XML catalogue of packages which are available for installation, using the mingw-get installer.
修訂. | 437b45b9f7df13938a119f9d4b970b3259b19c31 |
大小 | 1,646 bytes |
時間 | 2018-01-19 05:15:06 |
作者 | Keith Marshall |
Log Message | Publish MinGW.org WSL-5.0.2 package set.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<software-distribution project="MinGW" home="http://mingw.org" issue="@YYYYMMDDNN@">
<!-- File: msys-grep.xml -->
<package-collection subsystem="msys">
<download-host uri="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/%F?download" />
<package name="msys-grep">
<affiliate group="MSYS Base System" />
<description lang="en" title="print lines matching a pattern" >
<paragraph>grep searches the input files for lines containing a
match to a given pattern list. When it finds a match in a line,
it copies the line to standard output (by default), or produces
whatever other sort of output you have requested with options.
<source tarname="grep-%-msys-%-src.tar.%" />
<licence tarname="grep-%-msys-%-lic.tar.%" />
<component class="bin">
<release tarname="grep-2.5.4-2-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzma" >
<requires eq="msys-libintl-*-msys-*-dll-8.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-core-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
<component class="lang">
<release tarname="grep-2.5.4-2-msys-1.0.13-lang.tar.lzma" />
<component class="doc">
<release tarname="grep-2.5.4-2-msys-1.0.13-doc.tar.lzma" />
<component class="lic">
<release tarname="grep-2.5.4-2-msys-1.0.13-lic.tar.lzma" />
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