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File Info

修訂. 50b29c493d1f6355f19683fc274be1d9f5c5ae08
大小 1,181 bytes
時間 2011-02-21 22:39:08
作者 lorenzo
Log Message

A simple script printing out the names of the antennas.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# loop over 20-second intervals, compute contact graph for each interval, print out the nodes of the graph

import sys, string
import scipy as s
from sociopatterns.loader import Loader
from sociopatterns.analysis import ContactGraphAnalyzer
from sociopatterns.loader import TagMapping

M = TagMapping()

f = open('tag_mapping_high_presence.dat')
for line in f:
    (mapped_id, orig_id, t1, t2, type) = string.split(line[:-1])
    mapped_id = int(mapped_id)
    orig_id = int(orig_id)
    t1 = int(t1)
    t2 = int(t2)
    M.add_mapping(orig_id, mapped_id, t1, t2)

#import string #Probably I do not need this module any longer.
#Python has a lot of methods already inbuilt for a string object.

#XXTEA_CRYPTO_KEY = ( 0xf6e103d4, 0x77a739f6, 0x65eecead, 0xa40543a9 )

#XXTEA_CRYPTO_KEY = ( 0xd2e3fd73, 0xfa70ca9c, 0xe2575826, 0x0fe09946 )

#loader = Loader(sys.argv[1:], decode=0,experiment='OBG',load_contacts=1, unique_contacts=1, load_sightings=0)

loader = Loader(sys.argv[1:], decode=0,experiment='OBG',load_contacts=1, unique_contacts=1, load_sightings=0, mapping=M)

for test in loader:
     print hex(test.ip)

print 'So far so good'