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修訂. 時間 作者
c1d6193470e5 2007-12-11 19:11:58 iselllo

Now I re-added the plotting of the mean x position in

2255153deed9 2007-12-11 18:52:58 iselllo

I updated test_interaction.tcl; now the code saves the time in time.dat
and it properly closes some files it creates to save the results.

ed43d61b22c7 2007-12-11 03:44:55 iselllo

I simply made more explicit the syntax to calculate the radius of
gyration in Espresso (by adding 0 1 $n_part), but the returned value is
exactly the same as before.

7f8238d3eb77 2007-12-11 03:33:00 iselllo

Now plot_statistics.py reads the time from a data file and I also
corrected the way in which I was "folding" the particles into the box.

5d9c0fc03c06 2007-12-11 02:09:38 iselllo

Now test.tcl also saves in a .dat file the time along the simulation and
it explicitely close the generated data files (which can now be read
only when the simulation is finished).

9564792e20fe 2007-12-11 00:09:52 iselllo

Now plot_statistics.py compares the radius of gyration calculated by
espresso with mine.

8a21fe61f4c9 2007-12-11 00:08:37 iselllo

I corrected a bug in test.tcl: now the code correctly places the
particles in the middle of the box and saves the radius of gyration.

9c8c89b3a8cc 2007-12-10 17:18:11 iselllo

Now plot_statistics.py also reads and plots the radius of gyration
calculated by espresso.

c3810da61ee5 2007-12-09 03:15:26 iselllo

Now the code test_interaction.tcl is able to calculate the radius of
gyration using Espresso's in-built function, but there is probably
something wrong in the calculation.

6c2d5fb1f669 2007-12-08 02:02:30 iselllo

I updated plot_statistics.py: it now also works out the radius of
gyration of the aggregate.

4287fff98f5b 2007-12-08 02:01:21 iselllo

I added the cose test_interaction.tcl which includes an interaction
potential in the system (see test.tcl for an idea of the corresponding
case without interaction potential).

8b4222acf1f0 2007-12-06 23:41:32 iselllo

I updated plot_statistics.py; now the code is also able to calculate the
velocity autocorrelation function.

cd60708cc67b 2007-12-04 21:34:22 iselllo

I added test-section2.py, basically the same as test-section.py but it
also shows how to read files from the output of the DNS code.

88cc5e8bb2bf 2007-12-04 05:37:05 iselllo

I added a code which is able to generate some random (scalar) velocity
and plot it on a circular domain.

f86ada8e2610 2007-12-03 19:41:45 iselllo

I added the code plot-vector.R. It is taken from R mailing list and it
shows how to draw a vector field using R.

c40653e4f964 2007-11-21 02:06:23 iselllo

I added plot_statistics.py which reads and takes some basic statistics
of the output of test.tcl and read_test.tcl.

451a4306fe74 2007-11-21 01:42:35 iselllo

I added the code read_test.tcl which specifically reads the output
(velocities and positions) of test.tcl.

5651476b69b5 2007-11-21 01:34:27 iselllo

Now test.tcl uses a blockfile to save both the velocities and the
positions which are read and manipulated simultaneaously.

f09838000143 2007-11-20 02:38:32 iselllo

Now test.tcl saves also the initial particle configuration and does
start saving the results after evolving the system for the 1st time

541d5f73c5fe 2007-11-20 01:37:45 iselllo

I modified read_1_particle_kind.tcl which is now able to read and save
(from the configuration blockfiles) all the particles coordinates at
different times in a format suitable for R and Python.

9e91fa3006a3 2007-11-19 21:29:56 iselllo

I modified mytest_1_particle_kind.tcl (cleaned up a bit the code, but
not 100% sure of what I did...in case revert to the previous version to
find out what happened) and added test.tcl, which evolves and saves some
statistics for a set of Brownian particles.

138006e4acd4 2007-11-10 09:39:51 iselllo

I modified the labels along the y axis in the code

9f70ca393e02 2007-11-10 02:23:28 iselllo

I introduced the scientific notation in the plots in

01e8736b52e1 2007-11-10 02:11:41 iselllo

I added 3D_R_plotting_quick.R which implements also the scientific
notation along the y axis.

ac5b7796cf7c 2007-11-08 23:46:42 iselllo

I added some features to plot_potential.py which are mainly related to
some quanties of the Lennard Jones potential (minimum, time scale,

5f3b4941f448 2007-11-06 18:03:33 iselllo

I added the code dolfin_demo.py which solves Poisson equation on a 2D
box using the finite-element code dolfin.

298da147ec24 2007-10-26 19:17:06 iselllo

I corrected some SERIOUS bugs in the code smoluchowski2.py. Some air
properties, e.g. cond_air(t) are defined as a function of t, though they
depend on T(t), but were called in the code as cond_air(T(t)), which was
leading to some serious problems.

2d14b85fe0d8 2007-10-24 07:56:12 iselllo

I added the code plot_potential.py which calculates and plots some of
the interaction potentials used by Espresso.

59952e80c0b8 2007-10-24 07:55:03 iselllo

I modified mytest_1_particle_kind.tcl. I changed the parameters of the
lennard-jones potential, the time-step, the thermal noise etc...to be
able to use the lennard-jones potential to study agglomeration.
Now, I see complex structures not necessarily sphericals.

073836f160b7 2007-10-19 19:47:15 iselllo

I added the code mytest_3_particle_kind.tcl which simulates the dynamics
of two particles estabilishing a fene bond when they are close.