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A categorical programming language

Commit MetaInfo

修訂de203222d444a26d5f4b5ea9b4b6884ba50cb824 (tree)
時間2022-11-28 07:34:34
作者Corbin <cds@corb...>

Log Message

Finish switching over to PureScript.

This is very messy and I'm not really pleased with it. The overall
speedup that I was hoping for? Not there!

Change Summary


--- a/honey/cammy.purs
+++ b/honey/cammy.purs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ bind f (Pure x) = f x
2424 bind f (Free thunk) = Free (\u -> bind f (thunk u))
2626 join :: forall t. Tramp (Tramp t) -> Tramp t
27-join = bind id
27+join = bind (\x -> x)
2929 -- This function will be called to evaluate "toplevel" expressions
3030 runTrampoline :: forall t. Tramp t -> t
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ runTrampoline (Free thunk) = runTrampoline (thunk Unit)
3434 lift :: forall s t. (s -> t) -> s -> Tramp t
3535 lift f x = Pure (f x)
37+lift2 :: forall s t u. (s -> t -> u) -> Pair s t -> Tramp u
38+lift2 f (Pair x y) = Pure (f x y)
3740 -- Cammy core types
3841 data Pair s t = Pair s t
3942 data Either s t = Left s | Right t
@@ -43,33 +46,33 @@ makePair = Pair
4447 -- Cammy core primitives
46-id :: forall t. t -> t
47-id x = x
49+id :: forall t. t -> Tramp t
50+id = done
49-ignore :: forall t. t -> Unit
50-ignore _ = Unit
52+ignore :: forall t. t -> Tramp Unit
53+ignore _ = done Unit
52-fst :: forall s t. Pair s t -> s
53-fst (Pair x _) = x
55+fst :: forall s t. Pair s t -> Tramp s
56+fst (Pair x _) = done x
55-snd :: forall s t. Pair s t -> t
56-snd (Pair _ y) = y
58+snd :: forall s t. Pair s t -> Tramp t
59+snd (Pair _ y) = done y
58-dup :: forall t. t -> Pair t t
59-dup x = Pair x x
61+dup :: forall t. t -> Tramp (Pair t t)
62+dup x = done (Pair x x)
6164 app :: forall s t. Pair (s -> Tramp t) s -> Tramp t
6265 app (Pair f x) = f x
64-left :: forall s t. s -> Either s t
65-left = Left
67+left :: forall s t. s -> Tramp (Either s t)
68+left = lift Left
67-right :: forall s t. t -> Either s t
68-right = Right
70+right :: forall s t. t -> Tramp (Either s t)
71+right = lift Right
70-either :: Boolean -> Either Unit Unit
71-either true = Left Unit
72-either false = Right Unit
73+either :: Boolean -> Tramp (Either Unit Unit)
74+either true = done (Left Unit)
75+either false = done (Right Unit)
7477 foreign import natAdd :: Int -> Int -> Int
7578 foreign import natIsZero :: Int -> Boolean
@@ -127,8 +130,11 @@ conj :: Pair Boolean Boolean -> Tramp Boolean
127130 conj (Pair true true) = done true
128131 conj _ = done false
130--- fixNaN x = if isNaN x then right (ignore Unit) else left x
131--- rescueNaN f x = fixNaN (f x)
133+foreign import butIsNaN :: Number -> Boolean
135+fixNaN :: Number -> Tramp (Either Number Unit)
136+fixNaN x = if butIsNaN x then right Unit else left x
137+rescueNaN f x = fixNaN (f x)
133139 foreign import natZero :: Unit -> Int
134140 foreign import natSucc :: Int -> Int
@@ -152,3 +158,43 @@ foreign import listCons :: forall t. t -> Array t -> Array t
153159 cons :: forall t. Pair t (Array t) -> Tramp (Array t)
154160 cons (Pair x xs) = done (listCons x xs)
162+foreign import fZero :: Unit -> Number
163+foreign import fOne :: Unit -> Number
164+foreign import fPi :: Unit -> Number
165+foreign import fAdd :: Number -> Number -> Number
166+foreign import fMul :: Number -> Number -> Number
167+foreign import fLT :: Number -> Number -> Boolean
168+foreign import fCos :: Number -> Number
169+foreign import fSin :: Number -> Number
170+foreign import fNegate :: Number -> Number
172+f'zero :: Unit -> Tramp Number
173+f'zero = lift fZero
175+f'one :: Unit -> Tramp Number
176+f'one = lift fOne
178+f'pi :: Unit -> Tramp Number
179+f'pi = lift fPi
181+f'add (Pair x y) = done (fAdd x y)
182+f'mul (Pair x y) = done (fMul x y)
183+f'lt (Pair x y) = done (fLT x y)
184+f'cos = lift fCos
185+f'sin = lift fSin
187+f'negate = lift fNegate
189+foreign import fATan2 :: Number -> Number -> Number
190+foreign import fRecip :: Number -> Number
191+foreign import fSign :: Number -> Boolean
192+foreign import fFloor :: Number -> Number
193+foreign import fSqrt :: Number -> Number
195+f'atan2 = lift2 fATan2
196+f'recip = lift fRecip
197+f'sign = lift fSign
199+f'floor x = done (rescueNaN fFloor x)
200+f'sqrt x = done (rescueNaN fSqrt x)
--- a/honey/honey.py
+++ b/honey/honey.py
@@ -132,7 +132,9 @@ def compilePurescriptStub(token):
132132 handle.write(PURS_STUB)
133133 handle.write("\nmain = ")
134134 # purs can't handle hyphens in function names!
135- handle.write(sexpify(expr).replace("-", "'"))
135+ # Also `case` is reserved.
136+ sexp = sexpify(expr).replace("-", "'").replace("case", "caseOf")
137+ handle.write(sexp)
136138 handle.write("\n\n")
137139 subprocess.check_output([PURESCRIPT + "purs", "compile", "-o", "/tmp/", "/tmp/cammy.purs"])
138140 with open("/tmp/Cammy/index.js") as handle:
--- a/honey/static/Cammy/foreign.js
+++ b/honey/static/Cammy/foreign.js
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
11 export const natZero = _ => 0;
22 export const natSucc = n => n + 1;
4-// "f-zero": _ => 0.0,
5-// "f-one": _ => 1.0,
6-// "f-pi": _ => Math.PI,
7-// "f-add": xy => Cammy.fst(xy) + Cammy.snd(xy),
8-// "f-mul": xy => Cammy.fst(xy) * Cammy.snd(xy),
9-// "f-negate": x => -x,
10-// "f-recip": x => 1 / x,
11-// "f-sign": x => x <= -0.0,
12-// "f-floor": rescueNaN(Math.floor),
13-// "f-sqrt": rescueNaN(Math.sqrt),
14-// "f-lt": xy => Cammy.fst(xy) < Cammy.snd(xy),
15-// "f-sin": x => Number.isFinite(x) ? Math.sin(x) : 0.0,
16-// "f-cos": x => Number.isFinite(x) ? Math.cos(x) : 0.0,
17-// "f-atan2": yx => Math.atan2(Cammy.fst(yx), Cammy.snd(yx)),
4+export const fZero = _ => 0.0;
5+export const fOne = _ => 1.0;
6+export const fPi = _ => Math.PI;
7+export const fAdd = x => y => x + y;
8+export const fMul = x => y => x * y;
9+export const fLT = x => y => x < y;
10+export const fSin = x => Number.isFinite(x) ? Math.sin(x) : 0.0;
11+export const fCos = x => Number.isFinite(x) ? Math.cos(x) : 0.0;
12+export const fATan2 = y => x => Math.atan2(y, x);
13+export const fNegate = x => -x;
14+export const fRecip = x => 1 / x;
15+export const fSign = x => x <= -0.0;
17+export const butIsNaN = x => isNaN(x);
18+export const fFloor = Math.floor;
19+export const fSqrt = Math.sqrt;
1921 export const intSub = x => y => x - y;