XML catalogue of packages which are available for installation, using the mingw-get installer.
修訂. | 17fc422d2b04015056b234c44fe659e9c2b1f7af |
大小 | 13,725 bytes |
時間 | 2021-04-12 17:23:45 |
作者 | Keith Marshall |
Log Message | Publish MinGW.org WSL-5.4.2 package set.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<software-distribution project="MinGW" home="http://mingw.org" issue="@YYYYMMDDNN@">
<!-- File: msys-gettext.xml -->
<package-collection subsystem="msys">
<download-host uri="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/%F?download" />
<package name="msys-gettext">
<affiliate group="MSYS System Builder" />
<description lang="en" title="GNU Internationalization Library and Utilities">
<paragraph>This is not the gettext you are looking for.</paragraph>
<paragraph>GNU gettext provides a set of tools that create a
framework to help other GNU packages produce multi-lingual
messages. In this way, with suitable care a single binary
application can automatically provide user messages (such as
`help' text) in the language corresponding to the current
locale settings.
<paragraph>This msys port of gettext has been modified
specifically for the MSYS System Builder environment; that is,
it is intended to be used only when producing binary packages
for the MSYS subsystem. If you intend to produce executables
for the native "mingw32" subsystem (that is, applications that
should work on Microsoft Windows installations without the MSYS
dll), then you should install the mingw32-gettext-* package(s)
<paragraph>The msys-gettext package provides utilities that may
be useful to end-users, allowing interaction with the message
translation database of other i18n-enabled GNU utilities. It
also provides the development libraries, header files, and
documentation for the gettext system, as well as additional
utilities useful for maintainers of i18n-enabled applications.
The *-ext package provides extra documentation, in the form of
example implementations in many different computer languages.
The associated msys-libgettextpo package provides the runtime
libraries needed by the msys-gettext utilities; the associated
msys-libasprintf package provides the runtime library for the
asprintf utility library; and finally, the associated msys-libintl
package provides the runtime component of the internationalization
library itself, which is used by many other msys packages.
<source tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-src.tar.%" />
<licence tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-lic.tar.%" />
<component class="bin">
<release tarname="gettext-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-bin.tar.lzma">
<requires eq="msys-libintl-%-msys-*-dll-8.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libiconv-*-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<release tarname="gettext-">
<requires eq="msys-libintl-%-msys-*-dll-8.tar" />
<requires ge="msys-libiconv-1.14-1-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<component class="doc">
<release tarname="gettext-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-doc.tar.lzma" />
<release tarname="gettext-" />
<component class="lic">
<release tarname="gettext-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-lic.tar.lzma" />
<release tarname="gettext-" />
<component class="dev">
<release tarname="gettext-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-dev.tar.lzma">
<requires eq="msys-libgettextpo-%-msys-*-dll-0.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libintl-%-msys-*-dll-8.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libiconv-*-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libexpat-*-msys-*-dll-1.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libtermcap-*-msys-*-dll-0.tar.lzma" />
<release tarname="gettext-">
<requires eq="msys-libgettextpo-%-msys-*-dll-0.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libintl-%-msys-*-dll-8.tar" />
<requires ge="msys-libiconv-1.14-1-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libexpat-*-msys-*-dll-1.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libtermcap-*-msys-*-dll-0.tar.lzma" />
<component class="ext">
<release tarname="gettext-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-ext.tar.lzma" />
<release tarname="gettext-" />
<package name="msys-libintl">
<affiliate group="MSYS System Builder" />
<description lang="en" title="GNU Internationalization Runtime Library">
<paragraph>This is not the libintl you are looking for.</paragraph>
<paragraph>GNU gettext provides a set of tools that create a
framework to help other GNU packages produce multi-lingual
messages. In this way, with suitable care a single binary
application can automatically provide user messages (such as
`help' text) in the language corresponding to the current
locale settings. libintl is the primary runtime component of
that framework.
<paragraph>This msys port of gettext has been modified
specifically for the MSYS System Builder environment; that is,
it is intended to be used only when producing binary packages
for the MSYS subsystem. If you intend to produce executables
for the native "mingw32" subsystem (that is, applications that
should work on Microsoft Windows installations without the MSYS
dll), then you should install the mingw32-libintl-* package(s)
<paragraph>The msys-libintl package provides the runtime component
of the GNU internationalization library, which is used by many
other MSYS packages. The msys-gettext package provides utilities
that may be useful to end-users, allowing interaction with the
message translation database of other i18n-enabled GNU utilities.
It also provides the development libraries, header files, and
documentation for the gettext system, as well as additional
utilities useful for maintainers of i18n-enabled applications.
The *-ext package provides extra documentation, in the form of
example implementations in many different computer languages.
The associated msys-libgettextpo package provides the runtime
libraries needed by the msys-gettext utilities; the associated
msys-libasprintf package provides the runtime library for the
asprintf utility library.
<source tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-src.tar.%" />
<licence tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-lic.tar.%" />
<component class="dll">
<release tarname="libintl-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-dll-8.tar.lzma">
<download tarname="libintl-0.17-2-msys-dll-8.tar.lzma" />
<requires eq="msys-libiconv-*-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<release tarname="libintl-">
<requires eq="msys-libiconv-1.14-1-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-core-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
<package name="msys-libgettextpo">
<affiliate group="MSYS System Builder" />
<description lang="en" title="GNU Internationalization Utility Library">
<paragraph>This is not the libgettextpo you are looking for.</paragraph>
<paragraph>GNU gettext provides a set of tools that create a
framework to help other GNU packages produce multi-lingual
messages. In this way, with suitable care a single binary
application can automatically provide user messages (such as
`help' text) in the language corresponding to the current
locale settings. libgettextpo provides runtime support for the
gettext utilities; it is typically not needed by `regular' i18n
clients of libintl.
<paragraph>This msys port of gettext has been modified
specifically for the MSYS System Builder environment; that is,
it is intended to be used only when producing binary packages
for the MSYS subsystem. If you intend to produce executables
for the native "mingw32" subsystem (that is, applications that
should work on Microsoft Windows installations without the MSYS
dll), then you should install the mingw32-libintl-* package(s)
<paragraph>The msys-libgettextpo package provides the runtime
libraries needed by the msys-gettext utilities. The associated
msys-gettext package provides utilities that may be useful to
end-users, allowing interaction with the message translation
database of other i18n-enabled GNU utilities. It also provides
the development libraries, header files, and documentation for
the gettext system, as well as additional utilities useful for
maintainers of i18n-enabled applications. The *-ext package
provides extra documentation, in the form of example
implementations in many different computer languages.
The associated msys-libasprintf package provides the runtime
library for the asprintf utility library; and finally, the
associated msys-libintl package provides the runtime component
of the internationalization library itself, which is used by
many other msys packages.
<source tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-src.tar.%" />
<licence tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-lic.tar.%" />
<component class="dll">
<release tarname="libgettextpo-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-dll-0.tar.lzma">
<download tarname="libgettextpo-0.17-2-msys-dll-0.tar.lzma" />
<requires eq="msys-libintl-%-msys-*-dll-8.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libiconv-*-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libtermcap-*-msys-*-dll-0.tar.lzma" />
<release tarname="libgettextpo-">
<requires eq="msys-libintl-%-msys-*-dll-8.tar" />
<requires ge="msys-libiconv-1.14-1-msys-*-dll-2.tar" />
<requires eq="msys-libtermcap-*-msys-*-dll-0.tar.lzma" />
<requires eq="msys-core-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
<package name="msys-libasprintf">
<affiliate group="MSYS System Builder" />
<description lang="en" title="GNU Internationalization Utility Library">
<paragraph>This is not the libasprintf you are looking for.</paragraph>
<paragraph>GNU gettext provides a set of tools that create a
framework to help other GNU packages produce multi-lingual
messages. In this way, with suitable care a single binary
application can automatically provide user messages (such as
`help' text) in the language corresponding to the current
locale settings. libasprintf provides an implementation of
the C formatted output routines suitable for use in C++
applications, where i18n is a goal.
<paragraph>This msys port of gettext has been modified
specifically for the MSYS System Builder environment; that is,
it is intended to be used only when producing binary packages
for the MSYS subsystem. If you intend to produce executables
for the native "mingw32" subsystem (that is, applications that
should work on Microsoft Windows installations without the MSYS
dll), then you should install the mingw32-libintl-* package(s)
<paragraph>The msys-libasprintf package provides the runtime
library for the asprintf utility library. The associated
msys-gettext package provides utilities that may be useful to
end-users, allowing interaction with the message translation
database of other i18n-enabled GNU utilities. It also provides
the development libraries, header files, and documentation for
the gettext system, as well as additional utilities useful for
maintainers of i18n-enabled applications. The *-ext package
provides extra documentation, in the form of example
implementations in many different computer languages. The
associated msys-libgettextpo package provides the runtime
libraries needed by the msys-gettext utilities, while the
associated msys-libintl package provides the runtime component
of the internationalization library itself, which is used by
many other msys packages.
<source tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-src.tar.%" />
<licence tarname="gettext-%-msys-%-lic.tar.%" />
<component class="dll">
<release tarname="libasprintf-0.17-2-msys-1.0.13-dll-0.tar.lzma">
<download tarname="libasprintf-0.17-2-msys-dll-0.tar.lzma" />
<release tarname="libasprintf-" />
<requires eq="msys-core-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
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