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修訂. 時間 作者
29a8ad5 master Release118 2020-05-10 21:14:26 yyagi

#xxxxx SystemNameをDTXManiaLog.txtに出力しないよう修正。(thanks to mowmowさん)

9756ff3 2020-05-09 17:36:05 yyagi

#xxxxx バージョン情報, アセンブリ情報の更新。(117→118)
#xxxxx 署名検証の無効化。
#xxxxx .gitigonoreファイルの更新。

124d2f5 2020-05-09 17:30:27 yyagi

#40396 64bit環境でMIDI入力を受け付けない問題を修正。callback内のint→IntPtr置き換えが漏れていた。

233116b 2020-02-18 23:48:35 yyagi

#40039 出力可能なサウンドデバイスが1つもない場合に例外が発生する問題を修正。(エラーメッセージを表示し終了する)

73e9fc8 Release117 2020-01-16 08:12:31 yyagi

#39823 improved gradient of wailing chip image

be59017 2020-01-16 08:11:15 yyagi

#39822 adjusted drum RD pad position/size

b516c1b 2020-01-13 23:15:48 yyagi

#xxxxx Updated: release version, release year

7f9eb01 2020-01-13 23:13:47 yyagi

#39823 Removed gray edge pixels in the judge strings

3845810 2020-01-13 23:09:42 yyagi

#39823 Now Guitar/Bass bar-line will be always shown under the RGB buttons.

4fd8adc 2020-01-09 00:17:53 yyagi

#39823 Coordinates.xml file to fix the shadow issue of wailing chip / wailing frame.

7606691 2020-01-09 00:16:32 yyagi

#xxxxx add Win10 1909 version info

2194917 2020-01-09 00:14:01 yyagi

#39823 Fixed to show the shadow of Wailing chip and Wailing frame correctly. The fix is affected not only DTXMania GR.exe, but also Coordinate.xml and skin image files.

ef9deb1 2020-01-09 00:09:32 yyagi

#39823 Fix the Z-order of Wailing Chip and Bar chip correctly.

8cd89ea 2020-01-09 00:08:19 yyagi

#39825 Fixed to work B6 and B7 correctly. (no-chip default sound FloorTom and RightCymbal were mixed up)

b8cf5a1 2020-01-09 00:05:59 yyagi

#39816 removed debug trace code

10b7316 2020-01-08 02:34:51 yyagi

#39816 Fixed below. (Basically I had to backup/restore QAuto.Index value when changing Target (Drums/Guitar/Bass)).
* Changing Drum Auto also changes the Auto for Guitar and vice versa.
* Changing Bass Auto does not change anything.
* The text is missing from the menu.
* "Auto BD" for Drum sets Auto to SD

BTW current code has many debug code. Refactor will be required.

98dab29 2020-01-08 02:30:42 yyagi

#34196, #38036 Quick Configでのメモリリークを修正。

2033ade 2020-01-08 02:28:42 yyagi

#38036 どこでCTextureの解放漏れが発生しているかを容易に識別できるようにするために、CTextureの生成時にラベルを付与できるようにした。(引数最後にラベルの文字列を追加できるようにした。文字列の初期値は””(空文字列))。

58cdb99 2020-01-07 01:29:01 yyagi

#39817 Fixed not to crash when entering Sort menu, after showing non-music-select-screen.

22cd650 2020-01-07 01:27:33 yyagi

#39816 In Quick Config menu, Drums lane order is updated to the same one of CONFIGURATION\/Drums. And also, now Guita/Bass Auto configuration works correctly.

7d96284 2019-12-29 03:25:35 yyagi

#xxxxx Add more logs settings in CONFIGURATION, for debugging

f433ed0 2019-12-29 03:24:26 yyagi

#39816 Quick Config "Auto" works correctly.

71e198d 2019-12-29 03:22:58 yyagi

#39873 Fixed: Number of lanes is not shown in the select-music screen, even if CONFIGURATION/System/LoadDTXDetail is ON.

6156652 2019-10-30 22:52:32 yyagi

#xxxxx FDKのコミット漏れ対応(CWindowsTheme.cs) 。ダークテーマ対応のための下回りだが不完全。
#xxxxx COS.cs: Windows10のビルド情報を補足。また、OSのビルド番号の確認機能をpublic化。
#xxxxx NVorbisのビルド時警告を抑制。csprojの<NoWarn>は最初の<PropertyGroup>に置かないと機能しないらしい。

1acbaee 2019-10-08 00:46:23 yyagi

#39661 [Dridi's PATCH 2/9] Sync hint paths for bundled DLLs with reality.
The packages directory at the root of the source tree is for nuget, and gone in the DTXMania distribution package.

37c05ad 2019-10-08 00:06:26 yyagi

#39661 Added Move task in [Dridi's PATCH 4/9]

ff19cf1 2019-10-07 23:13:57 yyagi

#39661 [Dridi's PATCH 8/9] Fix resources paths for case-sensitive file systems

d560c56 2019-10-07 23:13:18 yyagi

#39661 [Dridi's PATCH 7/9] PowerGetActiveScheme may fail with Wine.
I added a stub in Wine, but it currently does nothing.

27cc96d 2019-10-07 23:12:27 yyagi

#39661 [Dridi's PATCH 6/9] Skip logs that Wine may not support.
I managed to get some of the missing WMI bits in Wine 4.17 but it's still not widely available since the stable branch is 4.0 currently.

26152d9 2019-10-07 23:11:32 yyagi

#39661 [Dridi's PATCH 5/9] Avoid array overflow of the CSV header