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A CLI tool for downloading from pixiv.net

Commit MetaInfo

修訂e18345887020b56f1ffc52446d14c027e0554019 (tree)
時間2023-06-22 12:03:18
作者mio <stigma@disr...>

Log Message

Improve 'artwork' command

The main change is the --group-errors option which will only print the
errors just before the command has finished executing, rather than
immediately after the error occurrs.

This means you don't have to go searching for any errors after
downloading the artworks.

Change Summary


--- a/source/app.d
+++ b/source/app.d
@@ -389,40 +389,76 @@ int artistHandle(string[] args, ref Config config)
390390 int artworkHandle(string[] args, ref Config config)
391391 {
392- if (3 > args.length) {
393- stderr.writefln("Usage: %s <id>...", args[0]);
394- return 1;
395- }
392+ // When an exception occurrs.
393+ string[] invalidArtworks;
394+ // The error message for the invalidArtworks
395+ // each index in the array matches the ID.
396+ string[] errorMessages;
397+ bool groupErrors = false;
398+ int returnCode = 0;
397- // Help
398- {
399- string arg = args[2];
400- if ("help" == arg || "--help" == arg || "-h" == arg) {
401- writefln("Usage: %s <id>...", args[0]);
402- return 0;
403- }
404- }
400+ if (3 > args.length) {
401+ displayArtworkHelp(args[0]);
402+ return 1;
403+ }
406- foreach (arg; args[2..$]) {
407- size_t id;
405+ foreach (arg; args[2..$]) {
406+ size_t id;
409- try {
410- id = to!size_t(arg);
411- } catch (ConvException ce) {
412- log.criticalf("Could not convert \"%s\" to size_t.", arg);
408+ if ("--help" == arg || "-h" == arg) {
409+ displayArtworkHelp(args[0]);
410+ return 0;
411+ }
412+ if ("--group-errors" == arg) {
413+ groupErrors = true;
414+ log.info("errors will be grouped");
415+ continue;
416+ }
414- stderr.writefln(`Failed to download artwork ID "%s".`, arg);
415- stderr.writeln("-- It could not be parsed as a number.");
416- return 1;
417- }
418+ try {
419+ id = to!size_t(arg);
420+ } catch (ConvException ce) {
421+ log.errorf("Could not convert %s to size_t", arg);
423+ if (groupErrors) {
424+ invalidArtworks ~= arg;
425+ errorMessages ~= "Not a valid number.";
426+ } else {
427+ stderr.writefln("%s: Could not convert '%s' to a valid ID.",
428+ args[0], arg);
429+ stderr.writeln("The ID must be a valid number.");
430+ returnCode = 1;
431+ }
432+ continue;
433+ }
419- Illustration illust = config.client.fetchIllustration(id);
420- downloadIllust(illust, config);
435+ try {
436+ scope illust = config.client.fetchIllustration(id);
437+ downloadIllust(illust, config);
438+ } catch (PixivJSONException pje) {
440+ if (groupErrors) {
441+ invalidArtworks ~= arg;
442+ errorMessages ~= pje.msg;
443+ } else {
444+ stderr.writefln("%s: Failed to fetch and download ID '%d'",
445+ id);
446+ stderr.writeln(pje.msg);
447+ }
448+ continue;
449+ }
422- sleep(1, 5);
423- }
451+ sleep(1, 5);
452+ }
425- return 0;
454+ if (groupErrors && 0 < invalidArtworks.length) {
455+ stderr.writeln("Failed to download the following IDs:");
456+ foreach(index, id; invalidArtworks) {
457+ stderr.writefln(" %s - %s", id, errorMessages[index]);
458+ }
459+ }
461+ return returnCode;
426462 }
428464 int dailyHandle(string[] args, ref Config config)
@@ -687,7 +723,7 @@ helpHandle(string[] args, const ref Config config)
687723 displayArtistHelp(args[0]);
688724 break;
689725 case "artwork":
690- writeln("Artwork help");
726+ displayArtworkHelp(args[0]);
691727 break;
692728 case "daily":
693729 displayDailyHelp(args[0]);
@@ -781,6 +817,24 @@ displayArtistHelp(string programName)
781817 " pixiv_down artist --type illust 10109777 4938312",
782818 programName);
783819 }
822+displayArtworkHelp(string programName)
824+ stderr.writefln(
825+ "pixiv_down artwork - Download specific artwork(s)\n" ~
826+ "\nUsage:\t%s artwork <id> [<additional ids...>]\n" ~
827+ "\nYou can download one or more artworks via this command. Any\n" ~
828+ "artworks that fail to download are mentioned after attempting to\n" ~
829+ "download, you can change this to only print at the end by using the\n" ~
830+ "--group-errors option.\n" ~
831+ "\nOptions:\n" ~
832+ " --group-errors\tDisplay errors at the end instead.\n" ~
833+ "\nExamples:\n" ~
834+ "\n Download a single artwork:\n" ~
835+ " pixiv_down artwork id\n" ~
836+ "\n Download multiple artworks and display failed IDs at the end:\n" ~
837+ " pixiv_down artwork --group-errors id1 id2\n",
784838 programName);
785839 }