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Commit MetaInfo

修訂23996afcecc89727330be3d8f6aeeb1b1f6c99f9 (tree)
時間2012-07-17 02:50:32
作者Jenny Steele <jsteele@geek...>
CommiterCory Johns

Log Message

[#4513] Changed repo clone email to more obviously show old url vs. new checkout command.

Change Summary


--- a/Allura/allura/tasks/repo_tasks.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/tasks/repo_tasks.py
@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ def clone(
4141 subject=u'SourceForge Repo Clone Complete',
4242 message_id=h.gen_message_id(),
4343 text=u''.join([
44- u'Clone of repo %s in project %s from %s is complete. Your repo is now ready to use.\n'
45- ]) % (c.app.config.options.mount_point, c.project.shortname, cloned_from_url))
44+ u'Your cloned repository %s in project %s is now ready for use.\n\n',
45+ u'Old repository url: %s \n\n',
46+ u'New repository checkout command: %s \n\n',
47+ u'You and any other developers should do a fresh checkout using the ',
48+ u'new repository location.\n'
49+ ]) % (c.app.config.options.mount_point, c.project.shortname, cloned_from_url, c.app.repo.clone_command('rw')))
4650 except:
4751 sendmail(
4852 destinations=['sfengineers@geek.net'],