待辦事項 #43251

Chained upgrades lead to actionenabler inconsistency

啟用日期: 2021-11-20 21:59 最後更新: 2024-06-15 22:39

5 - 中
5 - 中


In my ruleset, I have a NoUpgrade flag that controls the Upgrade action, so that some units can be obsoleted (to declutter the build list) without being able to be upgraded (which e.g. in some cases bypasses an impr_req on the new unit).

action = "Upgrade Unit"
actor_reqs    =
    { "type",    "name",       "range", "present"
      "DiplRel", "Foreign",    "Local", FALSE
      "UnitFlag", "NoUpgrade", "Local", FALSE

However, if I have three units X → Y → Z (where → represents obsolete_by), and Y has the NoUpgrade flag, an X can still be directly upgraded to Z; I don't see any way to work around this.

In my opinion, the Upgrade Unit action should check that the entire chain of obsolete_by would all pass the actionenabler individually (and if not, upgrade to the point where it fails, so that e.g. X can still upgrade to Y after inventing Z), rather than just looking at the endpoints.

Ticket History (3/15 Histories)

2021-11-20 21:59 Updated by: ec429
  • New Ticket "Chained upgrades lead to actionenabler inconsistency" created
2021-11-21 02:03 Updated by: None

We could probably allow this use case by adding a new upgrade action that only does one step at a time.

Sveinung (not logged in because of hardware trouble)

2021-11-22 01:58 Updated by: ihnatus

Is it a problem at all? Seems to me, in the discussed case just the rules can be formed differently, like, NoUpgrade flag to X type and test in actor reqs. The upgrade tree may be more complicated, maybe it will need more flags. But I don't see any glitch in this case, what you ask that you get.

2021-11-22 13:04 Updated by: ec429

Reply To ihnatus

Is it a problem at all? Seems to me, in the discussed case just the rules can be formed differently, like, NoUpgrade flag to X type and test in actor reqs. The upgrade tree may be more complicated, maybe it will need more flags. But I don't see any glitch in this case, what you ask that you get.

The reason not to give X the NoUpgrade flag is that I want it to be possible to upgrade X to Y; just not to upgrade either X or Y *to Z*. I'm not aware of any way for reqs to examine the 'destination' unit-type of the upgrade, only the 'source'; and even if there were, AIUI that would prevent upgrading X to Y once Z has been invented.

2021-11-22 16:38 Updated by: ihnatus

Reply To ec429

The reason not to give X the NoUpgrade flag is that I want it to be possible to upgrade X to Y; just not to upgrade either X or Y *to Z*. I'm not aware of any way for reqs to examine the 'destination' unit-type of the upgrade, only the 'source'; and even if there were, AIUI that would prevent upgrading X to Y once Z has been invented.

Oh, yes, I missed things here. Currently, ATK_SELF actions don't have any valid target reqs. Probably we should support unit type as target requirement factor for this action. I still don't think though that checking obsoletion chain is a good idea.

(Edited, 2021-11-22 16:38 Updated by: ihnatus)
2022-01-26 09:35 Updated by: cazfi

So we have two different suggestions: 1) That we add a new action type 2) That we make the goal unit as the target for the action.

To me that latter seems semantically incorrect, in a way that might bite us in the future. This is (currently always) self-targeted action, but it still doesn't meant that the action gets done to the goal unit type.

It would nice to find a consensus soon, to still consider this even to S3_1 d3f (it's an existing real-life ruleset that needs this, which might increase want enough to make this acceptable)

2022-02-05 04:50 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To cazfi

1) That we add a new action type

This would work for "A -> B -> C" where we would block update to C. As far as I can see it would have some implications on "A -> B -> C -> D" where we would want to block update to D (if we don't want that blocking, one can still use the current action type); update price of A -> C would go up, as it's more expensive to update A -> B & B -> C, and UI-wise user would need to do two update actions.

2022-02-05 05:08 Updated by: ec429

Regarding the A -> B -> C -> D case, I envisaged the user would do a single upgrade action, the game would figure out it could get as far as C, *then* calculate the price of that A -> C upgrade and perform it as a single step. So that for purposes of upgrades, it would be as though C had obsolete_by = "None".

2022-02-05 07:17 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To ec429

the user would do a single upgrade action, the game would figure out it could get as far as C, *then* ... perform it as a single step.

I've now been thinking how this could work for nearly two hours, and don't really see a way. I've considered single "meta-action" that would run other actions. I've considered "virtual actions" that cannot be performed, but just lend their enabler type to other actions to conditionalize their effects. We specifically want to check action enablers for each step, not some enabler for the entirety. Those individual enablers are not about enabling/disabling the entirety (except the first one), but affecting its behavior. How to have just one (main) action despite these things seems quite a hard problem.

2022-02-06 03:34 Updated by: ec429

Not sure I quite understand the problem, but mechanically it looks like the way to do it would be to add an actionenabler check to can_upgrade_unittype() in common/unittype.c. (It might be necessary to plumb some additional info through to that function, which currently only gets the unit-type and not e.g. the unit, tile or city. And handle_unit_type_upgrade() in server/unithand.c might get a little interesting.)

Which I guess ends up being the "virtual actions" approach. What does that break?

2022-02-08 15:34 Updated by: cazfi

This might have an effect on resolving #42666 (Lua API for upgrade actions)

2022-02-08 18:00 Updated by: ihnatus

Reply To cazfi

This might have an effect on resolving #42666 (Lua API for upgrade actions)

The API I've suggested there allows iterative lookup for upgrade target type using utype = utype.obsoleted_by and test for player:can_build_direct(utype), we can also add any check for each step (just unit:can_do_action(...) test is likely missing now but may be introduced elsewhere). So a user-defined action that works as described could be written, just AI/UI won't handle all the cases when it is disabled (unless we can also write action enablers in Lua that is rather dubious in seeable perspective, especially about executing that Lua at client side).

By all logic (cost formula etc.), upgrade action is not chained (X to Y to Z) but immediate X to Z, and probably should be left as such. In the case mentioned, may we just add the requirements for building Z negated to the upgrade enabler for X and Y?

2022-02-09 19:52 Updated by: cazfi
  • 里程碑 Update from (無) to S3_2 d3f (closed)
  • 元件 Update from (無) to General

As discussion goes forward, it's becoming apparent that this is not a simple issue to resolve. Not trying to squeeze to S3_1-d3f, then.

2024-05-13 10:46 Updated by: cazfi

Reply To cazfi

I've considered "virtual actions" that cannot be performed, but just lend their enabler type to other actions to conditionalize their effects.

This should be doable with 3.3 internal actions, but remains a hard problem in 3.2. We can either postpone again, or go by simple step-enabler accepting issues in A -> B -> C -> D case. I'd say we postpone, and implement it properly.

2024-06-15 22:39 Updated by: cazfi

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