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Commit MetaInfo

修訂875b6f5f4a97e3c6b0baa71b2e6c1c98755a946b (tree)
時間2011-10-06 02:14:52
作者Rick Copeland <rcopeland@geek...>
CommiterRick Copeland

Log Message

[#1540] Using cached ancestor stuff

Signed-off-by: Rick Copeland <rcopeland@geek.net>

Change Summary


--- a/Allura/allura/model/__init__.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/model/__init__.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from .auth import AuthGlobals, User, ProjectRole, OpenId, EmailAddress, ApiToken
1111 from .openid_model import OpenIdStore, OpenIdAssociation, OpenIdNonce
1212 from .filesystem import File
1313 from .notification import Notification, Mailbox
14-from .repository import Repository, RepositoryImplementation, RepoObject, Commit, Tree, Blob
14+from .repository import Repository, RepositoryImplementation, RepoObject, Commit, Tree, Blob, CommitAncestor
1515 from .repository import LogCache, LastCommitFor, MergeRequest, GitLikeTree
1616 from .stats import Stats
1717 from .oauth import OAuthToken, OAuthConsumerToken, OAuthRequestToken, OAuthAccessToken
--- a/Allura/allura/model/repository.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/model/repository.py
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ from ming.utils import LazyProperty
1818 from ming.orm import FieldProperty, session, Mapper
1919 from ming.orm.declarative import MappedClass
2221 from allura.lib.patience import SequenceMatcher
2322 from allura.lib import helpers as h
2423 from allura.lib import utils
2625 from .artifact import Artifact, VersionedArtifact, Feed
2726 from .auth import User
28-from .session import repository_orm_session, project_orm_session
27+from .session import repository_orm_session, project_orm_session, main_doc_session
2928 from .notification import Notification
3130 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -49,9 +48,17 @@ class RepositoryImplementation(object):
4948 raise NotImplementedError, 'commit'
5150 def new_commits(self, all_commits=False): # pragma no cover
52- '''Return any commit object_ids in the native repo that are not (yet) stored
53- in the database in topological order (parents first)'''
54- raise NotImplementedError, 'commit'
51+ '''Return a list of (oid, commit) in topological order (heads first).
53+ "commit" is a repo-native object, NOT a Commit object.
54+ If all_commits is False, only return commits not already indexed.
55+ '''
56+ raise NotImplementedError, 'new_commits'
58+ def commit_parents(self, commit):
59+ '''Return a list of (oid, commit) for the parents of the given (native)
60+ commit'''
61+ raise NotImplementedError, 'commit_parents'
5663 def commit_context(self, object_id): # pragma no cover
5764 '''Returns {'prev':Commit, 'next':Commit}'''
@@ -281,6 +288,42 @@ class Repository(Artifact):
281288 content_type, encoding = 'application/octet-stream', None
282289 return content_type, encoding
291+ def refresh_ancestor_graph(self, commits):
292+ '''Make sure the CommitAncestor collection is up-to-date based on
293+ the given list of (oid, native_commit) commits
294+ '''
295+ PAGESIZE = 1024
296+ ca_doc = mapper(CommitAncestor).doc_cls
297+ sess = main_doc_session
298+ ancestor_cache = {} # ancestor_cache[oid] = [ a_oid0, a_oid1...]
299+ def _ancestors(oid, ci, indent=''):
300+ if oid in ancestor_cache:
301+ return ancestor_cache[oid]
302+ stored_ancestors = []
303+ for ca in sess.find(ca_doc, dict(object_id=oid)):
304+ stored_ancestors.extend(ca.ancestor_ids)
305+ if stored_ancestors:
306+ # Ancestors already stored in MongoDB
307+ ancestor_cache[oid] = stored_ancestors
308+ return stored_ancestors
309+ ancestor_ids = set()
310+ for p_oid, p_ci in self._impl.commit_parents(ci):
311+ ancestor_ids.add(p_oid)
312+ ancestor_ids.update(_ancestors(p_oid, p_ci, indent + ' '))
313+ result = ancestor_cache[oid] = list(ancestor_ids)
314+ for i in xrange(0, len(result), PAGESIZE):
315+ sess.insert(ca_doc(
316+ dict(
317+ object_id=oid,
318+ ancestor_ids=result[i:i+PAGESIZE])))
320+ # Compute graph in chunks to save memory
321+ for i, (oid, ci) in enumerate(reversed(commits)):
322+ _ancestors(oid, ci)
323+ if i and i % PAGESIZE == 0:
324+ log.info('=== Clear ancestor cache === ')
325+ ancestor_cache = {}
284327 def refresh(self, all_commits=False, notify=True):
285328 '''Find any new commits in the repository and update'''
286329 self._impl.refresh_heads()
@@ -288,8 +331,12 @@ class Repository(Artifact):
288331 session(self).flush()
289332 sess = session(Commit)
290333 log.info('Refreshing repository %s', self)
291- commit_ids = self._impl.new_commits(all_commits)
292- log.info('... %d new commits', len(commit_ids))
334+ commits = self._impl.new_commits(all_commits)
335+ log.info('... %d new commits', len(commits))
336+ self.refresh_ancestor_graph(commits)
339+ return
293340 # Refresh history
294341 i=0
295342 seen_object_ids = set()
@@ -623,6 +670,23 @@ class LogCache(RepoObject):
623670 lc.object_ids, lc.candidates = repo._impl.log(object_id, 0, 50)
624671 return lc
673+class CommitAncestor(MappedClass):
674+ class __mongometa__:
675+ session = repository_orm_session
676+ name='commit_ancestor'
677+ indexes = [
678+ ('object_id'), ('ancestor_id') ]
680+ _id = FieldProperty(S.ObjectId)
681+ object_id = FieldProperty(str)
682+ ancestor_ids = FieldProperty([str])
684+ @LazyProperty
685+ def ancestor(self):
686+ ci = Commit.query.get(object_id=self.ancestor_id)
687+ if ci is None: return ci
688+ ci.set_context(self.repo)
626690 class Commit(RepoObject):
627691 class __mongometa__:
628692 polymorphic_identity='commit'
--- a/ForgeGit/forgegit/model/git_repo.py
+++ b/ForgeGit/forgegit/model/git_repo.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import tg
88 import git
1010 from ming.base import Object
11-from ming.orm import Mapper, session
11+from ming.orm import Mapper, session, mapper
1212 from ming.utils import LazyProperty
1414 from allura.lib import helpers as h
@@ -115,20 +115,23 @@ class GitImplementation(M.RepositoryImplementation):
115115 return result
117117 def new_commits(self, all_commits=False):
118- graph = {}
120- to_visit = [ self._git.commit(rev=hd.object_id) for hd in self._repo.heads ]
121- while to_visit:
122- obj = to_visit.pop()
123- if obj.hexsha in graph: continue
124- if not all_commits:
125- # Look up the object
126- if M.Commit.query.find(dict(object_id=obj.hexsha)).count():
127- graph[obj.hexsha] = set() # mark as parentless
128- continue
129- graph[obj.hexsha] = set(p.hexsha for p in obj.parents)
130- to_visit += obj.parents
131- return list(topological_sort(graph))
118+ PAGESIZE=1024
119+ commit_ids = [ (ci.hexsha, ci) for ci in self._git.iter_commits(topo_order=True) ]
120+ if all_commits: return commit_ids
121+ result = []
122+ commit_doc = mapper(M.Commit).doc_cls
123+ sess = M.main_doc_session
124+ for i in xrange(0, len(commit_ids), PAGESIZE):
125+ chunk = commit_ids[i:i+PAGESIZE]
126+ found_commit_ids = set(
127+ ci.object_id for ci in sess.find(
128+ commit_doc, object_id={'$in': chunk},
129+ fields=['_id', 'object_id']))
130+ result += [ (oid, ci) for (oid, ci) in chunk if oid not in found_commit_ids ]
131+ return result
133+ def commit_parents(self, ci):
134+ return [ (p_ci.hexsha, p_ci) for p_ci in ci.parents ]
133136 def commit_context(self, commit):
134137 prev_ids = commit.parent_ids