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A Markdown shard for the Crystal programming language

名稱 大小 修訂. 時間 作者 Log Message
common_mark_stats.json 12.59 k 5a406b2 2023-05-21 12:00:14 supercell Add trailing line ending to HTML bloc...
common_mark_stats.txt 1.02 k 5a406b2 2023-05-21 12:00:14 supercell Add trailing line ending to HTML bloc...
common_mark_tests.json 137.13 k e3cb27b 2023-02-14 09:04:11 supercell Add stats tooling Currently getting ...
entities.json 142.48 k 4aa281b 2023-03-28 09:03:56 supercell Fix HTML entity and numeric character...
expected_output.cr 467 a097a6d 2023-03-04 17:14:27 supercell Use getter? and property?. The previ...
gfm_stats.json 13.05 k 5a406b2 2023-05-21 12:00:14 supercell Add trailing line ending to HTML bloc...
gfm_stats.txt 1.21 k 5a406b2 2023-05-21 12:00:14 supercell Add trailing line ending to HTML bloc...
gfm_tests.json 159.8 k 7d437ae 2023-05-21 09:22:54 supercell Update GFM to 0.29.0.gfm.7
stats.cr 5.97 k f5b3255 2023-04-07 16:24:15 supercell Refactor AutolinkExtensionSyntax
stats_lib.cr 6.63 k 6fff0a0 2023-10-26 11:50:06 supercell Update CommonMark spec links to v0.30
update_blns.cr 1.17 k 76ab365 2023-09-24 08:00:25 supercell Fix misc. ameba warnings
update_emoji.cr 2.61 k 113f670 2023-03-25 14:11:00 supercell Misc cleanup Mostly fixes from Ameba...
update_entities.cr 839 76ab365 2023-09-24 08:00:25 supercell Fix misc. ameba warnings
update_github_emojis.cr 11.16 k 4fc783d 2023-05-23 09:13:56 supercell Version 0.4.0