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修訂. 時間 作者
b772a080dff8 androidbuildfixes 2014-05-01 22:19:18 Murat Sari

Close branch androidbuildfixes

170c476b8e47 androidbuildfixes 2014-04-24 00:42:45 Pavel Rojtberg

fix typo

cb32e36dd680 androidbuildfixes 2014-04-24 00:36:54 Pavel Rojtberg

Android: add missing include path to cpufeatures

308953f95314 androidbuildfixes 2014-04-23 22:17:11 Pavel Rojtberg

Android Build Fixes
* dont try to use pkgconfig on android - it does not exist there
* add OGRE_DEPENDENCIES_DIR to CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH so it can be actually used during cross compiling