Mercury Geometry and Math Library
修訂. | 7ff29fb8f53f14a882d75b05af9a84155d2a317b |
大小 | 2,112 bytes |
時間 | 2022-04-24 05:04:00 |
作者 | Emily Dioxideson |
Log Message | Use vectors to implement geometry2d
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:- module unproject.
% Unproject a poition using a matrix.
:- interface.
:- use_module matrix.
:- use_module vector.
% unproject(Screen, CameraMatrix, P1, P2).
% Outputs two points which are on a ray cast straight out of the screen which
% line on the normalized screen coordinate given.
:- pred unproject(vector.vector2, matrix.matrix, vector.vector3, vector.vector3).
:- mode unproject(in, in, uo, uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module float.
:- import_module matrix.invert.
:- import_module vector.vector3.
:- import_module vector.vector4.
:- func div_by_w(vector.vector4::in) = (vector.vector3::uo) is det.
div_by_w(vector(X, Y, Z, W)) = vector(X/W, Y/W, Z/W).
:- pragma inline(div_by_w/1).
unproject(Screen2DNormalized, CameraMatrix, div_by_w(P14D), div_by_w(P24D)) :-
InverseCameraMatrix = invert(CameraMatrix),
% Create the two points on the line
Selected1Camera = vector.vector2_to_vector4(Screen2DNormalized,-1.0, 1.0),
Selected2Camera = vector.vector2_to_vector4(Screen2DNormalized, 1.0, 1.0),
% Project by the inverse matrix (unproject by the camera matrix)
matrix.transform(InverseCameraMatrix, Selected1Camera) = P14D,
matrix.transform(InverseCameraMatrix, Selected2Camera) = P24D.