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Commit MetaInfo

修訂f9c66107fab4e0e4fdebc63924f5fb85c0cd1551 (tree)
時間2018-07-20 08:35:40
作者JP Sugarbroad <jpsugar@goog...>
CommiterJP Sugarbroad

Log Message

Revert "Optimise the hit test algorithm"

This reverts commit 9dceb027701a1f638484bfeee3749d8399d38918.

Change Summary


--- a/core/java/android/text/Layout.java
+++ b/core/java/android/text/Layout.java
@@ -824,32 +824,6 @@ public abstract class Layout {
824824 return TextUtils.packRangeInLong(0, getLineEnd(line));
825825 }
827- /**
828- * Checks if the trailing BiDi level should be used for an offset
829- *
830- * This method is useful when the offset is at the BiDi level transition point and determine
831- * which run need to be used. For example, let's think about following input: (L* denotes
832- * Left-to-Right characters, R* denotes Right-to-Left characters.)
833- * Input (Logical Order): L1 L2 L3 R1 R2 R3 L4 L5 L6
834- * Input (Display Order): L1 L2 L3 R3 R2 R1 L4 L5 L6
835- *
836- * Then, think about selecting the range (3, 6). The offset=3 and offset=6 are ambiguous here
837- * since they are at the BiDi transition point. In Android, the offset is considered to be
838- * associated with the trailing run if the BiDi level of the trailing run is higher than of the
839- * previous run. In this case, the BiDi level of the input text is as follows:
840- *
841- * Input (Logical Order): L1 L2 L3 R1 R2 R3 L4 L5 L6
842- * BiDi Run: [ Run 0 ][ Run 1 ][ Run 2 ]
843- * BiDi Level: 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
844- *
845- * Thus, offset = 3 is part of Run 1 and this method returns true for offset = 3, since the BiDi
846- * level of Run 1 is higher than the level of Run 0. Similarly, the offset = 6 is a part of Run
847- * 1 and this method returns false for the offset = 6 since the BiDi level of Run 1 is higher
848- * than the level of Run 2.
849- *
850- * @returns true if offset is at the BiDi level transition point and trailing BiDi level is
851- * higher than previous BiDi level. See above for the detail.
852- */
853827 private boolean primaryIsTrailingPrevious(int offset) {
854828 int line = getLineForOffset(offset);
855829 int lineStart = getLineStart(line);
@@ -900,41 +874,6 @@ public abstract class Layout {
900874 }
902876 /**
903- * Computes in linear time the results of calling
904- * #primaryIsTrailingPrevious for all offsets on a line.
905- * @param line The line giving the offsets we compute the information for
906- * @return The array of results, indexed from 0, where 0 corresponds to the line start offset
907- */
908- private boolean[] primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets(int line) {
909- int lineStart = getLineStart(line);
910- int lineEnd = getLineEnd(line);
911- int[] runs = getLineDirections(line).mDirections;
913- boolean[] trailing = new boolean[lineEnd - lineStart + 1];
915- byte[] level = new byte[lineEnd - lineStart + 1];
916- for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i += 2) {
917- int start = lineStart + runs[i];
918- int limit = start + (runs[i + 1] & RUN_LENGTH_MASK);
919- if (limit > lineEnd) {
920- limit = lineEnd;
921- }
922- level[limit - lineStart - 1] =
923- (byte) ((runs[i + 1] >>> RUN_LEVEL_SHIFT) & RUN_LEVEL_MASK);
924- }
926- for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i += 2) {
927- int start = lineStart + runs[i];
928- byte currentLevel = (byte) ((runs[i + 1] >>> RUN_LEVEL_SHIFT) & RUN_LEVEL_MASK);
929- trailing[start - lineStart] = currentLevel > (start == lineStart
930- ? (getParagraphDirection(line) == 1 ? 0 : 1)
931- : level[start - lineStart - 1]);
932- }
934- return trailing;
935- }
937- /**
938877 * Get the primary horizontal position for the specified text offset.
939878 * This is the location where a new character would be inserted in
940879 * the paragraph's primary direction.
@@ -1014,60 +953,6 @@ public abstract class Layout {
1014953 }
1016955 /**
1017- * Computes in linear time the results of calling
1018- * #getHorizontal for all offsets on a line.
1019- * @param line The line giving the offsets we compute information for
1020- * @param clamped Whether to clamp the results to the width of the layout
1021- * @param primary Whether the results should be the primary or the secondary horizontal
1022- * @return The array of results, indexed from 0, where 0 corresponds to the line start offset
1023- */
1024- private float[] getLineHorizontals(int line, boolean clamped, boolean primary) {
1025- int start = getLineStart(line);
1026- int end = getLineEnd(line);
1027- int dir = getParagraphDirection(line);
1028- boolean hasTab = getLineContainsTab(line);
1029- Directions directions = getLineDirections(line);
1031- TabStops tabStops = null;
1032- if (hasTab && mText instanceof Spanned) {
1033- // Just checking this line should be good enough, tabs should be
1034- // consistent across all lines in a paragraph.
1035- TabStopSpan[] tabs = getParagraphSpans((Spanned) mText, start, end, TabStopSpan.class);
1036- if (tabs.length > 0) {
1037- tabStops = new TabStops(TAB_INCREMENT, tabs); // XXX should reuse
1038- }
1039- }
1041- TextLine tl = TextLine.obtain();
1042- tl.set(mPaint, mText, start, end, dir, directions, hasTab, tabStops);
1043- boolean[] trailings = primaryIsTrailingPreviousAllLineOffsets(line);
1044- if (!primary) {
1045- for (int offset = 0; offset < trailings.length; ++offset) {
1046- trailings[offset] = !trailings[offset];
1047- }
1048- }
1049- float[] wid = tl.measureAllOffsets(trailings, null);
1050- TextLine.recycle(tl);
1052- if (clamped) {
1053- for (int offset = 0; offset <= wid.length; ++offset) {
1054- if (wid[offset] > mWidth) {
1055- wid[offset] = mWidth;
1056- }
1057- }
1058- }
1059- int left = getParagraphLeft(line);
1060- int right = getParagraphRight(line);
1062- int lineStartPos = getLineStartPos(line, left, right);
1063- float[] horizontal = new float[end - start + 1];
1064- for (int offset = 0; offset < horizontal.length; ++offset) {
1065- horizontal[offset] = lineStartPos + wid[offset];
1066- }
1067- return horizontal;
1068- }
1070- /**
1071956 * Get the leftmost position that should be exposed for horizontal
1072957 * scrolling on the specified line.
1073958 */
@@ -1282,8 +1167,6 @@ public abstract class Layout {
12821167 // XXX: we don't care about tabs as we just use TextLine#getOffsetToLeftRightOf here.
12831168 tl.set(mPaint, mText, lineStartOffset, lineEndOffset, getParagraphDirection(line), dirs,
12841169 false, null);
1285- final HorizontalMeasurementProvider horizontal =
1286- new HorizontalMeasurementProvider(line, primary);
12881171 final int max;
12891172 if (line == getLineCount() - 1) {
@@ -1293,7 +1176,7 @@ public abstract class Layout {
12931176 !isRtlCharAt(lineEndOffset - 1)) + lineStartOffset;
12941177 }
12951178 int best = lineStartOffset;
1296- float bestdist = Math.abs(horizontal.get(lineStartOffset) - horiz);
1179+ float bestdist = Math.abs(getHorizontal(best, primary) - horiz);
12981181 for (int i = 0; i < dirs.mDirections.length; i += 2) {
12991182 int here = lineStartOffset + dirs.mDirections[i];
@@ -1309,7 +1192,7 @@ public abstract class Layout {
13091192 guess = (high + low) / 2;
13101193 int adguess = getOffsetAtStartOf(guess);
1312- if (horizontal.get(adguess) * swap >= horiz * swap)
1195+ if (getHorizontal(adguess, primary) * swap >= horiz * swap)
13131196 high = guess;
13141197 else
13151198 low = guess;
@@ -1322,9 +1205,9 @@ public abstract class Layout {
13221205 int aft = tl.getOffsetToLeftRightOf(low - lineStartOffset, isRtl) + lineStartOffset;
13231206 low = tl.getOffsetToLeftRightOf(aft - lineStartOffset, !isRtl) + lineStartOffset;
13241207 if (low >= here && low < there) {
1325- float dist = Math.abs(horizontal.get(low) - horiz);
1208+ float dist = Math.abs(getHorizontal(low, primary) - horiz);
13261209 if (aft < there) {
1327- float other = Math.abs(horizontal.get(aft) - horiz);
1210+ float other = Math.abs(getHorizontal(aft, primary) - horiz);
13291212 if (other < dist) {
13301213 dist = other;
@@ -1339,7 +1222,7 @@ public abstract class Layout {
13391222 }
13401223 }
1342- float dist = Math.abs(horizontal.get(here) - horiz);
1225+ float dist = Math.abs(getHorizontal(here, primary) - horiz);
13441227 if (dist < bestdist) {
13451228 bestdist = dist;
@@ -1347,7 +1230,7 @@ public abstract class Layout {
13471230 }
13481231 }
1350- float dist = Math.abs(horizontal.get(max) - horiz);
1233+ float dist = Math.abs(getHorizontal(max, primary) - horiz);
13521235 if (dist <= bestdist) {
13531236 bestdist = dist;
@@ -1359,46 +1242,6 @@ public abstract class Layout {
13591242 }
13611244 /**
1362- * Responds to #getHorizontal queries, by selecting the better strategy between:
1363- * - calling #getHorizontal explicitly for each query
1364- * - precomputing all #getHorizontal measurements, and responding to any query in constant time
1365- * The first strategy is used for LTR-only text, while the second is used for all other cases.
1366- * The class is currently only used in #getOffsetForHorizontal, so reuse with care in other
1367- * contexts.
1368- */
1369- private class HorizontalMeasurementProvider {
1370- private final int mLine;
1371- private final boolean mPrimary;
1373- private float[] mHorizontals;
1374- private int mLineStartOffset;
1376- HorizontalMeasurementProvider(final int line, final boolean primary) {
1377- mLine = line;
1378- mPrimary = primary;
1379- init();
1380- }
1382- private void init() {
1383- final Directions dirs = getLineDirections(mLine);
1384- if (dirs == DIRS_ALL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
1385- return;
1386- }
1388- mHorizontals = getLineHorizontals(mLine, false, mPrimary);
1389- mLineStartOffset = getLineStart(mLine);
1390- }
1392- float get(final int offset) {
1393- if (mHorizontals == null) {
1394- return getHorizontal(offset, mPrimary);
1395- } else {
1396- return mHorizontals[offset - mLineStartOffset];
1397- }
1398- }
1399- }
1401- /**
14021245 * Return the text offset after the last character on the specified line.
14031246 */
14041247 public final int getLineEnd(int line) {
--- a/core/java/android/text/TextLine.java
+++ b/core/java/android/text/TextLine.java
@@ -339,98 +339,6 @@ class TextLine {
339339 }
341341 /**
342- * @see #measure(int, boolean, FontMetricsInt)
343- * @return The measure results for all possible offsets
344- */
345- float[] measureAllOffsets(boolean[] trailing, FontMetricsInt fmi) {
346- float[] measurement = new float[mLen + 1];
348- int[] target = new int[mLen + 1];
349- for (int offset = 0; offset < target.length; ++offset) {
350- target[offset] = trailing[offset] ? offset - 1 : offset;
351- }
352- if (target[0] < 0) {
353- measurement[0] = 0;
354- }
356- float h = 0;
358- if (!mHasTabs) {
359- if (mDirections == Layout.DIRS_ALL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
360- for (int offset = 0; offset <= mLen; ++offset) {
361- measurement[offset] = measureRun(0, offset, mLen, false, fmi);
362- }
363- return measurement;
364- }
365- if (mDirections == Layout.DIRS_ALL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
366- for (int offset = 0; offset <= mLen; ++offset) {
367- measurement[offset] = measureRun(0, offset, mLen, true, fmi);
368- }
369- return measurement;
370- }
371- }
373- char[] chars = mChars;
374- int[] runs = mDirections.mDirections;
375- for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i += 2) {
376- int runStart = runs[i];
377- int runLimit = runStart + (runs[i + 1] & Layout.RUN_LENGTH_MASK);
378- if (runLimit > mLen) {
379- runLimit = mLen;
380- }
381- boolean runIsRtl = (runs[i + 1] & Layout.RUN_RTL_FLAG) != 0;
383- int segstart = runStart;
384- for (int j = mHasTabs ? runStart : runLimit; j <= runLimit; ++j) {
385- int codept = 0;
386- if (mHasTabs && j < runLimit) {
387- codept = chars[j];
388- if (codept >= 0xD800 && codept < 0xDC00 && j + 1 < runLimit) {
389- codept = Character.codePointAt(chars, j);
390- if (codept > 0xFFFF) {
391- ++j;
392- continue;
393- }
394- }
395- }
397- if (j == runLimit || codept == '\t') {
398- float oldh = h;
399- boolean advance = (mDir == Layout.DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) == runIsRtl;
400- float w = measureRun(segstart, j, j, runIsRtl, fmi);
401- h += advance ? w : -w;
403- float baseh = advance ? oldh : h;
404- FontMetricsInt crtfmi = advance ? fmi : null;
405- for (int offset = segstart; offset <= j && offset <= mLen; ++offset) {
406- if (target[offset] >= segstart && target[offset] < j) {
407- measurement[offset] =
408- baseh + measureRun(segstart, offset, j, runIsRtl, crtfmi);
409- }
410- }
412- if (codept == '\t') {
413- if (target[j] == j) {
414- measurement[j] = h;
415- }
416- h = mDir * nextTab(h * mDir);
417- if (target[j + 1] == j) {
418- measurement[j + 1] = h;
419- }
420- }
422- segstart = j + 1;
423- }
424- }
425- }
426- if (target[mLen] == mLen) {
427- measurement[mLen] = h;
428- }
430- return measurement;
431- }
433- /**
434342 * Draws a unidirectional (but possibly multi-styled) run of text.
435343 *
436344 *