 2016-07-28 23:31:55 sparky4 wwww cleanings
planarNotes.txt 604 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
planrpcx.exe 81.77 k 4c7ecb5 2016-07-30 12:52:19 sparky4 16.exe serial print debug
run.bat 142 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
sparky4.do 2.18 k 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
spri.sh 252 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
swapbranchcode.sh 227 90b16ac 2016-08-22 06:28:51 sparky4 branch is in the master swap branch c...
t.bat 46 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
test2.exe 65.11 k d67e5db 2016-08-21 13:21:01 sparky4 made inputtest.c to force use joystic...
ud.sh 74 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
videolay.txt 836 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
vrl2vrs 16.69 k 919eea7 2016-07-28 23:31:55 sparky4 wwww cleanings
vrsdump 10.77 k 919eea7 2016-07-28 23:31:55 sparky4 wwww cleanings
wbuild.sh 106 b462db3 2016-08-24 17:09:20 sparky4 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww vrstest....
winrun.bat 43 6194132 2016-06-25 02:47:27 sparky4 0.c is under study wwww
x4get.bat 1 k d6b061d 2016-07-19 23:43:57 sparky4 wwww 16.exe polished wwww and x4get.b...


彼岸花 Project 01 話の地球 //Higanbana Project 01 ~ Story of Chikyuu

Open watcom to compile the code of project 16

Directory Structure!

16.exe = actual planned game executable!
/ = root of project where executables are at
16/ = experimental branch and example codes
16/modex16/ = pngwen's code archived~
src/ = source of project~
doc/ = documentation of the project~
doc/faq.txt = frequently asked questions file!

To compile:

You need Open Watcom stable to compile and just run wmake

