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Commit MetaInfo

修訂868cee7672ab7186c0aaa51e871f82eeff143d7b (tree)
時間2011-04-13 05:08:12
作者Kenny Root <kroot@goog...>
CommiterKenny Root

Log Message

Remove stale temporary ASEC containers

When a temporary container is created, its existence should be
ephemeral. However, if there is an error that causes system_server to be
killed during the process of creating a finalized ASEC, delete the stale
containers on the next start-up of system_server.

Change-Id: I429dfe1e4b592595865235e83b6055aa8c3126ae

Change Summary


--- a/services/java/com/android/server/PackageManagerService.java
+++ b/services/java/com/android/server/PackageManagerService.java
@@ -9702,10 +9702,15 @@ class PackageManagerService extends IPackageManager.Stub {
97029702 if (doGc) {
97039703 Runtime.getRuntime().gc();
97049704 }
9705- // List stale containers.
9705+ // List stale containers and destroy stale temporary containers.
97069706 if (removeCids != null) {
97079707 for (String cid : removeCids) {
9708- Log.w(TAG, "Container " + cid + " is stale");
9708+ if (cid.startsWith(mTempContainerPrefix)) {
9709+ Log.i(TAG, "Destroying stale temporary container " + cid);
9710+ PackageHelper.destroySdDir(cid);
9711+ } else {
9712+ Log.w(TAG, "Container " + cid + " is stale");
9713+ }
97099714 }
97109715 }
97119716 }