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the default GitOps source repository for booting up Jenkins X

Commit MetaInfo

修訂e1fccafa7c1b539dfd4e0cf5372483e5e606b583 (tree)
時間2019-07-23 20:57:33
作者Mark Cox <markcox20@hotm...>

Log Message

Merge pull request #19 from jenkins-x/garethjevans-patch-3

feat: validate the git token

Change Summary


--- a/env/parameters.schema.json
+++ b/env/parameters.schema.json
@@ -129,7 +129,10 @@
129129 "type": "string",
130130 "format": "token",
131131 "title": "Pipeline bot Git token",
132- "description": "A token for the Git user that will perform git operations inside a pipeline. This includes environment repository creation, and so this token should have full repository permissions."
132+ "description": "A token for the Git user that will perform git operations inside a pipeline. This includes environment repository creation, and so this token should have full repository permissions. To create a token go to https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repo,read:user,read:org,user:email,write:repo_hook,delete_repo then enter a name, click Generate token, and copy and paste the token into this prompt.",
133+ "minLength": 40,
134+ "maxLength": 40,
135+ "pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{40}$"
133136 }
134137 }
135138 }