修訂. | 時間 | 作者 |
d691e3a | 2011-02-17 11:58:12 | Xavier Ducrohet |
am a243ca05: Fix WXGA skin for proper sensor support. |
a243ca0 | 2011-02-17 11:54:52 | Xavier Ducrohet |
Fix WXGA skin for proper sensor support. |
b928205 | 2011-02-17 05:25:19 | Andy Stadler |
am 6b4333cc: am 5ee94621: Remove references to global proxy APIs |
6b4333c | 2011-02-17 05:22:47 | Andy Stadler |
am 5ee94621: Remove references to global proxy APIs |
5ee9462 | 2011-02-17 03:51:01 | Andy Stadler |
Remove references to global proxy APIs |
e0d1a9b | 2011-02-16 09:56:13 | Xavier Ducrohet |
Merge "Line Wrapping General settings Set "Never join already wrapped lines" to true." |
5b78a1d | 2011-02-16 09:04:11 | Keiji Ariyama |
Line Wrapping General settings |
b430ba2 | 2011-02-16 08:29:08 | Xavier Ducrohet |
Merge "Blank Lines within class declarations Set "Before field declarations" value to 0." |
d143cac | 2011-02-16 06:06:07 | Chet Haase |
Merge "Adjust layouts of transition demos to improve fade-outs." |
97ee3c3 | 2011-02-16 02:46:28 | Chet Haase |
Adjust layouts of transition demos to improve fade-outs. |
66aa48b | 2011-02-15 10:40:31 | Christopher Tate |
Don't use the View drag-is-cross-app flag |
6788075 | 2011-02-15 08:43:57 | Scott Main |
am b965e4af: am 0f911715: docs: add links to action bar and drag demos in the index page |
b965e4a | 2011-02-15 08:41:29 | Scott Main |
am 0f911715: docs: add links to action bar and drag demos in the index page |
0f91171 | 2011-02-15 08:36:46 | Scott Main |
docs: add links to action bar and drag demos in the index page |
f9b583b | 2011-02-15 06:01:17 | Raphael |
Win SDK: remove test of llvm-rs-cc presence. |
17bd28b | 2011-02-12 10:51:44 | Alex Sakhartchouk |
renderscript geometry converter. |
6c065e0 | 2011-02-12 08:29:38 | Adam Cohen |
am 37e86acb: am 0d9ac4f2: Merge "Making StackWidget sample code stand alone as opposed to bundled with HoneycombGallery" into honeycomb |
4079474 | 2011-02-12 08:29:26 | Winson Chung |
am 830de951: am e412a0f4: Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers. |
37e86ac | 2011-02-12 08:20:56 | Adam Cohen |
am 0d9ac4f2: Merge "Making StackWidget sample code stand alone as opposed to bundled with HoneycombGallery" into honeycomb |
0d9ac4f | 2011-02-12 08:18:59 | Adam Cohen |
Merge "Making StackWidget sample code stand alone as opposed to bundled with HoneycombGallery" into honeycomb |
830de95 | 2011-02-12 08:15:24 | Winson Chung |
am e412a0f4: Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers. |
1ff28c7 | 2011-02-12 08:11:43 | Adam Cohen |
Making StackWidget sample code stand alone as opposed to bundled with HoneycombGallery |
e412a0f | 2011-02-12 07:50:06 | Winson Chung |
Adding sample for collection widgets backed by content providers. |
b8e7b43 | 2011-02-11 08:46:39 | Alex Sakhartchouk |
am b3f767b0: am f8da1173: Merge "Adding renderscript samples." into honeycomb |
b3f767b | 2011-02-11 08:11:21 | Alex Sakhartchouk |
am f8da1173: Merge "Adding renderscript samples." into honeycomb |
f8da117 | 2011-02-11 07:57:17 | Alex Sakhartchouk |
Merge "Adding renderscript samples." into honeycomb |
e9c29dc | 2011-02-10 16:58:52 | David 'Digit' Turner |
am 729ad212: am aa276460: ndk: Add headers and libraries for API level 11 (Honeycomb) |
729ad21 | 2011-02-10 16:50:20 | David 'Digit' Turner |
am aa276460: ndk: Add headers and libraries for API level 11 (Honeycomb) |
6310bf8 | 2011-02-10 08:56:04 | Yu Shan Emily Lau |
Merge "Added the Drag action to the scripted moneky" |
5f8f4e8 | 2011-02-10 08:32:46 | Yu Shan Emily Lau |
Added the Drag action to the scripted moneky |