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A categorical programming language

Commit MetaInfo

修訂0f322cea91c2fa1e671ada0a2ab8fda1477c7e44 (tree)
時間2023-01-28 14:30:24
作者Corbin <cds@corb...>

Log Message

Search backwards through eval° and cammy°.

I figured it out for eval°, but I do not at all understand why cammy° is
improved by this. Nonetheless, I was able to replace cammy-synth° and
the entire pile of hacks. As a bonus, previous tests which timed out are
now successfully finding valid expressions; djinn is cleverer!

Change Summary


--- a/movelist/cammy-djinn.scm
+++ b/movelist/cammy-djinn.scm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
1010 (begin (display (car xs)) (newline) (print-each (cdr xs)))))
1212 (define (djinn x s t)
13- (print-each (run x (q) (cammy-synth° q s t))))
13+ (print-each (run x (q) (cammy° q s t))))
1515 (match (map (lambda (s) (read (open-input-string s)))
1616 (command-line-arguments))
--- a/movelist/cammyo.scm
+++ b/movelist/cammyo.scm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
1-(module cammyo (cammy° cammy-prim° cammy-synth° eval°)
1+(module cammyo (cammy° cammy-prim° eval°)
22 (import scheme)
33 (import (chicken pretty-print))
44 (import (mini-kanren))
@@ -80,97 +80,13 @@
8080 ; Categories
8181 ((== expr 'id) (== s t))
8282 ((fresh (f g) (== expr `(comp ,f ,g))
83- (fresh (y) (cammy° f s y) (cammy° g y t))))
83+ ; XXX: Why backwards? Should be same rationale as in eval°, but
84+ ; why does it work on types and not just elements?
85+ (fresh (y) (cammy° g y t) (cammy° f s y))))
8486 ))
86- ; Syntactic composition enforcing normal form. This is just a synthesis helper.
87- ; Cammy × Cammy <-> Cammy
88- (define (comp-s° f g fg) (=/= f 'id) (=/= g 'id) (== fg `(comp ,f ,g)))
90- ; Cammy expressions which are theorems of BCI combinator calculus.
91- ; Cammy <-> Ty × Ty × Comb
92- (define (bci° expr s t comb)
93- (conde
94- ((== expr 'id) (== s t) (== comb 'I))
95- ((fresh (f g u cf cg) (== expr `(comp ,f ,g)) (== comb `((B ,cg) ,cf))
96- (bci° f s u cf) (bci° g u t cg)))
97- ))
99- ; Like cammy°, but suitable for type-directed term synthesis. All expressions
100- ; are normalized, and logical clauses are ordered to try some expert strategies.
101- ; Cammy <-> Ty × Ty
102- (define (cammy-synth° expr s t)
103- ; s, t, u, v are types
104- ; f, g are Cammy expressions
105- (fresh (f g u v)
106- ; (project (expr s t) (begin (pp `(synth? ,expr : ,s -> ,t)) succeed))
107- (conde
108- ; Try primitives first.
109- ((cammy-prim° expr s t))
110- ; Is it a BCI theorem?
111- ((fresh (comb) (bci° expr s t comb)))
112- ; Is it any arrow into 1?
113- ((== t '1)
114- ; NB: ignore : X -> 1, but only when X ≠ 1, because otherwise it's
115- ; the unique arrow, id : 1 -> 1
116- (conde
117- ((== s '1) (== expr 'id))
118- ((=/= s '1) (== expr 'ignore))))
119- ; Is it an NT?
120- ((== `(pair ,s ,s) t) (== expr 'dup))
121- ((== s `(pair ,t ,u)) (== expr 'fst))
122- ((== s `(pair ,u ,t)) (== expr 'snd))
123- ((== s `(pair ,u ,v)) (== t `(pair ,v ,u)) (== expr 'swap))
124- ((== s `(pair (hom ,u ,t) ,u)) (== expr 'app))
125- ((== `(sum ,s ,u) t) (== expr 'left))
126- ((== `(sum ,u ,s) t) (== expr 'right))
127- ; Is it a tuple lookup?
128- ((== s `(pair ,u ,v))
129- (conde
130- ((comp-s° 'fst f expr) (cammy-synth° f u t))
131- ((comp-s° 'snd f expr) (cammy-synth° f v t))))
132- ; Is it a case analysis?
133- ((== s `(sum ,u ,v)) (cammy-synth° f u t) (cammy-synth° g v t) (== expr `(case ,f ,g)))
134- ; Is it a tagging or return value?
135- ((== t `(sum ,u ,v))
136- (conde
137- ((comp-s° f 'left expr) (cammy-synth° f s u))
138- ((comp-s° f 'right expr) (cammy-synth° f s v))))
139- ; Is it a graph?
140- ; NB: Want to disallow (pair id id)
141- ((== `(pair ,s ,u) t) (=/= f 'id) (cammy-synth° f s u) (== expr `(pair id ,f)))
142- ((== `(pair ,u ,s) t) (=/= f 'id) (cammy-synth° f s u) (== expr `(pair ,f id)))
143- ; Is it a curry?
144- ((== t `(hom ,u ,v)) (cammy-synth° f `(pair ,s ,u) v) (== expr `(curry ,f)))
145- ; Is it an application?
146- ((cammy-synth° f s `(hom ,u ,t)) (cammy-synth° g s u) (comp-s° `(pair ,f ,g) 'app expr))
147- ; Is it a pair-builder?
148- ((== `(pair ,u ,v) t) (cammy-synth° f s u) (cammy-synth° g s v) (== expr `(pair ,f ,g)))
149- ; Does it result in a list?
150- ((== t `(list ,u))
151- (conde
152- ((== s '1) (== expr 'nil))
153- ((== s `(pair ,u (list ,u))) (== expr 'cons))))
154- ; Is it primitive recursive?
155- ((== s 'N) (cammy-synth° f '1 t) (=/= g 'id) (cammy-synth° g t t) (== expr `(pr ,f ,g)))
156- ; Is it a composition?
157- ; ((comp-s° f g expr) (cammy-synth° f s u) (cammy-synth° g u t))
158- )
159- ; (project (expr s t) (begin (pp `(found: ,expr : ,s -> ,t)) succeed))
160- ))
162- (define (not° x y)
163- (conde
164- ((== x #t) (== y #f))
165- ((== x #f) (== y #t))))
167- (define (conj° x y z)
168- (conde
169- ((== x #t) (== y #t) (== z #t))
170- ((== x #t) (== y #f) (== z #f))
171- ((== x #f) (== y #t) (== z #f))
172- ((== x #f) (== y #f) (== z #f))))
88+ ; Recursion helper for primitive recursion.
89+ ; Cammy × Cammy × Val <-> Val
17490 (define (pr° x f i o)
17591 (conde
17692 ((zeroo i) (eval° x 'star o))
@@ -181,8 +97,13 @@
18197 (define (eval° expr i o)
18298 (conde
18399 ((== expr 'id) (== i o))
184- ((fresh (f g u) (== expr `(comp ,f ,g))
185- (eval° f i u) (eval° g u o)))
100+ ((fresh (f g) (== expr `(comp ,f ,g))
101+ ; NB: Search backwards through compositions.
102+ ; Cammy expressions are functional; when inputs are ground,
103+ ; outputs will also be ground, so going backwards doesn't hurt.
104+ ; Contrariwise, some outputs don't correspond to any input, so
105+ ; refutations also need to search backwards.
106+ (fresh (u) (eval° g u o) (eval° f i u))))
186107 ((== expr 'ignore) (== o 'star))
187108 ((== expr 'fst) (caro i o))
188109 ((== expr 'snd) (cdro i o))
--- a/movelist/rels.scm
+++ b/movelist/rels.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
11 ; Extra relations for typical Scheme-flavored miniKanren.
2-(module rels (succ° nth° concat°)
2+(module rels (concat° succ° nth° not° conj°)
33 (import scheme)
4+ (import (chicken pretty-print))
45 (import (mini-kanren))
67 ; Flatten an arbitrary number of lists into one list by repeated appending.
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
1920 ; The successor function.
2021 ; Nat <-> Nat
21- (define (succ° n m) (addero 1 '() n m))
22+ (define (succ° n m) (+o (build-num 1) n m))
2324 ; The n'th element of a list.
2425 ; Nat × X <-> [X]
@@ -26,4 +27,20 @@
2627 (conde
2728 ((zeroo n) (caro xs x))
2829 ((fresh (m rest) (succ° m n) (cdro xs rest) (nth° m x rest)))))
31+ ; Boolean NOT.
32+ ; Bool <-> Bool
33+ (define (not° x y)
34+ (conde
35+ ((== x #t) (== y #f))
36+ ((== x #f) (== y #t))))
38+ ; Boolean AND.
39+ ; Bool × Bool <-> Bool
40+ (define (conj° x y z)
41+ (conde
42+ ((== x #t) (== y #t) (== z #t))
43+ ((== x #t) (== y #f) (== z #f))
44+ ((== x #f) (== y #t) (== z #f))
45+ ((== x #f) (== y #f) (== z #f))))
2946 )
--- a/todo.txt
+++ b/todo.txt
@@ -343,16 +343,8 @@
343343 be applications of non-core templates
344344 * Sunday
345345 * Let's do a Pantagruel spec!
346- * But not right now!
347- * Also Janet apps using JPM don't build on NixOS?
348- * Let's rewrite Honey with FastAPI!
349- * And use PyPy!
350- * But not right now!
351-* New REPL
352- * Not sure if there's much need for commands
353- * Making new dippers, maybe?
354- * Realized that ":" is not the best command-starter
355- * Technically ")" would be the best choice since it can't start a legal term
346+ * Janet apps using JPM don't build on NixOS?
347+ * JPM got added to nixpkgs a few months ago, let's try again
356348 * Let's destroy the Python glue
357349 * Indeed, let's destroy most of the glue
358350 * Use CHICKEN Scheme for the basic REPL
@@ -361,7 +353,9 @@
361353 * Call jelly for optimizing
362354 * Call RPython binaries for fast rendering
363355 * Need to provide way to dump CAM bytecode; maybe new executable?
356+ * Let's just use an envvar
364357 * Maybe Honey was a mistake
358+ * And now it's gone
365359 * Slogans?
366360 * Cammy is compositional
367361 * Cammy is chimeric