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Emergent generative agents

Commit MetaInfo

修訂d4e0f10afb105d6ea0b70c43cdb4d3127c60eca0 (tree)
時間2023-05-05 05:11:41
作者Corbin <cds@corb...>

Log Message

Switch to Twisted.

Change Summary


--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
4848 doCheck = false;
4949 };
5050 py = pkgs.python310.withPackages (ps: with ps; [
51- faiss irc llama-cpp-python sentence-transformers tokenizers transformers torch
51+ faiss llama-cpp-python sentence-transformers tokenizers transformers torch
52+ twisted
5253 ]);
5354 rwkv = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
5455 name = "rwkv.cpp";
--- a/src/agent.py
+++ b/src/agent.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
11 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3-import asyncio
43 from collections import deque
54 from datetime import datetime
65 import json
@@ -8,11 +7,14 @@ import os.path
87 import re
98 import random
109 import sys
11-from threading import RLock
10+from threading import Lock
13-from irc.client_aio import AioReactor
14-from irc.bot import SingleServerIRCBot
15-from irc.strings import lower
12+from twisted.internet import reactor
13+from twisted.internet.defer import succeed
14+from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory
15+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
16+from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
17+from twisted.words.protocols.irc import IRCClient
1719 from common import irc_line, Timer, SentenceIndex, breakAt
1820 # from gens.camelid import CamelidGen
@@ -28,203 +30,204 @@ def load_character(path):
2830 with open(os.path.join(path, "character.json"), "r") as handle:
2931 return json.load(handle)
31-logpath = sys.argv[1]
32-character = load_character(logpath)
33-startingChannels = character.pop("startingChannels")
34-title = character["title"]
3633 MAX_NEW_TOKENS = 128
3734 print("~ Initializing mawrkov adapter…")
3835 gen = MawrkovGen(MAX_NEW_TOKENS)
36+# Need to protect per-gen data structures in C.
37+genLock = Lock()
3938 GiB = 1024 ** 3
4039 print("Initialized", gen.model_name, "(" + gen.model_arch + ")",
4140 "Memory footprint:", round(gen.footprint() / GiB, 2), "GiB")
4241 embedder = SentenceEmbed()
43-thoughtPath = os.path.join(logpath, "thoughts.txt")
44-thoughtIndex = SentenceIndex.fromPath(thoughtPath, embedder)
45-print("~ Thought index:", thoughtIndex.size(), "thoughts")
43+prologues = {
44+ "clock": "Then I checked the time:",
45+ "lbi": "Then I tried to interpret what just happened:",
46+ "thoughts": "Then I thought to myself:",
47+ "irc": "Then I chatted on IRC:",
4750 class Mind:
48- currentAgent = None
51+ currentTag = None
4952 logits = state = None
51- def __init__(self): self.lock = RLock()
54+ def switchTag(self, tag):
55+ if tag == self.currentTag: return succeed(None)
56+ else:
57+ self.currentTag = tag
58+ # Double newlines are added here.
59+ return deferToThread(self.write, "\n" + prologues[tag])
5361 def overhear(self, tag, s):
54- # XXX tag -> highlight agent first!
55- self.write(s)
62+ d = self.switchTag(tag)
63+ d.addCallback(lambda _: deferToThread(self.write, s))
64+ return d
5766 def write(self, s):
58- with self.lock:
67+ with genLock:
5968 print("~ Write:", s)
6069 # Newlines are added here.
6170 self.logits, self.state = gen.feedForward(gen.tokenize(s + "\n"),
6271 self.logits, self.state)
6473 def complete(self, s):
65- with self.lock:
74+ with genLock:
6675 print("~ Completion with prefix:", s)
6776 completion, self.logits, self.state = gen.complete(s, self.logits, self.state)
6877 print("~ Completion:", completion)
69- line = s + completion
70- for listener in self.listeners: listener.listenTo(line)
7178 return completion
73- async def infer(self, tag, prefix):
74- # XXX
75- agent = ...
76- # XXX thread all writes and inference
77- self.write("")
78- self.write(agent.prologue())
79- # XXX for line in agent.activate(): self.write(line)
80- # XXX get all of the messages matching the tag, feed them
81- for message in self.q[tag]:
82- self.write(message)
80+ def infer(self, tag, prefix):
8381 print("~ agent prefix length (tokens):", gen.countTokens(prefix))
84- return self.complete(prefix)
82+ d = self.switchTag(tag)
83+ d.addCallback(lambda _: deferToThread(self.complete, prefix))
84+ return d
8787 class Agent:
8888 listeners = ()
8989 def broadcast(self, s):
90- for listener in self.listeners:
91- loop.call_soon(listener.overhear, self.tag, s)
90+ for listener in self.listeners: listener.overhear(self.tag, s)
9392 class Clock(Agent):
9493 tag = "clock"
95- def prologue(self): return ["Then I checked the time:"]
96- async def start(self):
97- while True:
98- self.broadcast(f"The time is currently {datetime.now():%H:%M:%S, %B %d %Y}.")
99- asyncio.sleep(60.0)
94+ def go(self):
95+ self.broadcast(f"The time is currently {datetime.now():%H:%M:%S, %B %d %Y}.")
10197 class LeftBrainInterpreter(Agent):
10298 tag = "lbi"
10399 events = 0
104- def prologue(self):
105- return ["Then I tried to interpret what just happened:"]
106- def overhear(self, tag, s): self.events += 1
108-IRC_LINE_HEAD = re.compile(r"\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} <")
109-def breakIRCLine(line):
110- return IRC_LINE_HEAD.split(breakAt(line.strip(), "\n"), maxsplit=1)[0]
112-class IRCAgent(Agent, SingleServerIRCBot):
113- reactor_class = AioReactor
115- tag = "irc", None
116- def __init__(self, host, title, startingChannels):
117- super(IRCAgent, self).__init__([(host, 6667)], title_to_nick(title), title)
118- self.startingChannels = startingChannels
120- def prologue(self): return ["There is activity in IRC."]
122- def highlightChannel(self, channel):
123- if self.highlightedChannel != channel:
124- self.highlightedChannel = channel
125- self.log(f"In channel {channel}:")
127- def prefix(self):
128- return f"{datetime.now():%H:%M:%S} <{self.connection.get_nickname()}>"
130- def log(self, s):
131- # XXX channel?
132- self.broadcast(s)
134- def on_join(self, c, e):
135- who = e.source.nick
136- channel = e.target
137- if who == c.get_nickname(): c.topic(channel)
138- self.log(f"{who} joins {channel}")
140- def on_part(self, c, e):
141- who = e.source.nick
142- channel = e.target
143- self.log(f"{who} leaves {channel}")
145- def on_currenttopic(self, c, e):
146- channel = e.arguments[0]
147- topic = e.arguments[1]
148- self.channels[channel].topic = topic
149- self.log(f"Topic for {channel} is now: {topic}")
151- def on_welcome(self, c, e):
152- for channel in self.startingChannels: c.join(channel)
154- def on_pubmsg(self, c, e):
155- line = e.arguments[0]
156- channel = e.target
157- self.highlightChannel(channel)
158- self.log(irc_line(datetime.now(), e.source.nick, line))
159- # Vaguely inspired by
160- # https://github.com/jaraco/irc/blob/main/scripts/testbot.py
161- nick = lower(self.connection.get_nickname())
162- lowered = lower(line)
163- if nick in lowered:
164- print("~ Will respond on IRC")
165- # XXX channel?
166- line = breakIRCLine(self.mind.infer()).strip()
167- self.connection.privmsg(channel, line)
100+ def __init__(self, mind): self.mind = mind
101+ def overhear(self, tag, s):
102+ self.events += 1
103+ if self.events >= 10:
104+ self.events = 0
105+ return self.mind.infer(self.tag, "")
170107 class ChainOfThoughts(Agent):
171- def __init__(self, index, seed):
172- super(ChainOfThoughts, self).__init__()
108+ tag = "thoughts"
109+ def __init__(self, mind, index, seed):
110+ self.mind = mind
173111 self.index = index
174112 self.recentThoughts = deque([seed], maxlen=5)
175- self.q = []
177- async def start(self):
178- while True:
179- cb = self.reflect if random.choice([0, 1]) else self.cogitate
180- await cb()
181- asyncio.sleep(30.0)
183- def prologue(self): return ["Thinking to myself:"]
184- def prefix(self): return ""
114+ def go(self):
115+ cb = self.reflect if random.choice([0, 1]) else self.cogitate
116+ return cb()
186118 def addRelatedThoughts(self, s):
187- thoughts = thoughtIndex.search(s, 2)
119+ thoughts = self.index.search(s, 2)
188120 for thought in thoughts:
189121 if thought not in self.recentThoughts:
190122 print("~ New relevant thought:", thought)
191123 self.recentThoughts.append(thought)
192- self.q.append(thought)
124+ self.broadcast(thought)
194- listenTo = addRelatedThoughts
126+ def cogitate(self): self.addRelatedThoughts(self.recentThoughts[-1])
127+ def reflect(self):
128+ d = self.mind.infer(self.tag, "")
196- async def cogitate(self):
197- self.addRelatedThoughts(self.recentThoughts[-1])
198- if self.q:
199- for line in self.q: self.broadcast(line)
200- self.q = []
130+ @d.addCallback
131+ def cb(s):
132+ if not s.strip():
133+ self.broadcast(random.choice([
134+ "Head empty; no thoughts.",
135+ "So bored.",
136+ "Zoned out.",
137+ ]))
202- async def reflect(self):
203- # XXX no prefix, just complete
204- self.mind.highlightAgent(self)
205- thought = await self.mind.complete(self.tag, "")
206- print("~ Reflection:", thought)
208-mind = Mind()
209-firstStatement = f"I am {title}."
210-with Timer("initial warmup"):
211- mind.logits, mind.state = gen.feedForward(gen.tokenize(firstStatement), None, None)
140+IRC_LINE_HEAD = re.compile(r"\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} <")
141+def breakIRCLine(line):
142+ return IRC_LINE_HEAD.split(breakAt(line.strip(), "\n"), maxsplit=1)[0]
213-agent = IRCAgent("june.local", title, startingChannels)
214-loop = agent.reactor.loop
144+class IRCAgent(Agent, IRCClient):
145+ tag = "irc"
146+ def __init__(self, mind, title, startingChannels):
147+ super(IRCAgent, self).__init__()
148+ self.mind = mind
149+ self.nickname = title_to_nick(title)
150+ self.startingChannels = startingChannels
216-clock = Clock()
217-lbi = LeftBrainInterpreter()
218-thoughts = ChainOfThoughts(thoughtIndex, firstStatement)
219-clock.listeners = lbi, mind
220-agent.listeners = lbi, mind
221-thoughts.listeners = lbi, mind
152+ def prefix(self, channel):
153+ return f"{datetime.now():%H:%M:%S} {channel} <{self.nickname}>"
155+ # def on_join(self, c, e):
156+ # who = e.source.nick
157+ # channel = e.target
158+ # if who == c.get_nickname(): c.topic(channel)
159+ # self.broadcast(f"{who} joins {channel}")
161+ # def on_part(self, c, e):
162+ # who = e.source.nick
163+ # channel = e.target
164+ # self.broadcast(f"{who} leaves {channel}")
166+ # def on_currenttopic(self, c, e):
167+ # channel = e.arguments[0]
168+ # topic = e.arguments[1]
169+ # self.channels[channel].topic = topic
170+ # self.broadcast(f"Topic for {channel} is now: {topic}")
172+ def signedOn(self):
173+ for channel in self.startingChannels: self.join(channel)
175+ def privmsg(self, user, channel, line):
176+ user = user.split("!", 1)[0]
177+ self.broadcast(irc_line(datetime.now(), channel, user, line))
178+ if self.nickname in line:
179+ print("~ Ping on IRC:", self.nickname)
180+ d = self.mind.infer("irc", self.prefix(channel))
182+ @d.addCallback
183+ def cb(s):
184+ line = breakIRCLine(s).strip()
185+ self.msg(channel, line)
187+class IRCFactory(ClientFactory):
188+ protocol = IRCAgent
189+ def __init__(self, mind, listeners, title, startingChannels):
190+ super(IRCFactory, self).__init__()
191+ self.mind = mind
192+ self.listeners = listeners
193+ self.title = title
194+ self.startingChannels = startingChannels
195+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
196+ protocol = self.protocol(self.mind, self.title, self.startingChannels)
197+ protocol.factory = self
198+ protocol.listeners = self.listeners
199+ return protocol
223201 def go():
224202 print("~ Starting tasks…")
225- asyncio.create_task(clock.start())
226- asyncio.create_task(thoughts.start())
227- agent.start()
203+ clock = Clock()
204+ LoopingCall(clock.go).start(120.0, now=False)
206+ for logpath in sys.argv[1:]:
207+ character = load_character(logpath)
208+ title = character["title"]
209+ firstStatement = f"I am {title}."
210+ thoughtPath = os.path.join(logpath, "thoughts.txt")
211+ thoughtIndex = SentenceIndex.fromPath(thoughtPath, embedder)
213+ mind = Mind()
214+ with Timer("initial warmup"):
215+ mind.logits, mind.state = gen.feedForward(gen.tokenize(firstStatement), None, None)
217+ lbi = LeftBrainInterpreter(mind)
218+ clock.listeners += lbi, mind
220+ thoughts = ChainOfThoughts(mind, thoughtIndex, firstStatement)
221+ thoughts.listeners = lbi, mind
222+ LoopingCall(thoughts.go).start(60.0, now=False)
224+ print("~ Thought index:", thoughtIndex.size(), "thoughts")
225+ factory = IRCFactory(mind, (lbi, mind),
226+ title,
227+ character["startingChannels"])
228+ print("~ Connecting factory for:", title)
229+ reactor.connectTCP("june.local", 6667, factory)
230+ print("~ Starting event loop…")
231+ reactor.run()
229-print("~ Starting event loop…")
230233 go()
--- a/src/common.py
+++ b/src/common.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
1-from bisect import bisect
21 from itertools import islice
32 import random
43 from time import perf_counter
@@ -13,36 +12,8 @@ class Timer:
1312 def __exit__(self, *args):
1413 print("Timer:", self.l, "%0.02f" % (perf_counter() - self.t), "seconds")
16-def irc_line(t, speaker, entry): return f"{t:%H:%M:%S} <{speaker}> {entry}"
18-class Log:
19- "Basic scrollback and context management for conversations."
20- cutoff = 0
21- def __init__(self, l):
22- self.l = l
23- self.stamp = len(self.l)
25- def raw(self, line):
26- assert "\n" not in line
27- self.l.append(line)
28- print(self.stamp, ">", line)
29- self.stamp += 1
31- def push(self, speaker, entry): self.raw(speaker + ": " + entry)
32- def irc(self, t, speaker, entry): self.raw(irc_line(t, speaker, entry))
34- def finishPrompt(self, s, prefix):
35- return self.finishPromptAtCutoff(self.cutoff, s, prefix)
37- def finishPromptAtCutoff(self, cutoff, s, prefix):
38- return s + "\n".join(self.l[cutoff:]) + "\n" + prefix
40- def undo(self): self.l.pop()
42- def bumpCutoff(self, max_context_length, prompt_length, prompt, prefix):
43- def keyfunc(i):
44- return -prompt_length(self.finishPromptAtCutoff(i, prompt, prefix))
45- self.cutoff = bisect(range(len(self.l)), -max_context_length, key=keyfunc)
15+def irc_line(t, channel, speaker, entry):
16+ return f"{t:%H:%M:%S} {channel} <{speaker}> {entry}"
4718 def parsePygmalion(response, speakers):
4819 "Pygmalion-specific parser to work around fine-tuned quirks."