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File Info

修訂. 1d212f2664a62d7de0b1737c0a60848e4fd778bd
大小 29,823 bytes
時間 2008-11-13 04:28:13
作者 iselllo
Log Message

I added a code which now properly calculates the mean coordination number in the system (the previous calculation in
plot_statistics_single.py was WRONG!!!).


#! /usr/bin/env python

import scipy as s
import numpy as n
import pylab as p
#from rpy import r
import distance_calc as d_calc
import igraph as ig
import calc_rad as c_rad
#import g2_calc as g2
from scipy import stats #I need this module for the linear fit



part_diam=1. # particle diameter



cluster_look = 50  # specific particle (and corresponding cluster) you want to track

#Again, I prefer to give the number of particles and the density as input parameters
# and work out the box size accordingly

collisions =1 #whether I should take statistics about the collisions or not.

fin_config=3000 #for large data post-processing I need to declare an initial and final

               #configuration I want to read and post-process

by=1000 #this tells how many configurations there are in the file I am reading

figure=0 #whether I sould print many figures or not

n_config=(fin_config-ini_config)/by # total number of configurations, which are numbered from 0 to n_config-1


print "the box size is, ", box_size

threshold=1.04 #threshold to consider to particles as directly connected

save_size_save =1  #tells whether I want to save the coordinates of a cluster of a specific size 


t_step=1. #here meant as the time-separation between adjacent configurations


gyration = 1 #parameter controlling whether I want to calculate the radius of gyration

#time=s.linspace(0.,((n_config-1)*t_step),n_config) #I define the time along the simulation


time=time[my_selection] #I adapt the time to the initial and final configuration


#some physical parameters of the system
T=0.1  #temperature
beta=0.1 #damping coefficient
v_0=0.  #initial particle mean velocity

n_s_ini=2  #element in the time-sequence corresponding
 # to the chosen reference time for calculating the velocity autocorrelation

s_ini=(n_s_ini)*t_step #I define a specific time I will need for the calculation
# of the autocorrelation function

#print 'the time chosen for the velocity correlation function is, ', s_ini
#print 'and the corresponding time on the array is, ', time[n_s_ini]

print 'Len is, ', Len


if (calculate == 1):

# 	energy_1000=p.load("tot_energy.dat")

# 	p.plot(energy_1000[:,0], energy_1000[:,1] ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('energy')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('energy evolution')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('energy_2000_particles.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# 	print "the std of the energy for a system with 2000 particles is, ", s.std(energy_1000[config_ini:n_config,1])
# 	print "the mean of the energy for a system  with 2000 particles is, ", s.mean(energy_1000[config_ini:n_config,1])

# 	print "the ratio of the two is,", s.std(energy_1000[config_ini:n_config,1])\
# 	/s.mean(energy_1000[config_ini:n_config,1])
# 	print "and the theoretical value is, ", s.sqrt(2./3.)*(1./s.sqrt(n_part))

#	tot_config=p.load("total_configuration.dat")
#	tot_config=tot_config[(ini_config*n_part*3):(fin_config*n_part*3)]
 #I cut the array with the total number
	                                               #of configurations for large arrays
#	print "the length of tot_config is, ", len(tot_config)
#	tot_config=s.reshape(tot_config,(n_config,3*n_part))

# 	print "tot_config at line 10 is, ", tot_config[10,:]

# 	#Now I save some "raw" data for detailed analysis
# 	i=71
#        	test_arr=tot_config[i,:]
#        	test_arr=s.reshape(test_arr,(n_part,3))
# 	p.save("test_71_raw.dat",test_arr)


	#Now I want to "fold" particle positions in order to be sure that they are inside
	# my box.

	#f[:,:,k]=where((Vsum<=V[k+1]) & (Vsum>=V[k]), (V[k+1]-Vsum)/(V[k+1]-V[k]),\
		#f[:,:,k] )
		#f[:,:,k]=where((Vsum<=V[k]) & (Vsum>=V[k-1]),(Vsum-V[k-1])/(V[k]-V[k-1]),\

# 	if (fold ==1):
# 		#In the case commented below, the box goes from [-L/2,L/2] but that is proba
# 		#bly not the case in Espresso

# 		#Len=box_size/2.

# 		# and then I do the following

# 		#tot_config=s.where((tot_config>Len) & (s.remainder(tot_config,(2.*Len))<Len),\
# 		#s.remainder(tot_config,Len),tot_config)

# 		#tot_config=s.where((tot_config>Len) & (s.remainder(tot_config,(2.*Len))>=Len),\
# 		#(s.remainder(tot_config,Len)-Len),tot_config)

# 		#tot_config=s.where((tot_config< -Len) &(s.remainder(tot_config,(-2.*Len))< -Len)\
# 		#(s.remainder(tot_config,-Len)+Len),tot_config)

# 		#tot_config=s.where((tot_config< -Len) &(s.remainder(tot_config,(-2.*Len))>=-Len)\
# 		#s.remainder(tot_config,-Len),tot_config)

# #Now the case when the box is [0,L], so Len is actually the box size

# 		p.save("tot_config_unfolded.dat",tot_config)

# 		Len=box_size
# 		tot_config=s.where(tot_config>Len,s.remainder(tot_config,Len),tot_config)
# 		tot_config=s.where(tot_config<0.,(s.remainder(tot_config,-Len)+Len),tot_config)

# 		print "the max of tot_config is", tot_config.max()
# 		print "the min of tot_config is", tot_config.min()
# 		p.save("tot_config_my_folding.dat",tot_config)

# 	x_0=tot_config[0,0] #initial x position of all my particles

# 	x_col=s.arange(n_part)*3

# 	print "x_col is, ", x_col

# 	#Now I plot the motion of particle number 1; I follow the three components

# 	p.plot(time,tot_config[:,0]  ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('x position particle 1 ')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('x_1 vs time')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('x_position_particle_1.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# #	p.save("mean_square_disp.dat", var_x_arr)

# 	p.plot(time,tot_config[:,1]  ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('y position particle 1 ')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('y_1 vs time')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('y_position_particle_1.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# #	p.save("mean_square_disp.dat", var_x_arr)

# 	p.plot(time,tot_config[:,2]  ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('z position particle 1 ')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('z_1 vs time')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('z_position_particle_1.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# #	p.save("mean_square_disp.dat", var_x_arr)



 #        for i in xrange(0,n_part):
# 		x_arr[:,i]=tot_config[:,3*i]
# 		y_arr[:,i]=tot_config[:,(3*i+1)]
#        		z_arr[:,i]=tot_config[:,(3*i+2)]

#	print "the x coordinates are, ", x_arr

# 	#Now a test: I try to calculate the radius of gyration
# 	#with a particular distance (suggestion by Yannis)
#  	mean_x_arr=s.zeros(n_config)

# 	mean_x_arr=x_arr.mean(axis=1)

#  	mean_y_arr=s.zeros(n_config)

# 	mean_y_arr=y_arr.mean(axis=1)

#  	mean_z_arr=s.zeros(n_config)

# 	mean_z_arr=z_arr.mean(axis=1)

# 	var_x_arr2=s.zeros(n_config)
# 	var_y_arr2=s.zeros(n_config)
# 	var_y_arr2=s.zeros(n_config)

# 	for i in xrange(0,n_config):
# 		for j in xrange(0,n_part):
# 			var_x_arr2[i]=var_x_arr2[i]+((x_arr[i,j]-mean_x_arr[i])- \
# 				       Len*n.round((x_arr[i,j]-mean_x_arr[i])/Len))**2.

# 	var_x_arr2=var_x_arr2/n_part
# 	print 'var_x_arr2 is, ', var_x_arr2
# 	p.save( "test_config_before_manipulation.dat",x_arr[600,:])


# 	max_x_dist=s.zeros(n_config)

# 	#for i in xrange(0, n_config):
# 		#mean_x_arr[i]=s.mean(x_arr[i,:])
# 		#var_x_arr[i]=s.var(x_arr[i,:])

# 	mean_x_arr[:]=s.mean(x_arr,axis=1)
# 	var_x_arr[:]=s.var(x_arr,axis=1)
# 	max_x_dist[:]=x_arr.max(axis=1)-x_arr.min(axis=1)

# 	print "mean_x_arr is, ", mean_x_arr
# 	print "var_x_arr is, ", var_x_arr

# 	if (fold==1):
# 		p.plot(time, max_x_dist ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('x-dimension of aggregate ')
# 		p.title('x-maximum stretch vs time [folded]')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('max_x_distance_folded.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.save("max_x_distance_folded.dat", max_x_dist)

# 	elif (fold==0):
# 		p.plot(time, max_x_dist ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('x-dimension of aggregate ')
# 		p.title('x-maximum stretch vs time[unfolded]')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('max_x_distance_unfolded.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.save("max_x_distance_unfolded.dat", max_x_dist)


# 	p.plot(time, var_x_arr ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('mean square displacement ')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('VAR(x) vs time')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('mean_square_disp.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# 	p.save("mean_square_disp.dat", var_x_arr)

# 	p.plot(time, s.sqrt(var_x_arr) ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('mean square displacement ')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('std(x) vs time')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('std_of_x_position.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# 	p.save("std_of_x_position.dat", s.sqrt(var_x_arr))

# 	p.plot(time, mean_x_arr ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('mean x position ')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('mean(x) vs time')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('mean_x_position.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# 	p.save("mean_x_position.dat", mean_x_arr)

# 	#I now calculate the radius of gyration

# 	if (gyration ==1):

# 		mean_y_arr=s.zeros(n_config)
# 		mean_z_arr=s.zeros(n_config)


# 		var_y_arr[:]=s.var(y_arr,axis=1)
# 		var_z_arr[:]=s.var(z_arr,axis=1)

# 		mean_y_arr[:]=s.mean(y_arr,axis=1)
# 		mean_z_arr[:]=s.mean(z_arr,axis=1)

# 		r_gyr=s.sqrt(var_x_arr+var_y_arr+var_z_arr)

# 		p.save("r_gyr_my_post_processing.dat",r_gyr)
# 		p.plot(time, r_gyr ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('Radius of gyration')
# 		p.title('Radius of gyration vs time')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('radius of gyration.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		#Now I want to calculate the distance of the centre of
# 		#mass of my aggregate from the origin
# 		dist_origin=s.sqrt(mean_x_arr**2.+mean_y_arr**2.+mean_z_arr**2.)

# 		p.plot(time, dist_origin ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('Mean distance from origin')
# 		p.title('Mean distance vs time')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('mean_distance_from_origin.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)


# #Now some plots of the std's along the other 2 directions
# 		p.plot(time, s.sqrt(var_y_arr) ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('mean square displacement ')
# 		p.title('std(y) vs time')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('std_of_y_position.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.save("std_of_y_position.dat", s.sqrt(var_y_arr))

# 		p.plot(time, s.sqrt(var_z_arr) ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('mean square displacement ')
# 		p.title('std(z) vs time')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('std_of_z_position.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.save("std_of_z_position.dat", s.sqrt(var_z_arr))

# 		p.plot(time, mean_y_arr ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('mean y position ')
# 		p.title('mean(y) vs time')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('mean_y_position.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.save("mean_y_position.dat", mean_y_arr)

# 		p.plot(time, mean_z_arr ,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('mean z position ')
# 		p.title('mean(z) vs time')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('mean_z_position.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.save("mean_z_position.dat", mean_z_arr)

# #Now some comparative plots:

# 		p.plot(time, mean_x_arr,time, mean_y_arr,time, mean_z_arr,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('mean position')
# 		p.legend(('mean x','mean y','mean z',))
# 		p.title('Evolution mean position')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('mean_position_comparison.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.plot(time, var_x_arr,time, var_y_arr,time, var_z_arr,linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('mean square displacement')
# 		p.legend(('var x','var y','var z',))
# 		p.title('Evolution mean square displacement')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('mean_square_displacement_comparison.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# 		p.plot(time, s.sqrt(var_x_arr),time, s.sqrt(var_y_arr),time,\
# 		       s.sqrt(var_z_arr),linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('std of displacement')
# 		p.legend(('std x','std y','std z',))
# 		p.title('Evolution std of displacement')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('std_displacement_comparison.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)

# # 		Now I compare my calculations with the one made
# # 		by espresso:

# 		r_gyr_esp=p.load("rgyr.dat")
# 		p.plot(time, r_gyr, r_gyr_esp[:,0], r_gyr_esp[:,1],linewidth=2.)
# 		p.xlabel('time')
# 		p.ylabel('Radius of gyration')
# 		p.legend(('my_postprocessing','espresso'))
# 		p.title('Radius of gyration vs time')
# 		p.grid(True)
# 		p.savefig('radius_of_gyration_comparison.pdf')
# 		p.hold(False)


# # Now I do pretty much the same thing with the velocity

# 	tot_config_vel=p.load("total_configuration_vel.dat")

# 	if (gyration ==1):
# 		r_gyr=s.zeros(n_config)
# 		y_arr=s.zeros((n_config,n_part))
# 		z_arr=s.zeros((n_config,n_part))

# 		var_y_arr=s.zeros(n_config)
# 		var_z_arr=s.zeros(n_config)
# 		for i in xrange(0,n_part):
# 			y_arr[:,i]=tot_config[:,(3*i+1)]
# 			z_arr[:,i]=tot_config[:,(3*i+2)]

# 		var_y_arr[:]=s.var(y_arr,axis=1)
# 		var_z_arr[:]=s.var(z_arr,axis=1)
# 	print "the length of tot_config is, ", len(tot_config)
# 	tot_config_vel=s.reshape(tot_config_vel,(n_config,3*n_part))

# 	#print "tot_config at line 10 is, ", tot_config[10,:]

# 	v_0=tot_config_vel[0,0] #initial x position of all my particles
# 	v_arr=s.zeros((n_config,n_part))
# 	print 'OK creating v_arr'
# 	v_col=s.arange(n_part)*3

# 	#print "x_col is, ", x_col

# 	for i in xrange(0,n_part):
# 		v_arr[:,i]=tot_config_vel[:,3*i]

# 	mean_v_arr=s.zeros(n_config)
# 	var_v_arr=s.zeros(n_config)

# #	for i in xrange(0, n_config):
# 	#	mean_v_arr[i]=s.mean(v_arr[i,:])
# 		#var_v_arr[i]=s.var(v_arr[i,:])

# 	mean_v_arr[:]=s.mean(v_arr,axis=1)
# 	var_v_arr[:]=s.var(v_arr,axis=1)

# 	#print "mean_v_arr is, ", mean_v_arr
# 	#print "var_v_arr is, ", var_v_arr

# 	#time=s.linspace(0.,(n_config*t_step),n_config)

# 	p.plot(time, var_v_arr ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('velocity variance')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('VAR(v) vs time')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('velocity_variance.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# 	p.save("velocity_variance.dat", var_v_arr)

# 	#Now I want to calculate the autocorrelation function.
# 	#First, I need to fix an intial time. I choose something which is well past the
# 	#ballistic regime

# 	#Now I start calculating the velocity autocorrelation function
# 	vel_autocor=s.zeros(n_config)

#        	for i in xrange(0, n_config):
# 		vel_autocor[i]=s.mean(v_arr[i]*v_arr[n_s_ini])

# 	p.plot(time, vel_autocor ,linewidth=2.)
# 	p.xlabel('time')
# 	p.ylabel('<v(s)v(t)> ')
# 	#p.legend(('beta=1e-2,100 part','beta=1e-1, 100 part', 'beta=1e-1, 200 part'))
# 	p.title('Velocity correlation')
# 	p.grid(True)
# 	p.savefig('velocity_correlation_numerics.pdf')
# 	p.hold(False)

# 	p.save("velocity_autocorrelation.dat", vel_autocor)

# 	#Now I try reconstructing the structure of the aggregate.

# 	#first a test case

# 	my_conf=tot_config[919,:]

# 	print 'my_conf is, ', my_conf

# 	#Now I want to reconstruct the structure of the aggregate in 3D
# 	# I choose particle zero as a reference

# 	x_test=s.zeros(3)
# 	y_test=s.zeros(3)
# 	z_test=s.zeros(3)
# 	for i in xrange(0,3):
# 		x_test[i]=my_conf[3*i]
# 		y_test[i]=my_conf[3*i+1]
# 		z_test[i]=my_conf[3*i+2]

# 	print "x_test is, ", x_test
# 	print "y_test is, ", y_test
# 	print "z_test is, ", z_test

# 	#OK reading the files


# 	pos_0=s.zeros(3) #I initialized the positions of the three particles
# 	pos_1=s.zeros(3)
# 	pos_2=s.zeros(3)

# 	pos_1[0]=r_ij[0] #Now I have given the x-position of particles 1 and 2 wrt particle 0
# 	pos_2[0]=r_ij[1]

# 	#Now I do the same for the y coord!

# 	count_int=0
#  	for i in xrange(0,(n_part-1)):
#  		for j in xrange((i+1),n_part):
# 			r_ij[count_int]=y_test[i]-y_test[j]
# 			r_ij[count_int]=r_ij[count_int]-Len*n.round(r_ij[count_int]/Len)
# 			r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
# 			print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)
# 			count_int=count_int+1

# 	print 'r_ij is, ', r_ij

# 	pos_1[1]=r_ij[0] #Now I have given the x-position of particles 1 and 2 wrt particle 0
# 	pos_2[1]=r_ij[1]
# 	#Now I do the same for the z coord!

# 	count_int=0
#  	for i in xrange(0,(n_part-1)):
#  		for j in xrange((i+1),n_part):
# 			r_ij[count_int]=z_test[i]-z_test[j]
# 			r_ij[count_int]=r_ij[count_int]-Len*n.round(r_ij[count_int]/Len)
# 			r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
# 			print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)
# 			count_int=count_int+1

# 	print 'r_ij is, ', r_ij

# 	pos_1[2]=r_ij[0] #Now I have given the x-position of particles 1 and 2 wrt particle 0
# 	pos_2[2]=r_ij[1]

# 	print 'pos_0 is,', pos_0
# 	print 'pos_1 is,', pos_1
# 	print 'pos_2 is,', pos_2
# 	#now I can calculate the radius of gyration!

# 	x_test[0]=pos_0[0]
# 	x_test[1]=pos_1[0]
# 	x_test[2]=pos_2[0]

# 	y_test[0]=pos_0[1]
# 	y_test[1]=pos_1[1]
# 	y_test[2]=pos_2[1]

# 	z_test[0]=pos_0[2]
# 	z_test[1]=pos_1[2]
# 	z_test[2]=pos_2[2]

# 	R_g=s.sqrt(s.var(x_test)+s.var(y_test)+s.var(z_test))

# 	print "the correct radius of gyration is, ", R_g

        #Now I start counting the number of aggregates in each saved configuration
	#First I re-build the configuration of the system with the "correct" x_arr,y_arr,z_arr

	# I turned the following bit into a comment since I am using the original coord as
	#returned by Espresso to start with

# 	#I re-use the tot_config array for this purpose

# 	for i in xrange(0,n_part):
# 		tot_config[:,3*i]=x_arr[:,i]
# 		tot_config[:,(3*i+1)]=y_arr[:,i]
# 		tot_config[:,(3*i+2)]=z_arr[:,i]


#Now a function to count the collisions
#despite the name, it counts only the number of collisions which took place; it does not know anything
#about the direct calculation of the kernel.

	def kernel_calc(A):

	    d = {}
	    for r in A:
	       t = tuple(r)
	       d[t] = d.get(t,0) + 1

	    # The dict d now has the counts of the unique rows of A.

	    B = n.array(d.keys())    # The unique rows of A
	    C = n.array(d.values())  # The counts of the unique rows

	    return B,C

    #The following function actually takes care of calculating the elements of the kernel matrix from the
    #statistics on the collisions.

	def kernel_entries_normalized(B2, dist, C2, box_vol, delta_t):
	    print "dim is, ", dim


	    for i in xrange(len(B2[:,0])):



	    kernel_list=C2/(n_i*n_j*delta_t*box_vol)  #I do not get the whole kernel matrix,
	    #but only the matrix elements for the collisions which actually took place

	    return kernel_list

        #Now a function to calculate the radius of gyration
        def calc_radius(x_arr,y_arr,z_arr,Len):
            #here x_arr is one-dimensional corresponding to a single configuration
            for j in xrange(1,len(x_arr)): #so, particle zero is now the reference particle
                #r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
                #print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)

            #Now I re-define the x_arr in order to be able to take tha variance correctly

            #var_x_arr[:]=s.var(r_0j, axis=1)

            for j in xrange(1,len(y_arr)): #so, particle zero is now the reference particle
                #r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
                #print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)

            #Now I re-define the x_arr in order to be able to take tha variance correctly

            #var_x_arr[:]=s.var(r_0j, axis=1)

            for j in xrange(1,len(z_arr)): #so, particle zero is now the reference particle
                #r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
                #print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)

            #Now I re-define the x_arr in order to be able to take tha variance correctly

            #var_x_arr[:]=s.var(r_0j, axis=1)

            return radius

        #Now a function to calculate the positions of the particles in a single cluster
        def calc_coord_single(x_arr,y_arr,z_arr,Len):

            #here x_arr is one-dimensional corresponding to a single configuration
            for j in xrange(1,len(x_arr)): #so, particle zero is now the reference particle
                #r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
                #print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)

            #Now I re-define the x_arr in order to be able to take tha variance correctly

            #var_x_arr[:]=s.var(r_0j, axis=1)


            for j in xrange(1,len(y_arr)): #so, particle zero is now the reference particle
                #r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
                #print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)

            #Now I re-define the x_arr in order to be able to take tha variance correctly

            #var_x_arr[:]=s.var(r_0j, axis=1)


            for j in xrange(1,len(z_arr)): #so, particle zero is now the reference particle
                #r_ij[count_int]=-r_ij[count_int] #I have better reverse the signs now.
                #print 'i and j are, ', (i+1), (j+1)

            #Now I re-define the x_arr in order to be able to take tha variance correctly

            #var_x_arr[:]=s.var(r_0j, axis=1)


#            radius=s.sqrt(var_x_arr+var_y_arr+var_z_arr)

            return position_array

	#Now I try loading the R script

	#I now calculate the number of clusters in each configuration



#	min_dist=s.zeros(n_config)
	for i in xrange(0,n_config):
		print "read_pos is, ", read_pos
# 		if (i==14):
# 			p.save("test_14.dat",test_arr)
		dist_mat=d_calc.distance_calc(x_pos,y_pos,z_pos, box_size)
# 		if (i==71):
# 			p.save("distance_matrix_71.dat",dist_mat)
# 			p.save("x_pos_71.dat",x_pos)

                #clust_struc= (r.mycluster2(dist_mat,threshold)) #a cumbersome
		    #way to make sure I have an array even when clust_struct is a single
		    #number (i.e. I have only a cluster)
#                print'clust_struct is, ', clust_struc
# 		n_clusters[i]=r.mycluster(dist_mat,threshold)

# > Lorenzo,
# > > if your graph is `g` then
# > >    degree(g)
# > > gives the number of direct neighbors of each vertex (or particle).
# Just to translate it to Python: g.degree() gives the number of direct  
# neighbors of each vertex. If your graph is directed, you may only want  
# to count only the outgoing or the incoming edges: g.degree(igraph.OUT)  
# or g.degree(igraph.IN)

# > > So
# > >    mean(degree(g))
# In Python: sum(g.degree()) / float(g.vcount())

# > > (and to turn an adjacency matrix `am` into an igraph object `g` just  
# > > use "g <- graph.adjacency(am)")
# In Python: g = Graph.Adjacency(matrix)
# e.g. g = Graph.Adjacency([[0,1,0],[1,0,1],[0,1,0]])

                cluster_obj=ig.Graph.Adjacency((dist_mat <= threshold).tolist(),\

		# Now I start the calculation of the coordination number

		coord_list=cluster_obj.degree() #Now I have a list with the number of 1rst
		         #neughbors of each particle


# Lorenzo, i'm not sure why you would like to use adjacency matrices,
# igraph graphs are much better in most cases, espacially if the graph 
# is large. Here is how to calculate the mean degree per connected 
# component in R, assuming your graph is 'g':

# comps <- decompose.graph(g)
# sapply(comps, function(x) mean(degree(x)))

# Gabor

# In Python: starting with your graph, you obtain a VertexClustering  
# object somehow (I assume you already have it). Now, cl[0] gives the  
# vertex IDs in the first component, cl[1] gives the vertex IDs in the  
# second and so on. If the original graph is called g, then  
# g.degree(cl[0]) gives the degrees of those vertices, so the average  
# degrees in each connected component are as follows (I'm simply  
# iterating over the components in a for loop):

# cl=g.components()
# for idx, component in enumerate(cl):
#    degrees = g.degree(component)
#    print "Component #%d: %s" % (idx, sum(degrees)/float(len(degrees)))

# -- T. 

		#I need to get an array out of the list of the list of 1st neighbors

		#for l in xrange(len(coord_list)):
		#print "coord_list is, ", coord_list
		coord_arr=s.asarray(coord_list)-2  #Important! I need this correction!

		print "the total number of clusters and my_config are,", n_clusters[i], my_selection[i]


		#Now I create the array which will contain all the cluster sizes by changing the previous
		#list into a scipy array.


                #Now I re-organize the particles in my configuration
                #by putting together those which are in the same
		#if (i==0):
# 		print "clust_struc[4727] and my_selection[i] are, ", clust_struc[4727], my_selection[i]
# 		print "clust_struc[29] and my_selection[i] are, ", clust_struc[29], my_selection[i]

		if (i ==0 ):

                coord_number_dist=s.zeros(len(my_cluster)) #this will contain the distribution of
		#the coordination numbers

                f=s.arange(1) #simply 0 but as an array!
		if (i==0):

                for m in xrange(0,len(my_cluster)):
			#if (abs(my_lim[m]-my_lim[m+1])<2):
			#	r_gyr_dist[m]=0.0     # r_gyr_dist has already been initialized to zero!
			if (abs(my_lim[m]-my_lim[m+1])>=2):

				#print "coord_clust is, ", coord_clust

		correct_coord_number[i]=coord_number_dist.mean()  #i.e. : associate to each cluster a coordination number and
		                                                 #then take the average on the set of coordination numbers
								 # (one per cluster)
p.save("coordination_numbers_averaged.dat", correct_coord_number )

print "So far so good"