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Commit MetaInfo

修訂e22a783b2c4a38d213d4a7fc534ebbd0c8769cb3 (tree)
時間2014-05-08 01:21:18
作者hikarupsp <hikarupsp@user...>

Log Message

2014-05-04 (日) 12:08:08 のコメントでの自分の提案を実装してみた。

Change Summary


--- a/extend.c
+++ b/extend.c
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ int instrLengthExtend(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1)
1313 return 0;
1414 }
16-Int32 *hh4DecodeExtend(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
16+const char *instrTypesExtend(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
1717 // instrLengthSimpleInitTool()で登録していないものだけに反応すればよい.
1818 {
19- return jitc->dst;
19+ char *retstr = NULL;
21+ return retstr;
2022 }
2224 int jitcStepExtend(OsecpuJitc *jitc)
--- a/float.c
+++ b/float.c
@@ -25,55 +25,18 @@ int instrLengthFloat(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1)
2525 return retcode;
2626 }
28-Int32 *hh4DecodeFloat(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
29-// instrLengthSimpleInitTool()で登録していないものだけに反応すればよい.
28+const char *instrTypesFloat(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
3029 {
31- HH4Reader *hh4r = jitc->hh4r;
32- Int32 *dst = jitc->hh4dst, *dst1 = jitc->hh4dst1;
33- int i;
30+ char *retstr = NULL;
3431 if (opecode == 0x40) {
35- i = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
36- if (i == 0) {
37- if (dst + 5 > dst1)
38- goto err;
39- *dst = opecode;
40- dst[1] = i; // imm-typ(0)
41- dst[2] = hh4GetSigned(hh4r); // imm
42- dst[3] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r); // f
43- dst[4] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r); // bit
44- dst += 5;
45- goto fin;
46- }
47- if (i == 1) {
48- if (dst + 5 > dst1)
49- goto err;
50- *dst = opecode;
51- dst[1] = i; // imm-typ(1)
52- dst[2] = hh4Get4Nbit(hh4r, 32 / 4); // imm
53- dst[3] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r); // f
54- dst[4] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r); // bit
55- dst += 5;
56- goto fin;
57- }
58- if (i == 2) {
59- if (dst + 6 > dst1)
60- goto err;
61- *dst = opecode;
62- dst[1] = i; // imm-typ(2)
63- dst[2] = hh4Get4Nbit(hh4r, 32 / 4); // imm-high
64- dst[3] = hh4Get4Nbit(hh4r, 32 / 4); // imm-low
65- dst[4] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r); // f
66- dst[5] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r); // bit
67- dst += 6;
68- goto fin;
69- }
32+ // このhh4rで読み進めても元のhh4rは進まない
33+ HH4Reader hh4r = *jitc->hh4r;
34+ Int32 mod = hh4GetUnsigned(&hh4r);
35+ if (mod == 0) retstr = "usuu"; // 40, imm-typ(0), imm, f, bit.
36+ if (mod == 1) retstr = "ufuu"; // 40, imm-typ(1), imm-f32, f, bit.
37+ if (mod == 2) retstr = "uduu"; // 40, imm-typ(2), imm-f64, f, bit.
7038 }
72- jitc->dst = dst;
73- return dst;
75- jitc->errorCode = JITC_HH4_DST_OVERRUN;
76- return dst;
39+ return retstr;
7740 }
7942 void jitcStep_checkFxx(int *pRC, int fxx)
--- a/hh4.c
+++ b/hh4.c
@@ -82,44 +82,92 @@ Int32 hh4Get4Nbit(HH4Reader *hh4r, int n)
8383 Int32 *hh4Decode(OsecpuJitc *jitc)
8484 {
85+ // hh4バイナリを内部形式に変換する
86+ // instrLengthSimpleに登録されている命令の引数はすべてunsignedとして扱う
87+ // そうでない場合はそれぞれのinstrTypesから得られる文字列を元にデコードする
88+ // instrTypesの書式:
89+ // u: hh4GetUnsigned
90+ // s: hh4GetSigned
91+ // f: hh4Get4Nbit (float)
92+ // d: hh4Get4Nbit, hh4Get4Nbit (double)
8593 HH4Reader *hh4r = jitc->hh4r;
8694 Int32 *dst = jitc->hh4dst, *dst1 = jitc->hh4dst1;
8896 jitc->errorCode = 0;
8997 for (;;) {
90- if (hh4r->p >= hh4r->p1)
98+ if (hh4r->p >= hh4r->p1){
99+ // 読み込みが末端を超えた
91100 break;
92- if (hh4r->errorCode != 0)
93- goto err1;
101+ }
102+ if (hh4r->errorCode != 0){
103+ // hh4エラー
104+ goto err_hh4_too_long_bit;
105+ }
94106 Int32 opecode = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
95107 int len = instrLengthSimple(opecode), i;
96108 if (len > 0) {
97- if (dst + len > dst1)
98- goto err;
109+ // すべてunsignedな引数
110+ if (dst + len > dst1){
111+ goto err_write_overrun;
112+ }
99113 *dst = opecode;
100- for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
114+ for (i = 1; i < len; i++){
101115 dst[i] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
116+ }
102117 dst += len;
118+ // 次の命令へ
103119 continue;
104120 }
105- jitc->hh4dst = dst;
106- dst = hh4DecodeInteger(jitc, opecode);
107- if (dst != jitc->hh4dst) continue; // 何か処理できたようなので次へ.
108- dst = hh4DecodePointer(jitc, opecode);
109- if (dst != jitc->hh4dst) continue;
110- dst = hh4DecodeFloat(jitc, opecode);
111- if (dst != jitc->hh4dst) continue;
112- dst = hh4DecodeExtend(jitc, opecode);
113- if (dst != jitc->hh4dst) continue;
121+ // 複雑な引数を持つ命令かも…instrTypesを確認
122+ const char *instrTypes = NULL;
123+ instrTypes = instrTypesInteger(jitc, opecode);
124+ if(instrTypes) goto read_args;
125+ instrTypes = instrTypesFloat(jitc, opecode);
126+ if(instrTypes) goto read_args;
129+ // どうやら命令番号ではないみたい
115130 fprintf(stderr, "Error: hh4Decode: opecode=0x%02X\n", opecode); // 内部エラー.
116131 exit(1);
134+ // 複雑な引数を持つ命令を読み込む
135+ *dst = opecode;
136+ dst++;
137+ for(; *instrTypes != '\0'; instrTypes++){
138+ if(dst >= dst1){
139+ // 1バイト共通チェック
140+ goto err_write_overrun;
141+ }
142+ if(*instrTypes == 'u'){
143+ dst[0] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
144+ dst++;
145+ } else if(*instrTypes == 's'){
146+ dst[0] = hh4GetSigned(hh4r);
147+ dst++;
148+ } else if(*instrTypes == 'f'){
149+ dst[0] = hh4Get4Nbit(hh4r, 32 / 4);
150+ dst++;
151+ } else if(*instrTypes == 'd'){
152+ if(dst + 2 > dst1){
153+ // 2バイトチェック
154+ goto err_write_overrun;
155+ }
156+ dst[0] = hh4Get4Nbit(hh4r, 32 / 4);
157+ dst[1] = hh4Get4Nbit(hh4r, 32 / 4);
158+ dst += 2;
159+ } else{
160+ // 存在しない引数タイプなので内部エラー
161+ goto internal_error;
162+ }
163+ }
164+ // 次の命令へ...
117165 }
118166 return dst;
120168 jitc->errorCode = JITC_HH4_DST_OVERRUN;
121169 return dst;
123171 jitc->errorCode = JITC_HH4_BITLENGTH_OVER;
124172 return dst;
125173 }
--- a/integer.c
+++ b/integer.c
@@ -25,39 +25,12 @@ int instrLengthInteger(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1)
2525 return retcode;
2626 }
28-Int32 *hh4DecodeInteger(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
29-// instrLengthSimpleInitTool()で登録していないものだけに反応すればよい.
28+const char *instrTypesInteger(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
3029 {
31- HH4Reader *hh4r = jitc->hh4r;
32- Int32 *dst = jitc->hh4dst, *dst1 = jitc->hh4dst1;
33- int i, v;
34- if (opecode == 0x02) {
35- if (dst + 4 > dst1)
36- goto err;
37- *dst = opecode;
38- dst[1] = hh4GetSigned(hh4r);
39- dst[2] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
40- dst[3] = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
41- dst += 4;
42- goto fin;
43- }
44- if (opecode == 0xfd) {
45- if (dst + 3 > dst1)
46- goto err;
47- *dst = opecode;
48- dst[1] = v = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
49- dst[2] = i = hh4GetUnsigned(hh4r);
50- if (0 <= i && i <= 3)
51- jitc->dr[i] = v;
52- dst += 3;
53- goto fin;
54- }
56- jitc->dst = dst;
57- return dst;
59- jitc->errorCode = JITC_HH4_DST_OVERRUN;
60- return dst;
30+ char *retstr = NULL;
31+ if (opecode == 0x02) retstr = "suu";
32+ if (opecode == 0xfd) retstr = "uu";
33+ return retstr;
6134 }
6336 int jitcStepInteger(OsecpuJitc *jitc)
--- a/osecpu-vm.h
+++ b/osecpu-vm.h
@@ -108,28 +108,28 @@ unsigned char *hh4StrToBin(char *src, char *src1, unsigned char *dst, unsigned c
108108 // integer.c : 整数命令
109109 void osecpuInitInteger();
110110 int instrLengthInteger(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1);
111-Int32 *hh4DecodeInteger(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
111+const char *instrTypesInteger(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
112112 int jitcStepInteger(OsecpuJitc *jitc);
113113 void execStepInteger(OsecpuVm *vm);
115115 // pointer.c : ポインタ命令
116116 void osecpuInitPointer();
117117 int instrLengthPointer(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1);
118-Int32 *hh4DecodePointer(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
118+const char *instrTypesPointer(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
119119 int jitcStepPointer(OsecpuJitc *jitc);
120120 void execStepPointer(OsecpuVm *vm);
122122 // float.c : 浮動小数点命令
123123 void osecpuInitFloat();
124124 int instrLengthFloat(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1);
125-Int32 *hh4DecodeFloat(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
125+const char *instrTypesFloat(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
126126 int jitcStepFloat(OsecpuJitc *jitc);
127127 void execStepFloat(OsecpuVm *vm);
129129 // extend.c : 拡張命令関係.
130130 void osecpuInitExtend();
131131 int instrLengthExtend(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1);
132-Int32 *hh4DecodeExtend(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
132+const char *instrTypesExtend(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode);
133133 int jitcStepExtend(OsecpuJitc *jitc);
134134 void execStepExtend(OsecpuVm *vm);
--- a/pointer.c
+++ b/pointer.c
@@ -19,17 +19,11 @@ int instrLengthPointer(const Int32 *src, const Int32 *src1)
1919 return retcode;
2020 }
22-Int32 *hh4DecodePointer(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
23-// instrLengthSimpleInitTool()で登録していないものだけに反応すればよい.
22+const char *instrTypesPointer(OsecpuJitc *jitc, Int32 opecode)
2423 {
25- HH4Reader *hh4r = jitc->hh4r;
26- Int32 *dst = jitc->hh4dst, *dst1 = jitc->hh4dst1;
28- jitc->dst = dst;
29- return dst;
31- jitc->errorCode = JITC_HH4_DST_OVERRUN;
32- return dst;
24+ char *retstr = NULL;
26+ return retstr;
3327 }
3529 void jitcStep_checkPxx(int *pRC, int pxx)