Mercury Geometry and Math Library
修訂. | 7ff29fb8f53f14a882d75b05af9a84155d2a317b |
大小 | 2,358 bytes |
時間 | 2022-04-24 05:04:00 |
作者 | Emily Dioxideson |
Log Message | Use vectors to implement geometry2d
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:- module mmath.geometry2d.rtree.
% Implements rtree typeclass for the geometry2d.rectangle type
:- interface.
:- use_module rtree.
:- import_module list.
:- instance rtree.region(rectangle).
:- type geometry2d.rtree.rtree(T) == rtree.rtree(rectangle, T).
:- pred find(rtree.rtree(rectangle, T), point, T).
:- mode find(in, in, out) is semidet.
:- pred find_all(rtree.rtree(rectangle, T), point, list(T)).
:- mode find_all(in, in, out) is semidet.
:- implementation.
:- import_module float.
find(Tree, Point, Out) :- find_all(Tree, Point, [Out|_]).
find_all(Tree, point(X, Y),
rtree.search_contains(Tree, rectangle(X, Y, 1.0, 1.0))).
:- instance rtree.region(rectangle) where [
(intersects(R1, R2) :- rectangles_intersect(R1, R2)),
rtree.bounding_region(R1, R2) = rectangle_union(R1, R2),
(contains(R1, R2) :- rectangle_contains(R1, R2)),
rtree.size(rectangle(_, _, W, H)) = (W * H),
rectangle(X1, Y1, W1, H1),
rectangle(X2, Y2, W2, H2)) = Size :-
Left = min(X1, X2),
Top = min(Y1, Y2),
Right = max(X1 + W1, X2 + W2),
Bottom = max(Y1 + H1, Y2 + H2),
Size = (Right - Left) * (Bottom - Top))